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In The Dark — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Morning had come and pass as Leotie made her way back onto the territory that she and the others called home. Though they hadn't been there long it was starting to feel as though she'd always been there. The rabbits had been particularly active on that morning in the Wildwood. So it was with a freshly caught rabbit hanging from her jaws that she returned from her hunting trip. With her new comfort with leaving pack lands she almost preferred hunting outside the borders.

The limp she had in her hind leg had diminished greatly by this point but it was still there as just a little more than a hint. It however didn't hinder her as much as she had feared it would when she was first recovering. However, after her hunt the limp was a little more prominent as she trotted through the trees on her path to the cache.

With her catch dropped in the cache Leotie took a minute to clean herself up before heading off for her next task. A flick of her ear picked up the familiar sound of footfalls on snow, it had to bee one of her packmates. Sniffing the air she realized it was their newest member. “Zerxes, it that you?” She called out.

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Feb 12, 2017, 11:24 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Vet who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zerxes Zamora

Zerxes was excelling at keeping a low profile so far. For the most part, he spent much of his time with @Treyah under the guise of playing pup sitter. Not that the girl needed one. She was mostly grown by now and clearly well on her way to becoming a grand explorer. But in his low profiling ways, Z had been doing more profiling of his own. Specifically, he was spying. Finding weaknesses was one of the male's strong points. In the agouti female's case, hers was quite apparent.

It took her less time to pick up his scent that he would have thought. Despite his lighter frame, he was losing his stalking touch. He'd need to be more careful, especially considering how the majority of the wolves already didn't trust him. "I'm here, darlin'!" he called out, trotting almost clumsily through the snow to greet her with a wagging tail. "I was patrolling the borders," he explained with a wide smile as if pleased to be caught doing something helpful. "It took me a minute to realize it was you and not some intruder." The masked male's ears drooped with faux shame. "I guess I should learn my packmates' scents better if I'm going to be patrolling."

Green eyes slid down to her injured leg and he frowned, his expression the pinnacle of concern. "You're hurt." He stepped closer as if to tend to it before his head ducked and he wagged his tail sheepishly and instead backed away. "Sorry, I should ask before trying to help. Are you alright?"

Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Zerxes, Leotie still hadn't made her mind up about the man but Naira had let him in the pack so he must not be so bad. The alpha didn't seem to be one that would allow anyone that was distrusting into the pack. It was best to remain polite with the man until she figured out how she felt about him or become more comfortable around him. The only way for that to happen was to get to know him a little better and besides it was part of her doing things differently. Everything about this pack was different for her then in Oak Tree Bend and perhaps that was why she was so cautious if the strange man.

It did not take I'm long to respond to her call which did bring a smile to her maw and she did have to admit him calling her darlin was a little endearing. She waited until he appeared a brow raised at his not quite smooth entrance, “I thought that was you,” she said, “How are you settling in?” She ask with a slight tilt to her head. She listened as he informed her of what he'd been up to, “Good and did you find that all was well?” She had yet to get to a border patrol so knowing what he found was important. She smiled as he did some more explaining and gave a nod as his last statement. “Well, I expect it might take a little time to get used to all of our scents. Especially with it being awhile since you've been in a pack. I believe you mentioned that.”

It seemed that he was the rather observant as well because he noticed her hind leg and the limp she still carried. “I was recently injured but it's mostly healed now,” she informed him as he stepped closer it seemed to have a better look just before he took a step back. “It's quite alright, I appreciate your concern but yes I am doing much better. There's still a little pain especially after a hunt but nothing I can't handle.”

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Feb 13, 2017, 02:28 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Vet who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zerxes Zamora

"Glad to know I'm not so forgettable. I'm settlin' in fine, thank you for asking." Zerxes offered his most charming smile, one side of his mouth pulled back far in a seemingly knowing smirk while his tail waved with pleasure. As if her giving him the time of day was about the best thing to happen to him. At her inquiry towards his patrol, Zerxes offered a careless shrug. "Quiet as death, I'm afraid. Nothing to liven up how quiet it is around here." He smiled again to let her know he was only teasing and gave a languid stretch of his back and hind leg as if to work out some tic.

As the conversation moved away from him and on to @Leotie, Zerxes perked. Healing, but still not completely up to par. If he was going to play this long game, he couldn't rely on the injury granting him an advantage in the future. He wouldn't forget it, but already cast it aside as relatively unimportant aside from the fact that it might make her a bit less productive. Better to help her care for it so there was always plenty of food around. Even with the injury, she seemed a capable enough hunter.

