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the outlier — Clearwater Tarn 
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Played by Van who has 131 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mavis Kipley
@Piety - Kip is leaving Clearwater Tarn

Honestly, Kip had wanted to approach Lorcan to talk to him about this, but she hadn’t been able to pick up on his scent, and this couldn’t wait any longer. She wasn’t comfortable around Piety, especially because of what happened the other day at Lenae’s den, but she had no other choice. She wouldn’t just leave without a word like some sort of coward.

She found the alpha female by the water. It was only days from her due date, and Kip felt bad about leaving, but she was sick of putting everyone else’s feelings and needs before her own. She was important, too, and she was just getting around to understanding that fact.

”Piety,” the little wolf greeted quietly, her tail down but her head up. ”I need to talk to you.”
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro

She managed to stand as the small female greeted her. Piety was wide as pregnancy but not any wider than the years prior. Unless they were small, she figured this year would only bring forth another lone child.

The thoughts faded from her mind as she stood tall and proud like any other day. What is it? Her tones softer than the day before. Piety, while not back to her happy self by any means, did not have it in her to muster the anger she had had before. It was too tasking and heaven knew she shouldn't be raging through the last stretch of her pregnancy.

So she waited for whatever it was that needed to be discussed. While she could hope it was something good, she doubted it was. The Tarn had never gotten off to the start she had hoped.

[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Van who has 131 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mavis Kipley
Kip didn’t cower down before the alpha’s proud stance, but didn’t try and make her own dominant either. She was absolutely positive in her decision here, and she wasn’t going to be talked out of it. Not by Piety, not by Odin, not by anyone.

She was a little stubborn that way.

”I’ve been having these... doubts since before I joined the pack, and I shouldn’t have joined in the first place when I wasn’t completely sure, but I was hoping that things would get better. That if I tried - if I put in the effort - I might feel more at home,” she began, not breaking eye contact with the older woman. ”But I haven’t felt comfortable around any of you. Lorcan, maybe, and Odin, before all of this bullshit with Lenae happened, but I’m tired. I’ve tried, and in light of yesterday’s events - you know, being attacked for trying to help Lenae - I’ve come to the realization that that will never happen.”
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro

There was a feeling of disappointment in the pit of her gut. She had liked the small girl, she really had, but she wasn't going to talk her into staying. Piety would not play yo-yo of feelings with anyone nor would she nail down those who did not wish to stay.

Then go. She spoke sternly as her head lifted higher. You will not be welcomed back, though and if you are found lingering near the territory you will be dealt with swiftly. I will not harbor foul moods from anyone anymore. Her words accentuated and sharp. Piety wanted to make herself clear on the matter. This wasn't something just for Kip or anything to be taken personally. The expectant mother was tired of the tensions. If wolves knew they did not belong here then she'd have no problem shooing them off.

That was that. The Santoro leader had nothing left to say to the small female and fully expected her to leave. Now.

[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Van who has 131 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mavis Kipley
She was grateful that the older woman didn’t try to convince her into staying. Although the whole thing seemed a bit haughty on Piety’s part, in Kip’s opinion. Almost as though she was in charge of other people’s emotions.

Another reason why she didn’t belong here.

”If you’re sick of harboring foul moods, perhaps you shouldn’t rush into situations assuming that everyone is in the wrong. Take control of your own, because I haven’t been cruel to anyone in this pack,” the younger wolf said calmly, referring to Piety’s own foul moods recently. ”Trust me, I won’t be coming back,” she assured as she turned to leave. And that was that - nothing more needed to be said.