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Again?! Freaking AGAIN?!?! {M}
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Played by Flywolf who has 647 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

With so many members of the pack on their side, Nash was confident they would be able to make short work of it. He'd learned from the cougar though; never underestimate a feline. He was grateful Siyet seemed to be hanging back and working more as a distraction than a fighter; she was already hurt, and with a shoulder injury it would be harder to dodge the lynx's blows.

His tactics seemed to be working, until it took a swipe at Jet and its claws met flesh. Nash's snarl rose in pitch and he was already starting forward again when the cat turned instead to Al and took a slice out of him, too. Big mistake. Now it's back was turned toward the guardian. His growl dropped from his throat and he lunged. He could see the places on its haunches the others had bloodied it. Why not go a little deeper? Nash's teeth snapped down over the lynx's back leg hard enough to feel a crunch. He was rewarded with a yowl even as he hauled back as hard as he could and whipping his head back and forth. The smaller body might be faster and more agile, but there was a benefit to size.

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
Woya hadn't exactly been close, and it took time for running legs to bring her to the epicenter of the sudden chaos that had broken loose atop the mountain. This was why wolves shouldn't live this high above the forests, but whatever. Her family had made their choices a long time ago and she wouldn't fault her cousin for trying to make his predecessors proud.

When she reached the fight, she skidded right into the outer ring of the mix, adding to the noise and flashing teeth to ensure that the rival had not a single opportunity to go anywhere other than six feet underground.
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Nyan who has 186 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siyet Crym
Siyet watched as the others fended off the cat. She made she she got in a flanking position to make sure it wouldn't try to bolt with any food. Nash had done a number on its leg, and it looked as though it wouldn't be able to really escape easily. She wished she could have helped more, but felt encouraged that her mere presence was helping to deter the cat from trying anything too bold. She continued to watch and flank in order to see what would happen next.
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
He wasn’t the only one struck by the cat, mere moments after Jet had backed away, it managed to catch another of their party, too. Thankfully, that injury was also minor, nothing to be particularly concerned about.

Out of the corner of one eye, Jethro was pretty sure he saw another body show up, but he didn’t dwell on it. Eyes on the situation before him, Jet sought another opening to attack. He could see the marks the others had left, and in the moments where the cat had turned to attack Aleister, Nash surged forth to inflict the most damaging blow injury yet, to the lynx’s back leg. A cry of pain escaped it.

With the lynx’s focus no longer on him and mobility limited, Jet spotted an opening and moved, too. He lunged forth with a growl, shoving into the cat with his shoulder with the hope of further off-balancing it, and turning his head to sink his jaws into and tear at the flesh between the lynx’s shoulder and head. If he and the others could puncture the arteries there, the foe would bleed and die quickly.
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Oksana had gotten a good chunk out of the Lynx's leg. She could taste the blood in her mouth and see it running into the snow. It wasn't enough though because a few moments later she heard Jethro's voice over the fray. The crow hadn't seen what happened to him but she did see it swipe Aleister across the face. She wanted to call out to him or go to him to make sure he was going to be okay. She knew she couldn't, not right then.

Another wolf had joined the campaign that Oksana didn't recognize. She seemed to know how to take care of herself. After a few moments to regain her bearings the Baranski woman dove back in ready to take a bite out of the closest part of the big cat that she could get her teeth on.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain

Everything was happening so fast, wolves lunging back and forth towards the lynx while others added to the noise and intimidation on the outskirts. The stinging against his cheek was masked by the adrenaline pumping through his veins. The Vuesain was ready for this vermin to be exterminated from their lands and Jethro was the one that gave him the perfect opportunity to finally end it all. With the cat distracted with the multiple jaws snapping into its flesh, Aleister lunged forward for the cat's most vulnerable spot, its throat. Catching the lynx perfecting in his jaws, the Cove leader squeezed until he heard crunching and the body of the predator going limp against his teeth.

Only once he knew the lynx was surely dead, did he release his grip. Blood soaked his coat as he looked over those that came to the Guardian's aid, "Great job all," he commented breathlessly as he nodded to his fellow pack mates and cousin that helped rid the Cove of another threat.

Also figure this could be last round
[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 647 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall
Agreed with Arya; last round! I'll archive once everyone's posted!

Everyone seemed of one mind: this lynx would not survive long enough to escape. Without speaking they worked in tandem, fluidly moving in and out of the cat's range until finally Jet got a good grip and Al took advantage of its position to finally end it. Nash too waited until the thing was clearly dead before dropping the leg he held tightly and stepped back, breathing hard. This had been far easier than the fight with the cougar, but then a lynx was far smaller.

His tail waved behind him. "Thanks for coming to help," he said to his pack and guest. They all reeked of its blood, but it was the blood of victory. "You two should probably go see @Aquene as soon as you can," he added to Al and Jet. Luckily their injuries seemed superficial, for the most part, but there was no use in risking infection.

Played by Nyan who has 186 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siyet Crym
With the invader out of the equation Siyet took a breath of fresh air. She looked around at the others and saw that Al and Jet both had injuries. She felt bad that she couldn't have helped more, with her own injuries, and said, "I'm sorry you two got hurt. I wish I could have done more. But I'm glad that you guys were able to take care of it."

She looked at Jethro probably a little longer than she meant to, their last conversation still in her mind. She looked away before he would notice. She decided to go rest in one of her snow caves.
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Oksana had not missed the slash that Lynx had taken to Aleister. As much as she wanted to make sure that he was alright she couldn't. If she lost her focus for one moment she could end up with a lot worse. While the others were taking their attacks on the cat Oksana's focus was on any part of the cat that was facing her. Bite after bite she tried to cause as much damage to the vicious animal as she could.

She didn't want it to have the chance to survive if it got away from them. Though she realized with some many against it those chances were slim. It tried one final attack on Jethro before Aleister was on it delivering the death bite to its throat. The fight stopped, everything stopped for a few beats as the animal die in Aleister's grasp. Then as it lay dead in the snow as she was panting trying to catch her breath Nash spoke.

He thanked them all for coming to help deal with the Lynx and telling Aleister and Jethro they should see Aquene. Once she'd started to catch her breath she closed the distance between her and Aleister to finally check and make sure he was okay. A few scratched to his cheek seemed to be all that he'd suffered. They were bleeding so going to the Shaman would be a good idea, "I'll come with you," she told the agouti man.

Oksana Fade
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
The others took advantage of their openings, and everyone had certainly played an equally important part in protecting their home, but it was the cove’s new leader that appropriately delivered the final strike to claim the life of their foe. Only after the cat had gone limp did they all begin to step back and away from it.

Jet did so as well, sauntering back a few paces to catch his breath, and to admire their work. A damned fine job, in his opinion - a sentiment seemingly shared by the others. But as adrenaline faded, the stinging in his shoulder grew more prominent. Nash suggested that they see Aquene, which was definitely not something Jet intended to follow through on, and Siyet apologized that they’d gotten hurt.

”Ah, I should be alright. Just glad we took care of it quickly.” The group didn’t need a threat lingering. To have another one put permanently out of the picture was good. As far as his wound went, it wasn’t something he’d never dealt with before, and he wasn’t about to let anyone touch it. That was one barrier Jet did not think he would ever grow beyond.

Resting, however, did seem like a good option. So as the others split off, Jet opted to wander away as well in search of a place to do exactly that.
