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karma's a bitch — Dead Empress Backwater 
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Played by Tasha who has 308 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tasha, One of your characters was antagonizing a snapping turtle and their foot got crunched! They are in serious need of medical attention otherwise they might lose use of the foot.

Vayko does the swears a lot

what i really need now is a double shot of crown

This goddamn turtle had been following him everywhere and it was getting very annoying. He turned with a snarl and growled at the creature, snapping his jaws in the hopes that it might spook the creature and get it to go away… apparently, this antagonization was… well, not the best idea. The creature reached for his front left paw and snapped down on it. He howled out in pain, a searing look in his eyes as he quickly pulled it from it’s clutches and the creature started off in the other direction. Fuck, that hurt. He breathed in and out, labored but controlled as he tried to get the burning tears from his eyes.

He went to put his paw back down but the pain radiated from it and he knew he was in trouble. He instantly laid down, careful to keep his paw from keeping contact with anything really, resting it as gently as physically possible before he let out a call for @Clover, the pain radiating in his voice warning her that it was quite urgent. He had no idea what that creature had for breakfast, but whatever the fuck it was needed to go die in a hole for giving it a bite so strong.

Fucking hell.

Played by Melorama who has 393 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Medic
Clover Assana
She had been doing a meticulous spring cleaning of her medicinal den - sorting out herb placement, throwing away any leaves, flowers, or roots that had begun to wilt or show signs of discolouration, and cleaning excess mess from the ground - when she heard Vayko's distressed call. Specifically for her. Without a second to think she stopped her cleaning and headed towards him, unsure of what the issue was and so leaving behind her herbs. If she needed something in particular she could make a quick return trip, but first she needed to go and see what was ailing him, and by his voice it sounded urgent.

Clover arrived somewhat breathlessly to Vayko laying on the ground, and with a quick scent of the air that held no traces of fresh blood she relaxed ever so slightly. At least he was not dying. She briskly made her way over to him, unsure of exactly what the issue was as she could see no physical signs of injury from where she stood. "What happened?" She said in an even tone with just the slightest hint of concern that had slipped through. Part of her job as a healer was trying to make others at ease while she tended to their needs, and if she sounded worried then that would only make them panic more.
(This post was last modified: May 12, 2021, 03:01 PM by Clover.)
Played by Tasha who has 308 posts.
Inactive No Rank
what i really need now is a double shot of crown

Vayko wasn’t dying, but he certainly felt like he was. The healer came into view and he motioned with his head to the turtle that was slowly making it’s way away from him. “That fucking shellhole is what happened.” He muttered under his breath. “It bit me, and something’s wrong. I can’t put weight on this paw and it hurts a lot, even when there’s no pressure on it.” He explained more wholly because he recognized that his first sentence did not actually help her with any of the healing that she needed to do.

Right about now was when he was regretting calling her a floozy all the time, though he had no doubt that she’d still heal him. She didn’t seem like the type to withhold care just because of a nickname, and he hoped that he had read that right. “It’s not bleeding but it hurts so bad. I’ve never felt a pain like this before.” If wolves could cry from pain, then Vayko would no doubt be crying, but thankfully his biological responses had spared him that at least. He was certain he would have died from embarrassment with such a reaction.

Played by Melorama who has 393 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Medic
Clover Assana
Her brows raised in bewilderment, head turning to stare at the turtle which was slowly beelining it away from the two of them. She did not think of turtle's to be particularly aggressive, but recalled from when she was younger that their bite could be quite dangerous as they were deceptively strong. Turning back to Vayko she leaned down, nose sniffing at his paw as she closely scrutinized any possible damage the turtle could have done to the delicate bones.

She could not pinpoint any visible structural damage, so at the very least the bones would likely heal in the correct position and he would regain use of his leg at an acceptable level of functionality, but due to their delicate nature she had no way of making sure they stayed in place during the healing process. Infection was also a very real possibility due to the bite of the turtle, but she felt satisfied that she had found enough herbs to hopefully ease any symptoms should he become sick.

