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morning glories in the field — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
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Birtie Parlow-Tallis
@Kajika || Early Morning, Overcast Clouds, 55.4 ° F, 13 ° C

She had been confined to the den since the birth of the children. Two days had passed and no names had been selected. She knew it was time to decide now that she was adjusting, feeling more rested. The new mother had been territorial of the den the last few days for obvious reasons. Anyone who dared to stick their noses in got a swift snapping of teeth. Luckily it seemed that hadn't been needed so far.

Her tongue swept over the crowns of the children as they squirmed at her sides. They gave small cries of defiance against her touch but didn't seem too bothered by her presence so close to them. She wouldn't have thought such small beings could be so noisy or so tiring. Especially so early on.

When she ceased her grooming, a low woof escaped her. Was Kajika close enough to be summoned by that or would she have to go to the entrance of the den?

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

The feeling of being a father was still very new to him and it left him reluctant to leave the den entrance. He did however to bring Birtie what she needed, food and water and anything else. Most of his days were spent listening to the sounds that came from inside. He was also very vigilant in his guarding of the den though no one had bothered the new parents. He was thankful for that since didn't particularly want to have to chase anyone away.

He was resting just outside the den when the tiny cries coming from inside caused his ears to perk as he moved his head from one paw to the other to peer at the entrance. A smiled formed on his lips until he heard Birite’s chuff. He quickly rose to his feet worried something might be wrong.

“Everything alright in here?” He asked as he entered the den. The alpha quickly looked over the occupants of the den before turning his amber gaze on Birite.

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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
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Birtie Parlow-Tallis

She nodded her head softly at his question. Yeah. More than alright really. There had been no complications so far for her or the children. Birtie wasn't sure she could ask for much more.

Do...do you want to see them closer? She asked tentatively as she adjusted some to allow the children to be more easily seen. It felt a bit selfish to keep hoarding the children. Kajika was rightfully the father and deserved to see them closer than just the entrance of the den.

They'll need names soon. The Parlow commented as she looked up at the dark Cove leader. Did he still remember their agreement they made those months ago?

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

Relief washed over the dark man as Birtie confirmed that everything was indeed alright. He just couldn't help but worry that something would go wrong even though they were two days into Parenthood. After seeing Moonshadow and Namid both lose pups over the years he couldn't help it.

He looked at her as she asked the question with a perplexed look across his face. She hadn't let him get close to them but now that she was offering… He finally nodded, “Yes, I would like that very much,” he told but didn't move right away. Instead he would wait for her to give him a signal that it was okay. He did however turn his amber gaze on his children.

As he looked the tiny forms over she spoke of them needing names. This brought his attention back to her, “Yes, they do,” he agreed, “Have you given some thought to our sons name?” He'd been thinking about what to call any daughter's they may have. He felt he had the perfect name for the daughter they now had.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Birtie Parlow-Tallis

Her head motioned softly for him to come closer. While she didn't want him to perhaps cuddle or smother the children with love (for she was still wary of everyone in her tender state) she saw no harm in letting him look.

I have. She admitted softly. Birtie had thought it over plenty for she wanted to be prepared when the time came. Granted she had switched between names throughout her pregnancy. Part of her had debated naming him directly after one of her older brothers. Everett had always been kind to her and the name was rather nice. Yet she decided that perhaps it would be kinder to name her first son after her father (with a dash of her mother's name influencing it).

Her nose moved to brush over the son. His colors weren't obvious just yet, nor were her daughter's, but she could hope that perhaps he'd grow to look like the ones he was named after. Elwood. Her voice barely reached above a whisper.

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

With Birtie's permission the dark alpha moved closer while still keeping his distance to get his first glimpse of his children. He glanced back at their mother before turning back to look at them, “They're perfect Birtie.” He could barely take his eyes off them and could hardly believe they were his. “Thank you for letting me see them,” he said as he looked at her with a wide smile across his maw. He knew she didn't have to so soon so was grateful she wasn't making him wait longer.

It was time they named their children with them having been in the world for a little while now. An agreement had been made between the two and now he was ready to hear the name she had decided on for their son. “I'm sure it will be a fine name,” he said just as softly as she had spoken in case she was worried he wouldn't like it.

Kajika watched the new mother as she brushed her nose over their son. Though scent could have told him which one was his daughter and which was his son he was glad when she didn't this. Now he knew which was which. His ear flicked as she the name. He nodded, “A strong name for a strong boy,” he said, “I think it's perfect for him.”

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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Birtie Parlow-Tallis
so so sorry for the wait on this ): @Kajika

Thank you. She spoke softly, she was proud of the name she had picked for her first son. She could only hope he would grow into the name he was given. Even if he didn't...well, she'd love him all the same.

Her gaze looked over to her daughter. The Parlow repeated the tender action - sweeping her nose over the child - that she had done with the son. And what of her? She asked softly as their daughter gave a wiggle of protest at being disrupted from slumber. Did you have anything in mind? Her dirty yellow gaze looked to the Cove leader as her ears gently pressed forward.

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis
No worries!

He was very pleased with the name she'd chosen but mostly it was better than naming their son after his father. It would not have given him a good start to life, there were other names but he wanted his son to have a family name. He didn't know why she had chosen that name but it had been her choice. “Your welcome.”

It was then their daughters turn to receive her name. He'd thought long and hard about what to name her and felt he'd found the perfect name. He smiled as Birtie brush her nose over the dark fur of their little girl. “I do have something in mind,” he said bringing his amber gaze to meet the new mothers. “Chenoa, it means dove.” When would be his little dove.

(This post was last modified: Jun 01, 2018, 01:35 AM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by becca who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Birtie Parlow-Tallis


What a lovely name with an even more lovely meaning. It gripped her heart with emotions and she smiled fondly. Our dove. She cooed softly as she glanced between Kajika and their daughter, Chenoa. Such different names they had picked but both lovely. She could not have asked for a better set of children.

The mother planted a kiss to the top of each newly named child's head. It was easy to see now that all the pain and moodiness had been well worth it. It's settled then. Elwood and Chenoa. A smile tugged at her usually stoic features. With these small pups at her side, it was awfully hard to contain her joy and love.

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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

He supposed he was a bit anxious about voicing the name that he'd chosen for their daughter. What if it was something the Birtie didn't like? He didn't think that was possible but there was the chance. Thankfully he had nothing to worry about because a moment later because the smile that crossed his lovers face was enough. He smiled in returned and nodded, “She is.” It was the perfect have he thought for their daughter.

The new father watched the new mother as she placed a kiss on both of their tiny heads. His gaze remained on their children as Birtie spoke of the names being settled on. “It seems it is,” he agreed before turning his gaze to their mother, “How are you doing?” He asked since he hadn't had the chance to and it was important he knew if she was doing well.

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