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I'm Losing My Mind — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
The creek was silent place during the winter. Though ti was still running, the thick sheat of ice blocked all sounds. Snow covered the trees around it, the earth, hiding all life from view. Here Rebecca was, thinking of testing the strength of the ice that covered the freezing creek. Falling through it would be extremely dangerous, she might not get up, but washed under the ice and drown. Still, she wanted to know. Plus Rebecca had got a strange feeling last time she had been in danger. It was so nice feeling, she wanted to welcome it in her body and mind again.

Carefully placing her paws and going down the slope that lowered to the creek. It was hard to be sure that the ground was solid due the snow that covered it. But she didn't hesitate. Not until she was on the edge of the ice. There she had to wonder why was she doing this? Reba didn't see herself as a stupid wolf, but what else this was than stupidness? Oh well, she was already here, why not give a try?

Rising her right front paw above the snow, slowly moving it forward, Keeping her head high, tail stiffened, eyes wide Rebecca placed the paw on the ice that seemed to be thinner than she had thought now that you was so close to it.
(This post was last modified: Jan 17, 2012, 01:09 PM by Rebecca.)
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Ksi who has 35 posts.
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Suvah Avani

Little darling, I feel like ice is slowly melting . . .

OOC: :)

If one had to pick an epithet or adjective to name the white season that cooled the richness of the Reliclorian air, it could most certainly be peaceful. At least, that was what Suvah thought. It may had been for her lack of desire to socialize, but, despite her permanent attention to any kind of hassle nearing, she hadn’t really felt any kind of trouble, neither involving herself, nor any other wolf she had witnessed or had an encounter with; at least in the brief time she had wandered through those territories. Life inside of the woody limit seemed to be as quiet as the chilly ambient showed itself, and it was not the first time the silver wolf had found herself wondering if her everlasting inquietude was just a waste of time and effort. She remembered her first months of life, always hiding, moving, trying to find a safe spot for her family to rest; life outside didn’t appear to be half as tranquil as it was in Relic Lore, and Suvah still doubted whether if it was really like that, or it was just what her parents had made her believe in an effort for keeping her safe for the rest of her life. But what kind of life would that be? She didn’t want to be hiding for the rest of her years, she wanted to explore, to smell and to learn, and if she was completely sure about something, it was the fact that her secludement wouldn’t bring her all that knowledge.

Humid nostrils huffed at the crystalized ground, and claws paced forward in a light trot, bordering the chilled shore of the now motionless current, open orbs scrutinizing for a small hint of moving water. That morning, the young fae had decided to put an end to her inability to fish anything. She reminded –maybe too clearly- the facility with which her new acquaintance, Fallen, had caught a pair of fishes right in front of her nose not too long ago, and how she failed to do the same a few moments later. He had promised to show her how to do it right, but her proudness didn’t seem too keen on asking, and she desired the satisfaction of learning alone.

It didn’t matter, that day wasn’t proving to be the best to go fishing, she had discovered, glazing unpleasantly at the iciness of the rivulet.

It was after a few steps, when Suvah realized the presence of another wolf near her. It was an onyx stain in the whiteness of the scene, and the silver vixen’s mind clicked as an interrogation to her own mind. Although the scent didn’t arrive as well as she would have liked to, there was something familiar about that frame, and her paws reached a few hesitant steps, tail lifting in curiousness. Either if the stranger was known or not, what was catching her attention was the fact that they seemed to be trying to walk on the apparently slippery –and dangerous, in the Avani’s opinion- surface of the creek, and her head tilted as she witnessed the scene, mind too confused to care about being discovered or not.

Here comes the sun, and I say . . .

It's  a l r i g h t.

Lack of muse warning! Posts may come slow!

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los hermosos aullidos del Lobo
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Putting weight on the paw that was located atop of the current. <i>Crack!</i> Okay, it wasn't strong. Rising her left front paw and placing it next to the right one. <i>CRACK!</i> It definetely wasn't strong. Putting more weight on front paws. <i>crack.</i> Moving right front leg on the ice, putting weight on it. <i>Crek crek CROOSHH!</i> the ice broke completely, leaving the ebony wolf standing on nothing.

