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my bed's on fire — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
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Birtie Parlow-Tallis
@Kajika || Evening, Feb. 27, Cloudy, 13°F (-11°C)

She had stayed mostly to herself the past few days. The large female didn't even return to her shared space with the dark male at night. She made sure to stop by when he was out and leave small reminders she was still around. Birite wasn't disappearing on him, she was simply in need of a bit of space.

Yet a bit of guilt had taken root after the second day of her distant behavior. What did he think of her? Was she giving off the wrong vibes or ideas? Then there was a whole other thought. Why did she care what he thought? Her facial features turned into something more serious and thoughtful.

There was only one way to try and whipe away the feelings of guilt, though.

This time she was the one seeking out the dark male. She slunk through the lands moving towards their shared area. Hopefully it wouldn't be too early and she could find the dark male there.

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

It had been a long day for the alpha as most were but he found he rather liked the position he held. He felt it suited him and though it was full of worries and making sure that everyone was doing well in the pack. Making sure things ran smoothly he still felt it was no different than the things he did before except now he could give the orders and set the rules.

He had turned in somewhat early that once again finding the sleeping place he now shared with Birtie empty. He didn't expect her to show up and he wouldn't go looking for her. He had learned very quickly she needed to do things in her own time. He wasn't too worried, her scent still filled the area telling him she had been there.

He laid his head on his paws with a sigh waiting for sleep to take him away until the morning when he would get up and do it all again. His eyes had only just closed when he thought he had caught her scent on the breeze, “Birtie,” he called quietly into the forest his ears perked for some confirmation that it was her.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Birtie Parlow-Tallis


She should have known. Kajika always found her before she could find him. For a few passing seconds, she stood motionless without a sound.

Then her lungs sucked in the air softly as she carefully crept a few steps forward. Kajika. She replied with his name, just as soft as he had said hers. Grungy yellow eyes spotted him on the den floor seeming to already be settling down. Perhaps she should let him rest, have the place to himself for another night or two.

But that would defeat the purpose of seeking him out, wouldn't it?

Room for two? The Parlow asked softly - despite knowing very well there was. That had been the whole point of finding this place.

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

He still wasn't sure that he’d heard her so remained still in their sleeping spot. His ears perked forward as his Amber eyes scanned the forest fire her cream form.

For a long moment he didn't see or hear anything and then she appeared speaking his name as she did. She spoke just as softly as he had and he greeted her with a smile. He didn't want to speak for fear it might cause her to turn and go off to wherever she'd been spending the past nights.

“Always,” he said as he indicated the place next to him, “You don't have to ask,” he added in case she didn't already know.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by becca who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Birtie Parlow-Tallis

It was at a slow pace that she moved towards him. Every movement was made with precision and care. Right until she settled down on the den floor with a soft sigh escaping her. For a moment, she closed her eyes and simply accepted his presence in silence. His scent was all around her but so was her own. Any wolf with a working nose would be able to tell this was where the opposite looking (and acting) duo found peace.

She didn't know what to say to break the silence. Her tongue hid behind her teeth and lips, eyes still closed. Briefly her tongue moved to swipe across her lips.

What's on your mind? Birtie finally asked as her eyes opened again. It wasn't the best silence breaker but it certainly wasn't her worst.

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

They had chosen this place for them to share and as of late it had become his space at night. He didn't mind at all that anyone who might happen across it would know immediately that the space was theirs. Whether he was there or somewhere else she would never have to ask to join him as she was always welcome.

He watched in silence she moved toward him before finally settling down with a sigh. He lightly brushed her cheek with his nose in greeting. Before letting the silence pass between them and enjoying her company once more.

What was in his mind, it was something he had to consider there was so much but a few things stuck out most of all. “I've missed you being here,” he said wanting to let her know right away. “I have lots of things on my mind. I'm just not sure where to start but I would to make sure that your okay first.”

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Birtie Parlow-Tallis

Her ear swiveled  at his words as her gaze traveled over to look at him. She believed him for it was hard not to when he had been nothing but nice and honest. While she couldn't bring herself to say the same thing, his presence certainly had been missed by the Parlow. Granted she had been the one to put some distance between them.

Start anywhere. She said in gentle neutral tones. Birtie hadn't missed his concern. I'm okay. I just needed some space. Nothing personal. For she would have made it known if it was something personal. She would not be lounging by his side if she had put space between them out of ill feelings.

Good feelings? Well that was a whole other thing.

Where do you want to start? The large female asked in hush tones, not wanting any possible spies to listen in. She dared to let her nose seek the fur of his neck and take in his scent before she swiftly pulled away.

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Even after having a den to himself for the last year he'd grown rather accustomed to having the cream female at his side at night. So when she'd started staying away he had missed it and thought it important to let her know. He did worry that something might be upsetting her but he didn't think it had to do with him or she wouldn't have come back to leave her little reminders that she was still there.

He should start anywhere but first she assured him that she was okay and needed some space which he could understand. “As long as you're okay,” he wouldn't pry as it was best to let her come to him if she had had something to talk about. He'd learned that was best, pushing for someone to talked usually ended up badly.

It was now his turn to talk and he did have something on his mind. “Spring will be here soon…” he trailed off as he looked at his large paws not sure how exactly to broach what he was thinking. He wondered if she was thinking about the same thing and the way she put her nose into the fur of his neck wasn't helping him to think straight either.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Birtie Parlow-Tallis

His words confused her at first, her ears falling flat. I know...I was at the meeting. At that moment she took his words at face value. The seasons are changing and that was that.

Then it dawned on her what the season changing meant and what the meeting had been about. A soft Oh, escaped her in an airy breath. She didn't know why he was telling her this. Was she taking him away from someone? Was she about to receive some private warning about breeding out of line?

The large female suddenly felt a bit awkward. Am I standing in the way of someone? Because she could give him his distance, let whoever he fancied swoop in and take her place in this den. She was only here on a deal after all. Who was she to get in the way of what he wanted?

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