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A Life- Changing Offer — Secluded Spring 
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Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
Wille was certain. She had to move on. She did not know why. There was an urging in her heart to make her go to the Secluded Springs. It was an instinct.... She had heard there was a new clan lurking here. An voice in her mind told her this was the place to go.

She prodded forward placing a paw in front of her each time. Carefully, trying not to make any noise she lifted her head, smelling the air. She loved the fresh smell that filled her nose. Then something caught her off guard. There was a certain smell she had sniffed since her younger years, there was a wolf.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
OOC: Hope you don't mind me jumping in...

Kanosak had woken and Willie was gone. It wasn't unusual, but something was different today. He picked up her scent on the breeze and trotted off in the general direction it was coming from. It was in his nature to be nosey and he wanted to make sure she was ok.

He hadn't been to this area before, and couldn't really remember whose idea it had been to come here, but it wasn't an unpleasant place to stay. Eventually he stumbled across her. She was looking expectantly into the distance. He quietly moved up beside her and sat down, scanning the area to see if he could spot what had her acting so peculiar, and then the wind shifted and the scent hit him full in the face. Wolves. More than one... Had they found a pack already?
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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Ruiko felt more settled now than he had since before the Hidden Tree pack had disbanded. At night, the large male would curl his figure protectively around his beautiful mate’s side and would whisper of promises for their future, while during the day he would traipse the borders of their pack with the youthful Kinis and Volkan. It pleased him to know they had accomplished what they had sought for so long, but the tawny male was not without worry. Winter was a harsh season, and the bitter cold and snow proved challenging to the four wolves when it came to storing their caches. More pack wolves was something he desired, but their secluded home did not offer many strangers to pass by.

The day once more began with the hefty regal prowling his pack borders, scenting the areas where the pack smell began to fade. Every so often Ruiko would push himself up, his paws landing heavily upon a tree as his claws dug into the bark, offering a visual to any rogue that may come across the pack lands that this belonged to him.

When the wind shifted a new scent trailed to him. Tilting his muzzle slightly, his amber eyes blinking in the direction of the offending scent, the tawny male moved forward, curious as to what wolf had come closer to his boundaries than any other had in some time now. Finally, his gaze caught upon the slender figure of a pale she-wolf. No sooner could his muzzle open to offer a greeting did another come to view, this one a larger male who’s pelt was a fine tan and pale cream. Emerging from the foliage, Ruiko held himself with the new pride that came with his rank as Leader. His tail arched high along the wind, while his stoical eyes filtered between the two wandering wolves, deciding he was not going to be the first to speak this time.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
When the large tawny male came into view the smaller male started and wished he hadn't shaken so vigorously when he had first woken up. His long thick coat added a deceptive amount of size to his reasonably average frame, taking more after his arctic mother in height and coat length than his towering yukon father.

The imposing male had seemed to come out of nowhere, and judging by the way he was carrying himself he was high in the ranks, if not the alpha. Kano cringed. He thought he knew that look, and had learned similar ones often gave good reason to run, but he had to stand his ground for Willie, even if he was closer to laying down than standing.

He tried to make himself appear as small and non-threatening as possible. His tail was tucked nearly between his legs, only the tip waving in a small sign of non-threatening friendship. Willie would have been better off without him and he hoped he hadn't ruined her chances.

Deciding it was now or never anyway he said in a small nervous voice <b>"H-hello there... S-sorry if we're trespassing...it wasn't intentional, we're just looking for a pack, if a pack will have us..."</b> his voice trailed off, his nerves kicking in, but he didn't dare move from the little patch he had claimed as his pedestal. He didn't think they had strayed that far onto the territory yet or he imagined they, or at least he, would already be running off with his tail between his legs. It wouldn't be the first time, and besides, <i>if</i> there was a pack here, which was looking more and more promising as the moments passed, then maybe they were looking to recruit some extra wolves? A loner could only hope.
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Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
Wille looked back when Kano spoke, stammering. She padded forward carefully and quietly beside Kano's side. She had never been a pack, never felt a sense of belonging. She had never been taught the correct postures that you should show towards a higher ranking wolf. Kano had been in a pack, so she just followed him. The golden male had his tail tucked in his tail between his legs. Her friend had tried to look smaller and he certainly did. She contracted her muscles, and she was obviously smaller than him, cause she had a smaller build. She tucked her tail in between her legs and crouched down low.

