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Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
For @Blackmoore

and with a spark its going to be

It had already been nine weeks since the birth of her first litter of pups and already so many changes had occurred in the children. Their solid, mousy tan fur had started to change, lighten in places and their markings becoming more predominant. Freyja was a bit lighter then Ragnar now and their puppy blue eyes had not yet faded. They were nearly completely weaned already and feeding on the meat which their parents provided to them. They could go a few miles from the den and grew stronger, more understand and more questionative every day. A pang of sadness welled in Ravenna as she thought of it, already missing the days back in the birthing den with her children snuggled at her side, so little, fragile and dependent. The silver Amazon cherished those moments though was still glad for the health of her growing pups. Though this also meant without needing her constant support, Ravenna was off to tend to the needs of the pack once more.

Relucant to go outside the pack borders as she had been for months now, the women merely strolled the territory of her home. She trailed places of her pack land she had not touched in weeks or longer since the birth of her children, marking her scent on it once more, renouncing her placement along Sven with her mark once more. She she trailed about too, she searched for herbs. After all, with Leotie and Ravenna devouring them during their pregnancy and after the pups were born, they were in great need of restocking once again. With the sun high yet the sky cluttered with clouds to keep the heat from overbearing, it was a perfect opportunity to get back to the skill which she so loved.

the biggest fire they've ever seen
(This post was last modified: Jul 08, 2018, 09:12 PM by Ravenna.)
Played by Hussar who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Blackmoore Northcrest

There were many that would rest on laurels after achieving what the dark male did in a such short span of time, but Blackmoore wasn't the same kind of guy to do so. Even if the 'honor' that had been bestowed upon him was not exactly the one that he was looking for per say, it haven't changed the man's behavior nor stopped him from doing his duties. Though in the case of that particular recognition which he'd been seeking and hoping for eventually, it was fair to say that it was still too early to both hope and expect for any progress at this front. The reasons were obvious, but fortunately for him - also growing and gradually becoming more and more independent by a day. So the man had to simply bid his time - forgetting himself in things that he could and should do - until the time was right. Until it wouldn't feel scandalous for trying that is... However the things he'd felt obliged to do were pretty straightforward, given the fact that Blackmoore had been one of the biggest - if not the biggest - male in the pack. Thus he'd feel that it was his duty to use this size to good use, in hopes to keep the coyotes at bay that is. Certainly by now most of the packmates would grow accustomed to the man's daily routine of patrols intertwined with bits of R&R - usually around the middle of the day.

By irony of fate however, being hailed as a Guardian had never been the man's ambition. As a pup, Blackmoore dreamt of different things - of different careers. But none of it was to be, as soon as the elders witnessed his growth - stripping him from the right to pursue his aspirations. It hurt at first, but wisdom came with years - as it always does - and eventually the male had embraced the role given to him. Damn, he'd even come to like it eventually, although only after his departure from the his birth-pack over two years ago now. But the dark male couldn't deny that it felt rewarding to be that 'helpful guy' whenever possible. It felt... 


It was noon when the male had been moving along a small creek, down towards the center of the pack. Perhaps someone would find it unusual, since the dark male had been mostly preferring to lie in a deep shade around this time. Today however the gentle whiffle felt particularly delightful when combined with an occasional dip in the cold waters of the stream. Thus the male couldn't help himself from taking a stroll along it's banks, often rushing across it's stream to the other side. Every time he did so, his back had been drizzled amidst splashes caused by the man's brisk and purposeful movements... What was perhaps strangest in all of this, was the lighthearted grin that kept adorning the male's maw after every 'shower' he'd caused to himself.

Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
and with a spark its going to be

Further away from the Pack's communal den she traveled, though not too far as she loved south of it, down a subtle slope where their creek flowed, cutting through the territory. She thought she might get a drink hers before continuing on her way or if she was lucky, night find some fresh sprouts here if medical use along the edge of the water bank. What she was not at all expecting was the sight of one of Willow Ridge's powerhouses - Blackmoore. The dark Viking wolf from the north was trudging back and forth through the creek, flinging water all the while. She couldn't help the tilt of her crown on wonder.

He was... Playing? Blackmoore had before shower himself to be a bit flirtatious, joking and even perhaps, cocky a bit when it came to his skill set... But playful? Seeing the man splash around in the creek was something she had not expected and not only this, but in the light of day as well. In was a different appearance of the man she had not seen before which only proved that he was still new to her and this pack unlike some of its senior members she was very close to. Ravenna approached curiously and quietly, though she had never been known to be a particularly stealthy woman.

the biggest fire they've ever seen
(This post was last modified: Jul 10, 2018, 04:23 PM by Ravenna.)

