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The Brilliant Dance — Hush Meadow 
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Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
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<blockquote>The break in the trees made her flinch. Every movement, every noise had her on edge. She hadn't thrived like her siblings had on being alone. She was small enough to be mistaken as a yearling and just as flighty. Her golden eyes darted from side to side as she attempted to crawl on her stomach across the open meadow, panting in fear, constantly freezing and flinching. She had thrived in the closed in density of the forest of her birth and open spaces did little but put her further on edge. How she had survived for the months since her sister abandoned her was anyones guess.

The sun was high in the sky as a small whimper escaped her throat. She looked up to see the distance she had yet to cover until she reached the cover of more trees, she had been making gradual progress since sunrise having convinced herself yesterday that the meadow was going to be a shortcut. She spun and looked over her shoulder, shuddering as she realised it was just as far the way she had come. The wracking shakes took over and she found she couldn't move another inch. Just her luck. She tried to force her paw further forwards but it rebelliously tucked itself under her chest. Admitting defeat, the thin girl tucked herself into a tiny ball and covered her eyes with her tail. She just needed to breath and everything would be ok...</blockquote>
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Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
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Alexander Dieudonné
There was something liberating about the open plain. Of course, being in the open wasn't always a good thing, but with warm air and the sun, it was not unpleasant. The grass tickled his legs, and he found it calming, a distraction from the usual aching his twisted limb seemed to release. There was always the threat of tripping in a rabbit hole and finding yourself an easy target, but he walked slowly, eyeing the earth every so often, he kept his pace even and slow. It was relaxing, especially after a good night's sleep. Who knew, maybe he'd find a rabbit.

Or a wolf.

There was a shifting in the grass, and the gray beast's ears fell back, his head lowering as he fell slowly into a crouch, taking a few steps forward as he tried to spot the prey. The grass stopped a moment later, and he took a few more steps, focusing hard on keeping his balance. After a moment, he rose up slowly, deciding that whatever he'd been following had evaded him, until he nearly stepped on the wolf. Silly him for not smelling her, although she looked almost dead from the way she was curled up. The pelt around his shoulders twitched, and he looked down at the curled up female.
Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
<blockquote>She could smell him. She just had to stay still and he would go away she was sure of it. Her static pelt shivered with her small form as the wolf drew closer, slightly uneven gait puzzling her, even more-so when it stopped. The scent washed over her and she froze. Not even risking a breath lest she give away the fact she was actually alive. After a few moments her tail twitched and one golden eye peered up at the imposing male standing over her. She couldn't hold back the startled yelp that escaped her mouth as she pushed with her legs enough to roll herself over, stomach to the sky, tail tucked and tickling her chest, paws curled, the picture of absolute submission.

She continued to shake as she did all she could to avoid the males pale yellow eyes. Perhaps he was a spirit come to steal her soul? More likely she was trespassing and about to be eviscerated on the spot as she had seen happen to others who ignored the warnings posted, but she hadn't smelled any markers... Her eyes squeezed shut in an attempt to get her shivering under control, maybe she was just seeing things? She breathed deeply then opened her eyes again. No, he was still there. {b}"P-p-please don't eat m-m-me..." she stuttered out amongst the shakes that were wracking her small form. She was a pitiful sight to say the least. <i>This is what happens when you leave the trees...</i> she berated herself. Promising that she would never leave their cover again if she ever managed to get herself out of this... mess.</blockquote>
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Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
Their eyes met for a split second before the girl rolled onto her back. Naturally, Alex's tail rose up, curling slightly over his back. Like some bad habit that he couldn't shake. It had gotten him into trouble back in the pack that he'd called his temporary home, far over the mountain and beyond. But he couldn't shake it, especially now, that this girl was so painfully submissive. <b>"I'm not going to hurt you."</b> Alex said, calmly, his voice quiet.

He almost laughed when she begged with him not to eat her. He didn't though, and the idea of it didn't even show upon his face. It took too much energy. <b>"And I certainly won't eat you. I can't imagine wolf flesh tastes very good going down."</b> While it seemed as though he was trying to joke, again, it wasn't obvious. <b>"Why are you lying in a such a way in the grass? I almost mistook you for a rabbit."</b> Now he was nearly scolding.

