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Call the men in white suits — Willow Ridge 
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Played by becuffin who has 129 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Phoenix Avalon
Backdated to 9th March, after Sven's rank challenge.
from the darkness into the light, now is your time
Phoenix Avalon

Day by day the plants that Ravenna had been feeding her helped to ease her aching head. Shadows and whispers of familiar voices seemed to plague her somewhere just out of sight but she still had no names to put to faces or any idea of where she had come from. @Bojack had been working overtime to make up for the burden she was placing on the Willow wolves, but she wasn't their only patient. The enthusiasm the one-eyed boy showed for all manner of things like hunting and patrolling really put the girl to shame, she was sure his head hurt too, but she was far more content to sit around and mope about it.

It was with a particularly heavy sigh that she caught movement out of the corner of her eye, turning her head to stare at the silver dusted boy. She might have thought he had been avoiding her if she couldn't feel him watching her whenever they occupied the same space. Her blazing orange eyes narrowed, lifting herself up to her feet with a discontented growl. "What are you looking at?" she finally challenged, sick of the feeling of walking on eggshells, lest something unpleasant leave her lips again. She didn't want to upset anyone like she had done to @Sven.

Played by becuffin who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Odin Archer

It still irked him that she didn't remember him, that pretty little gash over her temple the source of all her woes. He had mentioned where she came from to Ravenna, but it didn't seem the message had gotten to her yet. Well he supposed, he'd be going home soon, he might as well take her with him.

God the trees were suffocating, the way they hung like frosted curtains cutting through the most direct path and pressing down over his head. He loved his aunt dearly, and felt that he had learned a lot just from being here. He had tried his best to earn his keep and go beyond what was expected of him to pay for the services rendered here, family or not, much like the Monadnock the Willows were not a hospice, and everything had its price. But it seemed that with her memories all sense of manners had vanished too, he was yet to see or scent the girl adding to the caches or checking the borders. Perhaps other packs were softer on their children than his mother had been but the boy had never been more thankful for it.

Finally though, he found her. Stopping in his tracks he watched her once again, wondering if she was just a ticking time bomb. Would she suddenly remember his scent and scream? Would the events of that night crashing down on her be enough to stop her heart or would he have to finish the job himself? It would seem today was not the day he would have to worry about such things, a smirk and a snort offered in response to her attempt at scathing words. "Yer really don't remember anything do you?" His head lowered and his eye narrowed. "I know where your pack is."

[Image: sigodincheeb_by_becuffin-dahhpv8.png]