"Heh. Sorry. I'm a bit out of practice with this...socializing thing," the masked male apologized, looking away as if to hide shame he did not feel. "Lemme know if there's anything I can do to help ya out, darlin'," he offered, having taken notice at the flash of pleasure or amusement in her gaze when he'd called her that earlier. He'd take any advantage he could get at this rate. So far the pack's trust was locked up tight for all except the Alpha and the pup. Maybe he'd have to start honing in on @Naira next. But @Treyah - the doll - was a far easier and simpler target. Easier to manipulate, by far. Z knew how the youth thought. All he had to do was give a little attention and she'd be craving for it all the time, hungering to do anything he wanted just to earn his approval.

Leotie was a more difficult target, but he felt he could get there, too, with time.

"So what do you pack wolves do for fun around here then?"

Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Leotie shrugged at his comment, “I just like to get to know my packmates but I'm glad you're settling in. I know it's not always easy to integrate into a pack quickly.” After all it has taken her some time to adjust to living in the bend when she had first arrived there. In time she had become part of the pack and had done well so she was confident Zerxes would do the same if he hadn't already. His update about his patrol was appreciated, it would help her to know if she needed to keep a look out for anything specific. “Quiet is good but if you're looking for some action there is a rather aggressive one antlered deer that might need to be taught a lesson,” she jested. Never would she expect him to take the annual on himself.

He'd become curious about the injury to her paw and he even seemed concerned about it though it didn't seem in the same way as Kerb had been. She didn't give him all of the details as the whole incident was rather embarrassing and the last thing she wanted was to look less than capable. She was a beta now which to her meant she always had to show that she was capable of having the position and that she could do her job. It was something that made it a little harder to tell her packmates of her past but she had every intention of doing so one day, hopefully sooner rather than later.

“Don't worry about it, I think a little understanding is in order. I don't expect it's easy to chit chat when you haven't done it in awhile.” She'd been on her own so she did have some idea of what it was like changing the way you thought once you were in a pack. “I will be sure to let you know if I do need anything but for now I think I'm holding up pretty well but I need to get back to where I was before.” She'd spent far too much time laying around all day in her opinion and now had to get back to it. She'd had a routine before that she had missed but now had to get used to it again but with her paw still hurting sometimes it made it a little more difficult to keep up with it. “Well, I don't know I suppose it depends what you like to do?” She said it as more of a question as she was rather curious to learn more about the man.

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Feb 16, 2017, 07:19 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Vet who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zerxes Zamora

"You're right," he admitted, inclining his head in full agreement. Integrating into a pack was not easy at all, especially when it was completely against his nature and something he had sworn he would never do again. But this joining was with purpose, he reminded himself again. For survival. As much as he hated it, survival was more important than pride or revenge.

"A one antlered buck, huh?" The easy grin returned as if he would rise to the challenge with a little help. "Maybe sometime you and I can take it down together. I'm more than willing. Ah, well. Maybe once I get my strength up a bit." The thought of feasting on large prey that he helped take down himself? It was a delicious one and he fully intended on following through. In his time as a loner, he had eaten plenty of small prey, but larger animals were heavily skewed towards the decrepit and the already dead. Z's mouth pooled with saliva at the prospect and he swallowed it down.

This one, Z thought, would be another 'in' as @Treyah had been. She wasn't as suspicious and seemed more open to his presence here than @Maera and certainly than @Kerberos. @Leotie at least was trying to be understanding of his situation, trying to empathize. Though empathy was not a trait Z could ever understand as he lacked the ability altogether.

As their conversation switched to fun, Z hesitated for a moment. What did he like to do for fun? Oh, go on murderous rampages and leave bodies in his wake. Didn't everyone? He knew that was not the socially acceptable answer and certainly not one befitting this mask of a character he was wearing. What would a fool do for fun? "It depends what's around," he hedged, offering himself an opening. "What do you like to do for fun?"

So sorry for the wait. I replied several times to this and my post got lost right as I was going to reply, so I lost interest in a fury. xD
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

A small smile crept across her features as he agreed with her. She felt he might have a little more experience integrating into a pack then she'd had. Still each pack was different, she'd gathered going from Oak Tree Bend to Charred Ash Draw. She had loved the bend but now that she had the Draw she couldn't imagine being in another pack. Having Triell as her leader again made that much easier, it had been sad for her when he'd stepped down though Serach was a good leader too.

