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Someone's by the door. — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by Ghostpaw who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Garmir Ghostpaw
OOC: AW but primarily for Sahalie.

The past month had been busy one for Garmir in many regards. The pack had changed much from quiet, hidden safe haven it had been during winter into busy refugee camp made out of families that sought shelter from the coyotes. The lead male position seemed to be changing paws every week and now Garmir suspected @Draven held the lead rank alongside with Treyah. This suited him fine, Draven being the father of Treyah's pups and clearly far better tempered than Kerberos.

With that out of the mind, Garmir's focus shifted more towards the guests that resided withing Charred Ash Draw borders. He had not yet made a decision about them and thus today he chose to follow and observe how @Sahalie had settled down. It had been.. what.. a month now and he had not so much spoken a word to the new mother. It was a high time he introduced himself..

...By laying creepily in front of her den only wolf's lenght away from the entrence like some living statue. The ghostpaw had settled down there by early morning before the sun had proper begin to even shine and who knew how long he might have already laid there. He had patience though and there was so much to learn by just... waiting. He did not want to spook the mother by just sneaking into her den at dawn. That would have been rude.

(This post was last modified: Jun 26, 2018, 09:42 PM by Garmir.)
[Image: garmir_by_loccian_love-dc6mod2.png]

All my characters are available for spree anytime with anyone. Just poke in slack or send PM!
Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
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Sahalie Leigh
@Arcus pretending the bab is just... off doin bab things with @Kino ??? But either of you join if you want :) also @Treyah correct me about any of this stuff if i'm wronnggggg?? just dm mee~

Living off of Treyah's good nature made her feel bad. Sahalie would have gladly left and found a den somewhere else now that Arcus was getting bigger and stronger but her half-sister wouldn't listen to these things. Treyah was holed up with her own cubs, for the most part, anyway, and could easily avoid dealing with Sahalie's protests by just being very preoccupied right now with a million other things. So Sahalie, Alastor, and Arcus had remained to feed off the goodwill of their host. Alastor didn't understand why they were doing this, either, but it was hard to explain it to him. But he also had a very vested interest in staying here: Draven was here, along with his brand new neice and nephew.

All these feelings had culminating Sahalie keeping her distance, for the most part. If she wasn't going to be a part of Charred Ash Draw she felt it would be better if she saw as few toes as possible, minimizing the chance of stepping on anyone's. But of course they knew she was here, and she knew they were out there. It was an uncomfortable situation, to be sure.

Honestly, it was inevitable that she would eventually encounter someone, however the manner in which she did was not something she could have predicted. Alastor had given her the morning to sleep in and taken Arcus—up well before the sun with all her energy—off to do.... she had no idea. Something entertaining. So when the young, dark girl finally stretched and slithered to the lip of the den she was absolutely unprepared to see an unfamiliar wolf just....laying there, expectantly, as if this were a normal way to wait to make the acquaintance of someone. Sahalie recoiled immediately and snuck several, safe feet back into the den.

"Excuse me," she said sheepishly from the darkness, "Can I help you?" Sahalie was not an aggressive, defensive wolf by nature so it would have been impossible for her to snarl at this wolf. Besides, she was on his land—the scent of the generous pack that had taken them in—so it didn't really seem right to act entitled to this den she was more or less renting from Charred Ash Draw. In the brief moments of shock Sahalie hadn't had the chance to get a look at his expression, though his posture hadn't seemed threatening. But truly, she had no idea what to make of this situation or this wolf.
(This post was last modified: Jun 28, 2018, 07:12 PM by Sahalie. Edit Reason: missing words )
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Ghostpaw who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Garmir Ghostpaw
OOC: (O _ O ) You are.... Tainn... @Sahalie
I added Garmir knowledge in bounds to what we agreed before. If anything is over the line, let me know.

Garmir's default expression definately wasn't a smile as Sahalie came out of her den - only to retreat back in again. The earthen male raised one brow in question to this odd behaviour - ironically not understanding that he himself was the one acting strangely. He looked down at his paws, then around him as if trying to see if there was something strange about him that made her jolt like that. Finding nothing out of ordinary he returned his gaze back to her and the den entrence, opening his mouth to ask about it.

She spoke first however, asking if there was something he needed help with. A smile broke on Garmir's face, that smile broadly turning into a grin that would almost reach ear to ear. Very considerate of her, but there was nothing he needed from her - least for now. Rather, he should have been the asking if there was something she needed. A light hearted laugh - then reply; "No, Sahalie. I have everything I need here."

Garmir rose up to his feet and took a step towards the den, his head lowering and tilting down to see better into the darkness. Early morning light was shining directly into Garmir's face from the side, giving a deep contrast to his rough facial features, highlighting some of his battle scars that littered his image. His eyes were poison green, in bright light seeming almost like emeralds embedded into his otherwise dark eye sockets. That smile seemed little off, almost forced on his face. His next words were spoken in whispers in a manner that resembled almost a child speaking of things forbidden. "You are.. Tainn. Lord Triell is your father is he not?" -That uncomfortable smile was quickly changing into a expression of wonder, Garmir clearly fnding Tainns more significant than just family name..

