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I'll turn around if you beg, if you beg me to — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
The father's eyes squeezed shut tightly as his daughter seemed to pop the decent sized snot bubble. Of course, the feeling of her pushing into him and her soft sighs were enough for him to open his eyes. He assumed it was some kind of instinct to ignore any of the mud or germs on her and proceed to lick her crown in a rhythmic manner. A soft hush leaving his mouth every now and then. Kerberos was content to cradle her until she felt better. He was unsure if it was the wack to her nose or the popping of her snot bubble that had caused her to cry. Perhaps it had been both.

"Shh, it's fine little one." The tawny male cooed softly as he gently ruffled the messy fur of her neck. "You'll be okay. I promise." He kept her close to him as he offered his reassuring words. Kerberos had to figure it was what Maera would have done (if not more) if Lacey had started to wail with her. Most of his cues on what to do had come from watching the female's care for the children. While he had experience it was in the form of taking care of the yearlings Reiko and Treyah. At that age, they could tell him what they wanted or what was on their mind but here he was rather clueless and just had to give it his best.

He laid on the ground and gently tugged Lacey to be better against his side. A few more gentle kisses were planted against her head. "What will make you feel better?" Perhaps it was a rather big question to ask his child but he figured if she wanted to play a game or go have a nap then she would say so. He hoped.
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Played by Mimi who has 23 posts.
Inactive Pup
Lacey Rigel

With a hiccough and a sniffle, Lacey found comfort in the warmth of Kerberos' armpit and the methodical sweep of his tongue over her head and nape. So far, the world was proving to be much too much for her, though she was bound to adjust to it. She pulled her feet in close to her body and sighed softly into his coarser fur, and after a few minutes passed them by, her sniffles and sobs were more under control. A few more moments went by and she could no longer remember what happened, though her nose still smarted and there was still a wet spot above her lips where the bubble had popped.

She willingly moved to press against Kerberos when he shifted, but the question he posed her was well outside her ability to comprehend. Lacey couldn't even remember what the matter even was, let alone what might make it better. Instead of responding with something intelligible, she stared into Kerberos' face and babbled some nonsensical baby jaron, then repeated, be'ah, and snuggled into his side, where she hoped to sneak a nap. Her eyes closed gently. Crying was tiring business for little tykes like her, as it turned out!

(This post was last modified: Aug 04, 2017, 01:54 AM by Lacey.)