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The long road — Turtleback Lake 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
for my beloved @Phoenix

How long had it been since Askan had last called himself a loner? Months, or maybe even a year? It was so hard to tell, for when he looked back all he saw was false gold. A false sense of security and worth. And what was it all for, in the end? He'd done most of the work, slaved away to ensure the caches were full, that no one went hungry. Had relentlessly patrolled borders that were not his own. And what thanks did he get? Next to nothing, and instead was taken advantage of time and time again. Well no more.

It had seemed like a paradise, he'd wanted to spend his last days there with Reyes, till he was old and grey, but now he saw the field for what it was. A path to ruin that was paved with good intentions.

Was he a coward for taking the easy way out? Would Little Bug resent him for what he had done? Would the good times they'd spent together mean nothing in the end? God-he rarely even thought of it these days- he hoped not. But if they all really cared for him, would they have preferred he ride it out? Remain somewhere that made him feel unhappy, used? If they really cared for him then the answer would be no. They wouldn't blame him or Reyes for the choice they'd made. But since when were things so easy? Askan wouldn't have been surprised if they were all slagging him off behind his back right there and then.

Askan sighed and shook his head as he paced along the lake shore. Aside from that he was okay. Both he and Reyes were adults, they could look after themselves easily enough. At least until winter really settled in, then what? Would they roam the lore forever? Just the two of them, a couple of handsome, if not tough buggers?

Yeah, okay. Askan could deal with that.

But then, of course, he happened to see her...And well, would there be any harm in making their duo a trio?

"Oi, Percy!"He yelled, bounding over to her with a spring in his step. Man, it was good to see her again. That much was clear on his face."How you doing?"

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by becuffin who has 129 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Phoenix Avalon
So raise your glass if you are wrong
Phoenix Avalon

Water lapped around her elbows as she stared down with squinted eyes, hoping to catch a flash of silver that would give away something edible beneath the surface. She had been standing here for so long her toes had gone numb and she was about to give up anyway when a familiar voice called her name. It made her heart leap and her tail wave, the rapid spin of her body back towards the shore enough to startle any fish into the deepest parts of the lake for days to come. "Kana!" she yelled in response before charging from the water, all wet fur and flailing limbs as she closed the distance between them.

Something was different in the way he held himself, but she wouldn't question it yet, trusting he would tell her in good time. For now her focus was on closing the distance between them and trying to tackle the much larger wolf to the ground (even though she knew her chances laid somewhere between Buckley's and none given her slender state and his experience). She hadn't even stopped to shake off yet so the greeting would be a soggy one but she didn't even care. Just like she said he could, he'd come and found her, and she couldn't be more happy to see him.

(This post was last modified: Oct 08, 2017, 02:57 AM by Phoenix.)
[Image: alice_pixels_by_marinatedmermaid_db0ijia...bx39aw.gif]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

There was no mistaking it, this was his Percy. Which wasn't to say he was unsure to start with, he had recognised her the moment he laid eyes upon her. But the fact that she charged over-just like the good old days-just solidified the fact, allowed him to lower his guards as he offered her an earnest grin and a few wags or two of his bushy tail.

What he didn't expect, however, was to be barrelled into full force. That would have been fine on his own, he was a big guy, he could certainly take it. But the girl was sopping wet! Dripping from head to tail! Askan wrinkled his nose and squinted as he back peddled a little...before he promptly gave in. Whatever, it was just a bit of water, he'd dry off eventually.

"All right, all right."He rumbled, giving her an affectionate nose boop.

He looked her up and down...and shit she'd grown even more since he'd seen her last. Even going it alone she managed to grow like a sprout. And honestly, considering the size of her mother he assumed she too would be on the smaller size. But no, she was almost-not quite- as tall as he was! It was a little strange for him, she was practically an adult, hell that had been the case when he'd seen her last. But he supposed that seeing her out here, all alone just sort of ran the fact home for him. Made it seem all the more real.

