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Playing in the Shadows — The Wildwood 
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Played by Sara who has 3 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ixia Liatris
She had swept through meadows and marshes and flown to the peaks of mountains, from which she watched the land around her live and grow and hate and love as though she were a god; the force which had given birth to everything beautiful and vehement in this world. From her throne she would then dive into all bodies of water - lakes, rivers, springs - and in them she would swim and twirl, her whole body drenched for hours after if the weather was bleak or cruel. In the night each paw pressed silently onto soft soil, leading her between flowers and trees, wandering nowhere yet everywhere. She enjoyed her surroundings only in the moments she was in them, never turning to look at them whilst on the move - being pensive was not compatible with the pass time of traveling.

For the past few days or so, the young girl had found herself in the company of many woodland creatures, roots and species of foliage, and the pace of her quest had slowed remarkably. Still not yet an adult, Ixia experienced bursts of energy and excitement, which quite often fizzled out to a heavy languidness and lowered expectations of adventure and surprise before her interest was re-sparked. Little did she know that the lands of Relic Lore buzzed with the energy of men, women and children of her kind, and almost anything was building up in-store for her... often, young wolves were taught that 'there was no knowing who lurked in the shadows or around the corner.' A wry smile curled her lips at the thought of the ironic phrase as Ixia dragged her walk to a halt and lay in an especially shaded section of the forest, leaning absently against a mighty trunk which towered over her comparably insignificant body. From there, seafoam eyes twinkled out the dark, the tip of her tail brushing her flank, her head raised beautifully. It was time for a short break.

forgive me, she is new (x <b style="color:#4ba093;">"speech!"
(This post was last modified: Feb 01, 2012, 05:28 PM by Indru.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
You are so eloquent, I loved you post, and Ixia is lovely.

Night time often released the more ponderous side of Indru's nature and it was the winter that had been surprisingly mild compared to some previous ones Indru had witnessed that was the subject of his attention tonight. There was no complaint from his side, but he could not help but feel apprehensive that the worst was yet to come and it unnerved him to think it may be nearer towards breeding season. His children would be older at least if things worsened which was a blessing in its own right but the new ones—the unborn children he and Cori were likely to have this year—would have a harder time.

Swift River had felt the loss of the three adults when his brother had left to form his own pack, but it was a loss he accepted readily knowing the reason behind it. For a while his and Ruiko's relationship had not been as close as it once was but with the new pack Indru had hoped that it would be rebuilt with a equality between them instead of one being beholden to the other. His large paws left only the softest whisper as he prowled through the familiar, homely forest; his whole life had been spent either within or nearby these tall trees and he felt he knew each almost like a member of his family. For once his paws did not carry him towards the ruins of his birth-home but instead he let his nose lead the way—his curiosity clear in his movement as he sought the lone young female nearby his territory.

In the darkness, with the occasional moonbeams breaking through the thick canopy, her white fur had a ethereal appearance and she almost seemed to glow. She was young and he could not help but notice her beauty even though to him none would quite compare to his Corinna. Hello, he called, keeping a distance so not to startle her but raising his tail just slightly so it hung just the height of his spine. She was smaller than he (as most were) and he didn't wish to scare her but he knew the musky dominant scent that dripped from him and also permeated these trees so close to his territory would not go unnoticed. I'm Indru Tainn, I lead a pack not far from near, by the swift river. He paused briefly to let her digest the information, still holding his position confidently yet with an alertness before asking a question softly, what do you call yourself?

(This post was last modified: Jan 27, 2012, 06:12 PM by Indru.)
Played by Sara who has 3 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ixia Liatris
The arctic she-wolf dismissed the soft rustlings in the forest - since five months or so ago she hadn't seen a single canine of her species, and she was not interested in the wildlife scurrying around her. The familiar scents of wolves had lingered in her nostrils if she ever happened to chance nearby a claimed territory, but it had been ever so long since she had taken one in with her eyes. A social animal at heart, it was perhaps rather strange that this didn't bother Liatris as much as it might one who had grown accustomed to pack life, but she herself was content to ghost around on her own. In the imagined scenario that two or more of her kind were gathered in conversation, Ixia stayed glued to the shadows, curious to watch but reluctant to step out into the front line. She was observant, a beast of few words.

