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Guide Me to Serenity — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Reya who has 4 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vaelencian Volcara

"Stay with This One, Lady Clio." The newcomer kept his voice low, unsure of the scents that hit him a few moments ago. In his youth he may have taken the obvious presence of wolf-scent as a warning to steer clear. To cross a boundary was foolish and brazen, both of which he never claimed to be. One would have paused to howl a greeting under the blessing of Lord Lyacor. Should have, even, as to not invoke the Lord of Alphas was taboo. But that was another time, and in another place. He'd been wandering for half a year now. He had explored the span of upper Montana, where he'd been born so many years ago, and had crossed into Canada perhaps a month or two ago. The old wolf couldn't be sure if the wolves here knew of The First Seven.

There was a time in his life where disbelief was unheard of. Up until recently, he thought everywolf knew of the ones who walked before mortal paws touched the ground. Absyla-something for his mind is a forgetful one, had taken him by surprise when she was unable to name even one of the seven divines. He could feel her stare harden as he had looked on in shock, unable to speak for a few moments until she cleared her throat. That was his first hint that what he'd been taught could be incorrect. It had taken a few nights of restless sleep before he was able to come to terms with himself. Even so, though he was almost sure the wolves here would be as ignorant as the rogue, he wanted to believe. He held onto his Divines.

But with that knowledge plaguing the old one's thoughts, he continued on silently across the field. The Grey stepped with caution up to blackberry bush that spread several feet in diameter and was heavily overgrown in some places. His nostrils pulled in a few muffled scents; ungulates, rabbits, and a faint odor of bear. Indeed, the air around him seemed as fresh as unclaimed territory and truth be told, he couldn't remember actually passing a marked border. Perhaps Lord Lyacor was being kind this night. The stranger straightened his back, no longer afraid of being unwelcome and took a seat by one particularly unkempt bit of brush, using it as a comfort until he could either find a den or dig one of his own somewhere in this lovely place. For, to be honest, he was so tired of walking.

(This post was last modified: Dec 06, 2011, 04:00 AM by Vaelencian.)
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Ruiko roved the land restlessly, his large paws crunching against the frozen grounds of the fields. Ever since his conversation with Kinis and Volkan, the regal wolf had been scouring the lands with a keener eye, looking to see where he would move his family to and what land he would claim. As his large tawny figure moved silently through the long yet dead grass of the fields, he knew it would not be here.

With the hushed evening growing colder, the Tainn male knew it was time to turn and go home. Swiftly his paws carried him, and yet among the cold scents of past presence, a newer one lingered that caused him to pause mid-step. Blinking, the wolf’s bright amber eyes fell upon the direction the other wolf was, and there, blended to the bushes of the fields and night, lay a dark wolf.

Curling his tail slightly to through the air, Ruiko skimmed his gaze over the stranger quickly. A peppered pelt of ebony, sparse bits of grey and ivory bore upon the male, especially around the wolf’s muzzle. Age. It was a rare sight for a rogue wolf at such an age, for it seemed they had usually settled to a pack of their choice.. especially when the harsh season of winter was coming. “Evening,” he offered, his tone gruff as he dipped his muzzle slightly in a cordial nod.
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca wasn't going to reveal herself. She didn't know what Ruiko would about seeing her again, and that old, black brute surely didn't wake her trust. Talking to himslef... Sign of mental breakdown. Hiding among the grass she watched closely how Ruiko went closer. What was hee doing here anyway? He had a pack and home in Sacred Grove, at least that was how Reba had understood everything. Still, this whole situation made her worried, but she couldn't tell why.

Night slowly covering Relic Lore to it's soft, comfy darkness, Rebecca started to feel safer. And anyway, hiding started to feel boring. Standing and walking closer she wished that Ruiko would be friendly, as well as the older brute. But she wasn't so worried about him, Rebecca was young and sure taht she was in better condition both mentally and physically. Was or not, she wasn't going to be churlish, even if they would not be happy to see her.

She had been hiding in front of the old brute, same direction where Ruiko had came from, but little bit left from there. Now she walked closer, being soon on the same line with Ruiko, but many steps on his right side. Slightly leaving behind, she didn't want to go too close either one of the brutes.
(This post was last modified: Dec 03, 2011, 09:25 AM by Rebecca.)
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Reya who has 4 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vaelencian Volcara

Racing over the crisp grass sped a female of considerable frame. Her pelt was like a thousand stars. Dazzling stretches of light danced from around her legs and rose into the sky, waving as a breeze-less night swept them to and fro. Spirits of their own accord, they crackled with the energy of the Sun, blinding in the low light. The very air seemed to coalesce as she leaped a bush twice her height. A startled rabbit squeaked and charged from it's hiding place. Vael turned his head and watched the frightened animal escape into the night before returning his gaze upon the female that now looked him in the face.

