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Leaps and Bounds — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Flywolf who has 666 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall
For @Aquene and @Aleister <3
Takes place 2/6 mid-afternoon, broken clouds.

Nash was getting a little nervous.

It had been a couple days since he and Aquene had talked, and now it was time to approach Al and ask him the big question. The guardian didn't think their leader and friend would turn them down, but one never knew; Al had stepped down as leader for so long, maybe having a litter not sired by him would be too much of a challenge to his authority, even if that wasn't the intent? Maybe due to his history with Aquene he wouldn't accept her having another child by someone else, even if he was supportive of their relationship?

He had to take a deep breath and lean slightly into his mate's side, offering her a smile before heading toward the lakeshore where he thought they were most likely to find Al. "You ready?" he asked Aquene softly.

Played by Tasha who has 373 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Aquene Slayer

But I put it out of my mind Long enough to call it courage To live without a lifeline

Aquene tried to assure him that it would be fine; she was not nearly as nervous as he was. There was a hint of a flutter, but it was mostly on her concerns about keeping a full litter after what had happened the previous spring… she knew Aleister just wanted to see her happy; he had told her as much when she had told him of the nature of their relationship. Well, this was just another thing that would make her happy.

The question fell and she smiled softly, nuzzling his neck slightly. “I’m ready. Try to breathe, it’s going to be okay.” She assured him, even if there was just a hint of a tease in her voice. His nerves were cute, but she had never been intimidated by Aleister or his position over them as alpha. Perhaps that was simply because upon first meeting the man she had hopped into bed with him… she tried not to think about that too much. She raised her maw to call for Aleister and request his presence, a lack of urgency in her voice in case he were dealing with a serious matter. She wanted him to know it was not an emergency but it was still important.

[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain

Having just gotten back with the children from the Backwater and getting them settled into their new home for the next two weeks, the Vuesain wanted to take a walk to take a breather as he didn't realize how stressful it was going to be with so many children under one roof. The fact that almost half of them were not his own, but still under his protection was the heart racer with all of them having zero experience with the dangerous terrain of the mountains. Aleister tried to remind himself they were almost yearlings at this point, and he was already out exploring at their age. He just didn't want any of them to get hurt while under his watch, how guilty he would be to have to tell Viorel one of his kids busted an ankle. Surely, the Backwater would then have some issue with the Cove.

So those loud thoughts prompted him to get some air along the shore, but before he could take much time to himself, a call rang out for him from Aquene. It was important, but not time urgent. Aleister made his way over to him, nonetheless, never wanting to keep his companions waiting on him. As he approached, he couldn't help but feel something off, though when he looked to Aquene, he couldn't tell anything amiss. Ocean and sunshine gaze fell upon Nash then and he thought he felt nervousness from the dark man, but Aleister wasn't going to point it out. "Afternoon you two," he greeted them with a soft smile as he took a seat upon his haunches then, his attention fully upon the couple to see what he was called upon for.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 666 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

Nash had been ready to seek out Al quietly, using the time to calm his nerves before approaching his friend. To his horror, Aquene howled. He stared at her, aghast. Now the whole pack was going to know they were talking to him! He wasn't embarrassed about being with her, and it wasn't exactly a secret - and anyone who didn't know would by spring anyway - but he didn't exactly want any curious ears creeping up while they were asking! What if he said no?

Before he could say anything, however, Al was calmly approaching and greeting them with his usual friendliness. For some reason this, combined with Aquene's surety, helped Nash calm a little. This was his friend. Even if he did tell them no, he would be kind about it, Nash was sure. He took a deep breath and forced himself to relax. They could do this. They could do this.

"Hey Al," he said, moving forward to meet his leader and friend with a smile. "We, ah, we have something we'd like to talk to you about."

Played by Tasha who has 373 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Aquene Slayer

It had been the realization that the kids were growing up that had brought about this conversation, among other things. Aleister was quick to arrive and she offered a soft and friendly smile to him, a dip of her head as well. “Things going well with Oksana?” She asked the break the mood a little bit. Her own love was nervous, but she saw no reason to be. He greeted as well and dove right into the topic of conversation, and it was when she stepped in.

