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while you were sneaking out [m] — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Animals by Nickelback

Lorcan wasn't stupid. He could smell what was going on. He had first noticed the boy's male's scent on @Lenae, which had intrigued him. Initially he had thought nothing of it and had been excited at the prospect of reuniting with the young Archer. The agouti male had been unsure that he would ever seen him again, figuring that @Odin would choose to spend the remainder of the winter with his mother at the lagoon. 

However, more recently, Lorcan had begun to question the young Archer's intentions. It seemed Odin had quite the interest in the females of his soon-to-be pack, given how both @Cheedo and @Piety also returned with his scent clinging to their fur, conjuring a pang of jealousy and betrayal inside Lorcan. With a loud huff, the agouti male slipped away from the rest of the group and headed towards the higher elevations of the mountain. It was time to call Odin out. Positioning himself along one of the well worn paths which had been etched into the snow covered rock, Lorcan howled out for the male, politely requesting for them to meet. 
(This post was last modified: Mar 30, 2018, 03:50 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by becuffin who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Odin Archer
the good, the bad and the dirty
Odin Archer

Odin had been trying to stick close to @Kip after what had happened down on the rise, but when @Lorcan called, well, he couldn't really just ignore the man could he? He planted a kiss behind the small woman's ear before bellowing back with a clueless answer of his own, he was on his way.

His tail waved happily at his back as he wove along the mountain path wondering just what the go might be. Had Lorcan found some prey that he wanted help dragging down? Or was it something else entirely?

He woofed out a greeting, head dipping low as he moved to greet the smaller man with a shove of his chest to the other's shoulder, tongue lolling merrily from his mouth. It had been a while and he was glad to see the man again.

[Image: sigodincheeb_by_becuffin-dahhpv8.png]
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
The sound of Odin's returning on the wind caused Lorcan's muscles to tense up in anticipation. A part of him had expected the dark male not to reply, to purposely try and avoid him after his recently activities. Impatiently he waited the time it took the male to reach him, which wasn't particularly long considering how close by he still was. Golden eyes remained cold and distant as he spotted the larger male's dark form approaching him from further along the mountain path. 

Black-tipped tail rose up to wave dominantly behind him as Odin's greeting reached his ears, and as the large male moved into to greet him with his usual affection, Lorcan remained unusually still and rigid. Dull claws gripped at the hard stone as he felt the a wave of anger rise up through his limbs. He wanted to lash out and it took everything inside of him not to lunge forwards and pin Odin to the ground there and then. Gritting his teeth together, Lorcan took a single step back so that his golden eyes could narrow on the male. 

"Don't mess around with me Odin." He ordered, his tone level, as he gave an angry lash of his tail behind him. "Tell me, did you sleep with any of them?" His voice hinted at a growl, though Lorcan was trying his very best not to lash out before giving @Odin a chance to explain himself.
(This post was last modified: Mar 11, 2018, 02:50 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by becuffin who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Odin Archer
had a one way ticket to the place where all the demons go
Odin Archer

There was none of the usual affection returned to his greeting and Odin had to wonder what on earth was wrong. As Lorcan stepped back his head canted and his eye widened slightly when the words tumbled from his friends mouth, "Uhh... I mean, there wasn' much sleepin'..." Then his words caught up with him overlapping with his fight with Kip and he flinched lower to the ground, "I mean, its not like tha'! I didn' know thats... what... was goin' on at th' time." He could feel the cold stone against his flank as his eyes clenched shut to anxious slits and he rolled over to expose his belly, tail tucked close to his chest, the tip waving nervously as his tongue snuck out to drag across his nose. "But I know now! an' I'm gonna be responisble I promise! If... anythin' ... well yer know better'n I do."

[Image: sigodincheeb_by_becuffin-dahhpv8.png]
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Mature language!

It was almost as if @Odin had not expected Lorcan to notice, to smell what he had been up to with the females. Golden eyes narrowed on the large dark male as he stumbled for an answer. 'Uhh... I mean, there wasn' much sleepin'...' The male stepped forwards again, quickly closing the gap between them so that their chests were almost touching. Sharp fangs flashed out from behind scowling charcoal lips and his ears pushed back, daring the younger male to finish what he had started... 

Fortunately Odin was smart enough to reconsider his answer and also made the wise move of shifting himself lower towards the ground. At Odin's second attempt at an answer Lorcan's lips pulled back further, exposing more of his teeth as his tail rose up higher behind him. He didn't know what to think. Understandably he felt angry and betrayed, but somewhere at the very pit of his stomach he also felt a tug of sympathy. Only a year ago he had got himself into the same situation. Lorcan was lost for words. He wanted to shout and pin Odin to the ground, scold him, but what use would that be? The dirty deed had already been done.  

The agouti male watched as Odin rolled over to expose his belly anxiously, appearing genuinely remorseful for his recent actions. Russet ears perked forwards in interest when the dark male promised to be responsible. "I should bloody well hope so." Lorcan commented gruffly, before letting his shoulders sag as he released a heavy sigh in defeat, letting his tail drop down low and his teeth retract back behind his dark lips. Mentally he tracked back through what Odin had said. "So, who was it Odin, huh? Cheedo? Lenae? Pi—" He suddenly paused, the scowl returning to his features as his fur bristled, golden eyes flashing. "—It better not have been Piety or...!!" Or, he didn't know what...yet. But by his growl and the aggressive rising of his tail, it was bound to not be good.
(This post was last modified: Mar 15, 2018, 06:55 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by becuffin who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Odin Archer
M for a bit of swears

Odin relaxed as Lorcan did but visibly flinched and nodded to the first two names the older man rattled off and slid in an awkward cough that may or may not have sounded like Celandine somewhere in the middle, though it was probably buried under what Lorcan said next. When it came to Piety, his eyes grew wide. He hadn’t thought about it at the time but now that he knew what all that meant, he was grateful things had stopped at cuddling. Hell it had been what he had expected to transpire with Cheedo and Lenae too, but obviously things had progressed a bit further with those two.

