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There's no beaty, only the beast — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
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Kainda Wheatear
So somewhere here lived her cousin? Hopefully they wouldn't meet. Kainda wasn't eager to meet any relatives, nor strangers. The tawny woman wanted to be alone with herself, with her ugly herself. Who would even dare to look at her without feeling great disgust? Her coat was nothing to be proud of, scars hid under the horrible mass that was ment to be her fur. Messy, dirty looking and just awful disgrace. Hiding her muscles under its shameful blanket.

Not forget to mention her snout. Why would you want to see it? Scars on her lips, face, tongue, gums. Nothing worked properly, the beast had formed around that muzzle. And her eyes, Kaid couldn't even stand to see her reflection. How something can look so sick and poisonous? Yes, this wolf didn't like the way she looked like. At least something common between her and Rebecca, though from fully different reasons.

Kaid hanged her head low as she traveled through the snow, those sickly green eyes looking straight ahead, ready to poison every soul on their way. <i>Look, blood. Remember the day? When you became the beast. Don't forget it, darling, keep thinking it...</i> the sick voice kept whispering in her head. Man's voice, so evil and malicious. Her eternal companion. When had it shut up last time? Kaid couldn't remember, but she was pretty used to it. At least it often repeated those same things over and over again.

Her powerful legs carried the brutal form over the land, heading west, ready to enter to the new, unknown land. Perhaps she could finally find a peace for herself?
(This post was last modified: Feb 15, 2012, 04:28 PM by Kainda.)
Played by Hannah who has 29 posts.
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Rios Haima
Rios had just caught a hare and was ripping into it's flesh when he picked up the scent. Another lone wolf was somewhere close by. He growled softly as he ate every bit of the hare. Rios stood slowly, his bad shoulder shaking as it threatened to give out on him again. He sniffed the air, searching for the direction the wolf was coming from. 'Kill, rip' those two words kept going through his mind. He shook his head and thought for a moment. 'My shoulder is still pretty bad, if they arn't looking for a fight I should leave them be'

Rios was close to the wolf now, he could see her clearly from the shadows. It was a large female, she appeared to be fairly muscular but he couldn't be sure because of her thick fur. He found her intriguing and wanted to get closer but was unsure if he should. He stepped forward slowly, not wanting to alarm her. "Hello there stranger"
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kainda Wheatear
<i>'Someone speaks... Better to speak. Oh, you can't? Poor fairy, who's the fairewst of them a-all, who's the fairest of them a-all, who's...'</i> Kainda turned to face the speaker, large black male. Her heavily scarred snout wrinkled into a silent snarl, disgust towards herself. Who would want to look at her? <i>'Speak, SPEAK!'</i> the voice in her head yelled and laughed, evil laugh. Speak?

Lowering her head, hiding all teeth she could, that one missfortuned one sticking froom her mouth. Tail was low, stiffly pointing to ground, muscles tight as springs. He wanted to talk, she didn't. Her body was something to be ashamed anyway, why to show one more weakness? Her lack of proper speech. Kaid was not happy with her body, not with her sick eyes that now stared the black brute, nor with her moth, so heavily scarred it was hard to speak and that canine didn't help a thing.<i> 'Coward, blood, blood all over him! Kill, drink the holy Grail!'</i> the insane voice spoke to her, laughing again. And true, in her vision, everything turned bloody, red, bleading.

Shaking her head, trying to get rid of those visions, unfriendly eyes pointing to the male's silver ones. She wasn't going to speak, but if the brute was here to make fun fo her, Kaid was going to fight.
Played by Hannah who has 29 posts.
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Rios Haima
The female turned towards him, clearly ready for a fight. Rios noticed the scars on her muzzle and the canine sticking out of her mouth. She was a fighter, probably had been fighting most of her life which showed she was strong and able to handle any obstacle put in her way. He admired her even more now and wanted to learn more, but it seemed she didn't want to speak, or perhaps with that tooth she was unable to speak.

"I apologize miss if I startled you. I mean you no harm." To prove this he sat down and cocked his head to the side with a large impish smile on his face. "You don't have to speak if you don't want to miss. If you are willing to I'd like to get to know you."
(This post was last modified: Feb 16, 2012, 09:09 AM by Rios.)
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kainda Wheatear
OOC: not gonna translate that so you can pull out whatever you want XD

He sat down. He spoke, tried to flatter with that fluent speech. Kainda had been fluent speaker once, able to speak out her emotions in very colorful way, quickly and beatifully. Nothing of that was left. Nothing. <i>'Mama coward, give me my mother, give me BLOOD!'</i> Should she speak? Or just tear that wolf apart right away? No, she was here to start new life, not to fill her the will of the voice inside her head.

