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Lossing Hope — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
It seemed like forever since he had eaten last, his pained and grumbling stomach was a constant reminder of this. While walking he growled to himself angrily, "you had to prove them wrong didn't you? and of course you had to leave the pack in the middle of winter! So stupid!" He could feel that his strength was leaving him. He never planned to die he just merely wanted to show his <span class='word'>mettle</span>. With his dwindling stamina he had been unable to outrun prey and had to resort to eating the bark from trees. He looked up at the large moon wishing for mercy, he had been following the faint scent trail left by the wolf he had met so long ago. He was allot larger than himself he should be able to at least catch something so he wouldn't die of starvation. What a blasted way to die, he thought to himself before his traitorous stomach protested again. "Shut Up You!" he growled toward his belly. He knew he needed food desperately and soon or else he would die.
(This post was last modified: Jan 27, 2012, 05:32 PM by Kashikoi.)
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kano had settled in to his new pack merrily. He had been reunited with Rebecca and Wille was finally learning about what it meant to be to be in a pack. They were all well fed and secure and he let out a contented sigh as he patrolled the borders marking and rubbing as he went and checking for any unexpected scents. As he neared the place where he had first crossed the borders to his new home he picked up a familiar scent on the breeze. He hadn't seen the scrap since they had pulled down the deer together, and that had been weeks ago. The yearling was often in his thoughts. He had wanted the younger wolf to stay with him, but Kashikoi's pride would have been wounded if he had forced the issue.

He knew he had a task to do, but he justified straying past their borders by reminding himself he was investigating an unexpected scent. He confidently picked his way forward, he had grown into his new role and pack. His tail was held high, a far cry from the submissive approach he used to take when approaching another wolf, he had every right to be here and although he didn't expect the scrap to be a threat, formalities needed to be taken care of first.

As the small wolf came into sight his tail dropped in shock. He had been in a bad state when he had first met the little brown wolf but now he was skin and bone. <b>"Hey Scrap!"</b> he called out affectionately, trying to keep the shock and fear from his face. If he didn't find something to eat soon the younger wolf probably wouldn't last the week. <b>"Didn't anyone ever teach you how to scavenge? Wait here..."</b> He knew times were harsh but there were bound to be casualties of the cold.

He shook his head and raced off to a nearby warren. He crouched low to wait, and when an unsuspecting bunny emerged from it's hole he struck quickly and painlessly, returning to the small brown wolf with the still warm corpse, dropping it in front of the pup and sitting, waiting. There had to be a reason he had come here.
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Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
His ears perked up as heard the call "hey scrap" he couldnt believe his eyes it was kano and he smelled of other wolves. Maybe he joined a pack! His luck was starting to look brighter already. After kano kano told him to wait he slumped to the ground and closed his eyes as he waited. He quickly woke as he smelled kano returning and with food too. Not able to muster any formalities due to his sad shape he started to tear into the hare after kanosak dropped it infront of him. When the hare was nothing left but shattered bones he began to speak. "im so glad i found you ive been having a hard time hunting and was looking for you to try and get a hunting partner at least for the winter. You see ive been barely surviving off of bark and too tired to hunt" he took a breath before finishing "and now i found you and you smell of other wolves." Kashikoi then looked up at kanosak to judge his reaction.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
He almost sounded disappointed. Kanosak gave him a lopsided grin and chuckled. <b>"Yeah, I met up with Wille and we stumbled across Copper Rock Creek... just as Ruiko, the leader, was marking the borders... which was what I was doing before I caught your scent..."</b> he added a little sheepishly. He had a job to do and here he was chatting away, wasting precious time, but the scrap was obviously in need of his help, and he felt obligated to the younger wolf to do what he could. <b>"Anyway, the rest..."</b> he shrugged, it was obvious in the change of his scent. <b>"Funny thing is, another lone wolf I met up with, the first one I met that didn't try to chase me off actually, is in the pack too. Strange how things work out."</b>

Obviously he couldn't leave his pack to help the struggling yearling, but it was then the idea struck. They were still a relatively small pack, and there were other yearlings he could learn from and with. He was far to young to be out on his own, but it wasn't his call to make. <b>"I could see if I can find Ruiko if you wanted to hang around for a bit?"</b> Kano offered. He tried to think of where the alpha would likely be at this time of day. If he was searching for another pack mate like Reba or Wille he wouldn't hesitate to howl but he thought in this case he would do better to approach the alpha in person.

