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The big picture's in motion, are you playing your part? — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by Alice who has 29 posts.
RE:Violent thunderstorms overtake Relic Lore.
For the carrion crew! @Arial @Pilea @Marianna (not gonna double tag you ace <3) @Borya @Anakh
Takes place real close to CAD's borders.

Shrike was not a virtuous man, nor was he patient. He had waited long enough, scouted out the woods till he learned all he needed to know. There was a pack nearby, so close he could almost taste it-the riches, the satisfaction of taking what he deserved, it was more than enough put a rare smile on his lips. As if the world agreed with his plans the afternoon sky had darkened as storm clouds rolled in from the west, and sure enough there was a flash of light followed by a near deafening boom. He couldn't think of a better time, it was now or never.

A traipse beside their border told Shrike all he needed to know. It was a relatively small pack, their were scents layered on atop one another to make it seem as though they were stronger, more formidable. But being the man he was, a predator, the sort who preyed upon the weak, he knew a bluff when he saw one. At the very least their numbers would match his, this was a risk he was willing to take. Besides, his lot had been hunting in these woods for the past few weeks and no one had challenged them, disputed their right. The way he saw it the leaders of this pack-if they even deserved to be called as such- deserved this for not anticipating the coming storm.The way he saw it....like the trees surrounding their weak border they all deserved to burn.

He turned to look over his shoulder, he didn't need to check to know he wasn't alone. These days his crew followed him like his shadow, they would do whatever he asked with very little resistance...

Trapped inside a burning church. Made it out alive. God know my worth.
(This post was last modified: May 27, 2018, 02:40 PM by Shrike.)
[Image: carrion_crew_sig_by_becuffin-dcah2jc.png]
All members of the Carrion Crew are welcome to join Shrike's threads at any time.
Played by Vami who has 25 posts.
Pilea Ritter
WARNING: Pilea posts often are full of curse.

The group had traveled north, moving out of the Drooping Willow lands where that other pack had been settled and into a forest more dense yet much less, well, pretty. Their had been a fire once here, years ago and although by now the land had lush bright greenery from where new sprouts and mosses had been birthed, many of the once towering trees laid broken and to rest on the forest floor now covered by the new undergrowth.

She could smell the borders near, the pack close, very close. Their scents carried along with the smell of the coming storm. Standing behind her Boss, she dipped her muzzle silently when he turned over his shoulder to look back on the forming group. A sneer on her muzzle, one which never seemed to fully go ahead, her bright yellow eyes danced into the direction of the pack's home as they came very close to their border. She bent then right where she stood, perhaps because she needed to relieve though it could have been obvious that she was spatting on those who had marked this place their home.

Played by Arla who has 14 posts.
Anakh Rahal

As per usual young Valor was completely oblivious to what his father was plotting. The tawny youth was just along for the ride, trailing behind his family like a dutiful lab; testing his limits and enjoying the time they spent together. He’d still wander occasionally, drifting away from the group and getting his nose into trouble, but he’d always return. Mostly because his sister practically dragged him back, but sometimes by choice. He knew that his father had malicious intentions but the youth remained naïve and followed without protest. Family stuck by each other, even when their intentions weren’t always good. Or could get them into heaps of trouble. He’d stick by his father and sister, along with the rest of their hodgepodge group.

He bounded up beside his father, his amber pools sweeping over the invisible borders in front of them. What was next? He asked silently as he tipped his pointed, coyote-like snout up to his father, his brows pinched tight with youthful curiosity. They were up to no good, that much was obvious, but what were his father’s intent with this pack?

Played by becuffin who has 309 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Treyah Tainn
Day before Treyah gives birth
turn your face towards the sun, let the shadows fall behind you

She had been restless. It wasn't comfortable to walk by now, but her body pushed her to do so none the less. She hadn't ventured beyond the borders, but she knew the guys would be doing their part to ensure their safety, so she was taken by surprise when she stumbled across the small band closing in on their borders.