"It's definitely broken so I urge you not to put any weight on it until it's able to heal, but luckily I've been able to find some herbs that can help with the pain for the time being." She decided not to mention having other medicines available for more fever-type symptoms, hoping that it would not come to that and he would not require them. But given that he would be unable to walk at all for an extended period of time, and that he would likely need relief from the pain until it began to heal, she felt it would be best if he stayed in, or at the very least close to, her medicinal den so that she could keep an eye on him. "I think it would be best if I take you to my medicinal den so that I am able to properly treat you. It's not too far away from here," she said in a tone that said she would not take no for an answer, regardless of how she had phrased the request.
Played by Tasha who has 308 posts.
Inactive No Rank
what i really need now is a double shot of crown

He was enveloped in his own pain and reliant on her healing expertise that he didn’t dare refer to her as a floozy. He saw the way her brow raised in shock and had no doubt that news would spread at least to his cousin over what had occurred. He wrinkled his nose as she started to sniff. Even the delicate shift of the air around them caused his paw to ache. Oh, the horror! The agony! He could and would warrant a little bit of melodrama from himself in a situation like this, when it seemed all other options had been cruelly ripped away by the blasted shell creature.

Broken? No, it couldn’t be! “How did a turtle break it? It’s so small and they don’t really have teeth!” Clearly, he had never been warned of the dangers of a turtle bite as she might have. He frowned and let out a distressed noise. This was the last thing that they needed. They were already in a precarious position with two pregnant ladies, and now one of their alphas had a broken paw? This would not do. “How long will it take to heal?” He already felt the crawling anxiety over not being to help out or even lead all that effectively. He needed to get back on his feet as soon as possible.

She mentioned him resting in the medicinal den and frowned, though he simply nodded in acceptance. “Of course.” She was the healer and despite his usual harsh nature, he did trust that she knew what she was doing. He started to hop along on three paws towards where he knew the den was. It wasn’t too far away so he felt confident that he could make it.

Played by Melorama who has 393 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Medic
Clover Assana
She was not surprised at Vayko's disbelief in the turtle having the strength to break bones, having been just as mystified when she first learned of it. "They're stronger than they look, given their size." Her words were sympathetic, aware that he was in a distressing situation now that he had taken on the role as co-leader with Viorel. It really was unfortunate timing to have a broken foot.

Clover hummed softly at his question, head canted to the side as she thought about how to answer it. Broken bones themselves took a while to heal, but due to the foot bones being quite delicate and the fact that he would start walking on it before it was fully healed it would take longer than normal. "Until it's fully healed? Likely just before Summer starts, but you will be able to put some weight on it well before then." She wanted to give him a realistic time frame, but hoped that it would not take quite as long as that to heal properly.

Glad that Vayko offered no resistance, she guided him back to her medicinal den, walking slowly next to him so that he did not feel rushed to get there and accidentally misstep and put weight on his injured paw. When they arrived she ushered him inside. "Lay down here while I grab something to help with the pain," she instructed, pointing with her muzzle at a cleared space for him to settle down in. There would be little she could do other than helping to lessen the pain from the broken bone, but luckily she had found some herbs that could help. She grabbed a small mouthful of the Hellebore she had stocked, laying it down next to him. "It has an unpleasant and bitter taste, but it will ease your pain." It would not get rid of it entirely, but she did have some White fir bark stored away if he needed it.
Played by Tasha who has 308 posts.
Inactive No Rank
what i really need now is a double shot of crown

It seemed like unfortunate timing just compiled on itself. First the caches, and then the multiple litters and now his foot… god, it hurt. He huffed, almost in a childlike pout, at her words. Clearly they were stronger than they looked, even if he didn’t understand how that was even possible. It felt like the world was ending, but perhaps that was just his own special brand of melodrama creeping out onto the surface. He was supposed to be the smart one, the cunning one to balance out his cousin’s naïve nature… but it appeared that he would have to eat his own words in that regard. He was the naïve one in this situation.

His eyes widened at the mention of it not being healed until Summer was to start. But that was so far away! They couldn’t afford to be down another wolf! They were already in such a precarious position! “Are you certain it will be that long? Is there no hope for a faster recovery than that?” He had to hope that the universe wasn’t this mad at him, to do this to him.

She guided him back to the den, laying down and doing as he was told. He could be stubborn, but in terms of being a patient, he was a fairly good one. He simply wanted to get better so he could get back on with his life. She laid herbs down next to him, and he sniffed the herbs before his nose wrinkled lightly. Still, he quickly took them, cringing at the bitter taste but at least he had been warned about it prior. There had been some kind of mental preparation that had happened to make things okay.