He hoped the scrap was brushed up on his etiquette, the alpha was an imposing wolf and Kashi would need to show a reason why he should be permitted to join, and given his sorry state Kano wasn't entirely sure what that would be at this stage, he knew the boy was fast when he was in better condition, and he had shown promise during the hunt they had shared. Association probably wasn't going to get him very far. He sat patiently, waiting for the younger wolfs answer.
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Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Seeing that lopsided smile made kashikoi smile a little. It was true that kano looked healthy and well fed it was obvious he was part of a pack. He listened to kanosaks story which only proved that his theory was true. "if you want to hang around for a bit" was what kano had said next, was he being invited into a pack? Seeing how well fed he was compared to his own meager body which was just skin an bones now <span class='word'>Conciliated</span> his choice. " I would love to stay if i could."
(This post was last modified: Jan 27, 2012, 12:19 PM by Kashikoi.)
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kano thought about it a moment longer. He had a feeling, even with the extra help he would be out patrolling as well. It would probably be less hassle just to take the scrap with him as he continued marking the borders. Worst case they would return to the den together and Kano could make the introductions there, a yearling, especially one in so poor of a condition, wasn't likely to be a threat to an established pack.

<b>"Think you can walk straight now?"</b> He questioned the younger wolf. He would have to last out for a little bit longer anyway. He continued along the border, marking as he went until the towering form of the tawny alpha came into sight. He dropped his ears and tail in submission before approaching his leader and getting formalities out of the way as quickly as possible without seeming disrespectful.

<b>"This is Kashikoi..."</b> he explained motioning to the scrap of skin and bones that was trailing behind him. <b>"I met him when I was a loner, we hunted together and he picked up my scent. He wants to know if he can join the pack."</b> he said respectfully. It wasn't his place to be accepting wolves into the pack which was why had sought Riuko out. He sat calmly, giving the younger wolf a reassuring look. It was up to him now.
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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The borders were a common place to find the hefty male – in the past he had always maintained such a role, even when he sat beneath Marsh in the hierarchy. Yet now his need to do so was spurred further.. to protect everything he and Kinis had waited so long for. Other pack scents drifted along their territory, and while Aeylen’s scent was as strong as his, there was one other whose scent lingered protectively along the edge of their territory. Kanosak.

Ruiko had yet to properly introduce himself to the two newcomers of the Creek, in truth, he had meant to get to know Rebecca better as well, and in time he knew he would. Thus far though, Kanosak had certainly bettered the pack, and the tawny wolf was becoming grateful to the male.

It did not surprise him when the sight of the golden male came to view. Casting his bright amber eyes from one wolf to the other, the leader took in the scrawny form of the younger male, noting the malnourishment. Winter had taken its toll, it seemed. Prowling closer to the two males, the regal wolf’s muzzle lifted in dominance, his tail arching naturally to his back as his pelt bristled lightly in the presence of a stranger. Kanosak’s explanation was quick, and as his eyes fell upon the yearling, the Tainn male was uncertain. “Do you have any skills or specialties?”
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kashi nodded at kano's question to if he could walk and stood up feelling better. He followed kanosak as he worked on finishing his pack duties. Kashi was in awe as the large tawny wolf came into view before kano even started formalities he tucked his tail underneath him. When kano introduced him kashi performed the formalities necessary to show submission which was easy seeing as he was just skin and bones."Do you have any skills or specialties?" the massive wolf had asked. "im fast and can run for a long time when im in better health i know that i dont look like much but i just need a second chance, ill do what you need me to do." he dipped his head submissively after he finished.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kano watched the young wolf as he stated his case and smiled adding <b>"As I mentioned before, we hunted together, he did well for one so young... even if he did get a little distracted towards the end..."</b> he added with a teasing grin. The deer was done for by the time the strange female had yelped, and Kano had already given him a hard time about it. He hoped Ruiko would let the young wolf stay, he might not make it through the winter if he was sent away.
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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The stranger revealed proper submission to the male, and as the hefty regal awaited the yearling’s words, he gave a light nod in return to both males. While the boy was scrawny now, the regal wolf was not one to turn away another so young and vulnerable. In time when he was nourished and had gained his strength back he would assist with the pack… until then.. “Kanosak.. Why don’t you take him to one of our caches. Give him something to eat. Perhaps find him a place to stay.”

With the words barely past his lips, the regal wolf strode forward, his stiff limbs relaxing slightly before his jaws cupped at the wolf’s muzzle in dominance and acceptance; Kashikoi was now a member of Copper Rock Creek. Pulling away, the tawny leader gave a small nod to the two males, his large figure slipping past the two to continue along the borders. For now, the Creek pack was one stronger; or.. would be, once the yearling healed from his hardships.