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blackbird singing — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark
@Enoki || Late-afternoon, Heavy snow, 17 ° F, -9 ° C

Mathuin felt like he should be doing something but he wasn't sure what that something was. The boy had gone out into the world looking for freedom and excitement. He certainly had the freedom but he was lacking the excitement he had thought he would get. He expected to be bumping into loners all the time and fighting off wild animals. Instead, he was mostly alone and had only run into one male so far. It was nothing like he had expected. Mathuin found himself usually making his own excitement by running through the snow and rolling about. He wasn't completely against it but it still left him feeling a bit empty.

He loped through the snow as it kept falling from the skies. His large form made it easy get through the snow in the meadow. He saw a crow above the skies and thought to go after it. If anything it would help move him through the empty meadow faster. He ran underneath it letting out a few barks here and there. His tongue hung out of his mouth as a silly grin spread across his face. The crow seemed to caw back at him as it flapped its wings. "Hey, hey, wait up!" He called out as the bird soared upwards and his pace slow. "Come back!" The large yearling called out with obvious concern as the crow disappeared into the snowy skies.
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Enoki Ashrelle

Marred snout shoved into the exposed entrance of a rabbit warren despite the ivory powder thickly blanketed across the ground, a low set of whimpers fell from her lips at being so close yet so far from obtaining a warm meal for herself. Ravenous stomach rumbling in a thunderous desire to be sated her head jerked back to make way for her front paws, immediately excavating away at the hole in the ground in hopes of widening it just enough to snag one of the snowy furred creatures within. Alas, the determination was short-lived and her quarry left to live another day, though, as the sound of something much larger bulldozing through the snow banks and calling out to whom she did not know echoed through the snow clad meadow. 

Huffing in defeat she turned around to kick out a back leg and send a pile of snow barreling down into the underground tunnel, fresh flakes falling from above to further dapple her contrasting coat. "Fuckers." She cursed under her breath which was exhaled in a thin vapor cloud, leaping and bounding through the snow toward the new holder of her attention. Curious to see what all the commotion was about. Perhaps today would not be an entire loss and something good could come of her visit here.

"Hey, you!" Enoki calls out when a dark mottled silhouette appeared against the colorless backdrop, ebony limbs struggling a bit to push through the thick layer of snow underfoot.

Word Count: 247
Ashbash 2017 - Sebastian Unrau 
Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark

He let out a long low whine as he looked up at the snowy sky. His one chance at a bit of fun was now gone. What was he going to do? With a loud huff, Mathuin shuffled his paws through the snow and lowered his head to watch. His ears perked when someone called out to him. His long legs and large pails flailed beneath him for a moment with a few bounds forward. "Hey! Hey!" Her barked out in return as a patchy form came into his view.

He stopped his bounding once he wondered if he was getting too close. This older female didn't greet him like the older male had but his tail wagged eagerly nonetheless. "Whatcha doin'?!" He asked eagerly as his tail furiously wagged behind him. Maybe this female would play too! Granted she had some weird odor to her. It made his nose shrivel for a moment but his smile quickly returned. "Did you see the bird too?" The large yearling wondered if she was chasing crows too.

"I'm Mathuin by the way! Who're you?" He didn't think about how rude it might be to ask so many questions but he was so excited to see another wolf out here. This one didn't really smell like a loner but he figured that would be better. Maybe she had friends about!
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Apparently Enoki becomes a dits when preggo xD @Mathuin

Enoki Ashrelle

Further and further the expectant mother trudged through the snow after her new quarry, jaws parted just enough to allow the tip of her salmon tongue to protrude over the points of her teeth while she ran and her stomach continued its insistant grumbling. "Hey! Hey!" this unknown wolf called out, an exuberant amount of energy filling the surrounding area that crackled like a live wire. It was quite an infectious feeling and Enoki couldn't help but become swept up in its arms, a rather nice change from the dreary and meloncholic atmosphere that plagued the Ridge since Elettra's passing. 

A couple barks in greeting left her inky lips when she noticed the boy; his age becoming a little clearer now that some distance had melted away, halted in his tracks, asking what she was up to while his tail wagged furiously at his rump. At first Enoki remained silent and allowed herself to approach to a more reasonable distance. One that would allow their words to be exchanged more freely without the unnecessary shouting, her head tilting curiously when this Mathuin fellow mentioned something about seeing the bird too.