Played by Melorama who has 393 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Medic
Clover Assana
She glanced at Vayko at his outburst, understanding why he was responding in that way. It was not a good predicament to be in, but there was simply not much that she could do to speed up the healing process. A bruise, cut, or sprained limb was one thing, but broken bones were a much more serious injury that she had very little ability to help with. A somewhat somber expression crossed her face, and she gently shook her head. "I'm afraid not Vayko. The best we can do is make sure you use your foot as sparingly as possible to allow the bones to heal, but I cannot guarantee that even with my medicines I can speed up the recovery period."

At the very least he was a complacent patient, even if normally he could be a little bit bristly to interact with. Clover noticed the way his nose crinkled and his grimace at the bitter taste, and she quickly searched through her stock to grab a small mouthful of brightly coloured purple flowers. She set the flowers down next to him, explaining what they were for with a well-practiced smile. "These are lavender and violets, they're quite sweet so you can chew on them to get rid of the bitter aftertaste from the hellebore." It was the least she could do after making him eat the bitter herb, even if she wished there was more that could be done.

She then sat back on her haunches, silently looking at Vayko's injured paw, a slight frown on her face. Other than the broken bones there was no distinct wound itself other than some potentially small holes where the turtle's teeth had sunk into. If he was lucky he would not experience any ill side effects, but she was aware of some small animals that had a nasty bite which could leave a wolf feeling grievously sick for multiple days. Clover could only hope the broken bones would be the worst of it.
Played by Tasha who has 308 posts.
Inactive No Rank
what i really need now is a double shot of crown

He had simply been hoping for a better outcome. He didn’t know if he could afford to be out that long, given the state of the pack. What would they do with the two litters of pups and having him out for the count on top of that? Would they be able to provide for another mouth that could not hunt for himself? He assumed he would not be able to given that he could not even seem the put weight on the damn thing. She confirmed her diagnoses, and his suspicion that he should be keeping off of it as well and for the first time in his life, or at least in his life since he arrived in the Lore, he let out a soft whine, distress seeping into his tone. This was not what he needed to keep his stress levels down, that was for sure.

He liked to think that he was a good patient, because he had been raised as such. When medical attention was necessary he could listen, even if his usual demeanor was far from pleasant by most standards. She searched through her stock and pulled out flowers. He wrinkled his nose as she explained, but he took them anyway, obediently chewing on them to get rid of the bitter aftertaste the previous herbs had left. “How long of a recovery period could we be looking at?” He had to ask, even if there was part of him that did not want to know the answer. She seemed to stare at his paw, and he frowned at that. “Is there something else? Is something else wrong?” The frown had him worried and he had to hope that she was just frowning because of the injury, except she had already given him the bad news so surely there couldn’t be more, right?

Played by Melorama who has 393 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Medic
Clover Assana
His question distracted her from her musings, and she squinted slightly as she thought carefully about what she would say. On one hand she wanted to be realistic about the time for his broken paw to heal, but on the other she did not want to completely break his spirits with an overly-cautious diagnosis. The truth is she did not quite know exactly how long it would take, given such a delicate injury had never occurred during her time in her birth pack. All her knowledge was based off her mentors' experiences and tales they told her, which were useful in certain applications, but this situation was a little more tough.

"Worst case scenario is it takes till Summer before your paw is all healed, but if you do your best to keep as much of your weight off it for as long as you can, and make sure that when you start walking and running on it you do it carefully, it can be healed in around half that time, perhaps more before it's as good as before the incident." She figured it was best to give the worst and best outcomes to Vayko, that way he had a rough timeframe of the healing process depending on how well he looked after himself. "I'll be here to check up on you make sure your paw is healing properly every now and then and to give you any herbs that you might need, that way we can be sure everything goes well and you're back on all four paws before you know it."

However, his next question was not so easily answered, and she felt her hears flick back a little as she tried to smooth the frown on her face. "It's unlikely, but in my teachings I've been told that some small animals can make a wolf quite ill for a short time after being bitten. I'm not aware of turtles being one of those animals, but if you begin to feel sick or funny in any way please let me know immediately." She had some stock available for illnesses, but until the warmer months came around there would be a limited supply.