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Birds Watching — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by Silvia who has 105 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Dread Flint
When there was nothing to particularly encounter on while on a border patrol, Dread would often keep an eye out for any sort of tracks as well. But today, there was no such luck. Oh there were a few birds chirping up in the trees and he saw a hare dashing off in the opposite direction, in the far distance but nothing he could easily sink his teeth into.

The loud cries of geese flying above him made him pause, ears perked as he looked up to the skies. That was right, it was about time for the noisy fuckers to go wherever they went during winter. And Dread was for it. He hated geese. They were loud, obnoxious and an angry male certainly hadn't chased him once, as a pup...

Shaking his head, the large male went back to his patrol, marking sure to strengthen any weakened marks he came across and keeping and eye out for anything out of the ordinary. Which part of him hoped that something did happen, so he'd have something to do. But that was the nature of patrols, he thought. Most of the time, nothing really happened.
Played by becuffin who has 309 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Treyah Tainn
I'm like wax to your jokes
Treyah Tainn

Treyah had been rather busy hoping to track down any sign of Lacey, so when she was at home, she was working overtime to make up for her absence. Tenebrae's efforts hadn't gone unnoticed, his scent always thick on the borders and frequenting caches that had more food put into them than had been removed. It was with a great deal of gratitude that she picked up the pace to catch him when she crossed his trail, her tail waving happily behind her as the dark wolf came into sight just ahead.

She playfully barked a greeting, sprinting across the final distance before bumping her shoulder into his with some force. Treyah couldn't really shove her father around with his bad shoulder and everyone else was a great deal shorter than she was, at least he came close - even if she did still outweigh him by a long stretch. her jaws clicked in a mock challenge, low growl in her throat an invitation to rough house. All work and no play never did anyone any good, and there was far too much of the former and not enough of the latter getting around these days.

[Image: treyah_by_loccian_love-dc7mu4q.png]
[Image: treyberossig_by_becuffin-dc8ufez.png]
Played by Silvia who has 105 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Dread Flint
Treyah's playful bark first alerted him to the other, so he swung his head around as he slowed down for her to catch up. And catch up she did, purposefully bumping into his shoulder, though he knew it and the low growl she gave, was nothing more then an invitation to play rough.

Clicking his teeth playfully back at her, he returned her shoulder bump with his own, though with a little more force then she had, because she was that little bit more weight on him.  But that didn't matter, that just meant she could probably take a few hits without complaint.

"careful how you throw that fat arse of yours around, ya might squish someone with it." Bouncing a few feet ahead of Treyah, he half turned to face her, a playfulness gleaming in his firey eyes and his tail wagging behind him as he lowered into a half bow.

Yet without missing a beat and to catch Treyah of gaurd, he leapt forward and to the side a little, wrapping his front legs around her neck, in hopes to topple her over.
(This post was last modified: Nov 13, 2017, 07:40 AM by Dread.)
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by becuffin who has 309 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Treyah Tainn
i'm like wax to your jokes
Treyah Tainn

"Pfft!" She struggled to contain a laugh at his jab, "Just means I'll have a better chance of surviving the winter, don't worry though, I'll eat you first." It was a tease of course, the actual thought of consuming another wolf turned her stomach, but he didn't know that, and it was honestly the sort of banter she might share with her mother or brother, were they still around of course.

She wouldn't let the fleeting thought drag her down though, @Dread made sure she wouldn't have the chance. As his paws wrapped around her neck, her own feet splayed to take the weight of them both. "Rookie move," She taunted as she bit into the loose skin of the side of his neck, not hard enough to slice through the tough skin but firm enough to hold and then she pulled down, hoping to dislodge him and gain the upper hand.

[Image: treyah_by_loccian_love-dc7mu4q.png]
[Image: treyberossig_by_becuffin-dc8ufez.png]
Played by Silvia who has 105 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Dread Flint
Laughing as his neck was playfully tugged at, Dread allowed himself to slip off Treyah’s neck and carefully flopped into the ground below. Yet the male decided to give into his mischievous behavior and play it up a bit.

After all, where was the fun in just play fighting?

“Oh no, you’ve greatly wounded me!” Dread mockingly cried out, making a exaggerated noise of pain before waving his legs in the air as if he had really been mortally wounded. “Oh foul beast, how could you? I thought we were friends!” Turning to look at her with wide eyes, Dread gasped, as if he’d just made some great revelation. “This was all a ploy wasn’t it? You really are a witch and enchanted me so you could bring me back to your witching lands and kill me for the most power!”

This was all said with the most obvious overacting Dread had ever done in his life, even so far as rolling onto his back and sticking his tongue out after exclaiming "well witch, finish me off now before my corpse becomes too rotten!"
Played by becuffin who has 309 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Treyah Tainn
'Cause nobody can save me
Treyah Tainn

He fell far too easily and for a moment Treyah was genuinely concerned that she had caused him a very real injury. She stood there with a startled expression on her face, his tone taking a moment to register within her perked ears, a deep huff of relief preceding the laughter that overtook her. Treyah playfully raked her teeth through the fur along his cheek, a warm growl leaving her chest as she spun her body to stand parallel to Tennebrae. There was a smirk at the corner of her mouth as her legs connected with the man's rump. Dramatically she allowed her back end to collapse, bringing herself to half sit on the dark wolf. "I dunno, you're more comfortable than the ground, maybe I'll keep you around a bit longer."

[Image: treyah_by_loccian_love-dc7mu4q.png]
[Image: treyberossig_by_becuffin-dc8ufez.png]