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A Lucky Day for me
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Played by Nyan who has 186 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siyet Crym
if the Real @Aquene could please stand up, please stand up.

She agreed with the man. @Aquene would definitely be the right person to look this over.

"I'll go get here if you want to stay here?"

Siyet started to head back to the cove, luckily they weren't to far. She wanted to track her down, and if the meat was good...well she would be willing to share it with her too. For helping verify it of course.
Played by Tasha who has 365 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Aquene Slayer
All the other slim shadies are just imitating 8)

But I put it out of my mind Long enough to call it courage To live without a lifeline

Aquene had been lingering along the border close to where Siyet and Kajika were lingering about wondering about the fallen prey they had found. She was simply on a different mission, searching for buds that she could use in her various tinctures and poultices. She was hoping to find some ergot though she doubted that she would be so lucky as to stumble across any… still, a healer could hope.

It was then that she noticed Siyet wandering about as if on a mission, her head tilting to the side as she let out a soft bark in greeting and her tail wagged.

[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
It was decided that they would consult with Aquene. From what he'd seen of the Shaman she seemed very capable indeed. If anyone could tell them if the moose was fine to bring back or not.

"I'll wait here," he told, "You can fill her in on the way," he added before Siyet was out of sight. That way Aquene would know what she was walking into.

Kajika stayed with the carcass to ensure that no one tried to come and claim it. He wasn't going to let the pack lose out on such a gift if he could help it.
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Nyan who has 186 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siyet Crym
Siyet had led Aquene to the Carcass, and had shown her what The elder man had pointed out about how odd it was.

" So what do you think? Do you think that it's safe? Or should we abandon it?"

She shifted in place, looked from one of the wolves to the other. She really hoped that this would turn out to be safe meat. A prize like this was pretty rare, and to be able to share it with friends would be amazing.

She was glad she took Kajika's advice to inspect it more closely. She didn't want something bad to have happened to her, or potentially anyone else who could have stumbled across it.
Played by Tasha who has 365 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Aquene Slayer

But I put it out of my mind Long enough to call it courage To live without a lifeline

The shaman was quickly informed of the situation and intrigue caught her interest. Many illnesses would make the meat perishably… and she would not advise eating them… but they did not smell anything and most wolves could detect sickness in meat to know not to eat it. She arrived at the scene, analyzing the carcass. Nothing seemed amiss.

She brought her nose closer, sniffing it tentatively. She smelled nothing, though she did not understand why it’s throat had been ripped out, but the creature remained otherwise untouched. It was peculiar, especially for the middle of winter.

The question came and she hummed. “Nothing smells amiss… if the meat were not good we would be able to smell illness on it… it’s strange that it’s been left here but…” She trailed off, remembering a training she had received from her father. “I’ve heard stories in the past of wasteful animals who kill for sport rather than survival… I’ve just never encountered one before. I thought they were a fairytale but I suppose not. It looks like they killed it for the kill and that was why they abandoned it.” Either way, her decision was final. “It is safe… even if strange.”

[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
While waiting for Siyet to return with Aquene the dark man remained alert for anything that might want to take the moose. His mind was still working on the mystery of how the creature had gotten there and the lack of any sign of hownit had gotten there. It was a very peculiar situation indeed. He woukd remain cautious until told other wise. He really did hope that he might be over rwacting for the simple fact that they needed the meat.

His attention was on the Shaman as she moved around the carcass inspecting it. He waited patiently from a short distance while she did her examination. Then finally she seemed satisfied with her results. Her first report stated that nothing seemed wrong. That was very good.

However, in her thought processing she brought up animals that killed for sport. Kajika knew of such creatures and perhaps that was the explanation for the moose. If that was the case then it was lucky forn them because their kill would become the coves gain.

The final verdict was given when Aquene declared the moose safe to eat. He rose to his haunches. "Thats is excellent, thank you Aquene for your input. I would much rather be safe than sorry." All sorts of bad scenarios had gone through his mind so it was a relief to know that wouldn't be coming true. "Since it's safe to eat I think we should get it back to the cove so that everyone can have a share."
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Nyan who has 186 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siyet Crym
With the moose examined, and Aquene satisfied that there wasn't anything wrong with the meat, the elder man recommended bringing the carcass back to the cove to share with the rest of the pack.

This was a great idea and Siyet nodded at the man in agreement. However, she also realized that her stomach growled with such intensity, she felt that the trees themselves had vibrated because of it.

She chuckled casually looking to the others, with embarrassment.

"Well then, uh..I guess I haven't eaten in a while. Uhm..would you guys be opposed to us three having a little bit here? It would ultimately make it easier to take back anyway."

She hoped that the other two might agree.
Played by Tasha who has 365 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Aquene Slayer

But I put it out of my mind Long enough to call it courage To live without a lifeline

They both waited patiently for her judgement, and it was in that moment it occurred to her how trusted her words were… how much her opinion held sway. It touched her in a way, warmed her heart to know that her family could hold her to such esteem. They were all her family now, some more literally than others. “Yes, of course, anytime.” She was relieved they would ask her opinion first before digging in; it would save much cause of treatment over time to take such precautions. The statement came from Kajika and she nodded, ready to help because the moose was rather large. It was startling to think that even a creature who hunted for sport would leave such a prize.

Her own stomach betrayed her by rumbling after Siyet’s did, and she chuckled as well. She had a bad habit for forgetting to eat, and usually Nash had to remind her or worse yet, force her to sit down and inhale a rabbit. She’d starve to death fretting over the health of her patients if they let her, honestly. “It’s probably for the best… the creature is heavy, and would take quite the muscle work for even the three of us to get it back.” She stated, agreeing with that plan whole heartedly. She’d make sure to take a healthy portion with her as well for her daughter.

[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
Kajika was glad to know that he'd been overreacting but he'd wanted to be safe. The last thing he wanted was for something to happen to his packmates because he'd been careless. To have Aquene okay it when he knee how she cared for the pack definitely set him at ease about the situation. Now they had to get it back to the cove. Which would be quite the task considering the size of the animal.

However, Siyet had a suggestion. The three of them having a little snack before they took it back. Kajika thought this through amd as Auene agreed so did he. "That sounds like a fine idea Siyet. Besides I'm getting a little hungry and as Aquene had point out it will make it a little easier to get thus size animal back to the others."

Though kajika supposed that if worse came to worse they could always call the others. Then they all could work together to get it back. It would be a good lesson to learn for the pups as well.
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Nyan who has 186 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siyet Crym
Siyet was excited. Her two companions here agreed with her. She looked at them both and then set her eyes on Kajika.

"Well, why don't you dig in first? You helped make the initial decision on what to do Kajika. Then Aquene can be second because of her thorough inspection. I may have found the carcass but..you guys made sure it was safe. And me and anyone else who has this meat, appreciate it."

She had a slight wag in her tail as she said this. Sure she was hungry but she didn't mind sharing with others. And besides, she was small and had a small stomach. And as far as things go, she was still pretty new.