Such a stunning beauty had the old male silenced. Afraid of sounding churlish to the majestic woman before him, he bit his tongue and lowered his wreaked snout. It was then that his nose and its state alerted his consciousness. With a huff, he turned his face away in a vain attempt to hide his ugliness. He knew it was too late, far too late for that. She took a step closer and growled. Chastised and with the eyes of a pup caught misbehaving, he turned his eyes back onto her. When he did, he was surprised to see a grin on her face. Her unseeing yet all-seeing eyes held a blank, white stare. Even so, he felt nothing but kindness radiating from this angel before him. "Darling one, do not hide what makes you who you are. You are my child, a child of many, and I love you." It was then that the woman's body shivered and faded until only the elder's breath remained in the cool night air. "Turn, dear one. For you have company."

The old male blinked. All was silent. He twisted his ears around but the voice of the mystery woman was long gone. Had he dreamed this vision? Company. She spoke of company? He obeyed and turned his body to find a large male watching him not far away. How hadn't he noticed him before? Didn't the rabbit run off that way? Yes it did, he saw the damn thing take off toward the thicket. In that direction. Vael furrowed his brow and licked his chops in thought. "Lady Malia?" He whispered, unsure of how to go about his night when all he could think about was the starlight-borne female and her voice. By why to him? Why did the Lady come to him of all wolves? His body was not strong. He didn't have the power in his muscles like he used; heck he could barely run more than a mile without needing to collapse for a spell. And what of beauty? His scrawny self and his messed-up nose. What a joke. So why?

Vael shook his head. He was being rude. He looked to the male, though avoided his eyes out of respect, and followed his actions by dipping his own snout. "Tis, and a lovely one at that." His voice came out in a hoarse, yet defined growl. He let a friendly grin take over his features, though his slightly crooked snout did its best to hide it. He gave up trying to look nice, and opted to strike a more relaxed pose. He let his shoulders sag, showing that he only wanted good things to come from this meeting. He' been about to welcome this strange new wolf to the beautiful field he'd found when a new scent tickled his nose. He glanced over and took notice of a dark wolf, much like himself though seeming to lack the silvery fur that came with age, approach. He flicked an ear at her, acknowledging her before he spoke. A brooding thought gurgled at the back of his mind, and he obeyed the urge to tilt his face so that the other male obscured it from the female's view. "And to you, ma'am."

(This post was last modified: Dec 06, 2011, 03:49 AM by Vaelencian.)
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca was even more worried when the old brute delayed with his speak. Crazy wolves wasn't something she loved to meet, even though most might think that she, Rebecca, was actually insane. <b>Daredevil, but not insane!</b> was her own opinion. Well, was that brute mad or not, he was well-mannered! Something Reba would want to be herself too. Her social development jsut seemed to be in the level of child in some situations.

When the brute called her <i><b>"ma'am"</b></i>, her suspiciousness started to melt away. Only small amount of it stayed, only for her own protection. Ears went up, tail wagging, steps took speed. Trotting past Ruiko she suddenly remembered him. Slowing her speed dramatically she lowered her body, stomach nearly swiping the ground as she walked forward. Watching Ruiko from the corner of her eye she kept going, wishing that he wouldn't care about her too much. Turning her eyes back ahead, she stared the old brutes feet, refusing to look him in the eyes. Maybe he wouldn't mind if she would go closer? Something in him fascinated Rebecca. What it was, she had no idea, but she just had to go closer.

Still moving low, almost asking sorry from Ruiko, she sneaked silently towards the old brute, until she was only two steps away from him. Standing to her normal height she looked back to see hwta Ruiko though and did. Then she focused to the older one. Sniffing the air she kept her tail low, even it tried to rise over and over again. Always she pulled it back down. Ears friendly forward, head pretty low, trying to find information about him. Smiling friendly. Then, again, little scared look back to Ruiko.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The black jaws of the male opened with what appeared to be words, but the whisper was missed upon Ruiko’s hearing, despite the intention of senses. His presence was noted then by the dark elder, who seemed polite enough in return. The tawny wolf’s eyes lingered for only a split second to the mishappen shape of the male’s muzzle, not staring as to be rude. About to respond, the dark wolf’s extended greeting to another presence drew a light frown to the features of the large Tainn, and Ruiko cast a glance behind his shoulder.

