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That Green Gentleman — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh
Kino is scavenging for some skillz. Hunter post 1/3 Anyone is welcome to join to get beef c:

If I ever leave I could learn to miss you

There was a certain scent to the air that day that he couldn’t quite put his paw on, but the rumbling of his stomach told his plenty enough that he needed to know. It was food, the rotting carcass of an animal somewhere within the pack lands that they had managed to miss somehow. From the scent, however, he deduced that it couldn’t have been more than a day or so old. The body of an animal, regardless of size, began decaying immediately. The only thing that kept them different were the sizes because the larger the animal the more cells there were to slowly eat themselves into oblivion helping with the rot. If it was just now beginning to smell, he would have bet anything that the prey was a sizeable animal and it would also explain why they hadn’t scented it before.

A grin spread across his maw at this as he lifted his head to the air, nose drinking in an sifting through the plethora of scents around him before latching onto the one he was looking for. Once he’d found it, he slowly began to move in the direction it came from with a pleased step. Hopefully they were able to get to it before some other predator did. He didn’t fancy a run in with a cougar any time soon.

With sentimental boy as my nom de plume
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
*jumps in for p! title but also because greer needs 2 b more social cuz he sucks* @Kino <3
Hunter 1/3

So much had happened in such a short period of time. There had been a group that joined them from the south—from Kyna’s pack—followed quickly by a larger group of wolves from Craw’s past. Greer did not pay attention to names, or faces. He was wary of those connected to the silver spider. Why had so many of them come knocking on their borders? His sister, also, did not appear to trust their motives. She had instructed both him and Capable to find somewhere else to put them. Not that the shadow minded, of course. Anywhere was better than the monadnock for those heathens. Until they proved useful, or trustworthy, the Archer would keep his distance. As always.

The other group, however, spiked his interest. A familiar face came with them—just not one that he wanted to see. Sahalie. A face, and a name, he had not ever expected to see again. He had confided in her, long ago, when the scent of the willows still clung to his pelt. He had told her that he was thinking of leaving to join the Bend. In the end, he ended heading north with his sister and the silver spider, and the espresso-coloured girl had found her way out of the trees and into the tundra. How odd.

The shadow had hoped to see his little flame among the Bend wolves and he was disappointed to discover that she had not followed them north. He kept telling himself there was a good reason behind her absence… perhaps she was mending things with her mother or… or, maybe she was just taking her time. Enjoying her newfound freedom. Something. Whatever.

A pair of scents caught his attention. One smelt delcious, causing saliva to bubble between his canines, and the other smelt … fresh. The monadnock scent had not yet settled into the silver fur of the newcomer. His long legs changed direction, unwillingly, as he forced himself to approach the stranger. Fortunately for Greer the silver wolf was not one of Craw’s, but one of Sahalie’s. He snorted a greeting to the yearling, his brows narrowed as he watched the boy move in the direction of the potential prey.

(This post was last modified: Mar 13, 2017, 12:11 AM by Greer.)
[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh
I appreciate the TOP table >.>

If I ever leave I could learn to miss you

Kino hadn’t exactly been expecting company, which is why when he heard the sound of approaching pawsteps he was quick to stop and turn to face whatever was coming. He found the form of a night-colored male with colorless eyes approaching, older and a bit smaller than him but all legs. As the man knew him, the silver yearling knew nothing of the man. To him he was just another wolf of the Monadnock, the scent stuck to his pelt that floated to his nose proved that. He waited for the man to catch up before turning and continuing on the path that he had been following.

He got the feeling from the other than he wasn’t much a man of words and Kino was totally okay with that. The moon-child himself wasn’t much for words and more for actions, though he found that slipping sometimes. It was nice, however, to just move and not be expected to carry on some sort of witty conversation or anything like that. But, there was one thing he did need to say. “My name’s Alastor,” he introduced, topaz gaze staring straight ahead and auds swiveled alertly atop his skull. If he and the other male had been able to scent the body, it was certain that other predators had too. The closer they got the more dangerous it was, but the Monadnock sorely needed the food. A few scratches would be okay as long as they were able to get food in their bellies at the end of the day.

With sentimental boy as my nom de plume
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall

It always pleased the shadow to encounter another who did not feel the need to force conversation. To some Greer was the perfect wall. They would chirp away, happily engaging in one-sided conversation, as if he was their therapist. To others he was a breath of fresh air; offering nothing but silence. If they were lucky a few words would roll hesitantly off his tongue, disturbing the air around them. He was the silence they unknowingly craved and he was more than willing to provide it to them.

The Archer could have done without the introductions. He had never been fond of sharing names, even though his own was spoken much more than he would have liked. At first the shadow shrugged, dismissing the greeting as his mercury gaze remained focused on the horizon, searching for the scent that made his mouth water. Chances were he wouldn’t remember the name. The silver yearling was just another mouth to feed and set of claws to aid the pack. “Greer,” he responded, softly, after a pregnant pause, his shoulders rolling dismissively. The thought of fresh meat made his stomach ache and head spin. Engaging in small talk wasn’t high on his to-do list. Finding the source of the scent and bringing it back to the monadnock was, however. Perhaps this new mouth to feed would prove to be an asset after all.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh
Hunter post 2/3

In the eye of a hurricane there is quiet

A heavy silence followed his words and even though he was content to not speak he’d at least like to be able to put a name to the face when they crossed paths again. And, just when he thought he wasn’t going to get an answer at all the soft reply came which he almost missed. A little bit of deciphering left him with Greer and with that he was content to continue with the quiet that the other seemed to enjoy so much.

