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Sunrise, sunset
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Climbing up the steep incline was a breeze for the white female. The mountain was her love and home. She loved the feel of the rocky surface under her hardened pads. The breeze catching her coat in just the way for her to smell her own femine scent. She even loved the coldness that was always around her, but never seeping into her body. She was far used to this weather and the only way for her to be affect by the cold is if she was soaking wet, but she'd have to be bloody mad to do that.

The white lady's amber orbs finally caught sight of the outcrop ahead of her. Her trot quickened as her excitement rose within her. She looked the way the sunset for so high up. She would have a clear view of the horizon and everything below her. She loved it and the past two weeks she's been here to see the sunset and rise in the morning.

The sunset was about a hour away, but the white female liked getting there early and settling in for the night. Sometimes the gal feared that she would accidently fall off the outcrop during the night, so she made she that she was as far away from the edge as possible.

Athena finally made it to the outcrop and she settled down in her usual spot. Head on her paws and white tail wrapped around her legs, she gazed out towards the approaching sunset with rising excitement.
(This post was last modified: Feb 06, 2012, 08:04 PM by Athena.)
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Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
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Valiant Morino

He had no idea what had drawn him to the mountain. Perhaps he was still feeling melancholy from his encounter with the ghostly apparition down by the lagoon. Either way, it was almost sunset as he finally reached a small plateu near the peak. The wind was stonger here and the weather much colder than he was used to, although it did not penetrate his overly fluffy coat.

He would have missed the small white wolf if it hadn't been for the strength of her feminine scent on the wind that whipped his coat around. He took a second glance and finally spotted her, a small arctic possibly with something else in there, but her coat sang songs of snow covered plains.

"Last place in the world I'd expect to cross another wolf but here you are..." he said a little out of breath. He was not built for mountain climbing, and the climb had taken its toll on him.

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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Athena was sweeped into one of her dreams while she waited for the sunset. Lately, that was all that was happening to her when she shut her eyes. Events from the past haunted her till that was all Athena could think about. Not even killing a deer or climbing the mountain could erase the nightmares. A smooth, silky voice, however, brought the white female back to reality. Athena instinctively jumped to her feet and involuntarily slipped out a growl. In front of her was a rather large brute, mocha colored fur that was unusually fluffy. Her face lit up with amusement when she first thought he looked like a over-sized pussy cat. She stopped herself from laughing out loud, just in case the male took offensive. If he did, she be in butt load of trouble. <b>"Darn, I guess this isn't the best hiding spot then,"</b> the white female responded flatly. She knew it wasn't exactly a good idea to piss the wolf off, since he was significantly larger than she. But what the hell, maybe he'll find amusment in her words.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

Valiant chuckled in amusement. He wasn't sure if the white wolf in front of him was being sarcastic or was annoyed at the interuption. Keeping a safe distance so as not to piss her off her looked beyond her huddled form and out over the land below.

It was beautiful. He looked back to the female and noticed the way the landscape framed her perfectly. His breath caught a little in his chest as he realised how perfectly the sunset matched her eyes and seemed to set her white coat on fire. "I hope I'm not interupting..." he said half dazed. Maybe it was worth the climb after all.

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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
A slight smile form on her lips. Looks like this brute has a sense of humor, that's always good. A second look at the male in front of her painted a different picture of him than what she thought of him before. His coat was rather unique. A mocha tone mixed in with cream, but mainly silver covered him. On his back were flecks of chocolate and darker shades of grey His underbelly, however, was untouched by any other tones, besides pure white. Overall, a very beautiful coat.

A pang of jealousy enveloped inside her. She always loved her white coat, but whenever she met someone that had spectaular coats. She felt plain and ordinary. Blah, was what she thought of herself sometimes. <i>Okay, enough thinking about this,</i> she thought to herself. <b>"No, you're fine. Just waiting for the sunset is all."</b> Athena said, a little too nicely than she intended. She had no idea who this wolf was and had no intention of being all lovey-dovey until she had a slight idea. No matter how handsome he is.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
Sorry it's ridiculously short. Work was hell and I have less than 12 hrs from when I finished to when I have to be back there and I intend to spend as much of that time as I can sleeping ;)

He smiled at the female warmly. It would seem she was warming up to him. "Mind if I join you?" he asked moving up to her side casually and settling on his haunches. It had been a long and tiresome climb to be sure, and he was reluctant to move on just yet, especially when the company was so enticing.

"Have you been here long?" he asked conversationally.

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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
The white female smiled faintly, <b>"Sure, might as well."</b> Athena glanced back at the horizon, noticing that it was starting to snow slightly. It was almost time for the sunset. Unexpectely, Athena's left front leg began to throb with pain. She tried not to show any sign of pain on her face, but she shifted her leg to try to get it into a more comfortable position. The brute asked another question, which brought her attention back to him. <b>"For a little while, I suppose. Is there a name that I can know you by?"</b> Athena asked. She wondered if it will be as interesting as his body. OOC: Oh, that's okay(: & sorry that this is messed up, my phone's being retarded./:
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

Valiant stretch to make himself comfortable and collapsed in a comfortable heap near the white female, but not too near to make her uncomfortable. "Valiant... And you are?" he asked genuinly curious. He seemed to be meeting an awful lot of lone wolves, the only pack wolf being another white wolf, one with mismatched eyes...

He pulled himself back to the moment and focused on the setting sun as the sky ran through oranges, pinks, purples and blues with hints of green. He rarely took the time to appreciate the sunset but thought should be something he should take more time to enjoy, besides, the company wasn't so bad either.

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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
The male laid besid her comfortably, making Athena relaxed a little bit. She sat down on her haunches and gazed out towards the sunset. It was absoutely beautiful, just like everyday. When the brute answered her, she was suprised his name was as interesting as his appearance. He then asked her what her name was, which was expected. <b>"You may call me Athena"</b>, she told him calmly. She still gazed out towards the horizon, bathing in the last of the sun's rays. Darkness would soon stalk the night, leaving the land in total darkness.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

Valiant looked to the sky as the stars began to slowly emerge in the darkening sky. His mother used to tell him of the two wolves, Skoll and Hati who chased the sun and moon. She said one day they would catch them and the earth would be plunged into darkness, the land covered in a dense fog and snow. The winter would never end. He was always relieved to see the sun rise in the morning and the moon come out at night.

"I saw an eclipse once..." he mentioned casually. "I was convinced the world was going to end because of some silly story my mother had told me as a pup..." he hadn't thought of his mother in a long time. She was a good wolf, that was the problem...

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