“We want to start a family… this season, we want to have children, and we would like your blessing to do so here at the Cove.” She loved her home, and she did not wish to leave it. Nash’s mom was here, his brother would return here periodically she was sure, and it was also where Al was, Kateri’s father… it was where her daughter was, where her life now was. It was strange to think about how in just a year she had already settled so many roots. She waited calmly for the other man to answer.

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain

Aquene greeted him with a question about Oksana and he couldn't help the smirk that lifted his ebony lips at the mention of her name. "Yes, quite well actually," he answered smoothly as his gaze watched the pair approach him the rest of the way. Nash was the next to speak, though he didn't reveal much just that they wanted to speak to him about something. Raising a brow, his mismatched gaze looked to Aquene as Nash seemed to pass over the speaking stick to her.

What she said next wasn't entirely surprising, but Aleister still wasn't as prepared as he would have expected himself to be. However, he kept his facade calm and collected as he let a brief silence fall between them. Oh, how much had changed within a year. He cherished both of their friendships and truly hoped for the best with both of them.  Aleister rarely felt awkwardness, though this was the one instance where it flooded him. But where that awkwardness had once settled, happiness washed over it. Aquene had the love she deserved and so did Nash. Aleister couldn't be happier for the two of them.

"Of course, you will always have my blessing, you do not need to ask for my permission. Please always do what makes you two happy," he responded with a smile and a nod to the two of them.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 666 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

Aquene opened by asking about Al's relationship with Oksana, which earned them a smirk and a smooth answer that revealed little. Nash couldn't help the grin that tugged at his own lips; he was glad his friend had found someone with whom he could be happy, and he seemed to have gotten over his wild ways. Not that it was going to change the pack's litter count, if this conversation went well...

Nash had expected a little more back and forth, but then again he was the one to dive into why his love had called for their leader, so he shouldn't be surprised that she moved right on to the heart of the matter and asked Al's blessing for them to start a family. The pause of silence seemed to last forever, Al's face unreadable as he regarded them. Nash fidgeted slightly, eyes darting to Aquene beside him for a brief moment before returning to their leader. They would respect his choice, of course; he just hoped that the request didn't ruin the friendship the couple had with the man. Nash greatly respected and cared for Al, and he would hate to have that tarnished.

As suddenly as the silence fell, Al broke it with a smile, not only giving them his blessing but making it clear they need not ask his permission at all. It felt like a weight lifted off the guardian's shoulders and he let out a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding. A broad smile stretched across his face and he nudged his mate affectionately before reaching out to bump Al's shoulder with his muzzle, a gesture of both friendly affection and gratitude. "Thanks, Al," he said. "I can't image starting a family anywhere else, or with anyone else surrounding us." He meant it, too; Al was his family just as much as his mother and brother were, as Aquene was. He was glad he would have the man - and experienced father - around with him in his own foray into fatherhood.

Played by Tasha who has 373 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Aquene Slayer

She smiled proudly when her friend admitted that things had been going well with the Crow. She was glad to hear it. “So I was right? You did have to actually tell her how you feel for her to know?” There was just a hint of a tease in her voice. Sometimes, men could be so stubborn… but she was glad that it had all worked out for him in the end. Oksana made him happy, and his happiness was all she could possibly want for him.

Nash had passed the torch over to her and she had dove right in. She saw no reason to delay the question, get things out of the way so maybe her own love could take a deep breath and relax. He let out a breath and her smile grew, nuzzling Nash’s neck lightly as he thanked her. “I told you it wasn’t going to be that big of a deal.” She teased to Nash because he had been so worried. “Thank you, Al.” She offered back, mimicking Nash’s action by reaching out to bump Aleister’s shoulder with her muzzle in both friendly affection and gratitude. “I imagine between us and you there will be plenty of pups in the Cove again this spring?” She just assumed Aleister would seek to add to his family with Oksana already.

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]