The scent grew stronger so he knew they were headed in the right direction, but something made him falter slightly in his steps and his hackles raise. Mutt, namely coyote. Of course, why wouldn’t their smaller cousins be there to dig in. It was a nuisance, sure, but it was nothing he was worried about handling. His size would ensure it a mostly easy fight and the other guy he felt would be able to hold his own. So, he quickened his steps. Didn’t want them eating any more than they already had. And besides, if he killed a few of them there would be more meat. This pack couldn’t afford to be choosers.

Just for a moment a yellow sky
(This post was last modified: Mar 07, 2017, 01:35 AM by Kino.)
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
hunter 2/3

Once their names were exchanged the shadow focused his attention on the task at hand: finding the body behind the scent. His teeth clenched as he stalked forward, trailing a few steps behind the silver wolf. Greer was not a leader by any means—he did much better coming in behind once the initial strikes had been made. He observed first, watching others and assessing what he needed to do. The spotlight had never been something he desired, whether it be at the top of the ranks or at the front of a hunt. So, at this particular moment, the Archer did not mind following the silver male even though the Whitestone scent was still fresh on his pelt.

Just as the stench of coyote reached Alastor it slapped, aggressively, against Greer’s nostrils. His nose wrinkled immediately, brows narrowing as he scanned the tundra. Dealing with a few pests was the last thing he wanted to do but the shadow would do what was necessary in order to get that meat back to the monadnock. He snorted in annoyance at their presence and quickened his pace. The scent of meat overwhelmed the stench of scavengers and drove him forward. He wouldn’t let a few rats get in the way. His teeth gritted at the thought of chasing off a few coyotes and watching their tails tuck between their legs. 

(This post was last modified: Mar 13, 2017, 12:12 AM by Greer.)
[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh
Hunter post 3/3

In the eye of a hurricane there is quiet

It hadn’t even occurred to him that the male was a higher rank than him, that it wasn’t his job to be calling the shots here. Not until he was prepared to throw himself into action and he realized that there was no real plan laid out. They were going in mostly blind other than the knowledge that there was food to gather and some coyotes to fend off. Topaz gaze slid sideways to glance at the face of Greer and all he saw was preparation. He didn’t seem phased by the misplacement of rank protocol and he figured if he’d cared even the quiet man would have said something.

His attention turned forward before he broke into a lope, aiming to get there as quickly as possible. Slowly dots began to form in the distance. As they grew closer there proved to be 4 of the mongrels scattered around a carcass fighting amongst themselves. A growl rumbled up his throat and he launched forward, tail lifting in an aggressive posture as he moved. He went for the nearest Coyote, throwing his massive body into the smaller predator who elicited a as it stumbled to the ground. It rolled to its paws, snarling and snapping its jaws at him and he snarled back. He lunged, nipping and biting as much as he could before rushing it again. As it fell the boy latched his jaws onto its neck, shaking violently. It’s body flailed like a rag doll, agonized yelps escaping its jaws. He dropped it, it’s body shuddering for a moment before lying still. He turned, tongue lapping across his bloodied jaw and gaze narrowing as he watched the others carefully.

Just for a moment a yellow sky
(This post was last modified: Mar 07, 2017, 01:35 AM by Kino.)
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
hunter 3/3

Without question, the shadow followed the paler wolf as soon as he lurched forward to follow the trail they had stumbled upon. The Archer knew where he stood in the ranks and while the wolf at his side was a newcomer, Greer did not mind following. The silver wolf had been the one to discover the scent first; Greer had just been in the right place at the right time.

He groaned inwardly once the coyotes came into view. Despite being outnumbered, the scavengers were outsized—if they picked off one, or two, the rest would scatter without a fight. They might be fleabags but they weren’t completely stupid. Alastor moved quickly, tackling the closest coyote without hesitation. A crooked grin crashed onto his dark maw before Greer quickly followed quit, lunging forward at a coyote still gnawing on the carcass. The shadow aimed for the creature’s hindleg in an attempt to drag it away from their meal, his claws digging into the cold ground as he pulled back once his teeth met flesh.

The thin snout of the coyote snapped just inches away from Greer’s face as the dragged the smaller canine across the snow-covered ground. As the shadow released his grip to move to the coyote’s throat, a tooth met his ear. Grunting, the Archer pulled back without hesitation, ignoring the white-hot pain as he lunged forward. Teeth connected with fur as he pushed the creature down, forcing it onto it's back, his jaws not releasing until the coppery taste of blood filled his mouth and the frantic movements of the canine ceased.

(This post was last modified: Mar 13, 2017, 12:12 AM by Greer.)
[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh
Post 9/12

In the eye of a hurricane there is quiet

The boy watched as the darker man fought with the mutt, frowning slightly as the animal nipped at his ear. He assumed Greer was smart enough to go see Lorcan afterward to get it treated, since there was no telling what kinds of things lurked in the nasty mouths of the coyotes. They were known scavengers as a whole species so their mouths were likely more infested with bacteria than theirs. It would be pretty unfortunate for him to lose an ear to infection.

As the canine stilled the Lagina child lurched into action again, heading toward the other two that remained. One of them he was able to ward off with a flagged tail and a snarl, the smaller mammal skittering away with a tucked tail. The other wanted to fight back, but he was quick to charge it as well. A swift jaw spar was given before he shoved the other, stretching to rake his fangs across the side of its face. It took off with a yelp and a scar to remind itself and its friends that this area was for the Monadnock. They wouldn’t take any freeloaders in these lands, especially not ones of a lesser part of the foodchain.

Just for a moment a yellow sky