She had so much of her Father in her and yet there was no doubt that Jessie was her Mother. That stubborn streak and those scary mean looks she wore when she was angry. Jeeze, just thinking about it made Askan wince.

"I'm here to take you up on that offer you made...That is, if it's still open."He hoped she would remember, or this would be more than a little awkward.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by becuffin who has 129 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Phoenix Avalon
So raise your glass if you are wrong
Phoenix Avalon

She expected this to be a quick visit and she intended to make the most of it. Who knew when he'd be able to get away again with the wind blowing colder and food becoming harder to find? So when he spoke of his purpose, she froze, eyes growing wider to match the grin on her face as the words sunk in. "Really?!" She all but shrieked, "Do you really mean it?!" Her paws left the ground as she bounced, then resumed slapping the ground in an excited fashion, punctuated with play bows and short excited yips. She never thought he'd actually leave... and he wanted her to come with him!

Two quick spins were enough of a display, though her whole body shook with the force of her waving tail. She had to know. "But what happened? Why the change of heart huh? Is Reyes coming? Where are we going? Is there anyone else?" She didn't stop to think that perhaps her questions would be overwhelming coming so quickly and close together, she was too excited! Askan, who she thought would stay at the Rye Field forever, was here, now, asking her if she still wanted to leave with him. She still wasn't convinced it was all a dream.

[Image: alice_pixels_by_marinatedmermaid_db0ijia...bx39aw.gif]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

"Course I do." He said, wondering what he'd done to make her doubt him so.

Her excitement was infectious and despite his generally grumpy demeanour, he couldn't help but revel in it. It felt so damn good to be wanted and valued, something he realised he'd been left wanting back in the field. He knew that they'd cared, that much was obvious enough, but it wasn't the same. Nor was it enough in the end.

Askan had no intentions of prancing about like she did, but that didn't stop his tail for swishing from side to side in a brown blur. His tongue lolled out the side of his mouth in a goofy grin as he watched, revelling in how joyous she was. Only when she calmed down, did he explain. For there was no use trying to talk to her when she was dancing and prancing about like a spring hare.

"Well...the thing is, more people left the field. And I wanted to have a word with your folks about it but they just blew me off, didn't even give me a chance to say my piece. And this was after your Mother had a right go at me and Reyes-yeah we screwed up but...She went too far, called me stupid to my face. So we figured enough was enough, I'm done being a doormat." He shrugged, with a roll of his hefty shoulders. There was more to it than that but it could wait till later.

"I'm honestly not sure where we're going but... As long as its anywhere but here." He shrugged again. They had too much history here, it was time to move on."I heard Cottongrass will be coming as well, so it'll just be the four of us. Not sure where he is right now but he'll find us, he has a penchant for that."

A wide, fiendish grin spread across his lips as he gave Percy a boisterous shove.

"Think you can handle us guys, huh?"

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by becuffin who has 129 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Phoenix Avalon
So raise your glass if you are wrong
Phoenix Avalon

Percy's brows drew down to hear that her parents hadn't come to speak with him. Remi thought everyone was avoiding her too... it wasn't even a whisper under her breath, pieces of a puzzle slowly clicking together in her mind, but then she realised if she spoke now she'd be starting a new topic half way through and she couldn't expect Askan to psychically know what she was talking about. She was swept up in the retelling of her mother calling Askan stupid, the fur over her shoulders bristling in obvious disapproval. Askan was many things but stupid wasn't one of them.

When he said he was sick of being a doormat she forced her muzzle under his chin in an attempt to lift his spirits with his head. She didn't mind that they didn't know where they were going, as long as they were together. She had never met Cottongrass but she was sure if Askan thought he was okay that they'd get on just fine. "Got room for an extra?" she asked with a wave of her tail, news of her own to share. "I ran into Remi a few days ago, she'd been by home... I didn't ask too much about it... but I did ask if I needed to kick your butt for being mean, and she thought maybe you were avoiding her. She got lost lookin' for me, figure I owe her one..." her voice was hopeful. She'd always liked Remington, "Y'know, in case there are foxes wherever we wind up..." She added with her best winning smile. He couldn't say no to her, could he?