Kaid wasn't going to talk. No, no way. That brute would just laugh at her face, mock her, then pay the price for his words. Snarling Kainda stood still, teeth bared. Maybe she should say something anyway. Lowering her head, thighting pose. Speak! <b>"Hu... Ho-on -hlo. M... S."</b> Kaid attempted to speak, head rising, struggling to force her scarred mouth to do what she said. It didn't work well, most muscles ment for moving your mouth were damaged, the only reason she could snarl so fluently was that she did it very, very often. Muscle training, but talking... It was a rarity.

Giving a very hard look to the black wolf, snapping the air as a warning. If he would play his cards right, maybe, maybe Kaid would spare his soul. <i>'Hard times speaking, yeah? Is little fairy having troubles? Blood! Drink, eat, tear apart, don't let him stand, sell him to hell, release your own soul! One thousand souls was the price, you're expensive, darling...'</i> Stupid voice.
Played by Hannah who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rios Haima
She was attempting to speak to him, he couldn't really understand her but he hoped he would with time. Rios smiled at her. "I apologize miss, I couldn't make out what you were saying." He moved closer to her even though it seemed she would attack. "Perhaps I will be able to understand after a little while." He smiled at her and licked her cheek.

He admitted, he liked her. Yes she was a little bit older than him but she was a mystery to him and that's what he loved. She was a strong female, able to hold her own in a fight. The scars only made him admire her more.
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kainda Wheatear
OOC: Ooh, she has an fan XD

<i>'Attack! Tear his heart out of his chest! Eat it when it's still bumping!'</i> Oh, Kainda would've love to do that, but this was ment to be one of those new beginnings. But a stranger coming and licking her cheek, no that was unacceptable!

Already bared teeth now diverged from each other, jaws open Kaid attacked and attempted to bite his neck, not to hurt, but a simple warning. He wanted to understand her? She could give him little understandment! Backing away, warning was not a fight. Irritation ran through her veins as she stood there, head low, growling, not looking friendly. What was going in his mind, come and lick her cheek like that?! <i>'Fairy, fairy, failing fairy, teeth out and SINK THEM INTO HIS HEART!'</i>
(This post was last modified: Feb 16, 2012, 06:48 PM by Kainda.)
Played by Hannah who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rios Haima
OOC: not for long

Pain shot through his neck. She had bitten him, she really bit him. This enraged Rios. He glared at her and bared his teeth, a low growl emitting from his throat. "I was trying to be nice!" He snapped his teeth together, infuriated. 'Kill! Kill the ungrateful bitch! Rip, tear, destroy!' Rios shook his head trying to calm down but it wouldn't work, he was seeing red.

He lunged at her, bringing his teeth together, trying to sink his teeth into her left foreleg. He hoped he would taste blood. He tried to dig his claws into her side and pin her down as well. He snarled at the female. 'Kill. Kill. Kill!'
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kainda Wheatear
OOC: Stupid Kainda X)
What would you say about serious fight?

Trying to be nice? Stupid, stupid he was trying to be! And attacking. Kainda did not hesitate to protect herself, shoulders rolled forward, stance widened, teeth bared to growl, head lowered. <i>'Girl, give him what he deserves! Drink, drink his blood!'</i> This time, Kaid was happy to grant that wish.

When he attacked towards her left front leg, Kainda's lowered head protected that area, but his teeth still swiped her leg, causing minor scratches. She didn't leave herself moveless, no, her head charged, attempting to get a big chunk of the left side of his neck between her jaws, and then bite as hard as she could. As Rios tried to take her out of balance with his claws, Kainda moved more weight to that side, giving her more balance. Tail was balancing her as well. Her mottled fur protected her skin pretty well, but still some scratches were created, and her coat colored red. Kainda's right front leg was now rather free to attack to his left front leg, below the shoulder area, where Kainda tried to scratch him and possibly get him off balance. But more to cause pain.

<i>'Fairy, fairy, that's not enough!'</i> And so the tawny wolf started to push him with her body weight, using her head, shoulders, legs, whole body to get him back away. They were pretty equals, so this was only one more thing added to the list that caused his doom. He would be doomed after all.
Played by Hannah who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rios Haima
OOC: it wouln't last long enough to be a serious fight, his left shoulder is really weak from a previous injury. They can have a better fight later on :)

She had blocked him from biting into her leg but he was able to graze it with his canines and leave a couple scratches. She was a lot better at balancing herself than he had thought and he couldn't bring her down but again he left some decent scratches and drew blood. Her coat began to turn red on her side and the she wolf went for his bad leg and was able to get a good sized scratch just below the other wound. He yelped in pain as his leg buckled under him. He was done.

She would be able to take him down easily now. He flattened his ears against his head and tucked his tail between his legs hoping she would stop.