Played by Hussar who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Blackmoore Northcrest

A glimpse of a sun had reflected into the man's eye, causing the male to shift his attention from the scenery towards the water. It didn't took him long to notice a trout-like fish swimming against the current of the creek. It wasn't big, but big enough to cease the man's trot - yet despite that it had flung away as the disturbed water had reached it's vicinity. Blackmoore smirked, as his muzzle followed the fish as it dashed just above the riverbed, thrusting through submerged reeds towards safety. The man followed it, upstream, changing it's moves slightly to cause a little less disturbance while pushing through the water. It didn't took long before his green eyes had spotted another aquarian, possibly the very same one he'd seen just moments ago.

Surrendering to the inner temptation, the man lounged ahead - jumping above a patch of water towards the trout. Sadly, perhaps because the current moved the animal away - or, which was more likely, because he had never trained the arts of fishing before - the dark male had landed nowhere near the water breathing bullet. Instead, like a laser pointer - the fish had darted away, this time however putting a twist on it as the trout had decided to rush down with a current instead of going against it. Chuckling, the had turned around causing some more splashes before stopping out of the sudden as his eyes locked onto Ravenna that had stood at a nearby shore. She didn't seemed to be close enough to get any water into her 'eye' or at her person in general, the male however had instantly realized that she'd had been a witness to his great chase across the creek.

"Oh hello there!" He smiled upon the unexpected, before taking a few steps closer - seemingly to be done with the fish for now. Or maybe not, as his eyes seemed to try to cast a net again. This time however they had a much larger, though equally silver target in mind. The man however haven't forgot his manners as he tilted his head respectfully, adorning it with an unpretentious smile as he'd spoke from the heart. "You grow more beautiful each time I see you."

I'm not sure have i got the right amounts of :cheese: into the post, still I hope you'll enjoy the brief Kenobism occurring there xD
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
and with a spark its going to be

She was content to watch him in those moments, dashing about the river bed, chasing after some fish it seemed that had a way of outwitting him. He was no skilled fisherman, that was for sure. Hell, neither was Ravenna. She had not the patience for fishing, unlike the highly skilled @Blitz who had grown up near the sea and various rivers and creeks that came off from it. He had tried to teach her the art as a pup and she had fished once with Leotie though this was all the experience Ravenna herself really held.

Turning back around, Blackmoore noticed her and offered his greetings to which Ravenna waved her tail in response as he dashed into her direction. He spoke of her beauty and it caused a furrowed, pale brow to lift in response. Perhaps she should not have been caught off guard, for it seemed Blackmoore always had something slick and charming to say up his sleeve. "Your bold and yet... Not wrong." She found herself smirking, her shoulders rolling back with an obvious acceptance to his words about her being beautiful. She had been told this a time or two.. By him, by Blitz, some others... Yet, she personally never found herself to be particularly beautiful. Not ugly, really, but her solid coating without the thrill of any beautiful markings, nothing unique and her hair far more course, wiry and sticking out in places along her nape and cheeks due to this.. Well, beauiful had never been the word she would use. Not unless you enjoyed that tomboy, thickly built, war-maiden kind of thing.

She padded a bit closer to his direction down to the edge of the water, her tail raising high and waving like a banner in the air. She offered him a side glance with those silver eyes as though not to pay him much mind as she dipped her head down for a drink. After a moment she lifts her head back up once more and turns to him to that she could both face him and settle down into a sit. He was all fun and games perhaps, with his flirtation in a manner which reminded her of Casanova who had been a part of the ranks briefly, though was there more behind these sweet comments? "Doesn't me already having a consort deter you?" She spoke, her silver attention locking on the man before her. Was it all but truly 'fun and games' or did Blackmoore have a means of putting the challenge to Blitz in order to score room for himself instead?

the biggest fire they've ever seen

Played by Hussar who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Blackmoore Northcrest

He'd surprised her, that much was clear. But as the silver amazonian was taking hold of her emotions, her maw did not lashed out on him for the words he'd spoke. Instead, Blackmoore's eyes had perceived a smirk as shed come and accepted the compliment. Soon, the man had gave a brief smirk himself, as he'd listen to her response with his cream tipped ears before watching her padding closer in a bit... ostentatious manner. Tail high, her silver eyes seeing both past and through him at the same time. The man came to understand that she'd liked it, appreciated the attention while staying independent and confident at the same time... That's how his eyes had perceived her in this moment...

And boy oh boy haven't those eyes liked what they have seen...