Met with the sight of the unknown she-wolf who had seemingly had a breakdown only a few days ago, the male blinked slightly, uncertain to her presence. She moved past him now, welcomed by the greeting of the other male, yet as she glanced back to him the girl was close to the ground in submission, seemingly fearful of him. Miffed by the situation, the male flicked his tail slightly, though his muzzle lifted in the display of dominance over the girl. Still, his eyes briefly flickered back to the grizzled elder, curious to his reaction of the young and clearly naïve girl. “Ruiko Tainn,” he introduced, holding back an amused smirk at the entire situation.
Played by Reya who has 4 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vaelencian Volcara

The old one had his eyes on this other male until movement in his peripherals captured his attention. He turned his head to watch the black female approach quite brazenly. For the moment, he wondered if she held rank or was at least par with the male here. But when she seemed to remember that he was there, her attitude changed. She took on a lowered stance and looked to the male almost sheepishly. The elder furrowed his brow and tilted his head slightly, but saw no reason to speak on it. Truth be told, she almost looked afraid of him. Did that mean Vael had reason to be cautious too? He returned his gaze to his guest. Truth be told, he didn't feel like he needed to tread carefully. And besides, what threat was a peaceable old man like him to such a young, strong male anyway?

"Ruiko Tainn." His ears perked and he nodded. "Vael-" He blinked and looked at the female who seemed to take an interest in him. She was close to him, almost uncomfortably close, but he didn't complain. He only stood quietly and let her take in his scent. It wasn't hurting him after all, and he didn't feel threatened by the action. Still, he kept an ear turned toward her and continued addressing Ruiko. "Vaelencian Volcara, sir. Though a simple 'Vael' will suffice if'in you like. Ah, what of you, miss? Are you a friend of Ruiko?" Maybe she was his mate, though that didn't seem likely considering how she responded to him. Maybe even 'friend' was a stretch. Still, it seemed like a kind way to start a conversation with the two.

Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca listened the two speaking, keeping low profile. Taking couple steps backwrads she sat down. Vaelencian or Vael for short, that was the old brute's name. And Ruiko. She had almost forgotten his name. Almost. Giving a friendly look back to Ruiko, she winced when Vael spoke to her. Turning her head to his direction she answered: <b>"I'm Rebecca, and no, I've met Ruiko once, but it wasn't enough to make us friends. Say I."</b> She never told her last name, she never used it. Reba had already learned that Ruiko wasn't from Alaska, but she had no idea where the old brute had come from. Too big risk to tell her family's name. Vael was surely old enough to know about her grandparents if he had lived in Alaska.

Ruiko Tainn, the brute she had met in Thicket of Secrets, who she could say thanks for helping to find a den, didn't seem to mind she was there. Good, but still he seemed slightly irritated. Because of her? Maybe... Those thoughts were enough to make Rebecca worried. She didn't knnow why she cared about Ruiko or how he felt, usually she didn't, but Rebecca saw it as a good thing, counting in other wolves' feelings. Now it was great time to practise that skill. Refined conversation with to older wolves that seemed to know the manners well. Wagging her tail again, Reba turned her head from Vael to Ruiko and back, not sure which way she should look. Her decision was: in between.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The dark elder was about to introduce himself when a weary gaze was cast upon the ebony she-wolf, who had lowered herself to the ground in submission and curiosity to the stranger. Ruiko ignored the scared glances the girl sent to him, his muzzle instead inclining to the elder in silent welcome as the wolf introduced himself as ‘Vaelencian.’

His eyes finally shifted to the groveling girl, her nerves seeming on edge. The first time he had met the she-wolf she had been such a mess then as well, moping upon the ground like a lost whelp. There was certainly something childish about her, but perhaps even impish. As she sat back, Ruiko withheld a light chuckle when she declared they were not friends, and casting a glance between the two, Ruiko gave a light shake of his muzzle. “Not friends, hm? Acquaintances, perhaps?” His question was directed to the swarthy girl, contemplating her nervous reaction to him.
(This post was last modified: Dec 16, 2011, 04:10 PM by Ruiko.)
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca glanced Ruiko as he spoke to her. Did he mean something with that? Two minded? Did he have bad picture about her? Hopefully not.

<b>"Yes, acquaintances would be good word for our relationship"</b> she decided to spoke. He... Well, it didn't matter anyway. Sighing quietly, only to her own thoguhts, Reba wondered why she always made someone irritated. Would she ever get rid of it? It msut be her behavior, most of them had no idea about her personality. She ahd tried to be polite for some time now, but it was boring. So very often she miss spoke something she should not have said. Too bad you couldn't pull the words back... Maybe Ruiko could forgive her, no matter how she had made him not liking her.

Turning her eyes to Vaelencian, she decided to ask simple question, wishing it wasn't too pushy. Maybe it would be good to tell her fears? <b>"Have you been in Alaska? If it's not too pushy to ask?"</b> She didn't ignore Ruiko, her ear was turned to his direction, but it would be rude to leave the old brute outside conversation, wouldn't it?
(This post was last modified: Dec 17, 2011, 08:45 AM by Rebecca.)
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">