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hollering god — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Riley who has 126 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rowan Attaya
RE: Whitestone Monadnock, a pair of tornadoes has touched down in your territory.
Calling all packmates! Rowan sees one tornado forming east of the monadnock. Anyone is welcome to pp the tornados in their posts.

The sky had been thick with dark clouds when Rowan left the monadnock that morning to run patrol. Fat drops of rain fell angrily from above and the wind howled in his ears. After such a relentless winter, he wasn't entirely surprised to be greeted by a tempestuous spring. Hoping the storm would run itself out like a cub throwing a tantrum the Attaya persisted across the tundra, marking the borders as he went.

For an hour he walked the border, his hope diminishing with every paw step. The rain picked up and the wind attacked. The minatory clouds grew darker and darker until it seemed like an early night had befallen the Lore. Rowan finally stopped, chewing on his lip anxiously. What was this? He could hardly see left from right the way clouds of dust and mist shrouded his vision in all directions. Only by squinting hard he could find the outline of the monadnock behind him - and a swirling cloud that stretched toward it like an arm. This was no spring storm.

He had seen the water come from him, but never did he imagine the sky--

Blood running cold with fear the Attaya stood frozen for far too long, his dull gold gaze wrought with disbelief as the cloud continued to stretch down toward the tundra. Small rocks kicked up from the ground pelted him with enough force to shatter his ineptitude. If he continued to stand there, slack-jawed and lame, he'd surely die. Leaping forward he rushed toward the monadnock, his stilted legs devouring the distance with wide strides. As he sprinted he lifted his blackened muzzle to the sky and bellowed a warning song, commanding and loud: Danger! The storm is coming - find shelter, now!
(This post was last modified: May 03, 2017, 06:19 PM by Rowan.)
Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

It wasn't a normal morning Cheedo could feel it, sense it throughout her body but she didn't know what was causing the sensation. Her eyes had immediately gone to the sky after exiting the communal den. It was not a sky she had ever seen before in all if the time she'd been alive. That coupled with the feeling that ran through her, like her most uneasy feeling times ten. Still there were things that needed to be done and she couldn't let a ominous looking sky and a feeling get in the way of what needed to be done. So she set out down the goat track to begin some of her training. She didn't want to venture too far from the Monadnock one because of Piety in case she was needed and two if her feeling really turned out to be something.

Her plan had been to do some of the exercises that she and Wraith had talked about. The first one wasn't awareness if her surroundings one where she would sit and name everything she heard, smelled, and felt. It was made difficult with the feeling she had that something terrible was going to happen. It overpowered everything and for a hour and tried and tried but then the strong scent of rain found her. That was when Cheedo opened her eyes and gave up the exercise.

Opening her eyes turned out to be a very bad idea because she saw it over the Monadnock, a cloud that seemed to be spinning overhead. The wind had picked up and created clouds of dust around her and in her nose she felt the tiniest droplets of water which she assumed was a mist mixing with the dust. It clouded her vision until she could barely see in front of her but what she did see was the swirling cloud change as a long leg like cloud come out of it and made its way to the ground before moving along it.

That was when it went from bad to worse, she was starting to get pelted with tiny stones and twigs, she needed to get out of the weather. Her ear flicked at the sound of a call barely audible through the sounds of the clouds and debris but she heard the message okay, she needed to find shelter. Not wasting any more time she raced to the goat trail but when she came around the Monadnock she saw there was another cloud heading straight for them.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
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