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uneasy feeling — Traitors Tor 
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Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva
For @Weisser also @Saradathia if wanted to pop in!
Mid-day, Fog 53 ° F, 12 ° C  

Stepping out of borders earlier in the morning, the large female intended to scout the lowlands for any further signs of the elk herds that travelled through the lowlands north of the wild fields. Keeping an eye on the herd was crucial especially if the pack wanted to keep the caches full. Also knowing well where the herds stayed would give them an advantage once winter started to hit, knowing their patterns and feeding grounds could mean increased survival of everyone in the pack. With more pups this year than last year, the increased number of mouths to feed meant more work that everyone had to provide, but it will be all worth it in the end. Family meant everything to her.

As her paws took her closer to Traitor's Tor, giving her a shudder at the thought of what happened there merely a month or so ago. Her curiousity hightening as her bicolored eyes spotted the anomalous rock towers in the distance. Stopping in her tracks, she paused to take a long look before tentively continuing onwards up the steep incline. Passing smaller rocks that littered her path, her mismatched gaze trained on the peak. She hadn't realized before, but today the wind was almost absent. An unease pitted inside her stomach as she reached the top, her gaze trailing up the side of the largest tower.

Played by Weiss who has 2 posts.
Weisser Wolf
Weisser uncurled and stretched out his stiff, sleep-laden limbs as his gaze looked to the east to see the sun had arisen. He was out on one of his usual escapades, exploring what there was to explore. He'd come to the edge of the timbers and looked out over the lowlands to the northeast...before his curiosity won out and he ventured forth!

At first he wondered if he really wanted to go further than he already had...and if he did, would any inhabitants of this new area be friend or foe? He was certain there would be other wolves around, he could almost smell them as he traversed into the lowlands. "Hopefully I won't get into too much trouble out here..." He muttered softly to himself as he noted a distinct lack of wind, which meant-for better or worse, he wasn't sure yet-his scent was hardly going to be blown around and alert others.

This allowed him some comfort, as he knew this made him more or less invisible unless someone was either nearby or had high ground to survey the land from. Still, he made sure to tread cautiously and use every sense available to him to its fullest-ears perked to listen for the slightest movement in his direction-or any, for that matter. His nose equally on alert for any scent that might mean trouble. His eyes skimming through the landscape ahead of him carefully with every few steps...
(This post was last modified: Aug 22, 2017, 03:08 AM by Weisser. Edit Reason: First timer flub up )
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack"
-Rudyard Kipling, Jungle Book-
Interested in starting a thread? Message away!
Played by Brian who has 77 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Saradathia Kethian

The small arctic wolf paused on the low rise she perched upon, her silver silver gaze drifted out eastward, toward the vast lowlands and beyond, unsure how she felt about being this close to the plains she had once called home. Having traveled this far south after her long trek back from her old home in the arctic, Saradathia had returned for a couple of reasons, there had been little left for her in the immense, icy tundra, and a promise to a friend, having encountered him on her returning trek and promises of good hunting and a less harsher life than what the Arctic Circle could provide.

A soft sigh escaped as she realized something, there was little wind blowing, it’d make finding Wessier’s scent a bit harder, but not impossible, having noticed he hadn’t been at their makeshift sleeping space, assuming he may have gotten stir crazy and chose to explore around.

Stepping through the somewhat eerie fog shrouded forest,  Saradathia paused, sniffing the ground  here and there as she caught her companion’s scent, having picked up the dead hare she had cached from the night before, it swung from her jaws as she moved, eventually, through the enticing scent of the meal, she detected his scent growing stronger and stronger with each pawstep.

Catching sight of his snowy white body she picked up the pace, trying to make her presence known by her heavy steps and disturbing the foliage, she dropped the hare beside him as she approached “Pay back for that first one you gave me.” She said, pausing to take in the scene around him “It’s quiet here, reminds me of my old home.”

