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can't be too careful — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<i>Clear — Current Temperature: 43° F/6° C -Evening </i>

    my weakness is that i care too much.

The territory was spread out in a clean sheet of white. Winter was upon Relic Lore now, but the snow was not very deep, thank lady luck. It came to her pasterns for now, and in some parts she could see the grass, and earth beneath her. Other parts had drifted into miniature hill formations, and today was a warmer day. No fog, no frost. She hoped to take advantage of these facts, and find something to take back. Stalking along the meadow, her triangle points were high upon her head rotating to the hushed sounds of the world. Her silver paws worked slowly though the frosty mixture, and she checked all trails of different prey for something fresh.

There were several trails of rabbit, a couple hare, and something of a quail. The last one appealed to her, and she followed it keeping herself moving in stealth. A quail would be a nice change to the palette, and maybe if it was healthy enough to be about it would be a large specimen.

The trail cut along the meadow, the earth rising higher where once and awhile she saw glimpses of pale orange, and red depending where the snow had been blown away. Brow raised, glimpsing the changing landscape as she had never ventured this far. Temporarily she forgot the bird, and climbed along the curved landscape, noticing the bit of rock in the distant. It was a pretty place, even though it was sleeping under the snow. An audible sigh she turned back to tracking, the evening sun sparkling against the cold ice crystals.

(This post was last modified: Jan 12, 2012, 01:40 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Tyrant who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silence Adeni
<blockquote>Evening was falling. Slashes of red, orange, gold and a gentle purple streaked across the space above and gave new colours and shapes to the ground below. The beautiful crisp white of the snow because softer, almost pink in hue, whilst the sparkles which danced across the cold surfaces turned into more of a haze in the dying light. Silence thought it was truly beautiful, and it helped keep her mind calm. It was only when she was focused on something such as a pretty scene was she able to forget the panic within her.
Perched upon a flat but cold rock, she had been watching the colours in the sky change over the last hour or so. Blissfully minding her own business and simply taking pleasure in what was unfolding before her. She felt peaceful. She felt at ease during that moment and it was a feeling she enjoyed immensely. That was until part of the snow appeared to be moving.

Her head tilted in confusion, whilst bright golden eyes narrowed slightly, as if it would help her zoom in on where she was looking. Slowly but surely, the white shape grew and from her vantage point upon the rocks, she began to recognise the shape of another wolf. Her heart flittered for a moment whilst her breath caught in her chest; a white female, her mother perhaps?!

She could barely contain her excitement as she thrust herself down from the rock where she had been sitting and ran as fast as her legs would carry her in the direction of the white wolf, who had much to her dismay, turned around to head back to whence she came.

<i>Wait! Mother, it's me! I'm here!</i> Screamed her mind, but her broken vocal cords would not shout what she so desperately wanted them to. She could only rely on her agility and speed to catch up to the other. Little did she know the wolf was not her mother... nor had she realised that most wolves did not take kindly to being chased by strangers, no matter how small and innocent they may look.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    my weakness is that i care too much.

The snow before her appeared to glow with a fierce brightness from what was to be the last waves of remaining light. Despite how the sun was rounding it's trip away from this part of the world, she continued on the trail of the bird. It was the perfect time the earth lit up just where she needed, almost brighter than if it'd been mid-day they way it happened to reflect. One time she might have stopped to behold the beauty, loll around without a care. The time was not today. She was already making poor use of the day, and did not stop to marvel any further at the beauty around her. She was most eager to find something to bring home no matter what. She was not relaxed in her walk, but thorough zig-zagging with her quarry's trail so engrossed in what the bird would taste like to think someone would have notice her or even be about.

It was not till she was slowly scooting away from the dead flowers, toward a baby pine where she was sure the bird awaited till the scuffle of very fast footsteps a yard or so behind her. Right away she became alarmed.

Snapping around, her head stretched upward, her ears like points, and her mismatched pair of eyes widened, soon finding the small white girl headed her way. Facade slightly wrinkled at the ridge above her eyes, not understanding why some stranger was barreling toward her of all wolves. Her thick muscles stiffened in a protective stance while her her tail lashed above her silver haunches. It was there she stood her ground, waiting for what this wolf wanted. Food maybe, or was she merely happy to see another canine? Maybe the reason would just surprise her.

None the less she kept her position firm, showing she had no mind to move nor attack just yet. All the while she tried to keep her hair flat upon her nape, though it was hard as she had been surprised by this unlikely stalker some of it was probably pricked like a porcupines at her spine. "'Lo," she said keeping her tone calm, yet indifferent at the same time.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Tyrant who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silence Adeni
<blockquote>The world disappeared behind her as she pushed herself forward, certain she had never ran so fast in her life as she was right now. Her mother was worth it though, her mother would take her home, keep her safe from the terrible world out here.

