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can't believe nobody told you we were dangerous — Silent Moon Plateau 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
For @Kerberos. Backdated to the morning of 2/24. Only @Kyna and @Nalda may jump in at any time.

It had taken most of the afternoon to travel this far south, the early part of the day having been spent in the company of @Leotie by the two boys. As the sunlight waned and they approached the base of the mountain range's lowest leg, they had settled in for the night. The rocky ground offered up many shelters, and after picking out the perfect one the duo had curled up together, sharing each others heat to make it through the bitter dark. It was not the sun that woke him, but his internal clock, as the mountain's shadow would keep the light away for several hours after the orb had begun its unending ascent across the sky.

He'd nudged his friend awake, and again they set off, the pale Archer leading the way. He knew each step as if by heart, having made this trip several times now. When they crested onto the plateau, the traces were still there, like whispers from ghosts. Rather than glaring signs, it was simply something innate that told him wolves had once claimed this space. A resonance, seeping through the ice and the stones. And ahead...

His pale eyes transfixed on that ring of stones, have covered by drifted snow but visible all the same. His heart picked up pace, like a hummingbird caught in his chest and he couldn't help the wicked smile that crawl across his black lips.

(This post was last modified: Mar 07, 2017, 06:00 PM by Sven.)
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
It had been a lengthy day but it was well worth it. He stuck close to Sven's side as the large man knew where to go. Once it became obvious they wouldn't make it much further for the day they had settled in. Kerberos would never speak it out loud but it was comforting to sleep in the presence of the pale Archer. Every second of his warmth was welcomed.

The tawny second was almost positive he could have slept like that forever but Sven woke him with a gentle nudge. Still sleepy, Kerberos was content to let his friend take lead again. It seemed they were approaching on their target with each step they took. He took notes from Sven's body language.

When the pale male said there Kerberos had to look around for a brief moment before he noticed the circle of stones. "Oh." Maybe some part of Kerb thought the bones would have been messier and spread out. When Sven had said abandon grave nothing of stone circles came into his mind. Granted it did still seem abandoned. No strong scents around to ward them off. "So, uh, what do we do?" He tossed a glance up at Sven for instructions.
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