<span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>ew short. i'm terribly sorry.</span>
Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
its ok, she isn't giving you much to go with :D I promise she'll relax a little (eventually...)

<blockquote>The small girl relaxed at his joke caught in her ear. She really was being stupid. Wolves didn't eat wolves...well not decent wolves anyway... She rolled back, over, still crouching low to the ground the occasional shudder still wracking her frame. Of course he smelled of loner, so why had the ridiculous thoughts of trespassing cross her mind. The tip of her tail gave a small wag under her stomach in relief as she tried to get her breathing under control.

<b>"I don't like this place. There aren't enough trees. At least down here it almost feels like I'm somewhere safe..."</b> she admitted almost childishly. Lack of trees was no excuse not to like a place but it was all she needed. She wanted to feel the embrace of the dense forest on the other side, but it was still so far away. <b>"I've been trying to get across all day but I just can't. It's too far. Someone will see me and attack me and then... and then..."</b> she almost sobbed, but she didn't want to burden this stranger with all of her pent up insecurity. Before her sister had left her she was fine, convinced she would find her beloved brother soon, but she had been wrong and they were probably together now, laughing about their silly little sister.

From her lowered position she caught sight of his leg. It looked painful. A small whimper escaped her throat as she slowly raised herself up. Here she was complaining about a lack of trees and he only had three good legs. How on earth did he manage to hunt at all? She found that now she was sitting the meadow didn't nearly seem so scary as it had in her mind. Nothing was going to drop from the sky and carry her off, and even if it did, she now realised she would have more than enough warning. She could see the sky for miles. Finally her shivering ceased but she still maintained a submissive posture, her ears pinned back to her skull. She was never one to demand respect. <b>"My name is Aniu, but most just call me Ani. I've lost my brother and sister. I don't know where they've gone..."</b> she admitted finally. The entire purpose of her visit here.

Her rear shifted a little to allow her tail to uncurl itself. She was growing more confident with every passing minute now he had said he wasn't going to eat her, it was almost like watching a flower unfurl as her ears crept forward and her entire posture relaxed. Her tail thumped on the ground with a small wag. <b>"What happened to your leg?"</b> she asked openly with a quiet voice, not stopping to think her question may be rude. It was amazing what a little friendly company could do.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 12, 2012, 03:09 AM by Aniu.)
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Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
It seemed his attempt at a joke had caused the girl to relax, at least a bit. He couldn't imagine that he looked all that threatening now. Of course, he was large, in general, but he was obviously skinny, and his fur was not well kept. He was a mess. Not capable of doing much but trying to find food and sleep. Certainly not fighting. The fact that she was still on her back was rather...Distracting though. It wasn't easy to have a conversation with someone who expected you to tear out their insides at any second. It was good to know why she was so far down there at least. His ears flicked at her explanation, and he gave the slightest of nods. <b>"But down there you seem like something to eat. Stand up. Hold yourself strong. No one will bother you."</b> Her warbling sad voice was something he didn't want to hear. Not out of cruelty, but merely because no one should feel like a victim in their own home.

Finally, she got up, and he allowed himself to sit, his bum leg twisting out awkwardly. It couldn't support his weight, so was mostly useless. At times he considered just chewing it off, but he would be worse off then. In fact, he'd probably be digging his own grave. So there his leg remained, twisted in a position that looked most painful, when, in fact, it felt more or less like a normal leg. He just simply couldn't use it. She seemed to relax more and more suddenly, though he wasn't sure why. Oh well. <b>"Ani...Perhaps I could help you? I'm Alexander."</b> Alex asked, head tilted. He wasn't quite able to decipher the girl's age. From her size, she seemed rather young...but something seemed off. Before he could ask, she slid in a question. He blinked, the tip of his tail twitching, and he tried to pull the object in question closer to his body. <b>"I fell off of a cliff. Quite high."</b> His answer was curt, short...It was painful to think about, and admittedly, it felt like something inappropriate to share with a stranger. Something so personal.
Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
<blockquote>With his short response clarity dawned on her and she flinched, guilt painted clearly on her face. She had just been the one thing her grandmother had told her to never be. She had been rude. Nobody would want her in their packs. The stench of it would be in her coat forever. Obeying his request not to cower she swallowed hard, <b>"I'm so sorry. That was terribly rude!"</b> she was having a hard time adjusting to every wolf she met being unrelated in some form or other. Where she had grown up, there was very little everyone didn't know about everyone else.

