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Played by Hawthorn who has 95 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alvar Forsberg.
(OOC comment: This is a long one. and yeesh she got comfy quickly. HAHA Also do you mind if my next post is the last post? Thoughts. Speech.)

He sat for a moment waiting for her answer, his eyes picking her over as he made sure to keep note of how she acted in case he needed warning to run, but she relaxed very quickly and soon stated her own name. "Rory huh? He noticed she was beaming a wide grin. "Well that's an interesting name." He chuckled. His face went down with guilt as she said about the fright he gave her. "I'm sorry about that." She then stated that she was happy he was alive. "Me too." He thought, eyes pointed downwards still. He startled, gasping slightly as she nudged him and sat down in the snow. He watched @Rory collect another pile of snow and push it to him. "Well its good to know she won't tear my throat out or leave me for dead." He told himself, half joking.

A question from Rory made his ears perk. "Mm... Well... He sighed and began to tell his own story. "I haven't been here long, I came over some lowlands to the north and climbed up this mountain. He searched his memory for anything relevant. "I think I've been alone for about two seasons. Was his next reply. "I was cast out of my birth pack before the proper time, Never really liked it there anyway. Too many strict rules regarding everything we did." He began to groan with disgust as he remembered. "That and I was the runt of my litter, had to steal almost every scrap of food I got. That didn't please anyone. Just before I was run off we went on a hunt, I disobeyed orders and we lost the kill, and a yearling..." His eyes began to run with tears as he remembered that day.

He continued. "(sniff) So they ran me away... I was so angry, so I told myself that they were to blame, that if they had listened to me we would have killed more prey than before, but... almost every night since then, she has shown up in my dreams... Her name was Elina. And we lost her because of me. He lay down and began to weep.
(This post was last modified: Feb 19, 2018, 10:26 PM by Alvar.)
Alvar Forsberg. [Image: Alvar.png]
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
No problem! We can get this faded and archived :D Nice threading with you!

I can't go on not loving you,

Everything about the male beside her was new and foreign but she accepted it, actually she preferred it because she doubted that she would  see this wolf again. It wasn't usual to run into loners often, they came and went as they pleased because of their lack of loyalty or a home and Rory imagined that she would be further East after this interaction either way. She found herself smiling as the male spoke, happy that he wasn't seriously hurt and listened to his story without a word, her eyes seemed to widen as she clung on to every word. "I sounds like you've been busy, and I hope that you can settle somewhere. Winter isn't forgiving to any of us." she spoke, hardly taking her own advice but figured the male could use it either way. "that's terrible what they did to you, but your resilience definitely shows. I hope you can find your sister Enia, that would be amazing if she's here in the Lore and looking for you!" she said with a smile. She knew that it was far-fetched but it definitely wasn't uncommon, she had met plenty of wolves who had the very thing happen and was happier because of it.

She wondered what the male had in store next. Would he be doing more traveling as well or perhaps he fancied staying near Stonewatch Timbers, the land was beautiful and vast; perfect for any loner. Standing on all fours, she nudged the male ever so slightly and proposed to him the option of coming with her, it wasn't much but she was sure that Lachesis wouldn't mind if she had visitor in the ranks. "I'm heading out East soon, I have a friend who is intended to move his pack and I am certain that they have found somewhere that way." she had no idea where or when the pack would be moving but she knew that she wanted to stay close to them, her wanderlust was beginning to wane with each days past. "if you want, you can come with me." she offered, giving him a smile as the excitement traveled through her thick tail in quick sways. It wouldn't hurt to have a buddy, and further more, she knew how horrible it was to stay out on your own.

Ashbash 2016 - Ian Schneider 
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Hawthorn who has 95 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alvar Forsberg.
(OOC comment: Last post! It's almost sad. :( :| :) but you'll like his reaction. Also when I put in % is when the Power-play starts. Thoughts. Speech.

He continued to weep as she tried to console him through kind words of hope, He muttered to her "No the winter hasn't been easy to handle... He chuckled, trying to lift his own mood but to no avail. She mentioned that Elina might be in "The Lore".
"The Lore? What is the Lore?" He wondered. I don't know... It seemed to be so unlikely. But maybe you're right. She might be here in... what did you call it? The Lore?" He pondered it for a minute or two. Thinking about the possibility of finding his sister. It seemed to good to put any stock in. She was gone he knew that, so why was he suddenly hopeful?

When he finally rose to his feet he realized that he was still thirsty, He leaned down to take a bite of the frigid snow, "Yep, still burns..." He grunted to himself as he took a mouthful. He felt something nudge him lightly, turning about he saw @Rory standing next to him, she mentioned that there was the option of going with her... "Hmm, Maybe. That might be nice." He then listened further as she said that she was going east to find a friend, correction, a LEADER who intended to move his pack. "Hmm, but she is a lone wolf... what would a pack want to do with a lone wolf?" He checked her scent. "Yep, definitely a lone wolf." He thought. She continued to explain her friend and his pack, ending her little speech with another offer to come with her while she smiled, "A most beautiful smile." He thought, only to scold himself for staring at her. Why was he so interested in her? He wondered. He decided that it was of no consequence. He debated leaving with her over in his head for a while. After what felt like hours he finally reached a decision.

"Sure, I will come with you. I wont last much longer alone out here." (%) He chuckled as she gave a slight sigh and a short bounce of her front legs. She told him to follow her, He easily complied. "Good to finally have a friend." He thought as they went down the mountain heading east. This would be an easy journey with someone by his side...

Alvar Forsberg. [Image: Alvar.png]