<i>Wait…</i> her mind screamed as she gained on the other. Her front paws were thrown forwards and her rear lowered to the flood as she tried to stop herself before she collided into the other wolf. She pulled off the move with only a few feet to spare and by that time the other had turned to face her. Instantly her golden eyes met the odd coloured eyes of the female before her. This wasn’t her mother… her mother had gold eyes like hers, kind, warm, loving golden eyes. And whilst this female wasn’t looking upon her with anything but curiosity, the feeling she got from her just wasn’t the same.

Her tail which had been lashing from side to side with excitement dropped to the floor as hurt settled itself back upon her. Her hopes had been so high that she had found her mother again her body was buzzing, twitching from every end and unable to contain the emotion which had been building within her since the moment she caught a glimpse of this female from her vantage point, she left out a soft whine… and another, and another.

Her head lowered, muzzle dipping to the floor with an apologetic thought following. <i>I’m so sorry… I thought you were someone else</i> her mind said, but her lips didn’t respond… they never responded. She didn’t lift her head again, merely kept her position low. Communicating was hard enough with her pack mates who understood her problems, but with another she could only hope they were an expert in body language and didn’t take her ignorance of a response as being rude.
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    my weakness is that i care too much.

Disappointment was written all over the girl's face. How strange. Hadn't she known who she was following? Pale brows set softly against her eyes trying to fathom why the girl looked like all her hopes and dreams had been shattered. Had she been believing she was someone else? There were plenty of white wolves around it would be an easy mistake if one wasn't paying attention. Before she might ask, or ponder further several whines pleaded forth. As if on cue the quail she had been tracking shot in the air, and very frightened flew away. She watched it for a second, a sense of failure pressing against her chest. It was too late to do much about it, and she turned her attention back to the girl.

She waited for more of an answer to her actions, but it did not seem she would receive any more. She took the simple cries for sorries, or mostly. They struck a cord with her mothering side, and she wondered if the girl was merely hungry, and hopeless wanting something more. Jaysyek could not say as the girl's scent was telling her she was older than her own children.

Head slightly raised her eyes would not waver from the pure white wolf who dipped her head downward. No harm done, and none felt her muscles loosened, her tail lowering slightly. "No need to do that, you just...surprised me," she admitted a warm smile finding place among her lips. "You lookin' for someone?" She asked, knowing it would soon be dark, and much colder.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Tyrant who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silence Adeni
<blockquote>It was lucky the female before her appeared kind hearted. She had been tearing down the hill after her with such speed she could have looked ready to attack or harm her in some way, but then again that was a laughable idea, with the sheer dainty size of her she was lucky to be able to bring down hares alone. She was just a defect.

Still, at least the other didn’t seem to take offense to her and that she took as a good sign. As she lifted her head a noise fluttered from the brush close by and a bird took flight in a panic. In return, the fellow female looked a little disheartened and Silence couldn’t help but get the feeling she was the cause of that look… and the bird’s quick exit. Could she do nothing right today?! She mentally scolded herself. She was an adult now; she needed to act like one and scaring off another’s prey and chasing down strangers were clearly not the actions of a full grown wolf.

She looked back to the other as she spoke, pleased to see a warm smile upon her face and felt herself calm a little. Her mother used to smile like that, reassuring and pleasant. She found herself lowering to be seated without even thinking about it. It seemed she felt quite secure for the time being.

At the question however, she could do nought but nod in response. Yes, she was looking for her mother, her pack. She had run away, sick of being so molly cuddled all of her life. She wanted to grow wings, taste freedom but she had paid a great price for it. She lost track of her surroundings and soon became lost but a day after her escape. Though it had only been a month now, she had pretty much lost hope of ever seeing them again.
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    my weakness is that i care too much.

The lass appeared so delicate. Her heart worn on her outer layers. The Hollow leader did not mind, too much that she had lost her chance for dinner. She might not have caught the bird after all. It had only been a chance for something different, than rabbit, hare, an mice. However, the thought of returning with nothing was heavy in the back of her mind. Her trip had been useless. Slowly her tail would uncurl, relaxing slightly. She could help the young lady, that had to count for something. She would guess the lassie was lost, maybe even separated by someone older. The problem was she did not say much, and Jaysyek was not confident in her own helping skills despite how she had gotten a bit better with time. On the paw she saw no other option but to do her best, believing in a good outcome. If the girl wouldn't speak she had to pick her brain on how to change that. Was she shy like Lettie or scared like the last lone female she had met? Skull tilted a fraction of a centimeter when the younger lady took a seat. Maybe, she isn't so worried after all.