”Gods, no!” it may have been a little excessive and Lorcan was pissed enough at him already without him mistaking the statement as a slight against the dove, ”Yer know Wraith was probably m’ dad right? Not ter mention what my own mother would do ter me! Hells, Lorc she practically raised me. He had jerked up so suddenly in his haste to correct his outburst that his shoulders were barely touching the stone, neck craning to see if his words were getting through. It’d almost be like doing that with his own mother, a thought that left the boy physically gagging as he rolled to his stomach in an attempt to not choke on his own bile. He couldn’t bloody well be responsible if he was dead.
[Image: sigodincheeb_by_becuffin-dahhpv8.png]
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Mature language!

Lorcan's scowl grew darker as @Odin nodded to confirm that he had slept with not just Cheedo, but Lenae as well. Russet ears perked forwards and the bridge of his scarred muzzle wrinkled, exposing his sharp white fangs as he continued on, promptly threatening the dark male if his neither regions so much as touched the pale females'. Noticing the sudden widening of the male's single peach coloured eye, Lorcan once again pressed forwards in preparation for the worst. 

”Gods, no!”  Lorcan visibly exhaled, shoulders sagging down in a moment of relief, before his piercing golden eyes sharpened on Odin again to listen as he explained himself. The mention of Wraith caught the agouti wolf a little off-guard. He had always just assumed Craw to be the father, given that he and Morganna had led the back together. Whatever the true circumstances, Odin's relation to either male did not concern him right then. The fact that the dark Archer considered Piety almost as a mother figure made the idea of them breeding all the more repulsive

Lorcan lifted a single paw, allowing Odin the freedom to roll himself over onto his front. Stepping over his rear end, black-tipped tail lashing angrily behind him, he moved around the larger wolf to step up alongside him. Leaning in close, teeth gritted together, he tried to get Odin to meet his gaze again. "So you have the decency to stop at her, yet both Cheedo and Lenae are fair game to you?!" He snarled then and thrashed his head away so that he didn't do something that he might later regret.

"How could I let this happen..." He hissed to himself as he moved a few steps away from the younger male. Turning his head back around, he bared his teeth at the boy. "You better stick to that promise to be responsible and hang around, because I don't see how we are going to possibly cope with this mess otherwise." He said coldly. 

He stepped away again, finally turning to face the other direction to Odin. His head lowered down to hang between his front limbs, ears pressed against his skull as he quietly cursed to himself. "Fuck."
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by becuffin who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Odin Archer
had a one way ticket to the place where all the demons go
Odin Archer

This time he knew better than to run his mouth, Well I'd kinda got the hang of it by then, was only asking for more trouble, instead a pout worked its way onto his face, "It wasn' like tha', somethin' about it was jus' different," It almost sounded as if he was heading towards that's not to say I wouldn't have, but he was much more comfortable now his chest was against the stone rather than his back and he just knew things wouldn't go well if he ended up in that position again.

Lorcan's words rang around in his head, "Well, yeah tha's why I'm here. Piety invited me back an' I had ter go let ma know where yers were settin' up an' that I was gonna be here." He didn't mean to sound petulant, but the whole reason he was here was to deal with any fall out from his actions. He might have been an idiot, but his mother had raised him to be a responsible idiot at least.

[Image: sigodincheeb_by_becuffin-dahhpv8.png]
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Mature! Mention of sexual abuse

Pale brows furrowed deeper and a loud growl thundered out from his chest as Odin tried to explain himself more. He couldn't work out what the younger male was trying to tell him. Something about it was different? How?  They were all adults, all females, all in heat. "What? Did the other two seduce you, is that it?!" He spat, golden eyes glaring furiously. He was pissed enough at Odin for fucking not one but two of his future subordinates, but he would be even more annoyed at the Cheedo and Lenae if it transpired that they had encouraged, persuaded, him to do it — praying on the younger male for their own guilty pleasure.

If that was the case.. Lorcan shuddered, his tawny fur sticking on end as he tried to dismiss such vile thoughts. He couldn't see it personally, neither of the females seemed like the type to do such a thing. But, if that's what Odin were to tell him, then Lorcan would have a hard time not taking his word for it. 

The smaller male sighed, his shoulders sagging again as he tried to calm down. Being angry wasn't helping the situation. He needed to think with a clear head so that they could figure what they were going to do about the whole mess that had been made. Pale brows rose expectantly as Odin spoke of staying. He would be need to help raise any pups that had the misfortune of being brought into the world as a result of their mistakes. Lorcan nodded as he spoke of Piety and about informing Morganna of his location. "Good." The male responded bluntly. 

He sighed again. "I'm not happy Odin, but I'm glad you've decided to try and be a responsible adult about this." There was always a silver lining. Maybe @Odin would do a better job with whatever pups came from Cheedo and Lenae than Lorcan had done with Oksana. This time at least he knew. It was better this way. Now he could offer to help Odin and offer advice if and when he needed it. "Now come on, if you're going to stay with us I better show you around the territory and get you settled..." His voice had grown kinder now. Being angry was exhausting, and once everything was done, Lorcan would need a well-deserved nap.
(This post was last modified: Mar 30, 2018, 03:48 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health