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Fury — Lost Lake 
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Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
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Thanatos Rua
Searching around for a meal, Thanatos lifted his muzzle into the air to search for any trace of prey. He picked up the scent of a hare and, with his head turned to the right slightly so he could lead with his good eye, he silently stalked forward toward the unsuspecting hare. He licked his lips, leaped forward after it and as it took off he chased it down and pounced on top of it, sinking his teeth into its fragile body until the body stopped moving and went limp in his mouth. He ripped into its flesh, tearing it apart. His mouth watered as he swallowed the flesh, a little blood tickling down his chin. He quickly devoured the hare, leaving nothing but bones for the scrap. Thanatos stood up and began to head towards Relic Lore.

Thanatos travled through Relic Lore fora few days. He enjoyed it here, plenty of prey and not too many packs so he wouldn't come into contact with too many alphas. He enjoyed fighting but if he got into a fight every time he met a male his body would get too worn down. Perhaps he could find a free spirited female that could keep him company. He hoped he would, he had begun to grow lonely.

He reaches a lake and walked across the snow covered ground to reach the waters edge. He stared at his reflection for a moment, his heavily scarred body disgusting him. He swatted at the water, making it ripple and distort his reflection. He lowered his head and lapped up the water.
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
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Kainda Wheatear
This lake, it was beatiful, she had to admit, but Kainda wasn't those wolves looking for beatiful things. They only reminded her about how horrible she looked like. Scarred body, mottled, ugly colored fur, and those eyes, so horrible color. Nothing was good in her, that was Kaid's opinion, but at least she was alive, despite the fact the tawny wolf didn't want to see her reflection.

Walking on the shore of the lake, looking over the snowy land, the trees, grey, cloudy sky. <i>'It should be red, bloody, hell should be up THERE!'</i> the voice in her head whispered, but with a shake of her head she ignored it. No, ksy was supposed to be blue. Though red sky would really make her feel more comfortable, to know that it was filled with blood and sorrow like it should be.

The bitter creature kept going along the shore, far enough from the water to not see her reflection, near the treeline and dark forest. Suddenly a form in the distance took her attention. Another wolf, and by the scent the wind blew to her Kaid knew it was a male. Snarling she continued her own way, that would definitely lead past the black brute. Hopefully he would ignore her...
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
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Thanatos Rua
The wind changed direction, bringing the scent of a female to his attention. He had hoped to meet a female, he just didn't realize it would be this soon. His ears perked up as he headed in her direction. He ran towards her, excited.

Thanatos slowed down as she came into view. She was beautiful. A cream colored coat with stunning yellow-green eyes. He crept forward slowly, taking in every detail of her form. He saw the scars on her muzzle and realized she was just like him which made her even more perfect in his eyes. She could be the female he had been looking for.

He stops a few wolf lengths away from her and attempts to smile, the scars on his muzzle making it difficult. He looked more threatening than inviting. Thanatos was hoping he would be able to speak to her, the scar on his throat showing the old injury that made it difficult to speak for so long. "Herow." He growled under his breath. She would think he was a freak. He looked down and shook his head.
(This post was last modified: Feb 16, 2012, 07:57 PM by Thanatos.)
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
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Kainda Wheatear
Oh crap, he couldn't just leave her alone. He even ran towards her, just like he would be eager to meet a monster like Kainda. Strange, did he have some mental issues? No one wanted to meet the beast of his nightmares, right?<i> 'He is crazy, easy target, just rip him apart and eat to your bloodlust!'</i> The voice spoke to her, its will, not hers. Kainda wasn't after blood all the time, but very often that voice drew her in bloody battles.

Halting, eyeing this black male in front of her. Scarred snout, like hers, no sticking fangs though. Scarred from his body as well, like her, though her scars were hidden under the rugged fur that covered her body. Only the ones on her legs and face were visible. But he, he had an blind eye. Something Kainda didn't have, despite that some scars went pretty close fo her eyes, telling their silent story of battles nearly fatal to her eyesight.

He spoke. Hardly. Better than her. Should she? At least she wouldn't be the only freak around.<b> "H-o"</b> was all she could get from her barely moving lips. The male had done better. Keeping rather neutral, but defensive pose, Kainda eyed the brute with mild curiosity growing inside her. <i>'Kill, fairy, kill! He's an easy target, pull him down, take off his brains, eat them, become wiser! Blood! BLOOD!'</i>
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
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Thanatos Rua
Thanatos turned his head so he could get a better look at her out of his good eye. She was attempting to speak to him as well. It seemed she was a little worse though. He attempted to smile again. "Irm Th-anat-os Rua." He spoke slowly, trying to get his name right.