As you might realize, Reba was unable to fly. So she splashed in the freezing water, whole body disappearing for a short moment. Danger. Joy rushed through her veins, eyes gleamed if you could see them. Ah, crazy girl. No matter how insane Rebecca was with these dangerous feelings, she had the will to survive and that made her to bulp to the surface, grabbing the ground under the strong currency and finally lifting her front paws away from the water, to solid, snowy ground.

Rebecca always had thick fur, which was not nice during summer, but in the winter it was very helpful. Now it kept her skin dry, despite that her fur was wet and already starting to froze. Pulling herself away from the water, moving few along the river and then attempting to do it all over again.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Ksi who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Suvah Avani

Little darling, I feel like ice is slowly melting . . .

The heart skipped a beat, and orange eyes opened wide at the sight of what was inevitably coming next. Limbs stretched to run a few steps almost in a nervous impulse, although the wolfess wasn’t unable to discern whether if she had done it as a desire to help, or just as a whim to watch more closely. She shifted to and fro, paws leaving a trail of dirtied snow in the shore, tail flicking in tension, but unable to cross or pose a paw on the frozen river. One more gaze of tension was shot from her near position, and a sigh of relief came from the faded snout as the other wolf impulse themselves out of the frozen water, clutching wet claws to the snowy ground, and getting out of the nearest of deaths.

Suvah observed carefully with widened eyes, heart still beating too fast for her mind to formulate or answer any possible rational question. What the hell was the other thinking? Was the wolf crazy? One does not need the brightest of minds to know not to step on ice, even the young one knew that.

“Are you alright?” was all her mouth was able to pull out of her. But the young’s mind clicked once again, clearer scent filling the entrails of her nostrils. That black wolf. Or wolfess, to be precise. She knew her. It was, without any doubt, the scent of that femme… Rebecca… that hid under the wet coat of watery smell. She regarded the darkened figure, pictures of her immediate past flashing inside of her mind. Maybe she wasn’t the most careful of wolves, Suvah imagined, remembering the injures she carried the first time they met, and how she appeared to want to jump on the water again.

Here comes the sun, and I say . . .

It's  a l r i g h t.

Lack of muse warning! Posts may come slow!

<center>Para que en las noches españolas
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los hermosos aullidos del Lobo
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Boggling Rebecca jumped away from the water, quilty look on her face. She knew she shouldn't do that and now she was trying it again! But the feeling was so good when you sank under the water... She wanted to have more of it. But what if there was some other ways to get that wonderful feeling? More safe ways? That was something she needed to think about later on, now she ahd to remember who this fae was.

<b>"I'm allright... Suvah was your name, right?"</b> she asked shaking her wet fur, still looking quilty, voice low but not in threathning way. She didn't look her in the eyes, she couldn't. Reba had just almsot killed herself in front of someone's eyes, just how not good thing that was? Still she was glad to meet someone, someone who had stopped her during her crazy tests.

Sitting on the ground, tightly closing her eyes and taking a deep breathe. Why was she even behaving like this? Why she got so much pleasure from deadly dangers? What was wrong with her? If anything? Tighting her neck muscles, eyes closed as she stiffened ehr body, head tilting. She loved and haited this at the same time...
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Ksi who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Suvah Avani

Little darling, I feel like ice is slowly melting . . .

Suvah tilted her head in an slight impulse. Something in her mind was telling her that maybe, just maybe, the other one wouldn’t remember her name. It had been quite a few days, and she wouldn’t have blamed anyone, after all, not every wolf needs to have the tranquil life the silver pup did –or rather, didn’t- enjoy. But Rebecca did, and the young one nodded a few times as a response to her question, yet she couldn’t hold a small hint of nervousness in her orange eyes.

Although the blackened femme had responded to her question, and had made the effort to remember her humble name, she didn’t seem to be stepping the ground as much as the interrogative Suvah was. The young one regarded her, unsure of what to do, or if she should do anything at all. Rebecca seemed tense, thoughtful, as if she was too busy seeking something inside of her mind to take an actual look to what had just happened.

“Why did you…” the fae mumbled, her voice tone rising as words rushed from her throat. A roughened cough made her stop, thinking twice about what was she going to ask, she didn’t want to be rude to her, nor did she want to end up being attacked by the older wolfess because of her quick tongue. “What were you doing?” She finally asked. She wasn’t so sure the other femme was feeling as fine as she wanted her to think.