(This post was last modified: Oct 12, 2017, 01:42 AM by Phoenix.)
[Image: alice_pixels_by_marinatedmermaid_db0ijia...bx39aw.gif]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

As disappointed as he was, Askan had no intentions of creating a divide between Percy and her parents. If anything, he wanted her to at least give them another chance, to swing by the Field, say hello to her siblings and perhaps even try to make amends. But knowing how stubborn she was and how much she seemed to dislike her brothers and sister well...Askan wasn't going to start holding his breath anytime soon. Maybe she would change her mind when she got a little older, maybe not. The Selwyn was sure he would see in due time.

He would claim that he was over the insult, that it didn't bother him anymore but that would be a barefaced lie. Nonetheless, he appreciated Percy's attempts to console him and allowed her to tip up his chin, as though it would make everything better. It worked, in a sense. It felt good to know that not everyone agreed with that statement,  that at least some people believed in him.

Giving her yet another nose boop, Askan eagerly nodded at her words.

At first he simply assumed she was talking about herself, but as she continued it was clear that wasn't the case. Remi? He hadn't heard that name for what felt like aeons. She vanished in the spring time and it was as though she'd never been in the field in the first place, just like the rest.

Her name brought up a whole mix of emotions, such as resentment and melancholy-after all she had been good-  but then he remembered he and Reyes had just done the same. That it wasn't wise to through stones in glass houses, for if she was a deserter then they were too.

Sighing, Askan shook his head. He knew he was massive hypocrite and yet it was difficult for him to let it all go. Even now bitterness swelled inside of him, making his heart feel hard and heavy.

And yet he had such a hard time denying her, he couldn't say no to Percy. Anyone else-aside from Cotton and Reyes- he'd have no problem. But her?

"I suppose,"he huffed, maintaining his flair for the dramatic."But I won't be nice, you hear me? I'm still mad at her."

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by becuffin who has 129 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Phoenix Avalon
So raise your glass if you are wrong
Phoenix Avalon

As he considered her request Percy adopted a more serious expression, but she was still unable to keep her tail still. A wide smile appeared on her face as he gave in, her body swinging to collide with his in her excitement, "Aww don't be like that Kana, she's a good one." For someone that was usually so weary of new additions it was high praise from the fire-eyed girl. She started to wander towards the copse where they had been sheltering with a tilt of her head, "We've been hangin' out over here." Of course, she probably could have just howled for the pewter woman but she was enjoying her time with Askan and was in no rush to end it.

"There's a decent amount of fish in the lake but it'll be too cold to catch 'em soon." She mentioned conversationally. Food was the only reason she'd managed to stick in the area as long as she had, after all.

[Image: alice_pixels_by_marinatedmermaid_db0ijia...bx39aw.gif]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

"I'm not being like anything."He protested, sounding more like an angst ridden teen than a mature man.

As much as he hated to admit it though, she was right. His displeasure was evident and the more he thought about Remington the more his mood soured. This was supposed to be a happy moment, he wanted to be glad to see her, to know that she was well. The way he saw it, it'd be better if this topic was put on the back burner, at least until he'd had some time to think about it. Then maybe after that they could talk it out and see what happened from there on out.

He turned his attention to the lake and eyed it's glassy surface. Fishing huh? He was still God-awful at it, but he assumed Percy was at least decent.

"Catch me a fish and I might lighten up, who knows?"He bumped her back, making sure he wasn't too rough with her. She was a lot bigger than she used to be, but she was still Percy, and so he'd never do a thing to hurt her. Even by accident.

"I'm no good at it. Either get a mouth full of water or fall off some ice and land in a freezing river. Not too keen to learn, honestly. Not when I've got you around to do it for me."He shot her a wink and one of his most charming smiles. He was quite the looker when he didn't have his resting bitch face in place.

With an overly dramatic huff, he planted his butt on the sandy beach and with a wave of his paw gestured for Percy to begin.

"Time's wasting."

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]