"Bird?" She asked in a curious manner, letting her smoldering gaze shift from the dark mottled mask of the yearling before her up toward the skies in search of his mystery bird he spoke of only to be met with a shower of more fresh flakes upon her dappled frame. "I don't see any birds, but I was trying to do some hunting before I heard you shouting." A gentle smile spread across her lips, her own tail wagging in good spirits behind her. "Was that what you were shouting at to come back? Oh! Forgive my manners, I'm Enoki!" A light bout of chuckling escaped her marred muzzle. "We don't see too many new faces around here so it's a pleasure to meet you, Mathuin."

A quick inhale and look over didn't provide any telltale signs that this male belonged to another pack and from smelling those Draw wolves upon Sven's fur so often she could without a doubt confirm this fellow hadn't mingled with the likes of them yet. Perhaps she could use this encounter to her advantage and entice Mathuin to linger about these parts longer. Hopefully even convince him Willow Ridge was a perfect place to call home. Couldn't hurt to try right?

Word Count: 397
Ashbash 2017 - Sebastian Unrau 
Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark
It seemed his company hadn't seen the crow he had seen. A frown threatened to tug at his lips as he looked up again. "There was a crow here just a few moments ago..." Mathuin's voice faded out but he was quickly brought back to the female in front of him. Her words had his ears perking. "Oh! I'm sorry if I scared away your prey, I didn't even smell anyone or anything around." The large yearling admitted with a more shy smile. What a doofus he would feel like if he would be the cause of her going hungry!

At her question, he eagerly nodded his head. "Yeah, I thought he was going to travel some with me but I guess he didn't want to be caught in the snow. Can't entirely blame him." He laughed lightly. While he didn't feel too attached to the bird he did hope it was okay wherever it had taken off to.

He now had a name to put to her face. Enoki. It was a tad strange but he assumed all names had something interesting about them. He certainly didn't have the most normal name ever. Mathuin. How strange and awkwardly formal for someone of his nature. "I've been dying to run into some so this is really great, Enoki." The large Whitebark's tail began to sway behind his form again. "So, uh, what do you do for fun around here? Cause I don't know about you but I'm kind of out here looking for something exciting you know?" He wondered how much to inform her on and figured a little bit more wouldn't hurt because she seemed like a nice lady (except for the peculiar scent that kept tapping at his nose.) "I kind of left home hoping to find some crazy adventure and tons of wolves but it's been almost a total flunk so far." Mathuin laughed briefly before he stopped to see if she would be willing to help a boy out.
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Enoki Ashrelle

A warm smile upon her lips and a gentle shake of her head dismissed his apology at believing he had scared away her prey, something that actually wasn't the case. Just a bout of bad luck on her behalf. "No need to apologize. You actually hadn't scared them away they just happened to be a tad faster than me today." Her smile spread a little wider, became a little softer taking note of the shy one that graced his own facial features. There was little chance of the piebald female going hungry with a pack to feed her and the growing lives within her womb and her own set of skills in the hunting department.

"Yeah, most of the birds around here aren't too fond of flying in foul weather." She commented, once more angling her head back to glance at the gray washed sky with its glittering snowflakes slowly swirling down toward the snowy ground. "Unlike us, with our thick fur I don't think their feathers can keep them warm."

@Mathuin then went to speak more and the woman's attention diverted back to his mottled mask, smoldering amber eyes easily meeting his green counterparts. Apparently, this young lad was only looking for a sense of adventure and new faces to interact with. He wasn't much older than @Attica , maybe a couple months at max, and this had the magpie matriarch pondering if the young Archer child would enjoy the opportunity to have a new playmate around now that Morganna's son Odin and Nimble had left with her guardian of sorts Bojack.

An ivory shoulder lifted in a wolfish shrug, her own tail refusing to slow in its wagging much like the boy's own. "Well, I'm the leader of a pack not far off from here. I usually don't get to have much fun other than pissing on things and making sure no rude wolves try to mess with my members." She chuckled lightly, doubting that sounded very appealing to the energy fueled boy. "But when I do get a chance I've always liked to dive into the deepest snow banks or chase this little girl right around your age about that lives with me. Tussling with another is always fun."  She paused for a moment, tilting her head off to the side a fraction. "What do you do for fun, Mathiun?"

Word Count: 392
Ashbash 2017 - Sebastian Unrau 
Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark
"Happens to me all the time!" He laughed and plopped his rear into the piling snow. Thanks to his not so graceful size he never had much luck with quick prey. His large paws were great for playful runs but if he had to be tactical he usually wasn't great. He did, however, make a nice tank for attacks.

