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New Beginnings — The Wildwood 
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Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
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Valiant Morino
<blockquote>It was a longer trip than he would have liked. He could have torn a hole in the tension with his teeth if he had tried. It would have almost been a relief for one to attack the other, at least then he wouldnt need to watch where he stepped.

When he finally scented Rhysis he had to fight the urge to call out. He had said to leave a scent so Valiant rubbed against a tree and kicked his feet across the ground in frustration, hoping the younger male didn't take too long, otherwise there may not be any females to introduce him to...

<b>"Lets go find somewhere to wait."</b> he said wearily to his companions. Waking resignedly into the trees. He had never felt so mentally exhausted in his life.</blockquote>
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Her pink pads were frozen by the time they reached the Wildwood. She tried to avoid any complications with Hawke, but sometimes the tension was too much. Athena couldn't wait to get away from her. The white wolf was such a bitch sometimes. Athena didn't even care anymore, she was just so mentally exhausted. Her headache stayed with her the whole trip.

Entering the shelter of the trees, made her uneasy. She was too accustomed with the mountains, so not being able to see around her easily was unsettling. Her mind was in a flutter. She didn't know when or where they were meeting Rhysis, but she hoped it was soon. She didn't know how much longer she could stand being with Hawke.

Athena nodded to Valiant's coment and followed him through the trees. She sat down on her haunches a little bit away from the other two. She still wasn't comfortable being close too Hawke. Athena plopped down on the ground, being too tried to just sit and settled in to wait for the brute.
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>Rhysis had been picking at the last of a recent kill, a small bird when a familiar voice entered the air. He instantly recognised it, no matter how far off it seemed and he was instantly upon his feet, the kill forgotten immediately. Valiant had returned and with a sniff upon the breeze he knew that he was not alone. He had never doubted that the fluffy idiot would be able to come back with some females; he had a way with the ladies which Rhysis would never understand. Valiant may not have known it, but he was somewhat of a manipulator himself, feeding them lies to get them to fall for him- were he not such a black soul Rhysis might have been appalled at the very idea, but as his soul was as black as the night, he was thrilled at the idea and with his companions skill set. He might not be the brightest crayon in the box, but he was smart enough where he needed to be, and that is why Rhysis appreciated him so.

His leather pads took him across the woods swiftly. He knew the area like the back of his paw by now and it wasn’t long before he could smell their scents upon the floor rather then just the wind. They had passed through not long ago and upon closer inspection it seemed that Valiant had left his mark, how very exciting. Another sniff to the ground told him he had one other with him, female and without a pack scent. The boy had done well. With a smirk upon his face he followed the trail to where the two were waiting and pushed himself through the thickets to reveal himself without hesitation.

<b>”Took you long enough.”</b> he said in the direction of the fuzzy silver brute who laid upon the floor. He didn’t look amused, perhaps the female with him had been taxing upon the way? Maybe she had put up a fight and he was tired from stopping her from running? He didn’t know and he didn’t really care, all that mattered was that they were here... with a female. <b>”Still, you got what we needed.”</b> he said, then taking a brief glance over the female. She was small, tiny compared to him in fact. She was pretty, but that did nothing for him. She was a female. She was a tool. Without a word to her he sauntered over towards Valiant and sat down, a good distance from him still. <b>”Couldn’t you find a real life sized one?”</b> he added with a light snigger.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
Hawke may join us later or Val may fill her in later.

<blockquote>Trust the younger male to arrive when the tool was off wandering on her lonesome. He couldn't say he regretted her absence. It was easier to relax without her around, judging his every glance, always wondering what he was thinking... He would mention the leggy female to Rhysis, and see if he had any pointers for driving her off.

<b>"Don't be too harsh Rhys..."</b> he said with a smile, wandering closer and lowering his voice. <b>"The little ones are fast don't forget, and she's a long shot saner than the one thats gone for a wander, although if its height you're after she may be a better choice. Bit clingy though if you get my meaning."</b> he said with an almost desperate stare. Turning to face Athena with a winning smile he said to her <b>"Don't take it personally love, he's a bit young to appreciate a true beauty such as yourself, when one presents herself to him."</b> much warmer than he would have in Hawke's presence. Sane females were seemingly harder to find than either of them thought.</blockquote>
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Played by anyu who has 30 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hawke Ismira
Had to pop in. Things just aren't the same without Hawke xD

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i know it gets hard sometimes but i could never
leave your side no matter what i say
Hawke had traveled quite a ways with Valiant and Athena, slowly growing more and more angry and irritated until she trotted beside Valiant without touching him or talking to him. She was lost in her own mind and in her anger; for a while it was as if Valiant and the female didn't exist. When it became clear that they were stopping she had wandered off to be alone for a bit and perhaps shake off the tangible tension that seemed to cling to her mind. The strain of trying to not explode was really getting to her, and she felt like ripping heads off.

