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kissed all the boys in your city lights — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
For @Kerberos only. Takes place after this thread.

left all the stars in your city nights

By now, there were only a scant few hours until dawn. He should have been on his way home long ago, but Sahalie's reappearance had been like a hurricane and Sven was still scrambling to piece everything back together. It was foreign, all this upset, and he still wasn't sure he understood it all. That wasn't really what mattered, however. He hadn't known Leotie and Kerberos long, but aside from the dark Tainn girl, they were the only friends he'd ever made, and Sven didn't want to lose that. So it wouldn't matter how late (or early) it was that he made it back to his own pack, he had to make sure that this peaceful new life he'd been making for himself was salvaged.

Part of him expected that Kerberos would tucked away with the others by now, and certainly out of Sven's reach. Yet after a time of searching, the pale Archer was able to find the other man, alone and awake. In a way, that concerned him, and ushered him to move quicker toward the other.

"Kerberos?" he called out, voice gentle in the dark. Warily, he kept a small bit of distance between them, unwilling to put himself where he wasn't wanted. Would he even want to talk? Sven prayed that he did, because he wasn't sure what else to do if he didn't.

i lost my way in your city lights
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
heck yah I screeched at the thread title

He should have been in the den sound asleep with the others. Instead he was moving about aimlessly without a sound. The Rigel had split from Leotie a while ago and he was positive she'd be alright. They had talked things out until they felt better. He had even learned a secret but he didn't think any less of her for it. The past was the past, wasn't it?

Kerberos was alone tonight but for once he didn't mind. He needed the Wildwood's silent comfort. He had grown confident in most of its parts. Some parts seemed secret and others seemed to be as friendly as himself. Well, as he usually was.

He had been positive he was alone in his favorite place but it seemed he was wrong. His name was called out from a familiar voice. So Sahalie hadn't swept him away or left him fully paralyzed. "Here." The tawny male called out softly. He was confident that the pale Archer would be able to pinpoint exactly where here was if he hadn't already. "Come here?" He asked softly. It was an open invitation for contact, conversation, whatever Sven wanted because Kerb couldn't tell him no. That much was rather obvious.
(This post was last modified: Feb 26, 2017, 02:20 AM by Kerberos.)
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
Here, the other informed him, and it was good sign to Sven's ears. Still, the boy hesitated to press forward, until Kerberos asked him to. There was something about the way he said it that pulled at something within his chest, and he didn't even have to think about moving his paws to take himself to his friend.

Had he really caused so many damaging ripples? It was of course heart wrenching to know that he had heart others who he cared for, and yet deep down, in the place where that selfish dark monster resided, he took a kind of twisted satisfaction in it. In knowing that he could have such an impact, that he and the things he did truly mattered.

Approaching the other man, he lowered his crown and butted his skull lightly against Kerberos' forehead.

"Are you alright?" was all he asked.
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
He waited and waited. Each second felt like an eternity to Kerberos. What was he to do but wait? Nothing. He'd stand still until Sven came to him because he didn't want to seem weaker than he already had.

He closed his eyes as Sven got closer. The touch of the large male's head against his own sent a small shiver down the Rigel's spine. A deep breath slipped past his lips into the cold air. "Yeah, mostly." He whispered calmly. He really wasn't okay. Nothing inside him felt good but he didn't say that. He wanted Sven to think he was better and stronger than whatever his blubbering mess had been. "Are you?" He nudged his head into Sven's shoulder with the most gentle force he could have. Kerberos didn't want to come off as rough. He didn't want to possibly startle the pale Ridge wolf either. He wasn't sure if asking that was a good idea, though. Sven had seemed to be stunned when that dark Tainn girl appeared. He couldn't stop himself. Kerb just wanted to make sure everything was alright.

It was dark around them but that was okay. The both knew where each other were and luckily the darkness didn't hide whispers. If anything it made them louder.
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
Kerberos told him he was, mostly, but was that really the truth? Sven was realizing more and more the depths there was to these friends of his, and there was a nagging feeling inside of him that Kerberos' well of emotions was especially deep. Despite his own tumultuous ocean, he felt out of place amongst it, clueless still as to how to navigate their waters. It seemed this wolf would prove less forthcoming than Leotie, but that did not mean the young Archer was deterred.

