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Who do you think you are? — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

Title creds to listening to the song "who do you think you are" lol thought it was fitting XD set to after their thread with Thuban @Kajika

Oh was she mad. Offering him a place in their ranks? How could he not consult her about these decisions? Granted the subject never came up in conversation but still. The onyx woman was irritated at the whole situation. They couldn't be a charity pack. Not with her child to see through winter and the Vuesians morals to uphold. Sure Namid and Vespertio were kind and understanding rulers but they didnt take bs either. Having stormed off after the interaction Moon huffed and puffed trying to decide how to blow off steam before she took her frustrations out on someone.

Word Count: 000
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

He'd known before she stormed off that she was not happy with what he'd done. He knew that he couldn't let it go and hope that she would get over it. She was stubborn and perhaps her know she wouldn't agree but he had his reasons. They needed to talk so he'd followed her. “Moonshadow,” he called as he caught up to her, “We need to talk this out. You know I don't like it when your mad at me.” He hoped that might relieve some of the tension he could feel brewing between them and he waited preparing himself for what he was sure would come. He just hoped she was in a talking mood and he didn't end up getting his hide removed.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

wow shes pissy. Lol poor Kajika

Her mind had just decided that a run would help but that idea was quickly stomped out by the sound of paw falls. Of course he followed me. The sound of her name made her grit her teeth. Now was not the time for a chat. She didnt really understand why she was so angry. She really shouldnt be, but for some reason she just was. And it seemed like it could be taken out on her best friend.

"We need to talk". A low almost silent growl rumbled in her throat as she turned towards him. Brilliant silver pools were narrowed into slits as she looked at him. She was leading this pack too. She too was entrusted with its well being...not just him. Sure this time the trespasser did it on accident but what abiut the next time? And if its offered to one then font they have to offer it to all? Her silver dusted tail flicked back and fourth behind her, her ears laid flat upon her skull and her head was lowered as if she were sulking, which she kinda was. "Well go ahead. Talk." She finally said her voice sharp and annoyed. He had better have a good explanation for this.

Word Count: 000
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

A cool off period probably would have been a better idea but Kajika couldn't let her walk off without hearing him out. He would hear her out and they would talk and it would be done and she wouldn't be angry with him anymore. That was how it worked between them and that was how he expected it to go this time. Only she was angrier than he had previously anticipated. That was first made clear by her growl.

It seemed they would he doing this at a little bit of a distance then as there was no way he was going to get close enough she could injure him. He may make bad choices but he wasn't stupid. He sighed as she turned and he saw the expression on her face, he hoped that she wasn't so angry she wouldn't at least give him a chance to explain. Thankfully she did though her tone was one that told him he shouldn't waste time. “I know you're upset with me and I'm sure you have your reasons which I would like to hear but I did have good reason to ask him to stay.” He stopped there to see how she would take it and hoped she might share and not lash out at him.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

He wanted to hear why she was mad? That was fair enough for the onyx duo had always been able to talk things out. Today though she was in a funk and just wanted to bite something. It was a good thing that he stayed out of her reach for he cpuld just be that thing. She would never do anything more than a good grip. Just enough to show her frustrations, never enough to injure. "Well what are they?" She asked impatience clear in her tone. She was in no mood to play games or beat around the bush. And she certainly wasnt going to giver herreasons before hearing his.

Word Count: 000
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

He'd hoped she would open up when he told her he wanted to hear why she was angry with him, no such luck. The onyx woman was being even more stubborn than usual but he was prepared to do what it took to get her to talk as he always was. He nodded when she asked about his reasons. “Our numbers are small Moonshadow. I don't have to tell you this and we need to make sure we have enough food for all of us to make it through the winter especially Chan. More bodies hunting means more food and hopefully our caches will stay full through the winter. Thuban didn't seem a threat and while it was pretty obvious his membership would have probably been temporary what of it turned out he chose to stay when spring came?” Kajika had long ago learned that sometimes you had to do what was best for the pack whether it was pleasant or not. He didn't like the idea of using other wolves bit of it meant his family made it through the winter than so be it. He'd grown tired of wolves promising their loyalty and then leaving so it was best to expect the wolves he asked to leave and use them while they were there. "Now it's your turn."

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

Her teeth clicked together in frustration. Sure she saw his reasoning and understood his thought process. But really? Of all wolves he had to pick a trespasser? Ears fell as she looked away and scowled at the snowy ground. She hated that he was right and was not going to admit it. She looked at him sideways with glaring eyes. Not that the glare was now fully directed at what happened but more so because he was right and it wasnt a bad idea. "I dont know" she replied shortly. What if he were to stay? They'd have another member, woopie do. To be completely homest the onyx woman was just fine with who they had within their home. Sure the numbers would be nice in the winter but it was a let down to see so many come and go.

"Now its your turn". A half groan half growl of defiance came from the large woman. She wasnt in the sharing mood now. "How could you not talk to me about something like that first?" she started her tone having hints of hurt as well as anger. "Im thinking of Chan too! Sure that man may not seem like a threat but what if he was? What if its an act and he ends up hurting my baby?! Then what would ya do? I was entrusted to look after this pack too Kajika. You can just make decisions by yourself" she finished, her gaze more hurt than anger while her tone showed the opposite. She loved the man before and cherished their friendship, but friends fight every once and a while.

Word Count: 000
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

He had explained his why he had done what he did hoping that she could understand. His ears fell as she stated that she didn't know. His eyes narrowed as he studied her. He couldn't tell what she was thinking or feeling in that moment and it frustrated him. He caught her glare as she looked at him from the corner of her eyes. “Moonshadow, you know I'm only trying to do what's best for the pack. I may have never lead a pack before this but I have watched leaders before me. Sometimes you have to do things that aren't what you want to ensure the future of the pack.” While he hated what his parents had turned into and vowed to not be like then he had learned that lesson from them.

He wanted to hear her thoughts and know what she was thinking. As she spoke he sat back on his haunches his head falling until he was looking at his paws. He should have consulted her before he did what he had, he knew that. “I'm sorry, your right I should have and had there been more time I would have. He was ready to go and I wanted to get the offer out before he bolted,” he explained looking up at her. She went on to explain her worries where Chan was concerned. “I would kill him,” he said it nonchalantly before he spoke further, “I would have made sure nothing happened to Chan. You know I love him as my own of I had any suspicion that it was just an act I would not have made the offer but he was practically shaking where he stood and that isn't something that is easy to fake.” At least Kajika didn't believe it was. “It was a quick decision and one that I wouldn't have made by myself had there been time. Maybe I could have pulled you to the side and discussed it with you but do you think he would have stuck around long enough?”

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

She knew he only wanted what was best for the pack and his reasoning sounded good enough. So what was her problem? She didnt really know anymore. Her silver duster ears platered themselves against her skull as she allowed her head to hang low. Her body's posture was that of someone who was defeated but she wouldnt admit it out loud. The onyx man apologized for not discussing it with her first and pointed out a very good point. Tuhban could have very well taken off, but she didnt really think it wouldnt be a bad thing if he did. "Solas could have kept an eye on him." she pointed out purely of stubborness. Her silver eyes went from him to the ground. "Next time just consult me please?" She just wanted to go off on her own at this point.

Word Count: 000
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]