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No Sleep — Dead Empress Backwater 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 123 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Vasco Halex
Vasco: Your Gift is: The snow is falling in thick, fluffy flakes! It carpets the area around you, making the world feel quiet and cozy. On a day like today it might be nice to curl up with someone special...


Snow was falling in heavy wads, like tiny clouds drifting down from the heavens and quickly gathering into a thick blanket. Dull grey eyes trailed the down absently, jumping from flake to flake in an almost mechanical manner, not really seeing anything. Weather like this would give any wolf an excuse to stay in the den - but Vasco Halex wasn’t looking for excuses. He’d spend enough time lying around, doing nothing, he wanted to act!


The gangly male was still far from his former strength, though he could get around by himself and eat without help or restrictions, he couldn’t actually help hunt the prey he ate, nor do anything to support the pack. He never even left the territory. Meanwhile his family was out there, working hard to build this new life, far from their old home. And he was doing nothing. Once again, he did nothing! Just lying here, starring at the snow, while they disappeared all over; It’s happening again!


Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Kai who has 286 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sharlee Valle
The snow had returned to the Emoress which Sharlee was sure meant that it was everywhere outside of the territory. That wasn't what was on her mind though. As the snow crunched under her paws and the fluffy white flakes fell before her eyes she thought of how it had to be a year since they'd been brought to this place. So much had happened in the past year she hadn't even kept up with the passing of time. Now winter was upon them once more which left her thankful they were more established than the previous year. Despite everything that had gone wrong they were still doing well.

She was thankful for that.

The kind of snow that was falling was the kind that she liked. It quieted the world and made everything so peaceful. She thought that she'd be the only one out and about but she was wrong. Her nose detected him first and then finally her eyes landed on the figure of the man. She hadn't had a real opportunity to meet him so now seemed as good a time as any. "Hey, what brings you out in this weather? Do you like the snow too?" She asked as she approached him mostly so she wouldn't catch him off guard.
Played by Ghost who has 664 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

The leader’s ribs were finally feeling better after his run in with the elk, not fully back to normal but he was beginning to resume normal activities. He was still sore by the end of the day, but nothing like the pain that had come just from breathing in the days after the breaks had occurred. Vanadis, and Clover after her return had of course been taking good care of him, but Viorel found the down time stressful and he had quickly become impatient with his healing process.

Today was a sore day, and he had been grumbling to himself while making his way to the medicinal den, hoping the women would have something to help him. This had been abandoned though at the sight of Sharlee and Vasco, silhouettes slightly blurred by the thick, floating, flakes of snow that seemed to sleepily falling from the ground. He had thought maybe he could snuggle up with Vanadis after having some herbs, maybe sneak some private time away from their sons, but this was intriguing. He wasn’t sure he had seen Sharlee speak with Vasco alone since he had joined them, in fact, he wasn’t sure he had spent much quality time with either of them recently.

Approaching slowly, he chuffed a greeting, then winced at the way his side protested at the movement. Trying his best to disguise it with a cheeky grin he added, ”I almost thought you two were snow wolves from a distance, it sure is coming down today.” Looking Vasco over he added, ”How have you been feeling Vasco, Clover and Vana taking good care of you I hope?”

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 123 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Vasco Halex

He found that keeping himself active worked the best, both to continue rebuilding his strength and help vent his frustrations; Though he still got winded from walking for too long, and he was starting to wonder if he’d ever regain his old stamina. But so, despite the snow, Vasco was out and about, pushing himself to a light trot for short stints, attempting to drive his worries away.


When Sharlee called out, he had just slowed back to a walk, breathing heavily. His head swiveled in the young woman’s direction, offering a polite smile in greeting, as he took another few moments to catch his breath. His huffs formed little clouds in the air between them, making it hard to properly meet her eyes as he answered in between pants: “More so… Don’t like… To be idle.”


He would have explained more, but the chuff of a familiar voice drew his attention, smile growing wider as their dark leader appeared through the flurry. Having finally caught his breath again, Vasco chuckled at the snow-wolf comment, shaking his shoulders to clear the snow that had already started to gather along his back. Growing more serious at Viorel’s question, grey eyes met the young man’s yellow golds, his answer spoken through a soft smile; “I’m recovering well, I’m mostly back to myself now thanks to their capable paws.” He chose not to voice his private doubts, not wanting to put any more attention on himself. Instead he continued: “Clover still checks up on me. I haven’t seen as much of your lovely Vanadis, I’m sure she’s kept busy by those boys of yours!” He flashed a knowing grin, remembering the Elk encounter all too vividly.


Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Kai who has 286 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sharlee Valle
Sharlee had to shake the snow off her coat. It was falling so fast and heavily that her fur became covered in a matter of minutes. It didn't really bother her until the wetness from the melting snow seeped down to her skin. She supposed she'd eventually have to seek shelter but for now she was perfectly find being out in the snow. It was quite a surprise that she'd come across Vasco. She knew he'd been on the mend so she'd fully expected him to be hunkered down until the snow passed.

It was easy to take notice that he was out of breath but she wasn't sure why. He explained in between breaths that he didn't like to be idle. "I can understand that," Sharlee spent quite a bit of time on the move as well but she did have her moments where she liked to find a quite place to take some time for herself. "If you like I can walk with you?" She offered in case he might like some company.