The question was turned back onto him, and he thought only for a moment before answering, pale eyes lifting to catch what they could of Kerberos.

"I always am," he spoke solemnly. This wasn't the first upset of his life, the first time he felt all this hurt and conflict inside of him. Given the pattern of things, he was certain it wouldn't be the last, either. Yet no matter what happened, who it was that threw darts at his heart then walked away, Sven swallowed poison meant for them and carried on. He wasn't bulletproof, but maybe he was immortal.

"You were upset," he then pointed out, turning the spotlight back onto the other man.

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
Always? That was a lie. Hadn't the man just been stunned, paralyzed, and brought to tears by Sahalie? Hadn't he completely forgotten Kerb and Leotie in that moment? That didn't seem like something someone who was always okay would do. He kept his mouth shut on it. Instead, Kerberos simply nodded his head to show he was glad the pale Archer was alright.

His ears pressed back against his crown when Sven pointed out the obvious. The why that followed caused a frown to dig into his features. "My feelings are dumb, I don't want to talk about them." It was practically the same thing he had given Leotie when she asked him what was wrong. His feelings were a jumble of things and he still hadn't picked them apart. He partially turned himself away so he wouldn't have to see Sven. Kerberos wasn't mad at him at all, he was more or less mad at himself than anything.

He shifted his weight awkwardly not sure what to say or do. Kerberos knew he could always make something up. Tell a little white lie. That didn't feel right, though. Until he was given a better out or the atmosphere changed he'd stand there as awkward as a cub.
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
Sven's brows knit together in perplexion at the response given to him. His feelings were dumb? What did that even mean? If he wasn't going to explain, then the pale teen was left grasp at straws. Maybe he could have just left it there, pretended for Kerberos' sake that everything was okay. With the conversation he'd just had with Leotie, however, Sven's nerves wouldn't allow him. Apparently, whatever had transpired had meant a great deal to these two, and he would not allow it to come between them. So he took his best guess and ran with it.

"She won't change our friendship, if that's what you're thinking," he vowed. Even Sahalie did prove to be different, even if she kept coming back and Sven stayed friends with her, that wouldn't affect what he had with Kerberos and Leotie. Not on his end, anyhow. He would still want to have them in his life, spend just as much time with them as he did now.

"I don't give up so easily."

As much as he'd been left in his life, Sven still strove to hold onto other wolves. He was far from being defeated by life and the circumstances that always seemed to plague him. It was a bit much to explain to Kerberos, but he would trust those simple words, wouldn't he? Sven knocked his muzzle against the other man's and smirked.

"You certainly won't get rid of me so easily."
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
"I know." He whispered weakly. It was hard to not think that her sudden appearance wouldn't change their friendship. Hadn't she been in the pale Archer's life first? Didn't she technically rank over him in some weird charts of friendships and all that other emotional junk? But Kerberos didn't dare speak his thoughts for a slight fear of what might come out or how Sven might respond. Kerb was content to not poke the metaphorical sleeping bear more than it already had been.

The dark tawny male nodded his head softly. He wouldn't expect the male to give up so easily. Nothing about his personality said quitter as far as Kerb was aware. Not to mention someone who collected bones didn't strike him as the kind to give up. It was only when his friend knocked his muzzle against Kerb's skull that he turned a bit to face the Archer more head on again. "I don't wanna get rid of you." Kerberos couldn't fight the shy smile yanking on his ebony lips. He leaned into Sven for a moment before pulling back to prevent things from becoming awkward. "Ever."

His pale yellow eyes glanced to try and catch Sven's silver eyes. "Are you excited?" Kerb's voice had grown more calm and soft. Surely the young male would know what he was talking about.
(This post was last modified: Mar 12, 2017, 03:27 AM by Kerberos.)
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