And so it was with alien surprise that Ixia took the approach of another wolf - he was tall and dark, coloured in extravagant shades of browns, creams, blacks and fiery reds, and he held himself with a dominance which clashed against her own free-spirited nature. The young lady shrank into where she lay, her forelegs pushing her back ever so slightly, translucent ears folding snugly against her skull. Confidence and arrogance was a funny thing, for she felt quite virile when she was alone, lacing the remnants of her scent through the maze of a thicket or woodland... and yet, here, in front of this man - one aligned with the likes of a pack, a lifestyle she had never truly gotten to know - she felt much... perhaps 'smaller' was not the word entirely, but oftentimes Ixia was not one to be adequately described.

Ixia had grown a gypsy, her mother and father herding herself and some distantly remembered siblings of hers, occasionally accompanied by other gruff and friendly adults, often on their own in different habitats before they'd gotten used to the last. Her parents had lived to see many sights and hear many sounds, and it was with great detail they lavished their stories into the heads of their children. Lia grew up picturing wolves with the colour of the soil and the sand splashed onto their coats, rarely ever coming across such strangely shaded strangers in real life - the tundras which they roamed were full of the white and the grey and the rare and unfortunately black. At first her visions were taken in with wonder, but said admiration quickly turned sour and contemptuous; there was one wolf, perhaps two if he were mated, who controlled the others and their birthing rights... and then there were the rest: adults who hunted and lived and didn't have children without permission, men who weren't able to get up and leave whenever he so pleased, expected to battle in wars they didn't even want to happen... women, who were in some cases used to rear young for the pack and not for themselves, lived their lives behind sad smiled and distant, worn eyes.

Since she had braved the wonders of the world on her own, Ixia's naive and angry thoughts began to diminish in her mind, no longer casting loathsome towards the heart of claimed land in hope of her bitter resentment touching the leader inside, but she had never quite grown fond of the idea. It resulted in an instant skepticism towards the man, but she shooed it away from her exterior and kept it locked in the back of her mind, waiting desperately for him to step out of line and blame it on his power. 'You could tell the minute he raised his tail,' it would coo gleefully at her, 'even on terrain which wasn't his to start with.'

Upon delivering his introduction, this Indru man inquired her of her own name. <b style="color:#4ba093;">"Liatris," slipped from her tongue, that angelic voice innocent and charming, full of fruit and youth. Slowly, possibly out of genuinely discomfort with her physical relation to him, the soon-to-be-adult took small steps with her forepaws backwards until her chest was propped up on stilts, in a stronger, seated position. Her mother had taught her that the name 'Ixia' was a precious one that shouldn't be thrown around as carelessly as her last, and her father had quite menacingly agreed - their reasoning behind said ideas were unknown to the girl, but she had accepted them as general conduct, a rule to refer back to in times like these. In time, perhaps, she would develop an intimate attachment to her first name, a calling she would offer only to the men she loved and the children she would some day come to raise. <b style="color:#4ba093;">"Why aren't you at home?"

sorry it's so long, i decided to stop when i realized how lengthy it was getting (x <b style="color:#4ba093;">"speech!"
(This post was last modified: Jan 27, 2012, 07:42 PM by Ixia.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

At his approach she eemed almost to recoil, a timidness that he perhaps didn't quite expect. It was a undeniable submissive gesture, afraid or not, but it was not a shameful one as the whole point of submission after all was to deflect aggression and avoid injury that could be fatal to any wolf, particular one on their own. She seemed to note his introduction and Indru was then pleased to hear her respond to his question in kind, her voice just as sweet as her appearance, feminine where his was masculine. After a brief pause he nodded slightly in acknowledgement, his tail swaying softly behind him as much in idle thought as another way to show his attentions were good.

She asked a question of him then and after a moment, for it was a more personal one that his own he felt as he had offered his own name first, decided he would answer. Scouting, his response was a simple one and he watched her carefully, curious, I like to know what is around me and my pack—my children wander these woods, I would not have them hurt. He did not mention that he had been born here, in these very woods, or that most of his life had been spent here before a wildfire took it away and since he was often found here, as unknowing as he was of her, Indru would not be so silly to give so much away. What about you? You are new to Relic Lore. He was confident in his assessment, he knew these lands better than anyone par his siblings and he could scent already that little of the land clung to her fur and that it had only been recently Relic Lore soil had clung to her paws. In winter, so young, is it wise to be without a pack? It lacked the tone that could have made it patronizing for Indru did not intend it to be and instead his previous curiosity there with, admittedly, a little concern. No lone wolf led as comfortable a life as a pack one and she was undoubtedly not learning as much as she could be. For example Triell, his yearling brother continued to learn daily from the various skills and knowledge the River wolves were privy too, surely a pack would suit the young female better.

