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Just Around the Bend — Luna Hill 
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Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
<i>Clear — Current Temperature: 33° F/1° C; Thin layer of snow on the ground.</i>

Gone Tomorrow

The weak rays of the sun called to Corinna Tainn. They called her away from the confines of Swift River territory. She had bid goodbye to her mate, told him she would be away for a short time and had taken her leave. The female had grown ever increasingly tired of the pack lands that she called home, in part because of her responsibilities there. It seemed that every wolf and their brother was arriving at her border's, wanting to seek membership with them. And while she was not opposed to meeting new wolves and allowing them into her family, the daily grind was wearing her down. So when the sun called her away, she didn't waste a moment.

Heading north, the leader had followed a fairly straight path, half tempted to venture towards where she had heard Ruiko's pack to be located. She hadn't seen her brother-in-law in quite some time, and she missed the comforting presence he had always seemed to provide her. He had been one of the first wolves she had ever met when she first arrived in Relic Lore, and had been the first Tainn she had approached regarding entry into the pack. Chuckling to herself, Cori picked up her speed, racing over the powdery snow like it was nothing - that time had been so long ago.

It should have surprised her that her final destination came to be Luna Hill, but of course, it didn't. As soon as the place came into view, she couldn't help but grin to herself. This was where she had first met Ruiko. And where Indru had decided to take her back with him to Swift River. It was a place of comfort, and it always would be. Falling to her stomach as she reached the peak of the hill, she rolled onto her side and kept going until she was laying on her back. Her legs were up in the air, rather useless at the moment, but she grinned; the sun felt so good on her stomach that all she wanted to do was enjoy this moment. Cori didn't even mind the cold sensation on her back from the light layer of snow that still covered the landscape. Soon enough, it would be gone, and life would return to the region, including within her. Though that was a topic she had yet to bring up with her mate. Hopefully though, she would find herself confined to the Swift River den once again this summer. Being a mother had come to define her, and she did not want a whole year to go by before she could relive that feeling.

Rolling back over to her side, Cori's legs hit the ground. Eyes half closed, she breathed in deeply. This was what she had needed, a moment to relax and simply enjoy.

Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>Seeking herbs. It seemed to be her life now. Constantly wandering further and further from her home in search of whatever she may be able to make use of. How her feet never grew tired was anyones guess.

Snow still lightly blanketed the field but the days were growing warmer so she had decided to come in search of fresh shoots. Worst case she still would not return remediless as the roots of the blackberry bushes also held medicinal qualities, helping to heal sore throats mouth ulcers and gum inflammations. She would have to wait a little longer to collect the full grown leaves, which would help to aid stomach upset and other general maladies. Soon she would be surrounded by their pretty white flowers, but for now she would endure the twisted thorny bushes for the potential they held.

A familiar scent passed her nostrils as she continued to search for the softest ground, nose down and tail held erect like a flag, waving above the tops of the smaller thorny bushes. There was no denying her presence or her lack of willingness to be interrupted by any silly loners looking for an in with the pack. Ice was right. They were growing to be a downright annoyance. But this scent was not. It was one she remembered fondly underneath the mingled scent of family and her tail dropped a little out of instinct. What would her lady be doing so far from her own? Probably the same as Ice had been doing in the woods and Naira was doing now, even if she was masking it with a sense of purpose. Getting away for the sake of getting away. The boys were more than capable of holding the fort, she was sure.

She broke from the bushes just in time to see her lady leader rolling to her back and basking in the sun. She seemed so at peace it almost seemed unfair to interrupt, but it would be rude to not let her presence be know. She walked forward for a bit and then dropped to her own stomach comfortably. It was rude to stand taller than her leader, but with such a large frame it was difficult to remain smaller than any but some of the larger males. She rolled onto her own side also enjoying the sun and hoping Corinna wouldn't see her presence as an intrusion.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 10, 2012, 10:53 PM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Corinna wasn't there on the ground for very long before she became aware that she wasn't alone. It was long enough that she had relaxed some, enjoying the day and all that it had to offer. Had the new arrival come any sooner, she might not have been so quick to welcome her. But as it was, even just being out for a short time made Corinna feel better, so when she opened her eyes and looked over at the larger female, she smiled, tail beating an even rhythm against the ground. She had not gotten to know Naira incredibly well, but when they saw each other around, their interactions were not unfriendly. The Second certainly seemed to be a team player, and looked out for the pack that had taken her in. That kind of loyalty spoke volumes in Corinna's books, and for that reason alone, she was happy to see the other female.

