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Tooth and Claw — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Flywolf who has 662 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall
Takes place the evening of 12/10, directly after this thread. @Chan @Flair and Nash are returning home from fighting the cougar. Special shoutout to @Aquene for healing, but AW!

I will post the next round after the 13th.

Nash... well, he hurt. He hurt so bad, but he didn't even have the worst of it. "Almost there," he said to the others. They were all supporting each other as they came down the mountain, Nash sandwiched between Flair and Chan only because he couldn't keep traction on three paws. He was most concerned about Chan's tail, and Flair had taken a pretty nasty hit.

He could feel guilty later. For now, they needed to get back. They were close enough now that he felt they could call for assistance. "Hold on a second," he said as he paused, so they didn't drag him forward with them. He tilted his head back and howled, announcing their return and calling for Aquene at the same time. Then he resumed hobbling forward with his brother and friend.

Almost there.
(This post was last modified: Jan 05, 2022, 11:50 PM by Nash. Edit Reason: add round date )

Played by PuppyThief who has 370 posts.
Paradise Falls VI. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila

Flair’s teeth were gritted, her eyes squinting in the dying light. With her good side, she helped to support Nash, while keeping weight off her own hind leg, which sent shooting pains through her flank with every step. At least the cougar was dead; And good riddance! But both Eastfall brothers had been hurt as well – all three of them were lucky to escape with their lives, really.


Nash called for a halt, and she was happy to oblige, heaving and huffing in the cold air, wincing at every breath. As the dark boy leaned back to howl for his healer, Flair glanced back over their trail, looking for traces of blood, before following them to Chan’s tail, the sight of its mauled tip making her sick. Looking back to the two’s faces in turn, she then felt a smirk tug at one corner of her mouth, a sarcastic comment rumbling from her chest: “Look at th’ state of us! Glorious victory.”

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by Cade who has 894 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Chan was quiet, walking at his brother's pace and wilfully supporting his weight. He couldn't stop thinking about internal injuries and possibility of permanent damage in both his brother and friend. Perhaps that was what made the Cove such a strong pack, even in the face of so many challenges. All three of them were injured, but all three were concerned with the other two rather than themselves. 

He had no idea his guilt was shared, however. He'd almost gotten them killed. That was on his shoulders, he was certain of it.

Glorious victory. Chan didn't so much as look up, and certainly still did not part his maw to speak. It was one of those rare moments where he couldn't force himself to act for the sake of others.
(This post was last modified: Jan 04, 2022, 03:18 AM by Chan.)
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Tasha who has 371 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Aquene Slayer

But I put it out of my mind Long enough to call it courage To live without a lifeline

No matter how well she preserved them, herbs did not last indefinitely and it was a hard lesson to teach in the middle of winter. Aquene had been tending to her stores, eyes sharply analyzing what she might need more of in the coming months as she often did when she heard the call. She could hear the pain in his voice, concern instantly lighting in her heart as she quickly took off towards them, hoping to triage and create a plan of attack for whatever had happened on the way back to the den where she could treat proper. She wished there were a more efficient way to transport herbs so she could just take everything with her.

There was blood, and all three of them were in rough shape. She whined softly as she immediately went for the base injuries. She took in the way Nash failed to put weight on his paw and the way that Chan’s tail bled, shorter than it had been the last time that she had seen him. “We need to get you all to my medical den.” She said in a hurried tone, sliding in to provide more support to help Nash move along with his paw not being able to support weight due to his hip injury. She’d carry him if she thought she were capable but she was not the strongest wolf. It seemed like Flair's injury wasn't as severe, or at least that she was handling it better, which was why she had gone for supporting Nash, which would hopefully make it easier for Flair to move along as well only having to worry about herself. “What happened?” The concern over the damages they had all taken was evident in her voice as they quickly made their way to the den.

She dove in, grabbing herbs and sliding two poppyseeds to Flair and Nash to help with their pain while she turned to Chan first. She first went for the spider webs in the back of the den. They were a natural antiseptic and helped wounds clot faster due to the high concentration of vitamin K in them, carefully placing it around the tail. “Can you move your tail for me?” She asked, clearly having seen that his motor function in his paws was already fine.

(This post was last modified: Jan 04, 2022, 06:19 AM by Aquene.)
[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain

A call from Nash announcing their return back to the Cove had that Vuesain abandoning the hunt he was on, causing the prey to scatter into the depths of the forest away from him. Turning on his heel, he headed as fast as he could towards the group, knowing he probably wouldn't be the first to arrive. Which he was right as Aquene the knowledgeable Shaman was already assessing the situation. His own ocean gold gaze swept over the three of them with Nash cradled between the Chan and Flair. "Aquene, tell me what you need me to do," he instructed as he drew up closer to her. His knowledge with healing was limited, but he knew basic first aid and he was positive Aquene could direct him with whatever she needed him to do.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 662 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall
Next round after the 20th

To his immense relief - for multiple reasons - Aquene was quick to respond, and immediately slid into her role as shaman looked them over. He leaned gratefully on her when she slid in to relieve one of the others. He appreciated her warmth, and she wasn't fresh from a fight; the other two needed a break from carrying his weight down the treacherous winter slopes. Her scent washed over him and that alone was enough to provide a balm for his pain.

Aleister was not long behind her, stepping in and asking how he could help as they arrived at her den and she passed poppy seeds to the younger Eastfall man and Flair. He settled himself half on his side to keep the weight from his injured hip and sighed as he licked up the miniscule beads. He glanced over at Flair. "How're you holding up? Ribs okay?" He hated that she'd had to help support him when she herself was hurt just as bad - maybe worse. And Chan was missing a good chunk of his tail. What did Nash have to show for his actions? A wrenched hip. The other two were the ones who were really in need of their shaman's aid.

(This post was last modified: Jan 15, 2022, 05:32 AM by Nash.)

Played by PuppyThief who has 370 posts.
Paradise Falls VI. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila

The lack of response bothered her a little, mostly because it was the first time she’d really seen Chan so drained. Thankfully Aquene was quick to heed the call, coming at them at a much swifter pace than the wobble they could manage. And she was just as fast at judging their injuries, slipping in to relieve Flair at Nash’s side, offering them both some relief – her pain overpowering her pride, the fiery woman willingly allowed the shaman to take her place, surely offering the younger Eastfall more comfort as well.


Free of the extra weight, Flair was able to walk a little faster, though she still dragged one hind leg, trying to avoid justling her ribs as much as possible. They finally made it to the medicine den where Aleister met them, offering his help to the shaman, who was already at work, going through her stores. Flair was happy to just be able to sit, breathing as shallow as she could as she watched the healer tend to Chan and his brother.


Soon enough, the fire pelted girl followed Nash’s example, lying down on her uninjured side, head resting against the snow. She glared suspiciously at the seed for a while before finally conceding, swallowing the bitter medicine along with a mouthful of snow, eager to cool her body which seemed to only be feeling warmer now that she was lying still. At Nash’s question, she glanced over, offering a small, dismissive scoff; “I’m fine! Been banged up much worse b’fore” It might have been more convincing if she didn’t stiffen up with every breath. Still she continued: “’m more worried about y’ two.” Then her attention turned back to Chan, eyes concerned as she waited to hear the shaman’s diagnosis.

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by Cade who has 894 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Chan was glad to see Aquene, and further relieved when she took over in supporting the other half of Nash's weight, unburdening Flair. The mild elation was short lived as urgency emphasized the younger woman's every word.

"Got the cougar," he answered her flatly when the others did not, their teeth gritted with pain if not forced apart by sharp inhales of air. There was no sense of the triumph jested about, even if the action alleviated a great amount of pressure from the pack's food supply.

Aleister joined them, offering his help, and they were at the infirmary soon enough. Their medic's attention turned to him first, and his ears planed outward as his gaze dodged to the side, avoidant. He understood, but his skin still crawled to be tended to before the others. When requested, he gritted his teeth and attempted to give a thump of his tail. His brain tried to send signals first to the very tip, to curl the tail as it wagged, and he felt as though he might vomit when he felt both nothing at all and a cruel whisper of something. He could see, from watching out the corners, that it obviously wasn't moving because that part of his tail no long existed.

Chan whined and ducked his head with shame.

Focus on someone else, please...
(This post was last modified: Feb 13, 2022, 03:16 AM by Chan.)
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Tasha who has 371 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Aquene Slayer

But I put it out of my mind Long enough to call it courage To live without a lifeline

Aleister was arriving, asking to be instructed and she nodded. “Find the nearest cache and bring them some food. I have moss balls tucked inside the den and if you soak them in the lake and bring them, they’ll be able to hydrate without having to make the trek.” It wasn’t that far of a trek, she had designed the locale of her stores that way, but far enough that she didn’t want any of them making the venture. She took note of what Nash asked Flair. Her ribs. She could take a look at her next. Her concern was making sure there wasn’t a spinal injury associated with losing part of his tail.

Chan explained that they got the cougar, but she could worry about praising them for it later. Chan did not seem pleased. He tried to move his tail. At least the parts of his tail that were there seemed to move. “I’m just going to do a spinal test to make sure that your reflexes are working right and then I can give you something for the pain, okay?” She warned before she started to nip along his spine, watching for the reflexes in each step. He was going to be okay, though she could do nothing about the part of his tail that was lost other than to make sure the healing wound did not get infected. She got him a few poppy seeds and laid them in front of him for the pain before moving onto Flair.

“You’re having problems breathing?” She asked, her nose lightly pressing on the girl’s ribs to feel the way they shifted. This injury would take longer to heal. “Anything else. Tell me in your own words exactly what hurts and where.”

[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
sorry, short post is short >.<

Following Aquene's instructions, he did exactly what she told him as he gathered each of them plenty of food to help with their energy as well as the water they needed from the lake. Aleister was thankful to have found her along the mountain and brought her to the Cove, he was sure they wouldn't be as lucky as they were with illness and injuries. He was sure he would have not survived without his Shaman's expertise this summer with his severe pneumonia.

Bringing back all the supplies Aquene asked far, the Vuesain dropped food and water at each of his packmate's feet as Aquene tended to them and their injuries.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]