She had settled down soon, after a sprinkling her small display with a few laps of water taken from the stream. He looked back right in her eyes as she'd locked those silvery orbs on him again, just before speaking once more. Her tone didn't particularly changed, yet the man knew it was just a facade. "Well, since you mentioned it..." A soft chuckle escaped the dark male's maw, as he'd came up closer - but not close enough to get all of his paws out from the creek's current. For a moment he'd wondered should he go out and sit beside her, but the man had decided to stay facing her for the time being, even if it meant keeping his paws wet. "It does. It does stop me from giving you the flowers right now. But that's not what you ask about, don't you?" The male mused, with his frame keeping steady. It was possible that Ravenna wasn't yet aware, but Blackmoore had rarely shown anything through body language unless his paw had been absolutely forced. Call it a quirk of his or whatever you like, but that's how things were for him. "Let me answer the question then with another question:" For a change, the viking had tilted his head slightly as he'd gave a genuine, soft smile towards the amazon before him. "Who I would be if I gave up without even trying?" That have been a fair question in his mind. After all, if it was so easy to deter him from even trying - wouldn't he take his chances with the coyotes that day after seeing her pregnant? The man took a brief moment of pause before laying down his cards on the table and calling in for a 'check'. "I'm a fighter Ravenna, for better or worse," A slightly somber expression crept on his maw, while his tone have remained unchanged. "I'd like to at least try before calling it quits." The male finished, with his eyes of deep emerald locked on the ones of pure silver - awaiting an answer is there even a race to begin with.

A race he'd could participate in that is.

(This post was last modified: Jul 23, 2018, 05:51 AM by Blackmoore.)
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
and with a spark its going to be

Blackmoore had moved, coming a bit closer to her, keeping at her front instead of setting at her side, perhaps to see the fill view of her expression by remaining partially standing in the creek's bed. She didn't take him looking directly into her gaze at a challenge to her leadership, not not at least not yet granted where the conversation had swayed.

He then said, after a small chuckle, that it did deter him a bit. Stopped him from 'giving her the flowers now' which she assumed meant he was stopping himself from fully displaying his desire to court. She wondered what Blitz would have done about it, what still might do if Blackmoore pursued. In a manner it didn't matter. Ravenna was not bound to Blitz though the seaborn man equally knew that she cared for him deeply enough to choose him as someone to father her pups. Blackmoore being here or not would not change her affections towards Blitz. It was only his actions which would make or break him - how he treated her, the pack, his lead male and the pups they shared together.

Still, she wondered if Blitz and Blackmoore would end up sparing for her affections, fighting it out or if one would fold and call it quits... Only time would really tell. Ravenna, as it was now, couldn't find herself settling down just yet. The idea was something she simply couldn't grasp. Not after what she had seen her mother and Nicolo suffer through.

Blackmoore said he would answer her question with another question and she snorted openly. My that was annoying. He had a way with working around his words, being clever and not answering. In the end Blackmoore would admit that he was a fighter, perhaps always had and he was not going to give up on fighting for her without a fair try at it. His eyes met her own again and she smirks, leaning forward enough to touch her nose to the side of his cheek. "If it's a fight you want, I'm sure you'll get it." She teases, pulling away and lifting up to dance out of reach at she moved along the creek edge. Be it fighting off Blitz, fighting with Sven to prove his worth it fighting to tear Ravenna's walls down, a little bit of war was sure to happen.

the biggest fire they've ever seen

Played by Hussar who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Blackmoore Northcrest

The Amazon had proven to be quite an puzzle for the cream tipped viking... The way she'd reacted had been quite contradictory, at least at first. After all, the way she had scoffed initially had obviously made the dark male think that she'd disapproved of his words. The fact that she'd was hearing them because she'd had demanded 'em wouldn't matter, that much he'd been sure of. But the dark male wasn't going to say anything about this even if the Ravenna didn't rectify that initial impression with what had come next.

His eyes had observed as her expression changed to a flirtatious smile as she'd leaned forward. For a second the man had thought, no, hoped for a kiss as his heart skipped a proverbial beat. But he knew better, so he'd kept steady - albeit not without a significant effort after a split second of hesitation. The only thing that had really moved, were his feverishly green lights which he'd used to watch the movements of the woman in front of him... in a great detail. In the moment which she'd brushed his cheek, an involuntarily smile - a grin almost - had took hold of him despite his earnest efforts to keep himself in absolute control. That and a swish of a tail from side to side, upon her touch.

Soon his mind had comprehended her words and before she'd managed to prance away, he'd spoke. Possibly managing to catch her eyes in as he spoke, if his words made her hesitate for just a second. "Only if it's gonna be for your heart, nothing less will satisfy me." He'd said with a daring grin, perhaps too daring, even - or rather - especially by his standards. It was hard to say in all honesty, but then - at least she'd got the answer she was seeking for once more. Just in more plain words this time. The man had instantly slapped himself within his mind for that, even if the stoic within had realized the simple truth that it couldn't have been prevented.

After all, despite the appearances - the man had yearned to love and to be loved...

He watched then as she rose up before him only to prance away. Considering the circumstances, Blackmoore had very much come to suspect that she'd enjoyed the attention and did it so just to tease him a little. Would it be truly the case or not, it didn't mattered. His eyes have liked what they had saw, they would always do whenever she'd been in sight. That had been the simplest of truths about it all.

Funny how one's mind works when under the spell, eh?

It was obvious to him she'd wanted him to follow, tug him along like on the leash. He wasn't stupid, but neither he could do anything about it in this moment. Nor he'd wanted to. Of course the man could stay where he was, but that wouldn't gave a particularly good impression nor it would back up his words wouldn't it? So, quite obviously, the man had come upon the bank of the creek just as her tail left the premises. Not long after, the silvery woman would find him walking beside her wit the faintest of smiles adorning his maw, as well as his head held high. Beside her because Blackmoore didn't wanted to tarry behind her, no matter how pleasurable to his eyes such perspective would be. Obviously he'd would had enjoy it greatly, but as always - the man had tried to be more than just...


(This post was last modified: Aug 20, 2018, 05:08 PM by Blackmoore.)
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
and with a spark its going to be

A grin would play at the corners of Blackmoore's maw as she had leaned in, pressing her nose to his cheek. An affectionate touch but by no means affectionate enough for his taste if it was her heart he was going after. For the touch to the cheek could have been offered to many others - Adeltra, Leotie, Enoki and Sven... Though her touch didn't mean she was falling for him it still meant she cared for him, trusted him. After all, he did help her out of that cave do long ago in her youth and had protected her against coyotes while she was pregnant and far more vulnerable. He was a friend and a good member to the pack having impressed both she and Sven to have gained his title he held now. But if he didn't win her heart, would it be enough for him to stick around? Ravenna sure as hell hoped that the man who found his way bounding to her side was in this pack for more then just trying to woo the queen.

Having him at her side now she kept close and yet not close enough for them to touch. Her grey feet splashed in the shallows of the creek with a full contentment to just stroll along with one of her pack members and a good one at that. "You know..." She went to speak at some silence had moved between them for a time. Silver eyes shifted, moving over his dark coated body, dipped in creamy points. "You've yet to tell me how your favoring the willows? Is it far different from the lands you were born to? She knew once he ended up in Relic Lore he had settled down up north in order to help tend to an injured wolf he had ran into. She wondered if the northern reaches were something he favored like her brother did, living up on the mountain peaks. She knew his pack was more military structured and a very long standing one from the conversations they had before, but what of the land itself? If he was going to be a future consort to her, or more, she figured she should learn all their was to him, past and present should they have a future.

the biggest fire they've ever seen

Played by Hussar who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Blackmoore Northcrest

The man have tried not to look too much on her as they've walked in silence. After all, it didn't bothered him too much - neither he'd felt it was the right time to speak up after his quite hearty confession. Perhaps it had made him feel a little bit awkward, as despite the appearances, the man wasn't really that good with his words as some might have been led to believe. In truth, the man was more of a mixed bag of awkwardness and chivalry that he'd would hardly ever admit to if confronted. After all, it was fair to say that the silvery amazon wasn't the first woman that the dark cream tipped viking had fancied. But would she be the first to his feelings to grow? He didn't knew, obviously, and that's what terrified the man the most...

"Hmm?" The male hummed in response as the silence had been broken by the silvery devil beside him. On instinct, the man had turned his muzzle to her - just in time to catch her eyes grazing over his features and frame. But he'd kept silent about, focusing on her muzzle instead of doing the same as she. He didn't had to, the memory imprinted within his head was enough of a torment for the man as it is. Besides, he'd believed it would be rude from him to stare instead of to listen to what she'd had to say. Especially if there was a genuine interest involved, like in this case.

Blackmoore had found himself slightly perplexed however, after hearing the question. It wasn't because it had been complicated, no quite the opposite honestly. It was quite simple and one he'd should had predicted to happen sooner or later, yet the man had simply forgot that he'd might hear it someday. "To be honest with you, I haven't thought much about it till now." He'd begun with a slightly apologetic smile before changing it to a soft chuckle as he'd continued the thought. "I was pretty occupied with the coyotes beyond our border. I haven't really had the time..."

This was awkward.

But the darker male wasn't going to try to dodge the question, as after few paces he'd would pick the topic up again after turning his muzzle towards her once more. "I'm not sure where to start honestly. As I said you before, my homepack had been supposedly around for a really long time so it had also meant it had been quite big. I don't think that I've even managed to see the half of it before I've had left..."