He moved closer and circled her, trying to get a better look at her and stopped when he was face to face with her again. He looked her in the eye as he spoke again. "Brutful." He shook his head. He had been trying to tell her she was beautiful. He hoped she would understand what he meant.
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kainda Wheatear
Thanatos, ha? Really struggling with his words, just like her. And then he started to circle her. Kainda didn't turn his back on him, she knew what kind of damage that could cause. But it seemed Thanatos didn't have that kind of things in mind. Kainda wasn't sure was she happy about it or not. <i>'Attack, attack! Blood, drink, eat! Flesh, red, hot!'</i>

Brutful? Brutal? True, but what did he mean with that? Her way of look? Well, thank you very muhc for calling the otehr brutal, as well you could just say horrible! But the shake of his head made Kaid marvel ahd he really ment what it sounded like. At least he hadn't said beatiful, that's for sure. Silly idea.

Pulling her head higher, keeping some of her defenses up, but in overall looking friendlier.<b> "Ka'in-da Whe'eat-e'ear"</b> the tawny monster spoke, her best replic. Those wrods she ahd practised, spent hours and hours to learn those simple words to be able to tell who had killed you, attacked you, made you feel bad. It had been Kainda Wheatear, as name tells, hunter's daughter.
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
It seemed she was confused when he tried to tell her she was beautiful. She must have misunderstood. He tried again, only slower this time. "Be-uti-ful." He managed a little better that time and smiled as he wagged his tail.

Kainda Wheatear. He liked the name. It was different, unique. He attempted to say her name but it came out muffled. "K-aid-a." Maybe he could just call her Kaid. "Ca..all..roo...K-aid?" He knew he messed that up too but hoped she would understand what he ment.
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kainda Wheatear
Beatiful? Feeling anger, pure, bitter anger running thorugh her veins, Kainda quickly changed her pose. Head was low, every single muscle ready to attack, snarling, growling. She wasn't going to be mocked like that! But he just smiled and wagged his tail? Mocking with smile? Furious look in her eyes, but not going closer, nor backing away. Perhaps he was honest with those words? Giving up her attacking pose, shaking herself and even attempting to give a smile from her scarred lips. It didn't work too well, and licking her nose the bitter wolf wagged her tail hesitantly, slowly.

Somewhere deep in her stoney hart, that kind of an compliment felt good. Maybe he was speaking his truth? Some strange thought from his mixed mind? <i>'Liar, he's an liar! You are not beatiful, my fairy, you are MONSTER! BEAST! Fairy, fairy, you really think someone would call you beatiful?'</i> the voice spoke to her, ending with an evil chuckle. As much as Kaid hated to admit it, that voice had the point. Who would ever call her beatiful?

Kainda didn't change her stances again, but the wagging stopped. Her eternal snarl caused by her fang didn't exactly give her an friendly look, but at least she wasn't growling and looking like she was going to attack anymore. Then the brute spoke again. Call all roo Kaid? Call roo Kaid? Call you Kaid? The last option seemed to be the best for now, so the scarred lady nodded. Would he tell his name? Should she speake? He had troubles speaking, but he did. But he spoke better than she did. Decision was, not to speake.
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
At first it seemed that she was angry at him for calling her beautiful. He thought she would attack. Thanatos backed up, not wanting a fight. He refused to bring harm to any female. Slowly, she backed off and even started wagging her tail.

He spoke slowly to her, trying to get each word right. "I th-ink y-ou arr be-auti-ful Kaid." Thanatos crept forward slowly and licked her cheek. He sat in front of her, attempting to smile again. "I ruv roor ryes." He shook his head, another failed attempt at speaking. He tried again. "I l-ove your ey-es. A pre-tty rellow gr-een."

Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kainda Wheatear
Beatiful? He really had ment beatiful! Crazy boy, why jsut not kill him right here and then, end his suffer? Then he even dared to come closer and lick her! Growling again, Kainda snapped his neck, not wanting to hurt, just an simple warning. She wasn't going to be any licking toy. But the tawny beast didn't go any further with her aggression, watching as Thanatos sat in front of her.

He loved her eyes? Head went lolw, that was clear mocking. Who would love those sickly green eyes? They were noothing pretty, only horrible disgrace on her face! Snarling Kaid shook her head, clearly showing what she thought about that. No, no and no. <i>'Tear, tear, make him bleed! Leg by leg, wouldn't you like it little fairy? A mocker like him, wouldn't you love to see him bleeding his blood in the lake? Lay him in the ground, bring him down!'</i>

Why she wouldn't do that? Taking a thresthing step closer, attempting to speak clearly. <b>"U 'n 'l-y 'a-l 'e... be'eu--te'e'u' i'h -u... w'n e-h ehn ' fi'g'ht!'</b> One word she had practised so long: fight. It was the only word coming pretty fluently from her mouth, telling clearly what she wanted. Eyes burning furiously Kainda took one more step closer. <b>"Fi'eght!"</b>