"Hello Naira. Enjoying the day?" She called over, lifting herself up to a sitting position as she did so. Turning her green eyes to look at mottled tawny female, she smiled again, tail wrapping around her forepaws, the sun shining against her back. There was something to be gained here, beyond just being able to meet with a fellow pack mate. They were the only two adult females in Swift River, and ever since Ozera left, Corinna had been lacking in female companionship. While tensions would rise as they both went into heat, the dominating bitch that the Swift River leader would become was not permanent. At the end of the day, she was a kind-hearted spirit, who was merely looking for a friend in the sea of testosterone that had become their pack.

Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>She could well understand why her lady had decided to retreat from the pack lands. The males far outnumbered the females and it was hard enough battling with the mixed emotions this season bought with it, without being surrounded by males ignorant to just how turbulent this time of year was for the females that were held ransom until the moon finished its cycle and the world returned to normal.

<b>"Very much so..."</b> she admitted happily, her tail thumping to further emphasise the fact. <b>"The more the snow melts, the more I find of use amongst the forest, and I get a little less anxious every day."</b> she admitted with a relieved sigh. She had spent the final weeks of winter on edge, she didn't have nearly enough to help any more than one wolf and with their fortunate luck, the only ones who may have come close to needing it were ignorant loners.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

The tensions that would eventually rise were calm, and relaxed by the sun, Corinna felt no need to do more than breathe in the fresh air and simply be. It had been a long time coming and would not last for too much longer, so it was best to simply enjoy. Ears perked and she listened to Naira intently, grinning as she mentioned the returning vegetation. It would be some time until the forest was completely back to its former glory, close to when Corinna would hopefully be going into the den to deliver her second litter, but there were some buds appearing. It just brought that much more cheer to the she-wolf.

It was a curious thing though, healing. Corinna had never bothered with learning the intricate remedies that mother nature provided for various ailments. She ate grass to help sooth her stomach when it hurt, and her diet included wild fruits when she could find them. But beyond that, she was incredibly ignorant of the skills that her Second possessed. Slipping down to her stomach, she stretched out her front legs, tail wagging idly behind her. Head cocking to the side, she spoke up, voice openly curious, "How did you get into healing? I've never had a head for it, myself. I haven't really had a need for it, thankfully." A brief side glance was given to her shoulder. "The body learns to take some amounts of damage, I suppose. It's a shame you had not come to Relic Lore sooner. Last fall, my mate returned to the pack quite badly injured, and it was all we could do to try and ease the pain." It had been a sad day indeed, when Indru had returned, battered and bruised. The continuing of the pack's health was not something that Cori took for granted, and it was one of the many things she was grateful for.

Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>While she could not say that she had felt tense, with every passing second she was finding it easier to tune into her surroundings. She loved simply being, and sometimes it was as if the earth itself spoke to her, telling her where to go to find what she was seeking. It was that which had led her to the sacred grove and Triell. A small smile crossed her face at the memory as he paws flexed in the dirt beneath her paws, trying to feel if the ground here held any secrets for her. She was pulled from her daydreams by Corinna's curious tone, and she focused her attention on her leader fully.

It was a question she was used to, herbs were not a standard practice amongst most packs. <b>"My grandmother, who founded our pack was insistent that we all learn, at least a little..."</b> she explained happily. She missed her birth pack terribly, and of course healing wasn't all she was taught, but to date it had been the most useful. Her expression quickly changed to one of concern as she mentioned Indru returning to the pack injured. <b>"What on earth happened?"</b> she was yet to meet the male leader, but concern for her family ran deep, regardless of rank or level of acquaintance. Admittedly she was used to being surrounded by at least two pack mates at any one time. While the personal space was welcome, sometimes she missed the hustle and bustle of her old home.

Well, pups would be here soon enough and they would all be kept more than busy enough...</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

It had been so long since Corinna had thought about family, that she was almost thrown at the mention of a grandmother. Her own had passed away long before Corinna and her siblings had been born. As for her new family, the Tainn's, Rihael and Lani had perished in the fire - there would be no grandparents for Cori's offspring to know. But she grinned anyway, not brought down the prospect in the slightest. She was a part of creating her own family, and while it remained to be determined if she would have cubs again this summer, she was hopeful of the prospects. "It is a useful skill to learn, that is for sure. I'm glad your Grandmother decided to teach you how to do it." It would be more than useful for the pack, in the event that one of them was injured, though she was determined to prevent that from happening.

The grin was wiped off her face though as Naira followed up on what she had let slip. It was not a secret, but it had been an event that Corinna had wanted to keep firmly in the past. But Naira was her Second, it would not do to keep secrets from her. Sighing, the green-eyed female looked away, gaze cloudy.