Bob of head indicated she was indeed looking for someone, who, what they looked like she did not say. "Your family?" She said, hoping to entice some kind of description or name from her. More specifically if it was only one wolf or what. She doubted she belonged to Swift River because she did not carry the river wolf scent. The scents upon her actually seemed dull, but it could be the distance between them. her words faded into nothing. That sounded rude, not what she had wanted at all. She did want to help her. She didn't know how if she didn't know where to start. She didn't think approaching for a better sniff of her scents would be very polite. She'd probably scare her. "I'm sorry I want to help. Your not from around here are you?" Cautiously she took a meager step close, her nostrils twitchy just so, trying to decide if she'd met someone with her same perfume. After a few seconds she was positive she had not. How far had she come on her own?

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Tyrant who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silence Adeni
<blockquote>She bobbed her head in agreement. Her family. Her home. Her entire world had been lost to her. It was still a fresh wound as it had only been the start of winter when she had escaped their clutches, thinking she knew better and that life outside of her pack was more exciting. Honestly, she had been on more adventures those past few months then in her entire life, but that didn’t fill the hole in her heart where her family belonged. She hadn’t yet acknowledged the fact she wouldn’t see them again, her head might know the truth of the matter but it was her heart that refused to believe it.

At the females second sentence she met her eyes at last; they were a strange mix. She’d never seen anything like them. Most of her pack had gold eyes like her own and even though she had met a few wolves with a variety of hues in their eyes, she couldn’t quite get used to the sight of them not matching. She wondered then, if the female before her considered herself defected too. <b>Probably not. At least she can talk.</b> she muttered to her mind.

She shook her head then in response to her final statement. Though then the other took a few steps closer and took a whiff of the air; she’d seen this behaviour before, trying to recognise smells and patch them with memories. She could wish all she liked that the other would immediately know where she could go to find her family, but she wasn’t silly. Naive yes, but not stupid. She allowed her eyes to rise up again and take in the other female, checking her posture again before she allowed her own nostrils to twitch as she took in the others scent now she was closer; her smell wasn’t familiar, but she hadn’t been expecting it to be. Nothing around this place was familiar to her. </blockquote>

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    my weakness is that i care too much.

Not a single word spoken. Could be worse. She mused to herself, recalling some endless rambling of others. She was after all answering her questions to a point. She still didn't know who exactly, unless she really meant her whole family. She didn't think a whole pack would travel so far, but Relic Lore was full of suprises. How to have her speak?

She couldn't think of any great idea. Instead she caught her stare. It was something she had grown use too. The double take, and long intake of her mismatched eyes. Almost everyone who met her did so as if she was missing something instead of simply different. She had come to like them for the most part, after she'd grown accustomed to the awkward looks. It was the most unique feature about her, and it didn't bother her. She often forgot about it until someone new came along.

Soon enough her assumptions were made correct at the mere shake of a head. Hardly much to go on, but she would place what scents upon the girl to the fiber of her memory. That way if she should come across anything close it would be something. There was a sad motion the girl would not have a reunion very soon. Her chin rose ever so when she caught her checking her own coat. She didn't protest, she believed she was harmless. Or a very good pretender.

A sigh parting from her lips, she shuffled a hair closer feeling torn as always. "I don't know your family. I could help you look, but in the meantime do you need a place to stay?" She offered with a gentle smile, and feeble wag of her tail."You can tell me, I mean no harm."

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Tyrant who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silence Adeni
It was such a kind offer and in response she gave a small smile but shook her head. It was too early for her to resign herself to a new pack, but the offer was most kind and she was grateful for it… she just couldn’t accept it just yet. She wanted to find her family, and by joining another pack she felt like she had to acknowledge she’d never see them again. Silence wasn’t ready for that yet.

Silence caught the sigh emitted from the female and held in a small sigh herself. It appeared she was frustrating the other, even if her expression didn’t show it by her lack of communication. It appeared she was going to have to do her usual song and dance when it came to communicating. She felt like such a fool for it was such an un-natural thing to do, but what other choice did she have?

Slowly, she looked up to the other but didn’t quite make eye contact again as she began to move her mouth as if she were speaking. The words formed by her lips were <i>I cannot speak. I’m sorry</i> which she repeated a few times before she stopped trying and shook her head sadly. She didn’t look back up to the other again, she knew the expression would be confused or trying not to laugh but at least she didn’t feel quite so rude. It was all she could offer, other then a final shrug.