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The sound of silence — Silent Moon Plateau 
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Played by Arla who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Revon Argyris Archer

The scarlet fox was getting more frustrated with the annoying words tumbling off the dark stranger’s tongue. Apparently the loner was not pleased with her repetition act, for her retort came quick and dripping with venom. But the girl didn’t mind. Sure, she was scared—she was acting dangerously bold in the presence of a snake-tongued loner—but she wasn’t entirely stupid. A little daft sometimes, but she knew where she stood and how far she could push her luck before the loner decided to take a bite out of her hide.

Whatever, she commented with a roll of her eyes as she uncoiled her legs, pushing herself into a stand. The scarlet Archer gave a quick shake, her fiery gaze fixated on the older female. She had gotten bored of this game. The dark female wasn't doing anything wrong (yet) and Revon no longer found entertainment in pestering her. It was time for her to take her leave. Just stay clear of the borders, alright? She added in a bored tone before jumping off her post and trotting away from the loner. She'd alert her parents of the loner, just so they could keep an eye out on the borders... Fade, thread complete.

(This post was last modified: Dec 04, 2017, 01:41 AM by Revon.)