What an odd thing this was.

(This post was last modified: Jun 28, 2018, 08:43 PM by Garmir.)
[Image: garmir_by_loccian_love-dc6mod2.png]

All my characters are available for spree anytime with anyone. Just poke in slack or send PM!
Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh
She could hear, rather than see the smile in his voice as he responded to her. The man knew her name. Though this was not the first time her name or reputation had succeeded her, every time it was always a bit surprising in the first few moments. Afterwards she had to acknowledge that of course Treyah would have shared with her packmates the names of their charity cases. Weirder than knowing her name—by a huge margin—was how he responded to her by saying he had everything he needed, which was a different thing from "I don't need anything." What did he have being here besides her? Sahalie's presence was neutral at best... She blinked her eyes and shrugged, though no one could see her from where she was. It was probably not worth worrying about. Just an odd turn of a phrase. At least he seemed to like her, which was better than the alternative.

However, she was not so sure she liked the sounds of his pawsteps coming closer. Squinting up into the light, now she could see that his face was more than a little battle-worn and his expression was... complicated, but ultimately not unfriendly. He was her age, probably. Sahalie was uncomfortable but felt the need to tell herself to overlook it. He was not her packmate, she was on his land. She knew next to nothing about him. There was no need to rush to conclusions about him besides what she could see in front of her.

"Oh," she exclaimed softly, wondering privately why he asked it that way, "Y-yes." Lord Triell. Was that what the others called him here? He had been just Triell to everyone back in Oak Tree Bend, but there was always the occasional wolf that waxed romantic about ideas about thrones. Sahalie remembered being called a princess when she was young. "I hoped he would.... be here," she admitted, staring at her paws dejectedly, clearly not too uncomfortable to refrain from any personal statements, "But I was told he's... missing?"
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Ghostpaw who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Garmir Ghostpaw

Garmir blinked at her response, his eyes widening briefly as she confirmed her identity. Even when he was often socially unaware of his behaviour, he noticed that he was cornering her into her den like this. Hearing her confirm what he already knew, Garmir now in turn retreated from the entrence back into the light of early morning sun. He seemed for a moment to be absent with his thoughts. Even the smile had had been holding till now starting to fade.

She was Tainn. Sahalie Tainn. Treyah's sister. Lord Triell's daughter.

"How much you know about it? Triell's disappearance that is." -He asked while holding his gaze at the ground, Garmir's back facing the den entrence. He hoped that she knew all the details, that he did not have to break it all to her. That was not why he had come to meet her. There was so much he wanted to discuss and ask from her - important things, things about future. He looked over his shoulder at her, inviting her to come out into the light. "Treyah did sent me to find him." -he revealed. If Sahalie knew the details then she propably knew now who he was as well.

(This post was last modified: Jun 28, 2018, 09:21 PM by Garmir.)
[Image: garmir_by_loccian_love-dc6mod2.png]

All my characters are available for spree anytime with anyone. Just poke in slack or send PM!
Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh
When he finally backed up Sahalie crawled out of the den and into the open. She could see him much better now, and realized that if he had come when Arcus was still here, looking like this, she might not have been so mild. Thank goodness for that. The morning light was strong and it warmed body that ached from being compressed inside a last-minute, makeshift den. Not wanting to look like she felt so comfortable that she owned the place, Sahalie refrained from stretching or looking too relaxed and merely sat down just outside her borrowed hole.

"Honestly, not that much," she said. Treyah seemed as though she was at her wits end about a lot of things—but hell she was trying harder than Sahalie ever had—and when her sister had mentioned that he was missing Sahalie felt too guilty to pry anymore, even if it was her own father they were talking about. He was almost more Treyah's father than hers anyway: he was there more than he was during Sahalie's own childhood. She hadn't even seen him in a year, and had purposely tried to cut him out of her life. How foolish she was, not understanding what it felt like to be a parent. But it didn't matter anymore, that she wanted to tell him these things. Politely Sahalie nodded when the Draw wolf mentioned being the one who had searched for her father. Clearly from the way he spoke this wolf held her father in high regard. "I mean... at this point he either comes back or..." her voice wavered a little and she trailed off without finishing her thoughts.

She shook her head and took a deep breath, "I don't think I know your name though..." Or what he wanted. One didn't just loom outside of someone's den without reason.
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Ghostpaw who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Garmir Ghostpaw
OOC: Quick post. I love Sahalie (@_@) !!

Garmir watched her reply intently, paying attention to her facial expressions as well as he overall body language - her voice. Of course, it was his nature to always try to figure out others even if he managed rather poorly on emotional field. Garmir lacked certain brain functions even if he was practically straightforward - but he thought he caught gist of her character in this brief exchange. Sahalie seemed to own many traits that Treyah had. The fact alone she had taken his rather invasive approach so.. calmly already told plenty of her character. He had not planned it but it did come to him as an afterthought. He noticed her voice falter as she spoke of her father and his possible fate. She might have not wanted to finish the line of thought - but Garmir would do it for her.