Hoping his offer for help still stood despite her rude outburst, she looked around her again. It was still a very long way to the comforting cover of the trees. <b>"Perhaps we can help each other?"</b> she questioned tentatively. It was a dangerous time of year for any female to find herself in questionable company but he seemed honourable enough. She wasn't sure how she could help such an imposing man, but maybe she could catch something for him? She was at a loss but didn't want to take anything without offering at least something in return.</blockquote>
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Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
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Alexander Dieudonné
She obviously didn't pretend not to see the mildly angry expression on his face. So he supposed her reaction was to be expected, and it was unfair of him to do such a thing. It was merely a question. She had no idea what laid behind the injury. Alexander merely shook his head, his shoulders rolling weakly. <b>"Don't worry about it. It was unfair of me. You didn't know."</b> Alex spoke calmly, his head tilting back slightly. Her question was welcome then, and he looked down at her thoughtfully. <b>"Why not? I could do with something to eat. Though I'm not sure how useful I'll be in finding your family."</b> The man admitted this with a sigh. He was so tired of traveling. Of course, he wanted to help, that was why he offered, but the sudden realization that he might not be entirely useful came upon him.
Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
<blockquote>He was treating her gently, as one might do to a yearling who nobody would expect to know any better. She couldn't help that her build was deceitful. <b>"That's ok. I just need help getting to the trees. I was the best tracker in my family, I'm sure I'll find them..."</b> she said a little shyly, straightening her legs a little more. He almost reminded her of her father the way he carried himself... well except the leg. Her father had finally assumed control of the pack two years ago, allowing their grandparents time to enjoy their grandchildren. Unfortunately with such a large border to cover, his own children rarely managed to catch sight of him.

A small wistful sigh escaped her throat as she took her first tentative step forward. It was then that the thin rabbit burst forward, apparently realising it was no longer safe to remain if the wolves were on the move. Something in her brain flicked and she sped after the small brown creature, completely unaware of the open space around her. He was pulling out all the stops, zigging and zagging. She couldn't blame his desperation to escape, after surviving a whole winter, who wanted to be a wolfs lunch?

In sight of his burrow, she pushed herself that little further as powerful jaws closed over fragile back with a bone crunching snap. Blood drizzled over her jaw and she looked up to find her companion. Suddenly realising she was alone in the open again she began to shake. <b>Aliss?"</b> she called softly around the rabbit in her jaws as crouched down so the grass surrounded her. She held her tail up like a small flag, and hoped she would be found soon.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 14, 2012, 10:59 PM by Aniu.)
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Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
To her words, he dipped his head. Then the trade would be even. Finding the trees wouldn't be too hard, since he'd just come from them. <b>"I shall get you to the trees then. But,"</b> Alex paused, ears pricked. <b>"If you need help beyond that, just howl."</b> Perhaps the offer wouldn't be as welcome as the simple deal they'd just worked out, but he wasn't planning on accepting a full course meal for this new offer. It was merely a "freebie", something he wished to do out of the goodness of his heart. Rising up, he hadn't yet taken a step when Aniu suddenly ran off. For a moment, he thought he'd been tricked, though how exactly he wasn't sure as he hadn't done anything for her yet, but he realized quickly that she was chasing a rabbit.

The girl was fast, and he began to wonder if she was older than he'd imagined. Surely a yearling wouldn't have such hunting skill or speed. A tentative hum shimmied through his closed jaws, and he looked around for her. But she'd disappeared in the grass. Alex then began to move, able to see quite easily over the grasses. Within a few moments, he caught sight of a tail and heard a muffled voice. <b>"Over here!"</b> Alex called, hopping carefully across the meadow. <b>"But I'll come to you."</b> There was a slight warble in his voice, implying laughter, though it wasn't all that strong. His limbs protested as he moved at a speed that had been unheard of for months. It forced him to slow, but thankfully he'd already found her. <b>"You are...quick."</b> Alex said, panting through his words.