Emotions passed easily over her face, surprise, confusion, before a smile finally settled on her face and her tail began to wave welcomingly behind her. It wasn't often others stumbled on this part of the wildwood in the year that they had been here, but between Nauja and Novasta it seemed like things were changing. "Hi there, are you guys alright? Things have been a bit rough with all these coyotes around huh?" It never once crossed her mind that they might be up to no good.

Treyah Tainn
[Image: treyah_by_loccian_love-dc7mu4q.png]
[Image: treyberossig_by_becuffin-dc8ufez.png]
Played by Ghostpaw who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Garmir Ghostpaw
OOC: Garmir is practically following Treyah 24/7 at this late into her pregnancy so I will throw him in now.

Garmir had in last few days self appointed himself as Treyah's body guard, following her through day and night where ever she chose to go or spend her days at. He tried to be discreet about it and not appear as if he'd been clued to her ass, but often times it was hard not to notice he was trailing her.

Charred Ash Draw had gone through lot of trouble as of late - and even the pack's very survival had been at question for a while. Now however with Treyah pregnant and new numbers added to the pack's total strenght, things were starting to look great - so much so that even bad weather could not ruin Garmir's mood. Even rare smile or two could be caught on his face now and then.

Oh, how wrong could he be. Her moving closer to borders had made Garmir more alert, especially with the coyote threat still looming in the air. Closer they got to the borders, closer Garmir trailed her until they suddenly came across a group of wolves lingering little too close to pack territory. Treyah might have not thought of anything suspicious but Garmir was already hearing alarm bells ring in his head by looking at the sheer size of the band and how they had neared the border without announcing themselves.

And thus the earthen male acted, doing something he would have never normally done in Treyah's presence. He moved ahead of the lead female and placed himself between the gang and the pregnant alpha, his tail rising unusually high - considering that Garmir normally never used his tail to signal anything. He pressed his body close to Treyah and then with low voice, meant only to her whispered; "...Treyah.. something is wrong..."

[Image: garmir_by_loccian_love-dc6mod2.png]

All my characters are available for spree anytime with anyone. Just poke in slack or send PM!
Played by Ace who has 10 posts.
Scouting a new lay of the land was not particularly appealing to Procyon.  Not that they had much of a choice – while Marianna had explain this forest was full of game and had plenty of space, the girl had all the directional sense of a rock.  Where packs should be, used to be, where they ought to go…  Nothing.

So it was up to the band to figure it out.

She was further away than some of the others, often preferring the silence to any chatter (especially that of the excitable yearlings, good grief).  So she had seen the alpha and her follower, and followed not far behind them, downwind, and just across the border.  She did so like this sort of thing.  Ears tipped forward and the masked female smiled blithely at the follower’s words, watching as he tried to step in front of the alpha and contort himself at the same time to whisper.  It made for a posture not at all intimidating, and a whisper not at all secret.

“The only thing wrong is your deplorable manners,” she remarked, sliding past him to join Shrike at his left.  “We were only moving by.  The coyotes do not seem to bother us so much when near a border.”

And none of that was a lie, not one bit.
(This post was last modified: May 30, 2018, 12:22 AM by Procyon.)
[Image: procyon_sig_by_becuffin-dcah1g4.png]
[Image: vF83Yq.png]

Played by Arya who has 7 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Growing antsy like their raven lead, Borya was bored and craved for something better than the run in they had with the vermin. Following the commander's trail, the fist sensed the border of the territory that the band had confidently trekked upon, also noting the subtle information that lied within their markings. Perhaps, this one would do even if it was a little larger than he anticipated them finding. He wouldn't back down from the challenge if Shrike commanded it.

Dusty ears caught Procyon's words as the male pack wolf tried to intimidate the carrion crew with a dominant show, her words sharp and amusing. Scuffing at the male's pitiful display, Borya took up his usual position alongside Shrike's right. No words needed as a narrowed gaze eyed the dirt colored male, waiting for Shrike's next move.

