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On A Night Like This — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

There was something about the way the way the full moon lit up the snow covered landscape, the way it reflected off the frozen lake, that put the large grey wolf at ease. As he maintained his ground eating pace his mocha tinted ears swiveled, listening to the sounds of the forest around him.

He slowed as he reached the ice, debating whether or not with the warmer weather it was safe to step out onto its surface. He decided against it, as much as he would have loved to sit in the centre of the lagoon before him. That crazy black she-wolf may have tempted fate but he had no desire to tramp home soaked to the skin to sleep in a lonely den in the snow.

He was still debating whether or not coming here had been worth his time. He still hadn't caught sight nor scent of Rhysis and so far all of his encounters with the ladies had resulted in naught. He missed the thrill of the chase, and his ego missed the boost it received each time he managed to escape the shackles of pack life and being tied to a mate, and yet he sighed contentedly.

The moon sung to him, and the land chanted along with its luna mistress. He couldn't hold it in anymore, it had been so long since he had just enjoyed the lonely night. His mocha tinted muzzle pointed skywards as his ears folded back and he opened his mouth loosing a deep rich howl into the sky. Singing back to the earth as it had sung to him.

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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    i don't want this. i don't need this. i don't feel this.

The night had a cold breath. It weaved it's way through the lands at a leisurely pace in no hurry to come nor exactly go. Nature was well aware winter's time, and any wants would not make it shorter.The silver wolf, she didn't mind the low temperature drifting along her coat it was something that made her feel alive. She embraced it taking a long inhale of the fresh air letting it seep deep inside her lungs. Those simple moments she found the tiniest bit of grattitude she was alive. In no hurry herself she continued padding along the sparkling snow enjoying the blanket of darkness. She rather not spend her time solitare, but again she was. There was little choice. Her pack was becoming like Midnight Plateau. Everyone spending time alone, and clear of each other. She had it in her head to call a meeting, and propose anyone who could stand their ground would be the one to lead beside her. She had to have someone, needed someone, and she was ready to let any strong fellow be the one. A pair of pale gold-green eyes was the number one reason she did not. She often shoved the idea away thinking it was too drastic any way.

A snort of digust, she lashed her tail behind her while she continued padding to the nearing lagoon. She stared at the pretty mirror lost in thought. As yet again she had failed to find anything to take back to feed hungry bellies, and her spirits were anything, but high. She felt so empty. She had decided,no, she had wanted to take her time before returning to the forest. She anticipated avoiding running into anyone of the Hollow when she arrived, and hoped she might just be fortunute enough to curl up,c atch some winks of sleep before starting her bloody day all over again.

Body somewhat tender from her journey too, and from the lake her eyes glowed in the sharp light of the moon watching diligently for any trouble. It was not her eyes who would detect another it was her ears. A deep, powerful song rose in the distance hauntingly beautiful. She was held in place as still as stone caught by the male's voice. She did not know how long she listened, nor what overcame her. She had the urge to sing, and tipped her pale mouth to the sky joining in.

(This post was last modified: Feb 04, 2012, 01:16 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

His ear flicked in interest as another joined his ballad to the night. The howl was destinctly feminine and it added a new element of interest to his night. He continued his song until it naturally faded into nothingness, as all songs do. He began to work his way cautiously towards the direction he thought the stranger must be.

His overly fluffy silver coat swayed with each step he took through the snow, making him appear more comical than imposing as his large muscular frame would otherwise appear. His lower white half blending better with the snow covered landscape than his silver and mocha top. His soulful honey eyes were reflected in the moonlight as he attempted to pick out the form of another wolf, to no avail (not that he was the best tracker in any case).

In an attempt to help further pin-point her location or perhaps draw her from her hiding place he sat again, raising his nose to the moon and howling again.

He had to meet her now...

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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    i don't want this. i don't need this. i don't feel this.

The male's voice ended, but her rose higher in pitch before falling deep, and at last cutting out. She took a deep breath to replace what was lost in her chest, and felt slightly better. Something about singing one way or another brought her back to earth, nourishing her soul. Her shoulders soon tensed, her silver hairs on the nape of her neck rising at the sound of large paws crunching against snow. She'd been aware she was not alone, but wasn't sure if she wanted to be seen by the unknown male. She held her ground, becoming frozen against the cold landscape her own eyes searching against the pale moonlight for the seeker.

She likely spotted him first. He was a burly brute, tinted with silver, and brown flecks atop a coat of white. His movements were smooth, he seemed to roll along the snow. If she'd been walking by she would have stared long trying to decide if he was real or an apparition of her mind. The flick of yellow eyes cast her way, and she was sure they saw hers. He continued looking 'round unaware just where she stood near the shining lagoon as she kept herself in the surrounding trees.

When he stopped to howl once more he was not very far from her at all. She'd guess seven wolf lengths away, give or take. It was obvious he hoped to track her. She very, very slowly picked up her paw and one after the other pulled herself further into shadow. She had a caprice of mind and stopped. "I'm over here sir," she spoke making her tone much louder than she liked.

(This post was last modified: Feb 04, 2012, 04:55 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

Sir? his ears flicked in interest at the tinkling tone of the females voice. His eyes searched the shadows, maybe there? no, what about over here? He could smell her but she had sounded slightly nervous so he didn't move forward but rather attempted to make himself appear more aproachable, a difficult feat with his natural structure.

