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All alone — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Courtney who has 63 posts.
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Ismeme Theos
Ismeme had been wandering around hopelessly trying to find her family ever since the fire had destroyed her home. She couldn't even be sure anyone else was still alive. The thought that they could have been consumed by the fire along with their home was enough for her to stop as the flashbacks of that day ran through her mind. Her and Hartt had been playing by the river when it happened. She had caught a strange scent and looked up and saw black smoke coming from the meadow. Isa and Hartt ran as fast as their short puppy legs would carry them. She stopped dead in her tracks as the yellow and orange flames lapped at the entrance to their den. The fire had already engulfed a good majority of the meadow. Isa left Hartt by the edge of the meadow and ran off to look for their parents ad brothers but they were no where to be found. She went back to where she left Hartt only to discover that she was no longer there. Isa ran into the forest, calling to Hartt but with no reply. Isa shook her head, trying to get the memory out of her head, and continued walking.

She had entered Relic Lore only a few days ago. She found it surprising that she hadn't run into any other wolves yet. Isa kept moving forward, growing weary. She stumbled upon the Secluded Spring and walked to the waters edge to get a dink. Isa lowered her head and lapped up the cool water. She sat up and looked down at her reflection, her amber eyes only reminding her of the fire once more. Ismeme noticed a tree not too far from the water and she got up and laid down. She rested her head on her paws and closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca had wandered near the pack territory for some time now and slowly, zig-zaggin heading towards Secluded Spring, why, the black girl didn't know, but she just did. Maybe she wished to find somethign to do, somethign more exciting than just wandering around. It had been a boring day, but at least she was still on good mood. Boring things usually amde her grumpy...

Then the scent. She-wolf was somewhere here. Feeling the will to find and inform that she was pretty close to the territory of Copper Rock Creek, want to protect her home and pack. But the black insane kept her mind open, this could be a potential member, who knows?

Turning and heading along the trail with good speed, trotting in the forst, head low, tail high, sniffing the way. Then she entered the shore of th Spring. It wasn't fully frozen. Odd, it was winter after all, had been a long time now. Turning her head, seeing the wolf laying underneath on tree. Slowly Reba walked closer, head down but tail high. The other wasn't in a pack, and despite her rather low rank Rebecca knew that as a pack wolf, she was higher ranked. <b>"Hello stranger"</b>
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Courtney who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ismeme Theos
Isa was startled from her sleep. Her ears flattened against her head as the strange black female spoke to her. "Hello stranger" Isa breathed in the femme's scent. She was a pack wolf, Isa realized a pack must be close or she was already on pack territory. She sat down, showing she wasn't a threat. "Hello miss. I'm Ismeme, you may call me Isa if you like."

She watched the femme closely, not wanting a fight but if the femme attacked Isa would not be able to outrun her. Isa tilted her head to the side and put a slightly impish smile on her face. "It's nice to see another face. It has been quite a long time. "May I ask your name miss?"
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
At least Ismeme ahd manners, too bad Reba hated them. Smiling a wicked, but friendly smile, looking at her, eyes not moving away for a single moment. <b>"First of all, don't call me miss. I'm Rebecca Wheatear, from Copper Rock Creek. Secondly, you're pretty close to the territory."</b> she said, smile widening, turning more friendly. Tail didn't wag, head was high, but Reba wasn't going to do anything special for now. Just inform and see what Isa would think or do.

Sitting to her haunches, tilting head in friendly gesture, tail moving to small wag. Isa seemed to be younger than she was, so a yearling? Pretty young. The black girl wondered what had caused that young wolf to travel alone.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Courtney who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ismeme Theos
Ismeme lowered her head as she spoke. "I apologize Rebecca Wheatear, I was not aware there was a pack nearby." She looked up to meet the black wolfs light blue eyes. It had been so long since Isa has seen another wolf, five months actually. She had begun to enjoy the femme's company, but if she was close to pack territory she would more than likely have to leave.

"If you would like for me to leave I will Rebecca. But I must say, I quite enjoy seeing a friendly face." She eyes the femme, there was something about her that reminded her of adoptive mother.
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
That way of speech drived Reba nuts. So formal and polite! She wasn't sure was it pretended or not, but it didn't quite wake up her trust. Looking at Isa, smile getting little smaller but not disappearing completely.<b> "You can just call me Reba. And you don't have to leave, you haven't trespassed. Yet. Perhaps you would even want to think about joining in? Oh, I'm going on way too fast!"</b> the black girl spoke, laughing to herself. She was also marveling her own patient behavior. Maybe it was Ismeme's young age or something that made her behave more like an adult.

Rarely everything was only good, though. Rebecca had to stop herself from turning into sarcastic and the old, impish her, who tended to use weird humor when felt like it. Pretty sick humor, that only was fun to herself. The bad things of her lineage...
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Courtney who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ismeme Theos
Isa stared at Reba, surprise in her eyes. She had never considered joining a pack, she had come here searching for her sister but since it had been months now maybe she should stop searching. "I doubt your pack would find me very useful, I'm just a yearling. Most days I cant even manage to catch anything to eat." Isa paused and looked down at the ground. Visions of that night when her family were separated flooded back. Could she join another pack? Would they allow someone so weak to join? Ismeme kept asking herself these questions in her mind over and over again.

Isa looked back up at Reba and wagged her tail as a smile came across her face. "Perhaps I will ask to join one day."
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Smiling friendly to her, Rebecca wasn't too worried about her possibly poor skills. Kashi was a... Runt, to be honest, but he would learn the tricks within the pack. At least it offered protection. <b>"Don't worry, we have other yearling as well. You would fit in just fine. And if you decide to join, just come to the border and call for Ruiko or Aeylen so they can see if they accept you in."</b> Rebecca spoke to her. She would be more than happy to get her pack to grow a strong one and every wolf was useful in that. They could all the tought.

Licking her snout, wondering what to say or do next. She really knew nothing about Isa yet... Asking?<b> "So... Is your family somewhere here?"</b>
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Courtney who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ismeme Theos
She smiles and wags her tail. "Alright, I will ask to join. But not today. I think it would be best to meet your pack members first." When Reba asked about her family Isa's smile immediately disappeared. She looked down, images of her sister, brothers, and parents flashing through her mind. "No. I don't know where my family is. We were seperated by a fire that destroyed our home. I'm not sure if my parents or brothers are alive but I picked up my sisters scent leading to Relic Lore. I lost her scent though when I got here and haven't been able to find her."

She looked at Reba, unsure what else to say.
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Ah, she didn't have a family anymore. Rebecca didn't actaully feel sorry for her nad that didn't make her feel bad. Why was she like this? To her, losing family just wasn't that important information. If you still had it, it was important, but Reba didn't have it and she expected everyone else who had lost theirs to survieve as 'well' as she had.

<b>"Ah, it's never nice to lose family. But tell me, what's you sister's name? I might know her."</b> she said, friendly tone, but nothing else. Her offer was nothing that would've made her tired, just recalling a name nad place where they ahd met, if they even had met. But the black girl had made awfully lot of new friends, neutrals and enemies. Maybe Isa's sister was one of them? Giving a friendly smile, slightly lowering her head, wagging her tail she looked at her new acquaintance.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">