[Image: yzjarSV.png]
NOTE! Borya is currently traveling with Carrion Crew
-- so any/all of them can be in any thread with him fyi! --
Played by Ace who has 123 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Marianna Leigh

Ari was not far behind Borya. It took two fists to make a full…hand? No. A full…body… Or something like that. The wolf lost interest in analogies quickly as the large male took his place beside Shrike, her own eyes floating past him to where the pair stood. Idly, she thought, if that guy over there hadn’t been so rude, most of them would have kept moving. Maybe not the kids, they were curious, and maybe not Shrike – he seemed to like treating with alphas, liked the game, the politics, or maybe he just liked challenging his wit – but she assumed she and Borya would have kept moving. Pilea and Procyon too.

They were looking for food, after all, not casual conversation. Game didn’t tend to hang out right on the border of a wolf pack.

The bear sighed heavily, one brow raising as she watched the posturing go back and forth. She was over it already. Hopefully they’d say whatever Procyon wanted to hear and they’d all be on their way. Her stomach growled then – she was freakin’ hungry.

(This post was last modified: May 31, 2018, 10:04 PM by Marianna. Edit Reason: Extra tag. )
Played by Alice who has 29 posts.
Skipping @Arial for now, sorry Nams. Hop in if you still feel like it!

Shrike had a hard time subduing his laughter. His eyes crinkled around the corners as he dipped his head in response to the lovely ladies' words. Who said he wanted to take by force? Shrike was never the sort to say no to a gift, it had happened a time or two before. Mostly as a way of getting Shrike and his crew off their back, but he wasn't against the idea of taking advantage of a good soul's kindness. Oh how sweet, if his heart wasn't black and rotten in his chest it might have ached a little.

But then of course a hero had to appear on the scene, had to lean in close and whisper as though they couldn't hear every word he uttered. Something was wrong, hm? Shrike raised a brow. And how did he know that? Was he a mind reader? Shrike called bullshit. And he had to agree with Borya, he was ptiful. His nose was so far up that pregnant's ladies arse Shrike doubted he could smell anything but shit. If they were going to kill today Shrike decided that the hero would be his.

Before he even had time to dispute the man's words Procyon cut in. Ah yes, Shrike wouldn't have worded it as such but she was a sharp one, clever. He honestly couldn't have put it better himself.

He glanced to his sides, to the wolves who stood by his shoulders, monsters of his own making. If it came to it he knew they could hold their own, that together they would take what they wanted. But perhaps all wasn't lost, perhaps Shrike could still get what he wanted the easy way.

"You're awfully suspicious." He tutted, the very picture of a disapproving elder. "She's right though, we've been nearby a little while.  We've been travelling for months now and just needed a little respite. They've been hounding us ever since we arrived, been attacked more times than I can count. But...I didn't think to ask for permission and for that I apologise." He dipped his head as a smile graced his lips, it didn't meet his eyes.

Above the sky flashed white, soon followed by a near deafening boom that made the ground beneath Shrike's paws tremble, as though out of fear. How fitting, he thought.

Trapped inside a burning church. Made it out alive. God know my worth.
(This post was last modified: Jun 10, 2018, 03:44 PM by Shrike.)
[Image: carrion_crew_sig_by_becuffin-dcah2jc.png]
All members of the Carrion Crew are welcome to join Shrike's threads at any time.
Played by Vami who has 25 posts.
Pilea Ritter
WARNING: Pilea posts often are full of curse.

Not far after she had come to settle back somewhere at Shrike's flank did his son show. This time Pilea had not been tailing the boy and yet it always seemed the pair were not far from one another. After which a pack wolf came to the border, greeting them. Pilea's nose twitched, taking in her scent, taking in her pregnancy. Pilea could feel her muscles tightening, a certain feeling welling in her that she did not like. Those days had passed for Pilea, it seemed and she was left with nothing to show for.

One after another others swept in, another pack member whispering his worry and as the Carrion Crew gathered they had choice words of their own. Pilea was able to keep to the background, say nothing and only watch, wait, for her command.