(This post was last modified: Jan 27, 2012, 08:06 PM by Indru.)
Played by Sara who has 3 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ixia Liatris
Taught throughout her childhood not to fall into the trap of trusting a stranger, it was with great attention the arctic she-wolf scrutinized this alpha, and her premeditated distaste towards his 'kind' had already begun to rear it's head in the abandoned corners of her mind, stirring from its forced slumber, peering into the scene with the beginnings of a devious grin etching onto its face. The virgin essence she naturally submitted to believed with no doubt that Indru was a man who meant well, a figure she could feel safe and calm around in spite of their opposite lives. If she allowed such a thought, she might've even ventured to think he had potential to be an uncle of sorts.

But, of course, she was not so profoundly stupid - no one could conciliate her after so brief a meeting. The brows on her forehead furrowed in his returning question, uncertain exactly how she should have taken it - she was not fond of her actions being questioned, and enjoyed her solitary in that there was no one to oppose her ideas. The fact she had, herself, asked him a question had been almost entirely forgotten, for she was unskilled in the art of conversation. The familiarity of an honest concern was not enough to shroud her standoffish demeanor, and even with her chest open and head raised to a standard, slightly raised level, Ixia's ears remained flat, legs not entirely relaxed. 'You aren't young enough to speak of wisdom,' she thought rebelliously to herself, writhing privately at the knowledge she, too, would soon be a fully fledged 'adult'

<b style="color:#4ba093;">"New? Unwise?" She repeated, challenging him, but also willing him to see her way. Her voice held no vehemence, only the cool, tinkering sound of a girl forced into premature independence. <b style="color:#4ba093;">"There is far too much to witness... why would I waste my time not being new, or being 'wise'?" A thin simper graced her features, casting an eerie light on her dangerously unpredictable mood. She remained polite, opening up the doors to an authentic discussion, if he so desired, without allowing herself to open at all. Beneath her feminine bulk both elegant forepaws shuffled, eyes plastered too wide by merely a fraction on her perfectly ashy face. Whatever final rays the sun had cast into the once purple-and-blue sky had diminished out of sight, and now only the contrast of white on black turned up in all lines of sight. It was night time.

ooc <b style="color:#4ba093;">"speech!"
(This post was last modified: Jan 27, 2012, 09:52 PM by Ixia.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Faded out due to character inactivityIxia sure is interesting. :D I think Indy cannot help but have a bit of residual parental-worry for her haha.

As similar to Triell, his younger brother, she was in age their seemed little similarity between them. In fact, as she responded to her question he was surprised to find that he felt Triell had a greater maturity, a more realistic world-view of things than this shewolf who had spent time alone. After all no wolf who wanted to live long would choose to stay alone through winter, especially not a yearling. There is time to explore later or before, plenty of time, he began, confused at her seeming unconcern about the dangers of winter. Even adult wolves were hard pressed to survive in such harsh conditions. But through winter... Even a fully matured wolf in their prime of their life would think twice. He was unsure if her words were meant to be a challenge or merely a way to perhaps show off but he did not take the bait either way, he felt confident in his own abilities to fend the female off—especially as he was bound to be in a much healthier condition than a yearling who has spent months fending for themselves, not long having learnt to hunt successfully.

It is concern and a opinion I am voicing, no judgement. I have a younger brother your age—he's like a son, I raised him almost as such—and I would not like to think of Triell out alone during winter. Instinct almost wanted him to bristle in frustration but he resisted, a small frown creasing his brow as he continued to ponder the female before him. Though Indru had always been rather paternal, since having his own children the feeling had only increased and it had been the thoughts of a parent, thinking of his own children, that had made me make the comment. In places you do not know, and with—you cannot deny it, I too was a yearling—you lacking the experience of a full adult wolf, winter cannot be a easy place when alone. Indru saw no shame in admitting that winter was a struggle for any wolf alone, in fact he saw more stupidity in admitting the opposite and once he had voiced his opinion he waited, still not having moved, his fiery eyes watching the female before him to see what she would do. However, it seemed the female had other intentions in mind—wise or not&mash;as after she replied she turned tail and left rather abruptly and Indru decided to leave her too it.

(This post was last modified: Feb 06, 2012, 12:41 PM by Indru.)