Here comes the sun, and I say . . .

It's  a l r i g h t.

Lack of muse warning! Posts may come slow!

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los hermosos aullidos del Lobo
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
OOC: Stupid internet!! It slowed down and I lost all my typings.... This might not be as good, forgive me... >-<

Suvah quitted her first question, probably to change it in better form. Still Reba could quess what she ment to ask. <i>Why did you do that?</i> The truth was, and is, that she didn't quite know. She wasn't sure. How could she be, when head is telling you to do something that in worst case kills you? Rebecca had no idea why she did, counting off that it felt incerdibly good... Was that a good reason to risk your life anyway? No...

Opening her eyes and turning them to Suvah, but not being able to look her in the eyes yet. <b>"I... I don't know..."</b> was all she could say. Quily, deeply quilty look on her face and in her eyes. A brutal honesty were her words, she had no idea what she was doing.. Yes, she was after that great feeling she got under the water, but why was that feeling coming, why was she after it? Those were the things she had no idea about.

Body flicking towards the creek, eyes pulling her head to that direction. Why was it so hard to her to keep herself away from there? Away from the danger? Why she desired that feeling so strongly? Reba was barely able to keep herself away from the ice. Eyes moving to the watery hole in ice, mind telling her to go there. Why did it tell her to do that? Something so dangerous?

Tearing her eyes away from the creek, turning them back to Suvah. The desire knocked her, telling her to go after the high feeling she had under the water. Taking another deep breathe, collecting all her thoughts to one location, amking sure to clear her mind. Now she was even able to give Suvah a small, weak smile and a little wag of her tail.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Ksi who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Suvah Avani

Little darling, I feel like ice is slowly melting . . .

OOC: Sorry for the wait and overall ugliness of this!

Suvah couldn’t hold the most obvious of interrogatives she had ever shown, and it pictured as a remarkable tilt of her head as she assimilated the words she had been given.

The answer Rebecca had formed, responding to her more than vague question was, to say the least… surprising. She wasn’t expecting any kind of logic response, to tell the truth, as her mind couldn’t still comprehend why would a wolf, or any creature for the matter, walk over fragile ice without a serious pretext; but still, her mind had been making her own pictures of what could have been occurred, and she was expecting the female’s response would have, at least, half of the sense her own images made. Perhaps she had to escape from an angry bear, or maybe she was trying to fish- much like she had been trying to do and would still be trying if it wasn’t because of their encounter-, or maybe the poor Rebecca was being chased from another angry elk…

The silver fae chuckled quietly, shaking her still dreaming head. It had been a while since she had taken something with so much humor, and her guts cringed in a small twitch as she realized what she was doing. It was not right, she decided, looking upon the ebony female. She didn’t look very well, and it was a mix of her humid scruffy look, and the fact that she hadn’t even dared to look at Suvah’s eyes, what had informed her of the other one’s instability.

Paws leaning forward, the faded snout of the grey bitch peeped at the so desired icy hole with a mixture of both curiosity and fear. She wasn’t going to jump, oh, she was so sure of that; and yet she somehow expected, by just looking at it, to understand what was going on with the older female.

But the hole didn’t do anything.

Anything good.

The pup hadn’t even noticed her own front claws stepping on the ice, ice that relentlessly wrecked under the weight of half of her body, ice that disappeared inside of the hidden current as her head and shoulders quickly flooded with the iciness of the moving water after a despaired whine, the only sound she had managed to tear out of her throat before feeling her skull trapped under the notable cloak of frozen water. She pulled with all the strength of her hindquarters, just to discover it wasn’t enough to compete with the superior pulling of the moving current. She was trapped.

Curiosity was going to kill the cat.

Here comes the sun, and I say . . .

It's  a l r i g h t.

Lack of muse warning! Posts may come slow!

<center>Para que en las noches españolas
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los hermosos aullidos del Lobo
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
What was she doing? Rebecca watched as Suvah placed her front legs on the ice. Okay, she had done that herself, but as far as she knew, Suvah had no mental problems. Whta she thought she had. Outrage was seen from her eyes as Suvah's front body disappeared under the water, then envy. Rebecca had pulled her wills away and hadn't go in the water again, and now Suvah did... Just how much she must've enjoyed it?

