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dreaded return — Chinook Coulee 
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Played by Becca who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
for @Dread

She had smelt a pack nearby and made sure to stay away from their borders at a reasonable distance. Abaddon wasn't looking to start trouble with a whole pack. She knew better than that. One on one challenges or scuffles were okay but even her ego and large size couldn't do her well when faced with multiple bodies. So she winded about in a generally north direction until she heard moving water again. It took a bit of awkward footing to get closer to it but when she did it seemed rather worth it. A deep creek seemed to wind through the canyon along with shrubs and grasses along its shore. Perhaps this creek was even better than the one she met Ari at.

The squawking of crows got the large female's attention as bright yellow eyes scanned the area. Where were they and what was making them making such hellacious calls? Well, perhaps they weren't hellacious but Abaddon certainly didn't like to hear them. She spotted two of them squabbling over something. She moved with a lowered head and narrowed bright eyes towards them. They seemed to pay her little attention but she didn't mind. If whatever they thought was interesting was worth the work she would gladly give a few barks or growls to shoo them off.

When she got close enough she could see they were picking at a fish. It looked fairly fresh but she doubted that these two dark birds had caught it. Instead, they had just been lucky to stumble upon it and she had been luckier to have heard the birds' bickering. She gave a rough bark but they seemed to simply fly up for a moment before settling down on the fish again. It seemed they wouldn't be easy to shoo off.
Played by Silvia who has 105 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Dread Flint
Why he had chosen to go back home instead of just wandering, like he had originally upon leaving the pack upon getting restless feet, he had on idea. While he may have mentioned he was going back home, to see his family and see if there might be new siblings come spring, there had never been any true intent to actually return.

But upon his arrival home, he was glad he had. Having taken his leaving in stride and absolute joy, his sister was acting as if she was heir now all because​ of it. And yet Dread felt immense satisfaction in telling her that no, just because she was the eldest female in their litter and just because he left, it didn't mean she was now Heir. In fact, he was still heir and it didn't matter how big of a tantrum she tossed, he still would be. The entire thing of course, ended in Abbadon leaving and declaring that she was no longer part of the family.

Not that it mattered to Dread. His sister did need to be put in place sometimes and this time around, he saw it as nothing different. She'd either go home after cooling down or keep wandering afar. Neither his parents or he were worried in the slightest if the latter option happened, because they had spoken highly of exploration as a good endeavour.

However, after spending another few days with his parents, he left shortly after her, rolling his eyes and claiming he better make sure she didn't get into any trouble. Which his mother had snorts at and gave him a stare made him as if it wasn't only his sister got into trouble.

So he had bid them farewell and arrived back in lands he hadn't seen in a few months. And this time, he was set on exploring them some more, before doing anything else. The only thing he didn't expect to find so soon was his sister, whose bark he heard and instantly knew who it was from a mile away.

“Something smells a little fishy doesn't it sis?” Trotting up towards her as the words were teasingly dropped, upon seeing the birds gathering around the fish, Dread decided he'd be kind for once and lurched forward and with a snap of his jaws sent the birds flying further away this time. They squawked at him, snapping their beaks at him as they landed nearby. He just stared back for a few moments before turning to Abbadon, gesturing to the fish. “ladies first.” Not that the fish would feed both of them anyway.
Played by Becca who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
"Something smells a little fishy doesn't it sis?"

Her hackles raised and ears pressed forward as she spun to see her rat of a brother coming near. She had forgotten all about the fish and dumb crows in that moment. His little retort of ladies first did nothing but throw fuel onto her already raging fire. Her lips pulled back to expose her teeth to him. He was no longer family after his little stunt and he had no damn right to be here where she already was. There was one thing above all that really bothered her, though.

"What the hell aren't you doing home you rat?"

Her tail crept upward above her spine as she stared him down. "You come back, get the throne and then throw it all away again? That's why I should have been the heir." She didn't give a flying owl if his howl disappearing act had somehow been helping him in his goal towards the throne. A second time wasn't needed unless he couldn't get something through his thick skull the first time. Which wouldn't surprise her one bit. The large female snapped her jaws towards him. If she didn't want answers from him so badly then she would have very well ripped off his face and gave it to the crows by now. Perhaps her brother would have tasted better to them than the fish she had found moments ago, the one she had been so interested in before her unexpected and unwanted company.

Abbadon didn't let her gaze travel away from him. As far as she knew, he had no reason to be out here. There was a throne and mommy and daddy waiting for him back home. She had ditched them and the family name when she left so if he was here to drag her back then he was going to be met with blood lust teeth and claws.