<b>"Yes sir. We have come seeking a pack. We are just loners."</b> She said a little louder than what she would've liked. She looked at the tawny male. He was large, larger than Kanosak. He had a beautiful coloring, and thick fur. He could certainly beat her. Who couldn't beat her? She stared at the tawny male hoping to see a nod of approval.
(This post was last modified: Jan 19, 2012, 05:32 AM by Wille.)
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kano was unsure if the large wolf in front of them was contemplating or choosing to ignore them. Either way it was a better sign than outright banishment. He began to relax a little, inching upwards but keeping his tail low and ears back, avoiding the large males eyes while still acknowledging his presence and high rank. He was torn. Part of him was telling him he needed to flee, while something deeper than his conditioned fear of strange packs pulled him to stand his ground persistently but submissively.

He didn't expect to be accepted straight away, he knew they would have to prove their worth and he could only hope so blatantly standing his ground when every fibre of his being was screaming <i>Run!</i> would contribute towards that. The thought of being chased off again caused a ripping pain in his chest, only surpassed in pain by the thought of losing Wille.

She had never been in a stable environment before. She had never known the joys of helping to raise the alphas pups or hunting as a pack on land that was rightfully theirs. She had never had to defend borders against intruders or the overwhelming drive to make sure they all survived a harsh winter or drought, and it made him sad. It was every wolfs right to experience these things, and he wanted to make sure she had the chance. He inched closer to he until their sides were touching reassuringly. He breathed deeply, trying to relax for her sake but his muscles were still tensed, ready to run at the first sign it was needed.
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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Hey lovies. Sorry for the wait.. Still really sick. it's been over a week with this thing. :\
Also.. let's try to keep a posting order to keep things less confusing? Ruiko - Kanosak - Wille

The two wolves noted his presence – he must have seemed intimidating in his stoical silence for they both slunk down to a posture of submission. Approval cast in his bright amber eyes as the regal wolf studied each – the male’s pelt was interesting to him, a myriad of creams and light hues. The she-wolf was pale, though her eyes were bright.

Ruiko’s ears preened forward as they spoke, his muzzle canting slightly as his tail gave a light flick to the air. “You’re near the borders of a newly established pack, Copper Rock Creek,” he informed them, giving a nod to each to reveal he appreciated the respect they had shown. “My name is Ruiko Tainn, the lead male.” He allowed a small pause to drift between the two, his eyes flickering back and forth from one stranger to the other. The pack was in need of members, if they had the right attitude. “We are a small pack of only five.”
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Things were looking up, five was a very small number, or so Kano thought. He had left his birth pack because there were too many wolves for their territory to sustain, and he had done little but attempt to find a new home since. He didn't thrive on being alone the way some wolves seemed to. He couldn't imagine how his grandmother and grandfather had established a pack on their own, from what he had experienced it would take more than just two wolves to raise pups.

Kano relaxed a little and his ears flicked forward in interest as he thought he caught a familiar scent...but it couldn't be, she was a loner too...

<b>"My name is Kanosak... or just Kano."</b> he replied respectfully. His mother had told him his name meant golden where she had grown up and he had often teased her for being unimaginative. As he had grown, he had grown into his name, his yellow puppy eyes turning bright golden to match his light tan and creamy coat. <i>Please don't turn us away, please don't make us leave...</i> he pleaded silently to himself. If he got turned away again, he didn't how he would handle it. Maybe he was just bad luck...
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Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
Wille couldn't help but show a faint smile for the nod of approval given by the larger tawny male. She quickly hid it though, hoping no one saw especially the male, for he would see that she seemed cocky and rude. She hope he hadn't thought of her like that, already. It would ruin Kano's chances as well as her's. Kano deserved to be in the pack more than her. Kanosak introduced himself, and it was her time, to do so as well.

<b>"I'm Wille, Wille Lylla, sir."</b> She didn't want to leave She wanted to be accepted into the Copper Rock Creek Pack, and if she didn't Kano sure did. She wondered what the tawny male what was thinking. His eyes was unreadable.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
His words and greeting relaxed them a little – thus far they seemed to be little threat to his pack and the regal wolf allowed his own posture to smooth slightly. Their introductions were put forth, and while Ruiko quietly allowed his mind to reinforce their names, the small pause after they finished speaking only grew longer..

There lack of stating their interest in the pack never came forth, and the tawny male only assumed then that they sought to join his ranks. Blinking gently, the male canted his muzzle slightly, his tail giving a soft swish through the winter air. “If it’s my pack you seek to join.. Tell me why I should allow you in my ranks,” he rumbled, curious if the two wolves before him were mates. “What would you offer Copper Rock Creek?”