Then Reba thought about it ilittle moer, head tilting with thoughtful look in her eyes. She hadn't enjoyed the danger before, and if it was true she was now insane, she ahd no reason to expect Suvah was aswell. What if she didn't enjoy being there? What if she was trapped, not wanting to be but unable to get out? Her whine had told about that. Why did she just stand here?!

With one leap Reba was behind Suvah, rtying to figure out how to get her out. The ice was too thin to carry her body weight. But did she care about that? No. Carefully, but quickly, Rebecca walked on the ice, not caring about it crackings and squeakings. Walking in front of Suvah, quickly lowering her body, pushing head under water and grbbing her neck. Biting her jaws tightly together and using all her powers to pull Suvah away from the water. Just before the ice finally broke and the ebony wolf splashed in the icy water again. This time she was in deeper water, her legs didn't reach the bottom. Jaws were far from Suvh now, Reba had no idea whta had happened to her, but she knew she was in trouble.

And she felt awesome. Curarne carrying ehr awya under the ice and Rebecca felt absolutely wonderful. It was undescrivable feeling, but if you needed to choose one wrod, it would be pleasant. That continued quite long time before her mind finally understood that she needed oxygen. Trying to get to the surface, but the currancy had carried her far from Suvah and the hole in the ice. And it was too thick to be broken from underneath. Still, the happy feeling was way too strong so that panic could've brake through it.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Ksi who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Suvah Avani

Little darling, I feel like ice is slowly melting . . .

OOC: sorry for lateness once again, tomorrow I'll start the thread with Akila, too!

Her mind hadn’t even had time to think about her inability to breath. She was looking, but couldn’t see. All she sensed was her weight, the exploited strength of her back limbs pushing, muscles almost wrenching, clinging to her last exhale of life in a deep hole of desperation. Water, pressure pushing inside of her head, as if the liquid was spreading inside of her hollow ears, she could feel it flooding her mind and body whole. Her maw clenched in fear as her heart pounded inside of her, blood running resonant inside of every bit of her. She couldn’t think, and unable to articulate a miserable word to echo inside of her forgotten thoughts, all she did was follow her instinct, and keep pushing for dear life.

It had felt like an eternity, a thousand years had passed through Suvah’s soul when she felt the breathe of a lifetime filling her lungs with a high pitched whine. Air. Oxygen. The whole weight of her full grown body collapsed to the coldness of the snowed floor, twitching in her own struggle to live again. Then, she felt reality menacing from above as a deep prick of pain thrashed her wet rump in a metallic trail. She let out another prompt whine, and suddenly all understanding came to her as her skull lifted in uncertainty. Rebecca had saved her. But where was she? Her crown rose, twitching rapidly in desperate search for her savior.

She had fallen.

“REBECCA!” the deepest of howls emerged from her blackened lips as her limbs moved rapidly in her run across the shore, parallel to the river’s current. Aching with every stride, she flew as she had never did before, seeking with rounded eyes for a hint of something, anything that could tell her that Rebecca, the onyx female that had saved her without hesitation, was still alive. She searched and searched, and finally reached a point in which the ice seemed to melt. But her mind clicked, danger spreading through her senses. That wasn’t enough. If she wanted her to life – or, at least, to find any hint of her body-, she would have no option that to help water emerge from those damned piles of crystallized ice. Frozen paws touched the slippery surface again, and without any hint of hesitance, strong claws proceeded to pounce and dig, hoping to break the weakened surface and looking back and forth to the watered surface every so often.

When the ice had broken into a million of pieces, the silver fae submerged her body into the water, and felt with false glee how the running current was weakened in comparison to the portion of river they had idiotically fallen into just a few instants before. Clinging to the evaporating ground of the river’s shore, she advanced, and pounced one more time at the sight of a dark stain into the moving water, trying with all of her might not to step on shallow water. She felt her nails sink into the mud as her teeth snapped into whatever patch of the black body she could reach, and pulled once again as she felt the bitter taste of the wet coat inside of her jaws.

Her legs ached. Her ears buzzed. And her heart seemed to explode, drowning in adrenaline. But she didn’t care. All she did was pull, fight for the life of a friend.

Here comes the sun, and I say . . .

It's  a l r i g h t.

Lack of muse warning! Posts may come slow!

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