Finally she felt slightly calmer and thought she might be able to return to the other two. She turned and retraced her steps through the trees until she could see her companions in the distance, as well as a stranger that she had never seen before. Was this the wolf that Valiant had said they were going to meet?

Rather than simply returning calmly to the group, Hawke returned with her head and tail raised, clearly in a rather angry mood. She did not even go to Valiant. Instead she ignored him for the time being, irritated and quite ready to bite his head off - literally. "Is someone finally going to tell me what the hell I was dragged all the way out here for?" she demanded in a sharp, harsh voice that was much different from her calmer, softer voice. "I'm fucking tired of no one telling me what they want from me." Valiant had mentioned a pack, but not much else. He hadn't even informed her of that until she had asked why they were with the other female.

She was frustrated enough that she was liable to simply abandon all three of them in their venture and refuse to help them.
'cause if i wanted to go i would have gone by now
but i really need you near me to keep my mind off the edge
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Sorry for the delay, computer problems as usual./:

The black male soon arrived. He wasn't exactly what she expected. The brute was obviously young, at the very least one, but that sometimes doesn't affect anything. She didn't know his past or what he has gone through as he doesn't know anything about her. You can't judge a book by it's cover.

Athena would have been annoyed with Rhysis's comment on her size, but she was too tired to be bothered. Usually, she'd get angry when someone talked about her like she was some little fly. This would led her too occasional scuffles with other wolves. Today, she would have to make an exception. She needed to be polite and hold her anger inside her or she'd ruin her chances of being in a pack and get healthly again. She appreciated what Valiant's remark, she had a feeling he valued her presence at times. Through all this, she kept a straight face, not showing any of her emotions. The only movement she made was standing up and giving Valiant a slight nod at his comment. She kept her distance from the two brutes and simply watched them.

Amusment enveloped her when the other white female came into view. Hawke was back and she looked beyond pissed. Frankly, Athena thought she was overreacting, but maybe there was something that the white lady has missed. Athena hoped that maybe the female's frustrated state would make her abandon them and go on her way. Though, that would be hoping for too much.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote><b>"Oh believe me, I don't trust that any females around here are sane. At least three have tried to fight me, friggin' morons."</b> he commented in reply, though it was almost to himself. He was about to say more to the fluffy fool when another female decided to grace them with her prescence. Rhysis inwardly cringed as she simple strode up, bold as brass and began moaning. He instantly realised why Valiant looked so defeated, one female was a headache but two? You may as well have a brain tumour.

He felt his brows raising at her very tone as his grey gaze settled on her. It appeared he found the dominant of the two females, whether it was intentional or not. As of yet the little excuse for a wolf had said nothing, Valiant appeared to worn down by them to be of much use; especially if this female was as clingy as he had indicated. In a way, he found it amusing that he should find himself such a stalker, he had it coming and karma could be a real bitch... but why did it have to be at the start of their pack? Couldn't he have found one once they were established? Were it not for the fact they needed the numbers he may have just sent the second female away- she seemed a lot of trouble he just couldn't be dealing with.

<b>"I will say this only once. Shut up bitching or you can leave right now. I am not dealing with any more crazy, whining bitches this week."</b> he directed towards Hawke with a cold stare and a rise of his head to assert his dominance and size. He was well aware of the fact he was the youngest wolf here, it was painfully obvious wherever he went but he wasn't small in size and he wasn't a push over either. There was a reason he had faith in himself and the plans they had, because he achieved his goals, no matter how big they might seem. He would assert his dominance if he had to, but for the time being he wanted to keep things as neutral as possible.

He glanced back to Valiant then. <b>"How much do they know already?"</b> he asked him in a short manner whilst his eerie grey eyes swept across the three other wolves.

