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fortune teller — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
On the edge of the mountain and woods, Mostly sunny, -28°F (-33°C)
"...Just give me your hand
Pay close attention
It's all part of the plan"

They were lingering around this place for some time. Piety had not meant to keep them so secluded but in a way, it was so ideal. Little came through this place. There were no lumbering creatures and there was no one harassing the wayward group. She let @Cyril do as he pleased as long as he kept checking in with her and @Cheedo was her own wolf, an adult, who could do as she wished. There was also whispers of Everly (@Lenae) who had understandably fled from the North.

Regardless of all of those factors, Piety was grateful for everything. She was no longer a thin, trembling mess. The former Leader had cleaned up her act. She may not have been ruling on the Monadnock anymore but perhaps she was still a queen of stone. There was the mountain that rose up right underneath their paws and all the support she needed right here.

So what was stopping her from making something beautiful from such a horrible situation?
(This post was last modified: Feb 02, 2018, 11:31 PM by Piety.)
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Alice who has 260 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lenae Selwyn

It was hard to tell if things had gotten better or not.

Lenae didn't feel good but... when had she ever? Okay was a bit of a stretch, as though she was being greedy and reaching for the stars. But she didn't want to die, not today at least. That was a victory in of itself, everyday she spent wanting to be alive surely was a good thing, right?  And Lenae she knew that days like this were as fleeting as sunlight during winter. She had to make the best of it, even it it just meant spending a moment or two watching the clouds roll on by.

If she was smart she would have started to plan ahead, to think of her next course of action but...Not right now. She didn't know what she wanted, or even what she needed. Was it time to bite the bullet and slink up to someones borders and ask to be let in? Her poor form supported that option, she was anything but healthy, she was ugly with an uneven, patchy coat that barely hid the ribs jutting out her sides. And her hips that had once been curvaceous and soft were pointy, all bone.

The prospect of strangers warded that option away. They could not be trusted, who knew what they would do, who knew what they would want? That dreaded season was approaching and...she was powerless to do anything but-

Lenae scowled at the sky as he tail tapped at the snow. Here she was ruining yet another okay day, great job Lenae.

[Image: 1_by_gabrielledelyon-dbtdg8v.png]
[Image: cwt.png]

Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
The pale female was so lost in thought that she did not realize someone might be around. It wasn't until the movement in the snow was loud enough to warrant a flick of her good ear and a deep breath in through her nostrils. Her head turned side to side, trying to capture what was lurking in the distance. The patchy female would have almost glanced over was it not for yellow eyes that seemed too colorful compared to the rest of the world. Her heart sunk momentarily before it seemed to flutter. Piety hadn't been expecting to stumble upon anyone today, let alone the wayward Everly. She looked the worst out of the two of them but the pale female wasn't terribly surprised. Everly had always been so fragile even in her growing process in the Monadnock, that the fall of everything must have truly shattered the girl.

"Everly?" The voice escaped Piety in a whisper. "Is it you?" Perhaps the scar dove was simply dreaming. The yearning for things to go to the way they were before was strong but was it strong enough to conjure up hallucinations? Hesitantly, she padded through the thick snow to draw closer to the once lively flower girl. She was careful to not truly disrupt the other's space. Piety wanted to leave space in case this wasn't who she thought it was or if it was Everly and she did not want to be bothered.
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Alice who has 260 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lenae Selwyn


It was about time she discarded that name now, wasn't it? After all, the game was up, she'd told Lachesis just who she was and perhaps it was time to accept her identity. Or at the very least to come clean, to shed her skin and start anew. Lenae  turned slowly, her gaze dragging across the sky to flicker down and linger on the soft whiteness that stood before her. A scarred face and a torn ear, Lenae would recognise her anywhere and yet...The wilted flower didn't want to look at her, seeing her former alpha stand before her brought back a myriad of emotions she wasn't yet equipped to deal with.

First Cyril, Cheedo and now Piety. It was fitting, almost.

"It's..."Her voice cracked, like splintered glass was caught in her throat. But she continued, trying and failing to maintain what little self control she had. "It's Lenae. I lied."

Her lie hadn't really hurt anyone and yet it felt cruel all the same, like she'd pulled the wool over their eyes. It wasn't out of maliciousness, or from mistrust, she was simply weak and afraid and would have done anything to be anyone else.  

[Image: 1_by_gabrielledelyon-dbtdg8v.png]
[Image: cwt.png]

Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
"It's Lenae. I lied."

