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is this the part where I get all I ever wanted? — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Birtie Parlow-Tallis
@Kajika only || RE: A cold snap seizes Relic Lore in its icy grip! || Dawn, Cloudy, 10°F (-12°C)

She was terribly cold that morning. She could have sworn the days had been getting warmer but the chill in the air that morning said otherwise. Even with her back turned to the entrance of the private den she couldn't escape the cool breeze that nipped at the more sensitive parts of her. The tips of her ears and nose felt particularly chilled.

The large female shifted about for what felt like hours - in reality it was likely only minutes - before she let out a disappointed sigh. In an effort to seek warmth, she stretched her legs out hoping to find the familiar form of Kajika somewhere nearby. Needless to say the Parlow would be even more disappointed if he had slipped away early.

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

There had been hope that the warmer weather was a sign that winter was leaving them. That morning however seemed to be it's reminder that it still had a grip on them. The dark man was reluctant to leave the den that morning wanting to stay warm in the den he shared with Birtie. He was even more reluctant to leave her with her in her current condition. Despite being curled up in the den not far from her the chill had seeped in and was biting at his ear tips and nose causing him to try and do what he could to warm them.

He felt the brush of her paws against his back which pushed him to rise to his feet and move closer to her. “Let's hope this cold doesn't last any longer than today,” he said as he curled up against her to share his body heat. “I think we should just stay inside like this all day.” It would be much better than being outside shivering all day trying to get through his duties.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Birtie Parlow-Tallis

Her tail gave a few gentle waves as her gaze watched the dark form move closer. His presence against her back was welcomed. It's certainly not the coldest it has been since I got here but I don't welcome it either way. Her jaws parted to add a yawn at the end of her words, sleep still having a grip on her. Just when I thought it was getting warm. So much for spring and all that.

She shifted for a moment, adjusting herself against the weight of Kajika. There was plenty of warmth between them with their large frames. Winter always this bad here? The Parlow asked softly as her head settled against the den floor. Birtie could easily recall the coast always being so warm. There it seemed like there was eternal sunshine, always offering comfort. Here? Well she rarely saw the sun anymore.

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Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

She didn't have to ask him twice. He gladly moved to curl around her to help keep her warm. He’d just gotten settled when she spoke again, “No, it's not and after a few warmer days I don't welcome it either.” He was ready for winter to be over and had been for weeks. He gave a 'mmhmm’ as she voiced his own thoughts. “I was hoping that we'd seen the end of the cold days. Winter seems to want to remind us that it hasn’t left us yet.” He loved his mountain home but sometimes it seemed the winters lasted forever there.

As she shifted to get more comfortable he gave her the space to do so before settling against her once more. At her question he thought back to the winters he'd endured in the lore so he could give her an accurate answer. “This is my third winter on the mountain and I think last winter was the worst but they are usually pretty harsh here from my experience.” He of course didn't have the experience that someone older might have. “Just wait until the warmer months, it's rather nice up here on the mountain.”

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Birtie Parlow-Tallis

"You ever think about moving south? Just for some warmth." She asked softly, her words were less serious and more curious. It wasn't like Birtie was about to try and convince him to move everything down south just for some weather. Although the idea of a southern trip would have been overly tempting if she didn't have other things tying her down. Not that she entirely minded. Despite the occasional jitters, there were a lot of cons (so far) to her being pregnant. For example, she was being allowed to stay in the den with the warmth of Kajika instead of facing jobs or responsibilities. Birtie wasn't a slacker but the occasional day off was nice.

"Third winter?" She hummed the information in more of a questioning tone. "You're rather loyal to this place." For most wolves rarely made it to two winters, often eager to get swept away in spring adventures before finding another pack by winter.

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

He was quiet for a moment as he thought about her question before deciding, “I haven't actually now that you mention it. I wonder how far we'd have to go to get the warmest weather.” He'd never given it any thought really, he was so used to having winter he wasn't sure he could imagine not having it. He wasn't sure he could move as long as he'd been on the mountain he'd grown to love it immensely. There was too much holding him to the mountain but maybe one day it was something he might do.

“Mhmm,” he voiced. It was sometimes hard to believe he'd been with the pack that long. Sometimes it made him feel a little old. “I'm very loyal. Namid and Vespertio we're good to me and Fallen Tree Cove is important. I want to make sure it continues with the same values they had and maybe some of my own mixed in. You will be helping with that,” he said as he touched his nose to her abdomen.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Birtie Parlow-Tallis

"Well, I don't know about the warmest but it was usually warm year-round where my birth pack is. Granted it was nothing like this place." There were no mountains back there and the woods were miles from where they stayed. It was a nice place to those who called it home. Sometimes things got dull but they made due.

A brow raised as she sleepily watched him brush over her abdomen. There was nothing to feel yet but she imagined there would be within time. It almost weirded her out thinking how she'd look within a matter of weeks. Rounded out like those weary females her mother had turned away before.

"I don't know if I'll be the one helping too much but surely they'll carry on any legacies." They had Parlow blood, they would be born for the job of carrying out morals and legacies - whether it be of their own or others'. She may have been carrying his children but that didn't make her a leader. She didn't expect others to listen to her words just because of some small lives.

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

She spoke of her birth pack and that it was warm there year round. It wasn't often that she spoke of her home so naturally he was curious. “Where is your birth pack?” He would much rather talk about hers than his own which resided in a place that was like the lore though not in the mountains like the cove. It had been a long time since he'd said anything on the matter but he still wasn't sure he'd moved on from it.

He'd seen Namid and Moonshadow pregnant but it was still hard to imagine that growing inside of her we're their pups. The thought made him nervous, that in a few weeks he would be a father responsible along with her for tiny little lives. He worried too that what had happened to Namid and Moonshadow's children would happen to theirs.

“Your part of this pack and my life now so I think you'll do your part. As for them, they will most certainly carry our legacy and hope one day they might take over the cove.” He of course wasn't only talking about the fact she was carrying their children. It didn't matter to him her rank, she was just as important as any other member, maybe more if she wanted to be. The future could hold a lot of things for them and the cove it was impossible to know what until it happened.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Birtie Parlow-Tallis

Her ear flicked softly as she gave thought to how far it was. "Depends. Think it took me about three weeks to get here." Granted she wasn't all that fast and obviously food or sleep breaks were needed every now and then. "Someone faster might make the trip in less." Her shoulders gave a gentle shrug. It was unlikely anyone would use the same route there twice so that would play into it too.

"That's plenty of pressure to put on them." She said with a sleepy smirk. She had to wonder if this was the kind of things her own parents had planned before the birth of their litters. There was little doubt that at least one of her brothers would take a hold of the coast.

Her legs stretched forward as she found it in her to make a half-hearted attempt at waking up. "Do hope it's warmer by the afternoon. As nice as being lazy all day sounds I think it might be frowned upon."

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