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i've been living wrong — Umbra Copse 
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Played by Hero who has 40 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Deadlock Soule
For @Ember I remembered! :D

He couldn't tell how long he had been in this forest, but judging from the occasional hoot of the looming owl he figured that by now it was well into the late night hours. If he could, he would have asked the owl for directions a long time ago, but instead he kept one keen eye on the opportunist hunter and another on where he could finally stop to rest. High rise trees with their protruding branches were leading him on a path southward, at least he expected it to be South judging from the thick moss that covered the trunk even down to the root; he could tell that even prey avoided this place. It wasn't long before he slipped through a tightly lined ring of trees that he heard the sound of fleeting feet and followed the sound instinctively.

His breathing became deep with excitement as he tracked the smell of the unknown until it seemed to disappear into thin air, and looked around the darkness as best he could only to notice that the trees had grown more sparse but finally he could make out the outline of the illuminating moon. The owl; his strange companion, had followed him and looked, with wide eyes, as he lifted his forepaws on the trunk of a tree and sniffed at the healthy moss with hopes of catching any scent. He found one, it smelled of deer, and he lowered his mix-matched eyes to the ground to see if hooves were in a trail nearby leading to its hideout, and tracked the stale scent for a short while. It was by luck alone that he found the rotting deer corpse, but mostly bones remained and he took it as a sign that something had been here recently and hunted with success; no paw prints indicated what.

He picked a bone up into his mouth, a mediocre snack while he figured his way out of the forest, and settled down to his stomach at the base of a tree that the owl had landed, chewing at the ends of the bone greedily. He supposed he deserved a small break, it wasn't as if anything would be traveling these lands with him at this time of night.
(This post was last modified: Nov 13, 2017, 11:07 PM by Deadlock.)
Played by Cadence who has 112 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Ember Reinier
omg sorry this took forever @_@

She hadn't meant to stumble upon him, and while she could tell from the age of the kill that he was scavenging, Ember still thought it unwise to continue her careless traipsing. So she hovered, just within sight but at a distance that it was clear she refused to be a threat. If worse came to worse, she would certainly be able to disappear into the darkness before he could even dream of catching her. She didn't want his food, wouldn't contest him for the meat, but now that she was here and she saw him, Ember wondered if maybe he'd provide her with some company.

Travelling alone was so, well... lonely.

She chuffed at him, to get his attention, without moving closer. If he proved to be in a sour mood, she'd cut her loses and turn tail instead of further wasting either of their time.
[Image: wWiXRe2.gif]
[Image: BYPyAlz.png]
Played by Hero who has 40 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Deadlock Soule
You're fine, i know how busy RL can get.
He caught whiff of the smell of wolf mixed in with the stale stench of rotting flesh, dirt, mold and musk. It didn't take long for the stranger to make herself known and he stopped chewing on his bone just long enough to stare her up and down, wondering what was going on in that head of hers. She was a sight for sore eyes, a beauty even in the dim light, and she would surely make great company in the darkness of this forest therefore he stood to his height and gave her his full attention. The sound she gave hadn't gone unnoticed and without thinking he sniffed the air, identifying her lack of pack scent and approached her cautiously. "There isn't much food this way if that's what you were hoping to find." he assured her, a ear tipping backward with the wind.
Played by Cadence who has 112 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Ember Reinier
He certainly wasn't unfriendly in his demeanor, but he also gave little away as his dual colored eyes regarded her. Tentatively, her tail picked up in an amiable wag, to further show that she had only friendly intentions. Only when he began to move closer did she feel she could do so as well without being perceived as a threat or a nuisance.

He mentioned the lack of meat, and she shook her head.

"I'm good for a few days still, long enough to get me back home," she assured him with a small smile.

"I'm just... incredibly bored. Hoped you wanted to talk. You uh. Can keep eating. I don't want to be a bother."
[Image: wWiXRe2.gif]
[Image: BYPyAlz.png]
Played by Hero who has 40 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Deadlock Soule
@Ember soooo sorry for the wait >.<

She moved closer and a single ear flicked backward while he watched her body language in silence. She was nervous; rightfully so. He had forgotten about the now cracked bone, obviously nothing more than a toy in the hands of both canines as Deadlock had made every effort to lick off any remaining tendon or string of meat. She had mentioned that she was not hungry and a part of him figured it was a half truth, her yellow gaze seemed dim with a yearn for nutrients but unfortunately there was nothing left. There wasn't a scent to be found for miles. "I'm finished." he assured her when she mentioned that he could continue eating and with a cock of his head he finished. "Where is your home?" he figured it was nearby in the Lore.