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the reason I start fires is that's what lost men do — Pookastone Scowle 
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Played by Becca who has 45 posts.
Inactive Pup
Bojay Lyall

Something was feeling off as of late. He hated feeling bogged down by the vibes and needed something to break up the tension. His mother's friends had always been rather fond of his siblings and him despite their varying personalities. Bojay wasn't about to go tugging on @Celandine's tail though. There was another wolf he had in mind. One that he owed a visit.

He followed her scent to a middle ground area somewhere between the borders and the communal den. His tail whipped behind his russet form as he called out. "Ay! Maeve!" He called out in a less than polite fashion. He was heading straight for her but was not going to run right into her. The silver-toned gal had looked a bit rough lately. Had it been anyone else he might have thrown caution to the wind and just ran them over but he owed her more than that.

"What are ya doing out here?" His head tilted as pale gold-green eyes examined the female.
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
i know something you don't know
trouble coming to your home
Played by Maeby who has 110 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maeve Destine Caravello

Maeve's ears flicked back as a familiar voice filled the open, empty air. It was none other than Bojay, one of Morganna's pups from Torbine. The fae held a fondness for the pups, each for their own reason. The fondness held for Bojay had a considerable amount to do with how..Loud he was. Perhaps 'unafraid' was a better word, or better yet, just how 'himself' he was. A smile formed upon her maw as she turned to greet him. A genuine one at that, one created from happiness, something she'd been experiencing less and less of as the days passed.

"'Ey Boja' " She responded in almost a chirp, nuzzling against the pups cheek. "Jus' hangin' 'round. Not much fer me t' do these days so I mostly jus' waste away nappin' or doin' somethin' equally as borin'. Right now 'm jus' kinda sittin' 'ere. " She chuckled, though it wasn't like she was actually proud of being a waste of space. "Been usin' m' wounds as 'n excuse t' justify it.. Anyway', how 'bout you mister? What'cha been up ta?"

(This post was last modified: Feb 17, 2018, 03:40 AM by Maeve.)
[Image: 9lnGsxY.png]
[Image: RNGTjgp.gif]
Played by Becca who has 45 posts.
Inactive Pup
Bojay Lyall
His tail seemed to pick up its pace (if that was even possible) at the older woman's nuzzle. Her lazy words were a comfort to the boy's attentive ears. Despite his love for causing trouble it was actually nice to hear a friendly voice now and then - not one that was aggravated or shooing him away.

He gently bumped into her shoulder with a cheeky grin. "Milk it while ya can, aye? Sure Mom will throw you to work the minute you're feeling one hundred again." A small laugh rumbled forth from the russet Lyall. There was plenty of able bodies but there was still plenty of work that needed to be attended to as well. Sure he could have helped but if he wasn't asked he wasn't going out of his way to achieving anything.

"Not much!" He responded with a usually unused honesty. "Been layin' low since I got here. Pissed off the neighbors so figured I'd give them a small break." A toothy grin was all he gave the silver wolf. Surely she had heard what he had done, hadn't he? Or was everyone keeping the ordeal under wraps?
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
i know something you don't know
trouble coming to your home
Played by Maeby who has 110 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maeve Destine Caravello

Maeve smirked at her companies advice. "I think y' might be on 'ta somethin' there--uh oh--" She let out an over-dramatic, obviously faux cough before continuing to speak any further. "Wa'z thi--Oh no-" And another one. "Boja', I'm dyin' Boja' " the fae giggled before letting one last over-the-top cough out, allowing her body collapse to the ground to complete her little act. "Oh Boja', tell yer mom tha' I really wanted t' fill the cache's, I really did bu', I can't ever again cuz I'm dyin' " Of course that would work, right? Heh, probably not.

Not bothering to pick herself back up, Maeve listened intently to what the lil' guy had to say. "Ey ey, wai' a secon'-" She paused, trying to recall if anyone had filled her in on this particular instance. "Been kinda outta th' loop recently..Th' hell'd ya do t' th' piss-babies at th' ridge?" This should be interesting. The woman held no current opinion on their neighbors, but if they so far as to even gotten a hair on her lil' guys body out of place perhaps she'd have to make a proper assessment.

[Image: 9lnGsxY.png]
[Image: RNGTjgp.gif]
Played by Becca who has 45 posts.
Inactive Pup
Bojay Lyall
He let out a roar of laughter before trying to stuff the sound down. "Oh, Maeve. I'll miss ya dearly." He faked a sniffle as his nose pressed against her crown. "I'll make up the grandest story about how ya went." A mile-wide grin spread across the boy's face as he carried on with their little act. "I'll tell 'em all how you fought the biggest damn bird this land has ever seen." His eyes glanced out to the surrounding area wondering if there were any peeping eyes to witness their little theater. It would certainly blow a hole in the death story.

The Lyall plopped down onto his own stomach next to the silver female. "Me and Sterling were testing their security. Wasn't our fault that no one ever did anything until I had a paw over the borders." He scoffed with an obvious distaste for the situation still. "Got thrown on the ground. I hit this guy back, though. No one gets by with pushing Bojay Lyall around." The male left out how he had actually missed landing a blow because that wouldn't do well for his story. "Odin and some girl stopped the whole ordeal, though. This big barbarian dumby kicked 'em out though." His shoulder roughly shrugged. The situation had been a mess but the Lyall was focused on giving Maeve a good story to be proud of him.
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
i know something you don't know
trouble coming to your home
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Maeby who has 110 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maeve Destine Caravello

The woman was practically in tears with how far they'd managed to take this joke. "Tha's me, Maeve th' bird slayer! Pookastone's greates' hero, may she rest 'n peace. They'll sing songs 'bout me, children will hear 'bout me fer generations!" She hollered, quite proud of the feat she'd managed to accomplish (fantasy or not). "I saved us all! B-But make sure 'y tell 'em how devastated y' are, tha' way you don't gotta fill th' caches either." Good lookin' out, Maeve.

She grinned as the boy told his tale, proud of the way he stood his ground. Crossing the borders? Yeah, she guessed it wasn't the right thing to do but obviously if they didn't care enough to have proper security around then technically he really wasn't in the wrong, right? If anything he'd been doing them a favor by not actually approaching their lands with ill intent. Replace the kids with a pack of cannibalistic weirdo's and the ridge would of been extinct before they even knew it! "Gah! How y' 'bout t' let me miss out on all the fun, seriously! Tell m' next time y' plan on doin' a raid! Tha' way we can both beat 'em up!" Not that she'd proven herself to be good at fighting or anything.

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