"You think your father might be dead?" -He begin, murmuring to her in low tune that had a hint of sympathy in it. Least this strange man held some shred of emotions for others, even if for limited decree. What he said next however offered some hope. "Lord Triell is not dead. I would bet my ghost paw on it. Something must have happen to him.. something that prevents him from coming back but I don't think he is dead." -he persisted with a tone that seemed as certain as if he'd seen Triell alive himself. He smiled at her again, reassuringly and then turned to face her proper, bowing his head low as if greeting a royal, his right fore leg even extending further as he made the gesture.

"I am Garmir - The Pack's Scout and I am pleased to finally meet you Sahalie. We have plenty to discuss - important things - if you will grant me audience for a while." -he introduced himself and moved straight forward to the point, addressing as if she was the one owning this land and not the other way around.

(This post was last modified: Jun 30, 2018, 07:55 PM by Garmir.)
[Image: garmir_by_loccian_love-dc6mod2.png]

All my characters are available for spree anytime with anyone. Just poke in slack or send PM!
Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh
The word dead went through like a winter breeze, and her eyes bulged a little. This wolf wasn't afraid to think that her father was dead, but he didn't bring it up to twist a knife in her worries. It was just a gentle shove to face her fear. Her nod was slow and almost imperceptible, ending immediately when the Draw wolf began to speak again, assured that her father was still alive somewhere. This explained his fearlessness: it was a lot easier to talk about death as a possibility when you didn't believe it had happened. He was so sure, in a way that reminded her of the kind of certainty she had possessed in her innocence. This was the conviction, or the capacity for conviction, that she had been chasing for seasons now and now here it was, sitting outside her den. "Thank you," She took a deep breath and smiled. "I think I needed that." Not just to hear those words, but to feel that unyielding brand of faith again.

Rapidly, she blinked as stretched his foreleg out, not sure what to make of the genuflection. It felt awfully formal, but also sincere and friendly. Sahalie added it to the tally of odd mannerisms this wolf, Garmir, possessed.

Her head tilted slightly, "What sort of things?" Sahalie had no say or knowledge of the day to day workings of the pack, so she wondered what there would possibly be to discuss with her. Thinking on it some more, there was really no information or anything relevant Sahalie might have to share with this man, unless he just wanted to know more about her and what she wanted. Or what she was doing.
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Ghostpaw who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Garmir Ghostpaw
OOC: little shorter this time. @Sahalie ^^

Garmir stood straight, holding a tiny, gentle smile on his face as he saw his words reassured her. He wasn't going to linger on this topic much longer, but he did wish to make it clear where his belief came from. He knew Triell wasn't dead because; "I followed his trail up to point where it cut into avalance. I failed to find his body both then and after snow had melted away. He's alive" -and Garmir was still looking for him during his patrols outside the pack.

He let out sigh now in turn and then looked around them, eyeing few of the charred threes that were visible among the green. A beutiful contrast of death and life. "I wished to talk to you because I have not made up my mind yet." -he begin, turning his gaze at her once more. There was still friendly appearance to him and how he presented himself, but his tune was little more serious.

"You have been our guest for... a month now. I wish to change that." -He continued, neither his expression or tune changing from where it had settled moments before. His eyes were watching her more closely now however.

(This post was last modified: Jul 02, 2018, 12:36 AM by Garmir.)
[Image: garmir_by_loccian_love-dc6mod2.png]

All my characters are available for spree anytime with anyone. Just poke in slack or send PM!
Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh
Sahalie wasn't sure why her heart, so moved by assurance that her father was alive, did not want to join him in his conviction. Even along side the refreshing sturdiness of Garmir's belief was the shadow of her thoughts wondering if, just because there was no body Triell it meant he was alive. The only thing that could be concluded was that he had not died there in the avalanche. Sahalie felt it like snow closing around her heart and filling every mouth and eyes: he could have walked off and died somewhere else, only to be eaten and forgotten. He could possibly be far beyond the reaches of Relic Lore. Probably he went looking for Naira, his only real love in his ghost-life.

Why couldn't she just love him like a daughter was supposed to?

She nodded again, politely, trying to feel anything but bitter, and she watched him as he gazed on the forest. It was a young forest, but still older than she was. It was so green it was hard to imagine it ablaze like it was in her father's memory.

Something on her face stirred when his gaze landed on her and he said that his mind wasn't made up. About what? Her? Her family staying here? That's about the only thing she could imagine. Sahalie didn't breath between his pause, and then when he finally said it still she held herself still. It wasn't a threat, but it was awfully forceful. "Change it?" she queried dumbly.

"I'm afraid that can't be done. We won't be staying much longer. Me and my mate have things that must be attended to." She shouldn't have felt like she was required to justify herself to Treyah's scout, but his eyes were just so intent. "We have a pack. Or we used to. They up and left and we've been looking for them. We won't find them if we stay here."
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]