He formed a small O with his lips at her comment. "Didn't know that." Mathuin commented softly. He thought that all kinds of animals like the cold but he guessed that explained why some hid away during the colder months. It didn't make him feel any better that the crow totally ditched him on their little run. Now it was nowhere to be seen and there wasn't even a faint caw to go off of. He wouldn't dwell on it too long because, in the end, he had found new company. A wolf at that.

Mathuin snorted softly at her usual doings. Those didn't sound terribly fun but he assumed those things were better than nothing. Then she mentioned a girl, one about his age. He hadn't met anyone his own age yet! It had only been older wolves so far, not that he had minded any of them. Before he could ask about the girl the question was pointed at him. "I like all sorts of things! Lately, I've just been hanging out in the meadow to romp through all this snow. Met a nice guy and he played chase with me for a bit." He shrugged with a smile as his tail swayed through the snow behind him. "I might move on soon though to see what's all around here. Any recommendations?" He asked happily.
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Enoki Ashrelle

Ivory painted haunches soon lowered to mirror the seated position Mathuin took only moments ago, a light chuckle falling from her lips at his admittance to having the same hunting experience happen to him rather frequently. "Practice makes perfect. I wouldn't be as skilled as I am had I given up as a pup." A faint twinkle glistening in the depths of her amber eyes recalling the fond memory of honing her skills as a cub with her siblings and parents. Something she would delight herself with again the day the lives growing in her womb came of proper age to begin honing their own skills. Maybe one of them would even grow to follow in their mother's paw steps

The snort on the male's behalf only warranted another soft chuckle to fall from Enoki's lips, already aware of how dull sounding her duties were to someone of his age and younger. She too hadn't found the routine of her parents all that exciting and yet here she was fulfilling the exact same task years later. It was amusing how the world worked at times. When Mathuin went on to answer the question she had posed a warm smile tugged back the corner of her inky lips, nodding her head in understanding. "When I was younger I liked to find the largest snow drifts I could with my siblings and leap into them to make the snow go flying everywhere." At the mentioning of a man entertaining the youth in these parts not long before she a dark brow quirked upward curiously. "Did you happen to catch this man's name?" If she couldn't manage to recruit this young fellow to join their ranks, perhaps she could seek out this mystery man and try her luck there.

An ivory shoulder raised in a slight shrug then lowered back down into a resting position, the length of her tail thumping contently against the snow at her rump. "Well, if you like to take risk you can try to scale the mountain, but I don't advise that in this weather. The snow makes climbing awfully dangerous. For smoother travels, you can head north. Although, if you ever find yourself bored of traveling and would like a place to settle down I'd be more than happy to take you in. All you'll need to do is seek out the willow trees and you'll find my pack. But that's only if you'd like." Pressure put on one's shoulders never ended well she had come to learn over her years. "Now, how about we have some fun of our own?"

Word Count: 434
Ashbash 2017 - Sebastian Unrau 
Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark
He smiled at her talk of hunting. With his bulk, he had never been one to enjoy the chase that came along, even with all of his puppy-like energy running quickly for long periods was not fun. He didn't mind helping in the takedown of course. His father had stressed the importance that someone of his size should use their weight when needed. Granted he was still slightly filling out his form. Large paws on long legs that carried his tank build. He wasn't your usual gangly teen but he certainly wasn't a king with the force of a thousand soldiers.

"Now that sounds like fun!" His rump began to wiggle a bit with excitement. He had wiggled, ran, and rolled in the snow but he hadn't found a snow drift to jump in. Nor had he found anyone who would jump in snow drifts with him. Even if Savvy had been a nice fella they just chased and wrestled. Not much to it. Speak of the devil.. "He called himself Savvy, really nice guy." He smiled to show that he was obviously fond of the older male he had bumped into. Part of Mathuin kept hoping he'd see the yellow-eyed male standing in the fields ready for another romp, but he wouldn't be surprised if the former playmate was already far from this place.

His ears perked to catch her directions. A dangerous mountain or a smoother path to the north. Which one sounded like it had more adventure? Definitely the mountain. Still, he noticed her offer and he let out a soft rumble. "Thanks, I'll make sure to keep that in mind." His tail beat at the snow below his large form. Green eyes widened as she mentioned that they had some of their own fun. With an excited bark, he got to his paws and bounced about a bit before he dropped into a play bow in front of Enoki.
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts