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Tooth and Claw — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Flywolf who has 679 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

Nash could do nothing but watch as their shaman fussed over Chan, sending Al to collect water and food. The guardian nodded his thanks and and murmured a quiet agreement with Flair's concern, specifically over their active leader. All Nash had done was wrench his hip - Chan was missing most of his tail. It was lucky they hadn't been any further from home.

Aquene didn't seem to think there was any invisible damage done to Chan's spine, as she quickly finished up and moved on to Flair. Nash let out a soft whine in sympathy for his compatriots. All of them were in for a rough time of healing, especially the fiery woman. Nash knew that rib wounds were inconvenient and slow to heal.

Played by PuppyThief who has 371 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Flair Smoke-Athesila

She couldn’t keep from staring at Chan’s tail, or rather, what was left of it. The whine her friend emitted as Aquene instructed him to move his tail made Flair cringe, and then gasp as the motion jostled her ribs. Meanwhile, the shaman was examining Chan’s back, apparently worried of injuries to the spine, though she seemed to conclude that everything was okay; Thankfully!


Then the attention turned to her, and Flair had to steel herself not to flinch again as the healer prodded her ribs. “Ah,” she gasped, suppressing any further outbursts by grinding her teeth. Only once Aquene had finished her initial examination did Flair dare open her mouth to answer the question: “It just hurts when I do, in m’ ribs… ‘s worst there, towards the hip.” She gestured faintly with her head, to where the shaman had already prodded; “’s long as I don’t move too much it’s fine.” She didn’t know what else to say, hoping it was enough information for the healer to work with.

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by Cade who has 920 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Chan Eastfall
Moss balls. That was a good idea, he thought while his mismatched gaze locked determinedly with the dirt floor at his paws. Aquene was moving on to something about his spine, he found himself not wanting to listen and therefor struggling to do so, but he was jolted from the daze when he felt the first nip to his back. A yelp of surprise was issued first, his tail jerking in reaction and causing pain to shoot up his back. The rest of her prodding earned quiet flinches instead as Chan grit his teeth and tried not to lividly hate every second of the sharp touch.

She deemed him alright and slid some medicine his way. Without a plan, Chan licked the seeds up and promptly exited the infirmary, all but running from the others. He'd rest, but alone, somewhere that he could decompress.

Chan's exit unless stopped.
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Tasha who has 376 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aquene Slayer

Pain was temporary, and she knew that it would cause some pain to do tests but it was better to experience pain now than something disabling later. She gasped out and then grinded her teeth before explaining that it hurt when she breathed and then the ribs down to the hip. “I can give you something for the pain like I did Chan. Chances are you bruised your ribs which will take time to heal. In the meantime, breathing won’t be the most pleasant experience.” She had a hint of an apology in her tone that she could not do more than that. “What you need most is rest and time to recover. I need you to not do things like fight cougars or patrol until you’re recovered or you could break something.” She clarified the treatment plan further, motioning towards an area for her to lay down and start to rest before getting her pain meds as well, laying the poppy seed out as well as scrub pine. “Chew on the needles until they’re pulp, after that you can spit them out and bury them… it'll help with the internal pain while recovering and then the poppy seeds will help with the pain until it has time to take effect.”

Lastly, she turned to Nash, a soft smile on her features that she could not help but experience while she was in front of him. “Your hip?” She asked to clarify as she pressed her nose against it for a moment. “Describe the pain for me in as much detail as you can.”

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain

Keeping to the shadows of the scene, the Vuesain was there if Aquene or anyone needed him to grab anything to help. Making sure he was out of the way of the Shaman, he sat back on his haunches as his gaze looked over the group as Aquene diagnosed each of their injuries. Aleister couldn't help to admire the way she became so focused on her patients and became in tune with each of them as she worked. Noticing that Chan left the group, his mismatched gaze following his form until he could no longer see him as he disappeared within the forest. Turning his gaze back to the rest, he would be there in case he was needed for anything else but made sure to keep out of the way of Aquene as she worked.

Aleister fade
[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 679 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall
One more post from Flair and Aquene and then I'll fade and we can archive!

Nash watched his brother go, wishing he could follow and make sure he was okay. Not just with his tail - that was an obvious answer; Chan had a habit of blaming himself for things that weren't his fault and Nash wanted to check on him. But he needed his own healing assistance first and he knew it. He didn't dare try to stand again. Not by himself.

He whined in sympathy for Flair as she received her diagnosis, but was glad there was something their shaman could do for the pain, at the very least. He hoped she healed quickly.

Finally it was his turn, his love approaching and inquiring about his hip. He nodded. "I think I slipped, and then I tried holding the cougar down... I can't really put weight on it, and even right now it's aching." Waves of pain were washing through his limb and up into his back with each beat of his heart. He was sure the trek down the mountain, even with help, had made whatever injury it was far worse.

Played by PuppyThief who has 371 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Flair Smoke-Athesila

All her attention occupied by Aquenes examination, and the pain it caused, Flair missed Chan’s escape. When the shaman was finished, her patient quietly blinked tears from her eyes, trying to focus as her treatment was prescribed. She attempted a wry smile at the comment about her breathing, trying to put a comedic spin on the situation, though she could feel the tightness of the grimace even as she made it. Instead she just grunted to show she understood, nodding stiffly.


As she slithered over to the indicated spot, careful to move her hind leg as little as possible, she cast a quick glance around, noting only now that Chan had gone. However her mind was growing foggy, as all the jostling and examining had intensified the pain and all she wanted to do was rest; As the doctor ordered… Settling in the corner, she gave a low woof of thanks to Aquene as she brought the medicine, quickly scooping up both, one after the other, hoping they would work quickly.


She caught a quick glimpse of the smile the Shaman offered her last patient, before turning her back on the two and closing her eyes, giving them their privacy. Their quiet voices were no more than a distant hum in her ears as she lowered her head to the floor, chewing quietly. Soon enough, the pain would dull, and she’d drift off to sleep, any hint of elation at their victory long gone.

”Speech" Thoughts

Played by Tasha who has 376 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aquene Slayer

She listened with concern as he admitted he couldn’t put weight on it. She helped him down so he could lay down and slid him some poppy seeds. “Eat these. It’ll help with the pain. It’s swollen quite a bit so the seeds will also help with the swelling. It’s likely you subluxated it. It popped out of place and then back in… it would hurt to put weight on and give out easily and it would hurt but I can know for certain nothing else is wrong once the swelling goes down. For now, what you need is rest.” She quickly explained with a frown on her features.

She hated seeing him in pain, and she wished she had a more concrete diagnosis for him like she had the others, but this was the best she could do for now. Once she was certain everyone was cared for, she settled down next to him and rested her head at his paws, there in silent support.

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]