Violent thunderstorms overtake Relic Lore.
Rhaegara wasn’t noseblind. She was aware of the fact that she had not been the only one to succumb to the season. In a way, it made her feel much better… well, just a little bit. It still didn’t help her with that whole ‘I have no idea who my baby daddy is’ dilemma she’d found as of late, even if she thought it was better that way. Still, she had yet to approach the other woman about it… She was tucked away in the den, hiding from the cracking of thunder going about outside, the pouring rain not helping matters either. She loved that winter was starting to fade, but this she was not a fan of.
She sighed softly, shifting closer to where she saw the other woman. “Hey, Saga… they got you too, ‘eh?” She’d apparently become more teasing as she nurtured life inside of her, her tone carrying hints of humor in it. Her nose wrinkled lightly. “This weather sucks.” She was not a huge fan of loud noises, so the constant cracking of thunder every five minutes made her want to jump and hide, not that she would ever admit that to another living soul. “So whose your baby daddy?”