She nodded, “He’s quite the sight,” as well as territorial but that was neither here nor there where Zerxes was concerned. Her head tilted to one side as he grinned. Another smile crossed her face at his offer, “Sounds like fun, when you get your strength up, Triell might kill me if I were to get the newest member hurt or worse.” Thought the thought had just crossed her mind, she didn't like the wolf standing in front of her and she much preferred him out of the pack. Leotie shook her head, she was getting a little ahead of herself though to protect her pack from a wolf who'd rubbed her the wrong way from the start, she would do anything.

She would have to bide her time, as of yet he hadn't done anything to ward being gotten rid of however, Leotie did keep a close eye on him. She especially didn't like the way Treyah had taken to him and worried for the girl and the choices she'd made. She would hate it if something happened to Triell’s daughter especially if she could have done something to protect the girl.

Fun was something that Leotie spent time doing though she would probably be told she needed to have more fun. With her new position as beta she felt more responsibilities to keep the pack fed and protected. So she wasn't really sure what to suggest for fun if he asked it, lucky for her he hadn't yet. “I suppose it might be different in different places.” Leotie has always been a hard worker trying to provide for her pack. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she tried to figure out something that she did for fun. Then a smile crossed her features as a the memory of Triell finding her in the river not knowing exactly what she was doing. “Fishing,” she told him the smile still on her face, “I'm not very good at it but I can make it good fun when I want to.”

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Mar 12, 2017, 02:55 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Vet who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zerxes Zamora

Zerxes snorted out a laugh at the mention of their Alpha killing her should something happen to him. "Yeah, right." His dubious expression carried some humor, but the masked male wondered how she would react to hearing him speak the truth as he knew it. "He'd probably be as relieved as the rest of you to be rid of someone like me." He wondered exactly what it was about him that set their teeth on edge? Besides the obvious, of course. They didn't like how close he was to @Treyah but the pup was nearly grown and able to make her own decision. So what could they do about it? Refuse to let her interact with a packmate? Knowing the girl, she'd revolt! Wouldn't that be a sight to see?

With the conversation now turned on outlets of fun, Z pursed his lips and nodded with approval. "Fishing sounds fun. Though I'm not too keen on trying with the rivers half frozen. I'll have to find my own entertainment until then, I suppose. Or..." His tail wagged good-naturedly. "Suppose I could actually do my job and hunt for the pack. Small game at least until I'm ready for otherwise."

The male shrugged his shoulders with a sigh and made as if to leave before pausing and looking over his shoulder. "You know...it's no secret you all don't like me around the kid. Have you considered that if maybe you all were a bit more welcoming, I wouldn't feel the need to spend so much time with the only one who actually wants me around?" His eyes readily showed hurt as the plastered on smile didn't give them any light. "Just a suggestion."

Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Her head tilted slightly at his reaction to her speaking about Triell killing her should something happen to Zerxes. “What exactly do you mean someone like you?” She asked with a raised brow.  It would be interesting to hear what exactly he thought of himself. “Triell may not like you hanging around with Treyah but I doubt he would want something bad to happen to you.” Leotie just didn't see the dark Alpha as the type to wish ill on another wolf. She felt he was too kind for such thoughts and she believed if he truly didn't want Zerxes around he wouldn't be in the pack.

Leotie had never been good at fishing but then she hadn't spent much of her time trying to improve either.  She’d always spent her time focusing on her skills at hunting land prey. “I doubt it would be much fun to fish in the half frozen river,” she agreed, “But even small prey would be a big help to the pack. I'm sure there is plenty to do for entertainment.  Perhaps a nice spar of you’re up for it?” She felt that the younger wolves and maybe even Triell would be up for a friendly spar, “All you have to do is ask.”

He seemed to be ready to go but stopped and said something over his shoulder that struck her. “I won't deny that it's a little unsettling you spending so much time around the girl but perhaps if we got to know you better we would be a little more welcoming?” Her dislike or perhaps it was more of a distrust of him had not left her but if he wanted to change that she wouldn't be opposed. Leotie took a step toward him, “You've come to our pack, our family.  Helping us to get to know you better could help,” she added gently, “But we can't be welcoming with someone we don't know if we can trust.”

~Table by Switch
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity