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[BWP]Don't be afraid, the shadows know me — Quarry's Rush 
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Played by Trix who has 19 posts.
Tzila Achlys
With low pitched growls and threatening clacks of their teeth, the two coyotes begrudgingly gave up and turned away. Their scrawny forms vanished, back amongst the trees from which they came. Tzila paid them no mind, except with a flicking of her ears. Good riddance. She kept moving forward on the path she had set for herself, leaving it up to Askan if he would fall in line beside her or not.  The dark female was equally content going it solo or having company around.

"Don't know yet." She hummed, her tone far from worried. "Probably lay low..till whenever, or if this crap blows over." Considering the circumstances, she may even turn to trying to track the vermin, to at least anticipate their habits, so she too, could adjust. She'd have to be sneaky though. By no means was she seeking any free hand outs, not that she'd get it here from this man. "Your pack..." She gestured with her snout to his shoulder, where the scent of many other wolves was laced in his fur. "...is it close?" She asked casually. "I've been meaning to learn more about the locals here, if I am to stick around."
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
I don't care if heaven won't take me back

Laying low sounded like a pretty good idea, even Askan had considered staying within his borders just to stop those damn mutts from trying to bite his ankles. He;d thought about it, yeah, but the Edge Lord wasn't one for being pushed around. Coyotes weren't going to dictate what he did and didn't do. They were a nuisance, that's all, nothing more and nothing less.

His ear flicked when she mentioned his pack, no doubt sniffing around for information she could stow away for later use. Askan sniffed, his head held a little higher than before. He was a proud man, there was no denying that, it was in his blood as Selwyns were just that by nature.

"Mmm, quiet. Just to the south." That wasn't an exaggeration, he hadn't strayed far from his borders. The Quarry was just a stones throw away. "You'll know it once you get close." Which was to say accidental trespasses just weren't a thing, or a feasible excuse, no matter how loners tried to spin it his land was very well marked.

He turned to leave then, assuming they were about done. If she was fishing for information she'd set her sights on the wrong wolf.

"Try not to get mauled, or drown. Whatever."

(This post was last modified: Oct 03, 2018, 01:39 AM by Askan.)
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Played by Trix who has 19 posts.
Tzila Achlys
South. That was where she'd find his pack, should she choose to travel that way. Not that she intended on brushing too close to his claim. Tzila only sought to get a picture of a crude map in her head, so as to know boundaries to keep out of trouble. "I'll make a note of that." She said, silver eyes turning elsewhere. Debating on her next move, no doubt planning ahead.

His change in posture, the subtle signal in how he turned to leave, was sufficient to say that their chance meeting was over. His interest had waned, as did hers. Neither wolf got a name out of the other, nor much in the way of information. But, he did aid in saving her ass. For Tzila, that was plenty enough. She began to branch away, heeding his words with a flick of dark ears. "Right. And for what it's worth...thanks for the help back there." Their union may not have been the warmest of sorts, nor one that would be particularly memorable. But at least they could part ways on neutral grounds. Without a single look back, the dark female slipped away, out of sight in search of a dark place to dry off.

Tzila Exit