What a clan they were... one evil genius child, one fluffy romancer, one short arse and one stalker with an attitude. It wasn't quite the fearless pack he had always dreamed of but he supposed beggars can't be choosers.</blockquote>
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
<blockquote>Valiant visibly flinched at the pale woman's tirade, dropping his ears and tail submissively, hoping to placate her current mood with his defeated appearance. <b>"Why does anyone have to want anything of you? We aren't trying to use you, I just enjoy your company Hawke, I thought you were happy to come along. I didn't mean to pressure you...I just, really enjoy being around you."</b> he said gently, forcing a sad look into his eyes as if she were hurting his feelings. Inside he was screaming for her to just go, and to leave him alone, but she could be useful down the track.

He thought the other male might think him weak, but keeping females happy to go along with his plans was his speciality and he wasn't against emotional blackmail if it could twist one to his advantage. Perhaps that was why the darker male kept him around. He didn't seem the type to tolerate them beyond necessity.

He had to keep a smirk from his face at Rhysis's comment about being attacked. <b>"Maybe they just want you that badly and you aren't getting the hint."</b> he teased lightly. Lowering his tone so only the darker male could hear he continued <b>"All I said was we were coming to talk to you about possibly trying to form a pack. Athena seemed mildly interested, Hawke tagged along after a short... encounter. I haven't been able to shake her, she's ok as long as I give her my complete attention, but any less and she gets like this."</b> he said with a tilt of his head to the fuming femme. She was glorious when she was mad, beautiful but scary.</blockquote>
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Played by anyu who has 30 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hawke Ismira
Hawke's Borderline Personality Disorder is liable to make her extremely unpredictable when it comes to mood and who she likes or doesn't like - sorry about her craziness xD

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i know it gets hard sometimes but i could never
leave your side no matter what i say
Hawke didn't give the other female - Athena, she had to remind herself - even a morceau of attention. There was no reason to; she was as silent as a butterfly. At the moment she was intent on ignoring Valiant, her anger boiling just beneath the surface of her skin, threatening to spill over at any moment. It was the black wolf that did it. This friend of Valiant's. He added enough heat to make her temper boil over.

Suddenly Hawke went cold; her eyes were as hard and as cold as ice-covered stone. Her face gave no hint to what she was feeling; she was suddenly emotionless. Still, she did not back down from the black male. She left her head and tail up high, refusing to be submissive to anyone at the moment. They could have her submission when they showed that they deserved it.

When she spoke again she was no longer yelling; her voice was not even loud, but it also had not returned to it's normal, smooth tone. Instead her voice cut the air like ice. It was serious, cold, and calculating. Staring the black male in the eye, she said, "Watch what you say to me, friend of Valiant." When she was truly angry she did not swear; that was for normal conversation. "I am not here to whine, as you so put it. I am here because this is where Valiant led me. So now you have two options; show me a little respect, or I will make your life a living nightmare." Her patience was thin, her demeanor ice cold. There was no fear in even an inch of her body, despite the fact that he was larger than her. She might be thin, but she was fast and agile where he certainly was not. She'd fought before.

She'd decided long before this meeting that she wouldn't be pushed around by whomever Valiant was meeting. She wasn't a fool and she wasn't weak. Her time spent caring for her brother meant that she had become strong at an early age. She had been in multiple fights to defend him. And she had learned from him as well, meaning that she was not just some stupid bitch wandering around without a clue.

Valiant moved her attention from the black male. At first she was moved, and almost began to relax, but then she changed her mind and she took a step closer to the silver male. "Look me in the eye," she said coldly, "and convince me that you are not using me." She was seeing plots against her at every turn; she was certain that she was being used and that was simply not acceptable. Still, her eyes did soften some with his words. She wanted to believe him, and that was clear to anyone watching her.
'cause if i wanted to go i would have gone by now
but i really need you near me to keep my mind off the edge
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Athena felt bad for the poor guy. The whole trip Valiant had to suck up his pride basically and make the woman happy. At times, she thought that he would explode and yell back at her, but he always kept his cool. No way would Athena be able to do that for as long as he has. She would have blown up already.

Her own patience was running thin with Hawke's sudden outbursts of anger. It was getting quite annoying to hear her whine and bitch. Hawke's voice was like nails on a chalkboard to Athena lately. Frankly, she herself may blow up.

Truthfully, Hawke's outburst was actually interesting. Rhysis indeed acted disrespectfully, but then again Hawke acted ridiculous. Athena wondered what was going to be said next. By Hawke's body language, she bespeaked that she was ready to fight. Athena had no desire to fight for either of the wolves, so she was content on watching.
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