Then the chuffed of her cousin reached her ears, her head turned in his direction. "We might as well be the way this snow is falling," she joked and to emphasize this she shook the snow off once more. Viorels attention had turned to Vasco as he asked the man about his recovery. "I'm glad to hear that your doing better," she said to Vasco. For a second she let her gaze flit toward her cousin wondering what his thoughts were. "Clover is very good at what she does." Sharlee was a big fan of the healer considering they were building a friendship. "Truth be told I haven't seen much of Vanadis either. I hope that she's doing well. I would be willing to help with the boys if she needs it," she offered to Viorel.
Played by Ghost who has 664 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

They each grinned and shook off their coats at his snow wolf comment, but he couldn’t help but chuckle about the fact it took less than a minute for them to be covered. Glancing over his shoulder at his own pelt he grinned that he was looking more like his mate than himself. Maybe this would help them all blend in, not that they were sneaking around currently. Nodding at his words, but not saying anything Viorel kept his thoughts to himself, Vasco may claim he was almost back to himself, but the leader knew he had seen better days.

Sighing slightly at the comments about his sons, he shook his head in exasperation, ”Well you’ve both met that pair, hard to get anything else done but keep them alive.” They seemed to have a knack for getting themselves into danger, danger that then put everyone else in harm's way. Looking appreciatively towards Sharlee he continued, ”I’m sure she would appreciate the offer, but they’re getting to the age that unfortunately having a handler might not make much of a difference. They’re going to do what they’re going to do.” Almost yearlings now, his litters were about to enter their teen years and their parents would not be around forever.

Viorel wanted to keep things light, but standing here with his advisor and one of his mother’s closest friends he couldn’t help his thoughts. Shifting on his paws a little, he blurted out, ”Did my mom tell you she was going? Or where she was headed? Or why? How could she just show up, pregnant, and then leave all her children behind once her daughter got old enough?

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 123 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Vasco Halex

Vasco smiled at the young woman, nodding along to her words. She’d always seemed like that type to him, even as a pup, always on the move. He would have gladly accepted her offer even before Viorel joined them, happy to finally have a chance to catch up with his family and get to know the young adults they’d grown into.


Sharlee’s next words earned another smile and an agreeing hum as he nodded along; Indeed, he wasn’t sure he would have even survived without Clover’s care. Thankfully, her pups seemed to be a much quieter bunch, leaving her with the time for healing duties while Vanadis was preoccupied. Vasco snorted as Viorel replied, agreeing with his comment about the twins. Really, from what little Vasco had seen of them so far, it was a wonder Eros and Archer were still alive. He’d have joined in with Sharlee’s offer, if he’d thought it might help, but as Viorel confirmed, the boys were too old now to be babysat; “Let’s just hope they’ve managed to learn enough to look after themselves.” At some point, every kid needed to realize their parents wouldn’t always be there to save them.


A brief silence fell, the snow continuing to fall freely, making all three wolves look almost entirely white. Then Viorel unexpectedly turned the conversation back to the very subject Vasco had been pondering before the two of them interrupted him. Silvery eyes grew serious once more, brow furrowing as he shook his head sadly; “No. The last she told me, she was happy here…” His eyes drifted down, one paw scraping at the snow. “I’m worried,” he confessed; “With Xulia gone as well, do you think… Could it be happening again?” Large, scared eyes looked back up at the two younger wolves, ears flattening back as a shiver ran along his spine. They’d only just managed to get back on their feet, and now the disappearances were starting all over again.


Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Kai who has 286 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sharlee Valle
Sharlee's head game a tilt at Vi's words about his boys. It was true they did as they pleased and often times that led them to trouble. "I'm sure your right. They do enjoy their "advetures"." which usually led to them needing to be saved. "They're good boys though and have good hearts. I have high hopes for them." She'd spent enough time around them that she felt they would grow into good men. That was what was important, of course they had to keep from getting themselves killed along the way.

When the conversation turned to Sita Sharlee shook out her coat. Now that she'd seen what her aunt was capable of she wasn't too impressed. She kept her mouth shut for Vi's sake. If he wanted to keep worrying about her she'd let him. Sita was his mother after all. Vasco however brought up a very good question. "I hope it's not happening again but why would it just be them and not all of us?" She was certain he was speaking a out the way they'd been taken from their home.
Played by Ghost who has 664 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

Viorel could only smile and laugh along about the comments on his twins. They almost felt like chaos embodied at times and it took the whole manpower of the pack to keep them alive. Still, he smiled in appreciation at his cousin and nodded, ”I think they’re good boys, and I think they’ll do great things. But, maybe they need to work on their impulse control a little bit first huh?” Stop charging rutting moose, going for long walks where they shouldn’t, getting into fights with wildlife. The thought caused him to snort, ”Maybe they take after Vayko in the fighting wildlife department.” He certainly wasn’t running around fighting anything he shouldn’t be.

He watched Sharlee shake her coat off again, but this time Viorel did not follow suit, he was deep in thought. He nodded slowly, ”I agree… Last time we were taken as a group, not one by one.” His words were slow and well thought out. It stung to hear that she had been so happy here, when this was not something that he had thought. He shifted on his paws, uncomfortable and wishing that he had not brought the topic up to begin with.

It was too late now, so he said his piece, ”I think Xulia left because she wanted to. This is not the first time she disappeared since we got here and her and Andrey were never happy we were staying to begin with.” Frankly, he was sure she had volunteered to take the trip with Clover fully intending not to come back. Sure, the storm made an easy excuse but she had not turned back up, and that seemed like a choice on her part. His mother though, ”And my mother…she showed up here pregnant with a man who immediately took off, and then left all of her children without a word including Hazelnut who is still a child.” He sighed, looked to Sharlee, hoping she felt the same, and then back to Vasco, ”I think she went after him, Azra, I think she made a choice.” And the choice was not to stay here and build bridges with her kids.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]