(This post was last modified: Aug 22, 2017, 08:26 PM by Saradathia.)
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva

With the fog and the fact she knew what happened here under these rock sculptures, the eerie, uneasy feeling was intensified leaving her hackles slightly bristled as the air around her was stagnant. Taking a deep breath, her mismatched gaze swept beneath the fog, her pale paws taking delicate steps as she moved through the Traitor's Tor. Watching the condensation collect in the air when she exhaled, she could feel her heart beat fiercely against her chest. A few more steps....


Wide eyes fell to the rock littered ground as she backpedaled away from whatever she stepped on. Sucking in a breath, her gaze fell on the remains of none other than Askan's uncle who attempted to murder his nephew. The body, she knew, must of been slightly buried, but scavengers from far and wide had unearthed the carcass, picking his bones clean. The skeleton wasn't yet bone white from the sun, instead a dusty yellow. However, the sight was still nauseating

Having enough of this place, the Rye beta swiftly escaped the tower of boulders. Ears flat against her skull, any noise escaped her for the moment as she sprinted down the steep incline. Once she was far enough from it, the sunflower slowed her pace and finally looked around. Suddenly, she spotted a couple not far from her, making her slow almost to a stop. Chuffing loudly to alert the pair of her presence, her mismatched gaze narrowing as she thought the snowy female looked familiar... 
(This post was last modified: Aug 24, 2017, 12:48 AM by Adelayde.)
Played by Weiss who has 2 posts.
Weisser Wolf
Slowly and steadily Weisser made his way forward into the lowlands, listening and scenting intently for any trouble...before he stopped upon hearing someone approaching. Unsure if it was Sara catching up to him or a wolf from another pack, he stopped and turned to face them. Noting it was indeed Sara, his expression changed from one of alertness and caution to a mix of slight remorse and intrigue-he felt bad for venturing on without her, but his curiosity was sometimes overpowering...what he didn't know was how far she was willing to follow him. "Oh, sorry Sara-I hope I didn't scare you by leaving. You know how I get sometimes..." He looked down at the hare and ate at it with vigor-finishing it in little time. He gave Sara an appreciative nuzzle for the meal. "Thanks-I needed that."

He started to proceed further when an audible chuff caught his attention...his form froze and almost immediately donned a submissive posture, with his body slumped and tail tucked, as he turned to regard the other female-he knew it was likely he was in pack territory, judging by several faint scents he was picking up, and knew it would be unwise to instigate a challenge. After a few moments of looking her over, he spoke. "I apologize if I am intruding in pack territory-I do not mean to trespass. I was just curious about lands outside of my den, and haven't ventured this far out before." He turned towards Sara. "This is Sara, she's a friend of mine who's been traveling with me." He turned back to the female. "We can turn back if you would prefer..." he paused, waiting to see if either of them might have anything to say or add...
(This post was last modified: Aug 24, 2017, 03:47 AM by Weisser.)
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack"
-Rudyard Kipling, Jungle Book-
Interested in starting a thread? Message away!
Played by Brian who has 77 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Saradathia Kethian

The small arctic wolf watched Weisser as he turned toward her, his facial expression changed rather quickly, At his words, a small smile formed on her lips, though she wouldn’t admit it, She found his habit of constant apologizing to be endearing. Surprised at just how quickly he demolished the hare, she brushed her cheek against his “No, ya didn’t scare me.” she said with a snort, “and I couldn’t tell.”

Saradathia paused when she heard the chuff, her torn ear angling toward the newcomer as she turned to face her. Silver eyes narrowed in turn as she caught the wolf’s scent. The tawny wolf was one she hadn’t seen in quite awhile, not since her sister had come to this region and had chosen them over the Rye Fields. She bit back a growl of frustration as she thought about her sister for a moment, opening her mouth to speak, but Weisser beat her to it, giving away just about everything about them both in a few short words.

“We’re not in any pack territory.” She said toward her companion, trying to hide her disappointment at how quickly he had almost gone belly up around another wolf, having wished she had been able to choose when she’d given her own name, having others do ti for her in this kind of situation irked her more then she had realized it would. “How’s the Rye Fields faring? she asked, hoping that just maybe Adelayde would recall that though her past packmates may have attacked her, she hadn’t been apart of it, not wanting to return and already stomp on paws because of past connections.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity