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make it through another night — Silent Moon Plateau 
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Played by Jacqueline who has 10 posts.
Niyol Muraco

The snow had stopped at last, though Niyol speculated that the break in the cold weather would only be brief. It may have officially been the mid-Spring, but it certainly didn't feel like winter had left the region just yet. If the dark stormy clouds on the far horizon were anything to go by, snow would soon return to the mountain peaks. The large male gave a sudden shiver, shaking his brown and grey pelt out from his neck to the tip of his tail in a ripple of movement, as he imagined another month of freezing temperatures. Normally he wasn't one to complain, but since leaving the comfort of Crowfoot Creek, he held a new respect for wolves who chose to go it alone permanently. Life was tough when you didn't have a warm den to return to at night.

Burnt orange eyes gazed up at the bright full moon, which for the first time in many nights, was finally visible within the clear evening sky. He supposed the being a lone wolf had its perks. The view from atop the mountain peaks was stunning, though truthfully, Niyol couldn't be sure if he wouldn't grow tired of it after a while. Sure, exploring was all fun and exiting for a while, but he felt lost. He needed purpose...

Played by Arla who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Revon Argyris Archer

It felt strange being home. Good, but strange. Some days she felt like a stranger, and some days she felt as though nothing had changed in her absence. That time had frozen after her departure and the mountain remained untouched as it waited for return. But the uneven terrain felt right beneath her toes—much better than the soft, spongey forest floor. She could see everything from atop the mountain, something she had missed during her time below a canopy of branches. While she had been frightened and uncertain during her time away from the Heights she had come to enjoy the freedom that came with her unconventional absence. She hadn’t even minded the company of the dark yearling toward the end.

A loud huff escaped her as she dismissed her thoughts of the orange-eyed youth. She stomped forward, to the north, in an attempt to clear her head. Revon hoped her parents wouldn’t mind her late night rendezvous. They had given her some space since he return, which the scarlet Archer appreciated. She’d missed them terribly but she did not want to be flanked by them every day. She didn’t plan on going anywhere. Not yet.

Her tangerine gaze swept toward the dark strange, a small frown tracing her creamy maw. If y’keep starin’ at it y’might go blind, she tossed in his direction, her tail swaying gently behind her as her steps came to a halt. 

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health