"Last summer, soon after Rihael, Fenru, and Kisla were born, Indru disappeared. Nobody knew what happened to him. One by one, the rest of the pack left. Marsh, Triell, Triell's sister Borlla, your predecessor, Ozera, they all left to try and find him." It had been a dark time in Corinna's life, and her voice depicted that. "Honestly, it is a miracle that we all made it through. It was a rough time, to be sure. That fall, Indru returned, and seemingly with him, the rest of the pack. But Indru had been thoroughly injured in his ordeal - a hunting accident and then numerous fights with lone wolves as he tried to make his way home.When he returned...well, I'm lucky that he was able to overcome his injuries." She looked back at Naira, smiling sadly. There had been more than one time when she had not been sure her mate would make it. "He's healed now, thankfully. But it would have been wonderful to have somebody with your skills around at the time." The more pleasant smile returning to her face and voice, she looked at Naira more kindly. "But I suppose better late than never, right?"

Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote><i>Ozera!</i> She kept the shock from her face, while the old lady had been regularly in her thoughts, she hadn't yet remembered to ask anyone from the pack of her story. She smiled at the comment of better late than never. <b>"That would have been right about the time I left home... So I was on my way!"</b> she joked lightly, before turning her attention back to thoughts of the elderly wolf. <b>"I believe I may have stumbled across Ozera just recently..."</b> she mentioned quietly. <b>"She seemed...absent of many memories until she caught my scent. I tried to bring her closer, but she left, headed back towards the mountain."</b> Concern now tinted her voice. Perhaps she should have been more forceful in bringing the lady home?

Being left alone with pups... It wasn't right, regardless of who may be missing. She relaxed in the knowledge that no such thing would happen again while ever she was a River wolf. Turning back to the topic of healing and away from darker thoughts she smiled. <b>"I would like to teach the pups the basics by your leave. Perhaps one will have an aptitude, but regardless, it isn't a wasteful thing to learn."</b> Truth be told they weren't really pups anymore, but yearlings and she wished to equip them with any skills that would help them if or when they decided to seek their own destinies. Her eyes closed in relaxation, only open in the slightest slit, enjoying the sunlight and conversation. It wouldn't last forever so she would enjoy it while it did.</blockquote>
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[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Corinna grinned sadly at the other female's joke. If only fate had been kinder. Though she had long since made the decision that fate could not be blamed for their misfortune, but nor could she continue to blame Indru for her wayward ways. It was a difficult position for her, to be sure, but that was the price that one paid to be in love. All she could now was hope that a similar situation did not arise in the near future. As much as she appreciated Naira's skills, she had no real desire to have them demonstrated.

Green eyes grew wide at the mention of the pack's previous Second. The only female in Swift River at the time of Corinna's joining, Ozera had been her chief rival during the breeding season the previous year. But they had been two females in a sea of males, they had needed to rely on one another for female companionship. It had come as a great shock when the older female had disappeared. But that she had returned...that was a surprise. "The mountain? Did she say why she would not return?" It was a tolerable question. Despite any anger that Corinna might have felt at being abandoned by those she had relied on, she knew that if Ozera showed up at the River borders, she would be welcomed back. It was almost impossible for Corinna to turn away a friendly face, especially ones that she knew. "In all honesty, when she didn't return, with the others, I thought she perished. Besides her memory...was she in good health?"

Following the change in direction, she nodded mutely at Naira's request. She had no idea, of her three children, which would be most suitable to learning what Naira had to teach them. They were all curious, and all three loved to learn. She wouldn't be surprised if they would all take a liking to the healing skill. "Of course, you're welcome to teach. I just hope they are receptive to what you have to teach. Have you gotten to know them at all?" They would have met, surely, as pack members, but how well they had gotten to know one another, that remained to be seen.

Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>Naira thought back to her meeting with the older lady. <b>"She didn't' say much really, she wanted to know how the pack was doing, and she seemed to be limping fairly heavily... but she was managing herself just fine. I tried to get her to come back with me, but she disappeared."</b> she said, ending on a fainter note than the one she had started on, once again questioning if she should have tracked the lady down and bought her home.

She had only seen the children in passing, and for the most part they seemed almost dismissive of her. <b>"Only in passing. I was hoping it would help me to get to know them a little better."</b> she admitted honestly. Children were more receptive when their curiosity was piqued and while she expected them to find any lesson she offered boring, there was always the chance that one might catch on. <b>"Perhaps I should ask Triell to assist..."</b> she said almost to herself. She enjoyed the large males company, while she enjoyed their meetings on the borders it would be nice to interact in a slightly less formal situation, and from what she had seen, the pups loved him.</blockquote>
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[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]