Oh. But she was still the same wolf, right? Was underneath that new name still the wolf Piety knew and cared for? She slowed her heart-beat for a moment as she soaked in the information. "Lenae.." The name felt foreign on her tongue. Unique. Just like the flower-eyed girl was. "I like it." Her voice was soft and laced with tones of honesty.

"It's so good to see you." Because no matter what the female wished to call herself, Piety cared for her. The feelings to protect and help had never faded even when they had. It was good to see that at the very least Lenae was alive. Not the best condition for anyone to be in but it was better than other fates; a fate like the one her own husband had met.

She lifted a paw to take a slow step forward while looking for any warning signs that Lenae might retreat from close contact. She wanted to cherish this moment, wanted to comfort the patchy-furred female.
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Alice who has 260 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lenae Selwyn

That seemed to be a common reaction to her name. Lenae didn't disagree with them, it was a pretty name and her Mother had chosen well, she just didn't think it suited her at all. It's connotations of naivety and purity made her want to run till she could go no further, till she was in a land where no one knew her name, be it first or surname. That's who she used to be, all pretty and sweet, but where had that gotten her? More often than not it felt like a curse, as though it was a sorrow magnet, that the sooner she got rid of it for once and for all the better.

And yet, these days it was all she had. Pretending to be her sister hadn't gotten her anywhere, if anything it had made matters all the worse. So what was there left for her to do?

She just...she didn't know.

Piety said it was good to see her....How could that be? Her appearance aside well- Lenae blinked, tears forming in the corners of her eyes as she shook her head so fast her vision blurred. How could she say that, after what she had done?

Traitor, coward, ungrateful. Those were all insults she deserved, because she had run away with her tail between her legs, screeching as though her fur was on fire. How could Piety forgive that? It didn't make sense in Lenae's mind, this was all wrong, why was this happening?

"I don't-I'm-"Her words sputtered out, as though she was an infant unfamiliar with speaking properly yet. And then she broke down and threw herself at Piety's feet, a sobbing awful mess in the snow."I'm so sorry."

[Image: 1_by_gabrielledelyon-dbtdg8v.png]
[Image: cwt.png]

Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
She watched as Lenae seemed to shake her head furiously. The dove raised a brow above kind brown eyes. Before a question could even be uttered the patchy female was at her paws, a sobbing apologetic mess. Her neck stretched as she reached down towards the small wolf. Piety would attempt to run her nose over her crown if it'd be accepted. With a voice as soft and motherly as she'd give her own children, the white woman attempted to comfort Lenae. "You're forgiven, Lenae. For everything and anything you're sorry for, I forgive you." Her tones were sincere. Piety never once blamed the tawny gal for anything or even thought ill of her.

It was no one's fault that things had ended the way they had. No one should have had to be sorry.

"Will you stay here? If even for a little bit." She paused before gently adding, "Cyril, Cheedo and I are all here." All of them were, hopefully, comforting faces to the flower girl. Piety wanted nothing more than to comfort her and help her regain her footing. Perhaps they would have to rebuild everything that had blossomed in Whitestone but there was plenty of time for that. Weeks, months, years. Piety was willing to donate all the time she had left if it meant helping the wolf crumpled at her paws.
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Alice who has 260 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lenae Selwyn

Lenae was convinced she didn't deserve such kindness, it only made her cry all the more.

Piety had been nothing but kind to her from the start, Lenae shouldn't have been surprised that no matter the hardships she went through that light in her burned all the same. But even so it was all a shock to her, that she in no shape or form resented Lenae for what she had done on that dreadful day. One amongst many in Lenae's life.

Though she didn't feel as though she deserved it at all, Lenae inched closer, allowing Piety to brush gently against her forehead. She couldn't scarcely remember the last time someone had touched her like that. Bennet perhaps? But even she had been somewhat reluctant to and only because she thought she was hurt. This was different though, Lenae could feel the warmth and affection in the gesture. Piety's words had been heavy with kindness and understanding but that little touch solidified it all. So of course she cried some more, that's all she really did these days.

The Maiden glanced up slowly, her ears flattening against her crown as her tail curled against her side. That was all Lenae wanted really, for things to go back to normal. But that wasn't what Piety was promising, was it? These were new lands and a part of their family was still missing and would always remain so...Lenae still had trouble stomaching that. She nodded gently, a subtle bob of her head her tongue darted out to catch the end of Piety's nose. She would stay, for now at least.

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