"No sir's here, just lonely Valiant." he said with half a smile to the shadows, eyes still searching for the ghost in his midsts. "Why do you hide back there? I promise I'll play nice..." he finished with a chuckle. It had been a few days since he had encountered another wolf and every meeting seemed to bring new opportunity with it. Would this she-wolf be another?

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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    i don't want this. i don't need this. i don't feel this.<

She did not move, and where she should have felt fear she did not. She was aware of her advantage in this case, but decided to just see what he wanted. He prowled closer his voice sounding sweet in the cold current of air. She wasn't keen on taking the bait. She'd never been one for games. Long as she had the advantage of being merely a phantom unreal yet to his eyes she studied him. Certainly the closer he became he would realize where she was, and then she'd decide what to do. She might guess it was a false act any way, and kept a close eye to the direction of his paws. Waiting for it to dawn on him she was not far from reach.

His chuckle brought a sense of goosebumps along her nape. She pressed the sensation away, and her dark lined lips drew in a tight line, her jaw clenching tight. He was a little too eager. Maybe just a regular Casa Nova who was use to having females fall over him. A bold step she drew herself from shadow into the silvery light of the moon. Her lips raised from her fangs, "I should warn you I bite." She slowly sealed her lips once more, but did not back down from her raised stance.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

Valiant had to smile at her comment about biting. It almost seemed like a challenge and he had to fight his initial reaction down. It had been a while since a female had challenged him like this apparition was doing and his heart sung with glee. A challenge was just what he needed right now.

He was obviously still making her uncomfortable so he backed up a little to give her some space. There was something about the way she carried herself that told him he would need to tread carefully but he struggled to remain in check.

She was certainly a sight to behold with her striking mis-matched eyes. She was shorter than he was, but most wolves were. He fur sat flatter than his, and she appeared to have a light dusting of grey mixed in with her white coat which reflected blindingly in the moonlight. "I don't...often." he replied quietly not wanting to disrupt the noises of the night which provided the perfect backdrop to her almost perfect form. He had to get a hold of himself. It's just been an awfully long time... he kept telling himself.

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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    i don't want this. i don't need this. i don't feel this.

Unmatched eyes narrowed in small warning, but not yet deadly stare. She was unsure how old he was. She would guess barely two by his nature, but something told her he was a little older than that. Black nostrils flaring she couldn't quite catch his full scent to know, and she rather not try harder. Distance was her friend. If she approached him, maybe he wouldn't know what to do. Paws firmly planted, she was surprised by his next move, a step backward. Maybe he was a little sharper than she'd thought.

A single gray stroke ear barely twitched in hints of her displeasure feeling his hungry eyes upon her, but she offered no more signs. "Oh?" She softly spoke. Right. Like she believed that. She had no intentions of playing games, or his kind by his rules. But, if she ran now she was well aware it might just egg him on like a game of cat and mouse. She rather not lead him straight back to her home. What was the best approach? Humor him for now, see how clever he was....

An intentional paw lifted drawing her closer in fluid motion."Were you singing to someone or merely the moon?" She inquired with hints of curiousity, making sure to keep her voice soft, though it wasn't as warm as she often used. She was treading on dangerous grounds with a million scenarios shifting in her head assuming the worst disaster. No fear was evident in eyes or her lithe frame. She kept calm and cool like the leader she had become. There was no harm.....yet.

(This post was last modified: Feb 06, 2012, 07:16 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
<blockquote>The cold silver of his eyes were <i>fixed</i>.

The moon was his ally, and had kept and guided him through most of his life. A nocturnal being, the ebony-silver brute was no stranger to nights spent outside the Hollow's boundaries; additionally, there were few places he would not follow his leadess - his <i>dearest</i> companion - to, constantly ensuring her safety and relative wellbeing.

And on a night like this, it was a good thing. Before him, as he stood silently and motionlessly within shadow, was the epitome of danger: a stranger whose eyes were uncertain as he looked upon Jaysyek's angellic figure. It had taken every fiber of his being to keep from budging, several times, as he onlooked, testing his own self control - the only thing between his iron jaws and the flesh of this rogue.

<i>Disgusting</i>. It was the only word to describe the way the strange male's amber eyes roving over her made the black brute feel, his blood hotter now than his temper.

<i>Patience.</i> Jayse was a big girl, capable or defending herself. Not that she'd ever have to, if it were his choice.

He would watch their interaction through the red, calmly refraining from interupting, poised. If something did go down, <i>it would not be Jaysyek running scared.</i></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 07, 2012, 06:35 PM by Kade.)
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

As he remembered the feeling that had drawn the howl from his chest his eyes almost glazed over, a slack grin crossing his face. "There's nothing merely about the moon tonight..." He looked to the sky, sitting in the process. How could he make her relax? He could submit, but that wasn't his style and something told him he would need to be on his back with his neck bared and stay there for the entire conversation to make her happy, and then his fur would be saturated with melting snow.

"...but yes, the moon, the forest, the water, the stars... something about tonight... it's just singing to me, so I decided to sing back..." he knew it sounded cheesy, but he was feeling cheesy tonight. Something somewhere was calling to him, and he couldn't place it.

He had the feeling they were being watched and a little gust of wind blew her mingled scent into his face. She smelled of pack, and the last thing he needed was her family coming looking for her. He knew he should pull away, retreat to the other side of the lagoon, but something held him in place. He couldn't bring himself to move, after all, he hadn't done anything wrong... yet.

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